View Full Version : Quest of Little Pawn

10-29-2010, 01:51 AM
Hello. My name is Pawnito. It means "little pawn."

My father, TheJpawn sent me and my brothers on a quest. Whoever becomes the greatest pocket legend will inherit the kingdom.

My older brother Jpawn is a great warrior. I've seen him storm into the thickest part of the battle leaving a swath of bodies in his wake. Unfortunatley he has no head for business and no understanding of the people of our land. I am afraid if he becomes king he will raise taxes and start wars with other nations.

My next brother is Unospawn. Also a fine warrior, but he fights only for glory. He is conceited and prideful and cares far more about soiling his outfit than protecting his men.

Because I am small I have learned to use my head. While my brothers have always been away at war or off at parties I have learned from my father the true meaning of leadership and how to hold court, make wise decisions and understand the people. Please help me on my quest to reach level 50 with zero deaths so that my father will recognize that I am the best choice as his successor.

How can you help?
Well anything will do. Helping me fight through the various dungeons is the main thing. Certainly in order to achieve this I will need excellent weapons. Pink and purple weapons at each level if you can spare them. And health pots, lots of health pots. Of course of you wish you can make a donation of gold to my cause that is always welcome.

To BATTLE for king and country!

10-29-2010, 01:55 AM
That was... EPIX

10-29-2010, 01:57 AM
Lol sweet story
If you catch me online on slushie, feel free to invite me

10-29-2010, 03:16 AM
Thanks Slushie!

Here is the list of people who have helped me so far. If I missed you and you want to be on the list send me a private message in this forum. By helping I mean playing with extensively, gifts of excellent gear, or significant amounts of pots/cash.

MrBoogerBal 50 Archer
ArcherZean 17 Archer
ArrowKillz 14 Archer
BlssedCrepe 14 Warrior
ChileanMiner 18 Warrior
IceBomb 14 A
LuLuDuDuDu 15 A
Nefari 16 Enchantress
WongChongLOL 34 A
XanZan 17 E

10-29-2010, 03:24 PM
I made level 19 last night...
From the journal of Pawnito:

Alas! I cannot gain experience in the Dark Forest anymore. I must now face the terrors of Balefort Castle, where jerks like Merk can take me out with one shot. I had a nice set of gear back in Dark Forest but these Balefort Castle knights are much tougher. It seems my paltry crossbow does very little damage...and those huge swords are downright mean.

Nevertheless, I will prevail. Balefort Castle I give you warning. I will take you by storm and I will not die! Merk, you will not take me down this time!

Meanwhile my brother Unospawn blasts his way through as if it is a walk in the park. Oh the stories he will tell of this battle...the fair maidens will oooh and aaah... It's enough to make you sick.

10-29-2010, 04:10 PM
Pawnito, as Halloween camps gonna finish soon, I'll donate like 100-200 health potions

10-29-2010, 04:46 PM
Wow, that's some story. You're good -- nice list there.
All a bit too grand sounding for me.

10-29-2010, 11:11 PM
Thanks Grankledude!

10-30-2010, 12:52 AM
Yup, ill donate 1k of each pot.

11-02-2010, 09:55 PM

Doing a litte dance after running through Balefort Castle on my own.

11-02-2010, 09:58 PM
lol epic nice introductory story. good to find a fellow image posting freak :D

11-03-2010, 12:22 AM
From the Journal of Little Pawn:
I've survived Balefort Castle. Harpo nearly gave me a heart attack while I was busy dealing with Groucho but my trusty (and frosty) pirate leathers stood me in good stead.

Between battles I would restock and regroup in Balefort Town. The lovely maid Lauryn gave me a blue beret to remember her by. That was very kind of her...

11-03-2010, 12:48 AM
thumbs up so far:)

11-03-2010, 06:06 AM
This is epic!!! Great job so far, I made it only to level 13 without dying... Lol

But you sir are becoming a pawn star! Hollywood is waiting for you!

(hahaha) (pawnito is is name :) )

11-03-2010, 06:41 AM
From the Journal of Pawnito:
Fathom Crypt is tough...Dead Eyes *shudder* and Sparky both eat little birds like me for breakfast but fortunatley some Legendary Warriors arrived in the nick of time. Slushie's void blaster made quick work of the entire Fathom Crypt dungeon. Terremoto, a bear of ponderous bulk, stood between me and more than one boss. And Lotharothp, who is as generous and kind as he is strong and brave, is definitley one of the most noble Legendary Warrior's. The experience of traveling with these chivalrous warriors will surely benefit me greatly.

I must admit that Glumdoll Cemetery pales in comparison with Balefort Castle Town. Perhaps I am becoming homesick...my funds are low... I've outgrown some of my pinks...and the enemies are only becoming stronger...but nothing is going to stop me on my quest! For king and country, ever onward! To BATTLE!

11-12-2010, 04:33 AM
From the journal of Pawnito:

Interesting news today. Unospawn says he has a message for me from Lauryn. He asked me to meet him in the Forbidden Crypt. I wonder why he wants to meet there, and why is it the "Forbidden" Crypt? Hmmm... Well I handled Fathom Crypt so this should be ok...I'll just stay on my guard.

11-12-2010, 07:47 AM
Id be glad to help u level, add Tekfourxcn.

11-15-2010, 07:36 AM

Grief stricken...Pawnito's older brother, the great warrior Jpawn, lays waste to the Forbidden Crypt...but the battle takes its toll.
Jpawn is never the same after that fateful day. The pain of finding his brother crushed and betrayed and the aftermath of a bloody rage fighting his way out of the Forbidden Crypt caused Jpawn's simple brain to snap. He roams Alterra wearing only black and carrying a massive sledgehammer seeking to avenge Little Pawn's untimely death.


No one knows what happened to Unospawn, but he was never seen again. It is rumored that either that monster in the Forbidden Crypt got him...or some believe that Jpawn truly did avenge his little brothers death.

Regardless...Alterra and old king TheJpawn seem to be in deep trouble. Jpawn is certainly unfit to rule, Unospawn is missing, and Pawnito is dead...

What will the old king do?