View Full Version : Massive Quests: Ex. Start from scratch

08-16-2013, 09:37 PM
An easy way to add new content without making a new level or even new items would be to add a few quests that take a long while.

My idea is to make a player start over from the beginning going through the tutorial and everything. You have no access to items/gold/plat that you currently have until the quest is complete. You would need to beat each level at least once up to the level you started at to be complete. The difference is this time through you gain 6 points per level so if your go all the way to 76 you will have 76 extra points to allocate.

If this quest was available would you do it? Post yes/no or other quest ideas PL could make to easily to add content.

08-17-2013, 02:19 AM
I wouldn't mind to do such a quest!

Another Ichor quest would be nice as well. ;)