View Full Version : How To Get 10k Kills as a Squishy Mage

08-19-2013, 12:45 AM
I know, this is not the Guide Section, but as it is the PVP section, and people are looking for answers, it might fit here.

Some ppl know me, and if they do from pvp, they know I'm not the strongest Mage in town. But I still manage to get my kills, and I want to share how.

But first some bitter truths.
Full mythic gear will help, but not solve your problems as a mage in pvp. Secondly, forget your Kill-death-Ratio. Third, it takes a lot of time, but so does it for Warriors too, so u r not alone. LOL.

There are three main sections you should take care of before entering a match.

Get the right gear. As I said, mythic gear helps, but it is expensive (I have only hat and gun) and it doesnt mean you are invulnarable. Good pink will help too, expecially the Borean Cage Rifle of Brutality. Because, for some bug-Reason or whatever, this gun fires all the time as if it is charged. Nice, huh? And affordable. And most of it all: this bloody mythic-hat will take away a lot of health, so very good pink isnt really that bad. I see a lot of mages without any or very little mythic getting along pretty nicely.

Find the right party.
That means, look for good warriors (with time you know who they are). Friend them. Friend others too, but Warriors are most important, because the will work for you like a guard and in return you help them with your firepower and you both have strong heal skills. A good Warrior-Mage team is hard to beat. Dont go into teams with more than two rogues. You wont get much kills. Also, dont go into matches with too many rogues on the other side, because, rogues are deadly for you, much more than warriors, because they have longer range than you. Thus, the choice of the right team is primary to success in killing.

Strategy. If you think pets, think: ribbit, clyde, malison and slag. I use most of the time ribbit, and with it I get the best results. Clyde and slag have nice stun, so if you are in a team with a lot of ribbits already, get out one of those. Malison is a good overall-pet wich gives you good health and a lot of dps.
Now, lets talk ribbit. If you take a little extra care when you buy your gear, look at the crit-values. those -of tactics stuff means sometimes a good crit-value. Also add passive stat points to your crit stats. Maybe some to Dex-passive as well. U can knock down a rogue with a well placed super-crit shot combined with Fireball-Stun. I can get up to 70% percent crit value (ribbit-buffed), and that - ask rogues - is really not bad. Combine that with the active skill Lightning Bold and you are a serious danger. Because that skill can boost your crit to 250%. Yep. Thats your super weapon. Ribbit, Crit, Lightning Bolt.
Also, get shield and heal with mana recovery. That lowers your attack possibilities, but you are a support class, and thats what you should do, besides killing I mean. Lol. Thats what your team mates expect, btw. too. Heal them, give them mana, and they will support you as well. Its a team play.
Last but not least (and here is why I'm especially squishy), how to approach the enemy. Youre very vulnerable, so dont tank. You might run forward, charge your fireball and shoot it to stun peeps, but be quick to run back again, because, the answer can kill you right away. My personal problem is, that I have Satellite-Internet, wich means I have a permanent ping of 1k, wich furthermore means, I have a delay of about a second. That means I have to think ahead of time what to do, to get tolerable results. Like a gipsy with a looking glass. But if you analyse peeps behaviour, you will find the pattern, and you can act accordingly. So what I do is (oftentimes, mind you, lol). Run forward, stun, get back behind the lines, charge ribbit, charge lightning bolt, and booom. If not you than at least half of your team will get kills. Repeat and you will get kills too. If you combine that thinking with a quick internet connection, you will get your 10k kills much sooner than I. I'm at 7,5 k right now. ;)

Good Luck


08-19-2013, 12:59 AM
I don't play PVP but when they had free respec, I played some and I found its easier getting kills in TDM. And TDM kills go towards the PVP kill achievements.

08-19-2013, 04:48 AM
I don't play PVP but when they had free respec, I played some and I found its easier getting kills in TDM. And TDM kills go towards the PVP kill achievements.

Yes, it's easier for mages in TDM because of the map. Mages do better in wide open areas because our skills are AoE. Also, we are slow so those narrow hallways limit our mobility greatly and give rogues and warriors ways to sneak up on us, and then we can't get away. In TDM we can see them coming and can stun them easier, and we can also hit the entire group with our skills since they can't hide around the corner.

08-19-2013, 05:38 AM
Yes, it's easier for mages in TDM because of the map. Mages do better in wide open areas because our skills are AoE. Also, we are slow so those narrow hallways limit our mobility greatly and give rogues and warriors ways to sneak up on us, and then we can't get away. In TDM we can see them coming and can stun them easier, and we can also hit the entire group with our skills since they can't hide around the corner.

Haha i saw mage warmonger who had 0 kills in CTF but 11832 kills in TDM :D

08-19-2013, 08:13 AM
I found that i get the same results in tdm as i do in pvp, since my problems are not narrow hallways or corners but low health and a heavy ping. For rogues (mages nemesis) are corners of no concern since they can shoot all across the map through walls. its almost the same as in tdm. And at least the corners and walls protect me from the second greatest killer, warriors catch and pull skill (i believe its called anchor something blablabla). But i will take advice as an encouragement to do more tdm in future, maybe i can develop some effective strategies there, too.

08-19-2013, 04:43 PM
Mages do best when we kite the enemy. Hard to kite someone in a hallway since it's so narrow. In TDM I can beat most warriors 1 on 1. In CTF it is extremely difficult unless we are in the spawn room or flag room. And I'm sure most of you warriors that have gone up against me in PvP notice that I always try to lure you into the flag room or spawn room. But most warriors do not go for it and retreat back to the hallway where they do best. Remember a warrior cannot hit from a distance, so will do best in a small confined pace. Rogues can hit from a distance, but so can a mage. Since rogues are quicker and can sneak up on you, they can use the hallways to their advantage. Mages are the only class that have no way to use the hallways to their advantage.

08-19-2013, 04:46 PM
In tdm, warriors and mages are easy for me in 1v1 situations

08-19-2013, 04:50 PM
Looks like ill take these information and use it when I go 30/31, because, frankly, idk much about Mage pvping since I only pvped 26 last cap, and I left after 31.

08-19-2013, 05:54 PM
In tdm, warriors and mages are easy for me in 1v1 situations

I think most mages do not know how to play their class well. It also depends on their skills. For example, I would guess that a curse mage would do better in CTF because of the limited range of curse. However, if your attack skills are fire, lightning or frost, you are better off attacking from further out, and TDM is a better fit for that strategy.

08-19-2013, 06:12 PM
In tdm, warriors and mages are easy for me in 1v1 situations

I think most mages do not know how to play their class well. It also depends on their skills. For example, I would guess that a curse mage would do better in CTF because of the limited range of curse. However, if your attack skills are fire, lightning or frost, you are better off attacking from further out, and TDM is a better fit for that strategy. Mages would need a stunlock to kill me personally in 1v1 (if they dont have curse). This is because packs are timed right mostly and I had tons of practice

08-19-2013, 06:33 PM
In tdm this exactly my problem. Warriors are managable, but rogues have a greater range than sorcs. Its allways a rogue killing me before i can reach her. In a hallway i have the hallways and the warriors as a barrikade. They cant easily run around the warr and get to me. They must come through the line of fire. But im thinking team here, not 1on1. Due to my high ping, i avoid 1on1 whenever i can. Due to the limitations of class and equipment i have to resort to methods like this. If I'd be full mythic that might be different. But, remember? The post is titled how to get 10k kills as a squishy mage

08-20-2013, 12:38 AM
Mages would need a stunlock to kill me personally in 1v1 (if they dont have curse). This is because packs are timed right mostly and I had tons of practice

Fight Psykopathic ;)