View Full Version : The Solution to Immaturity- Building Community leaders.

08-19-2013, 07:06 PM
Pocket, "Legends."

Legend- a collection of stories about an admirable person. (or) a person who is at the center of such stories: to become a legend in ones own lifetime.

Intro to my idea-

Most of you have read this thread-
If you haven't read it yet, get off this thread and go read it.

In this thread I'm directly speaking to: Devs, Moderators, and veterans. Why? Because these players understand the direction the community is headed. They care about it, and will consider ideas to help improve it. I will share my idea later in this thread, but I must first make sure you understand the situation.

Summary of this past year in PL-

•Near the end of the Humania cap/STS created alot of excitement around BSM. (elite maps ect)
•BSM arrived, most people capped within the first few months.
•Months after new expansion, boredom sets in.
•Players start asking about next cap. A Dev replies with, "No new cap on the horizon."
•Players start leaving, or, "Threaten," to leave. Blaming it on Al Bd ect.
•Devs in response say that PL is practically in existense because there is an AL and a BD. Also because they love PL! A new cap isn't going to help the marketing situation.
•We are here!>.<

Now here's a quick prediction of the future PL timeline-

•Loyal players/Veterans, don't know how to respond to, "AL is the only reason PL is still in existence."
•Some great players may leave.
•Pl Community becomes increasingly immature.
•New cap comes/ possible excitement.
•Players cap quickly.
•Boredom sets in again.
•Immature players come around again- Loyal players see no new cap coming, any time soon. So not wanting to constantly put up with immaturity in pve and pvp, players leave, in mass.

Its a very very scary prediction that I know everyone would like to dismiss the possibility immedietly. Some of the stuff I said above is probably going to happen. But how are we going avoid allowing immature players take ahold on this great game? How can we inspire confidence and support into great players, to be an example for beginners? How can we show that being mature, is better and more profitable than being immature?
I shall answer these questions as we go deeper into this thread.

Movements in the PL communty-

Before you get any farther, read this wonderful thread- http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?101809-***Calling-All-Arms!***

There are soooo many willing hands!
Loyal PL players have really gave Crim's solution to immaturity their complete support. My suggestion has the same goal as Crimsontider's movement. Players like Whirlzap have made groups to unite people, without dev support these things truly amount to little.
In game no one cares who you are.

Can we change the community? If so, will the Devs help us?-

Read this quote-

"So we will continue to run these games that we all love so much, and we will continue to try and fix things you don't like and expand on the things that you do. And we will continue to bring you new things so that we can continue running the older things." -Justg

Notice where I underlined. Sts will expand on things we like! And change those we don't.
But the question is what do we want to change? What could possibly help?
I may have found a solution. I love this game and so do you, so it's worth a shot! :P

The Thought-

If we could add/remove something in game to revive the community, and the devs would help us... What would we change? Nerf Fbs? Would that really help?
The answer is nope.
Would supporting players, to play the game as it was meant to be, help?
Think about it for a min, what players contributed the most to this wonderful community? Which players want the best for it?
Mmmhhmmm... You know who I'm talking about.

Regarding GoA-

I'm not saying bring the GoA back. I'm very glad that this program is not in use ATM. I'm NOT saying that I want to be a GoA, either. I know I'll never reach that height of usefulness to the community. That being said let me elaborate a little. I'll start with a quick timeline-
•STS created the GoA program introducing 9 new members. These players completely deserved it- they never had the chance to set becoming a GoA as a goal. It was unexpected and perfect.
•STS periodically chose new worthy GoA.
•The program came almost to a complete standstill, then 3 new players *were announced.
•The program was closed due to way to many useless threads, and I quote, "guides." I agree with it.

Now this is what everyone should have been doing, and did not-

"Do NOT expect the shield. If you are exhibiting behavior to become a Guardian, it is highly unlikely that you will become a Guardian. Let me explain the philosophy behind it. If you are trying to follow a Guardian of Alterra's guidelines in order to become a Guardian, it is highly unlikely you will become one because of the fact that (even if you may not realize it) you are displaying Guardian like characteristics for your own personal greed to achieve the shield. The original Guardians are role models as they were actively helping the community BEFORE awards were announced." -Apollo

Read where I underlined. The problem with the GoA was that people tryed to become one. What if STS randomly gave out the title of GoA, whenever they thought it best?
I'm not saying you have to bring them back but if you do, there must be dramatic changes in how you handle things. I'll talk about that in-depth in the, "Solution," part of this thread.

"Cascade hit the nail on the head. Can't really add to that...haha

It's my personally opinion that people SHOULD strive for GoA. Like, consciously strive for it. Imagine a community where everyone is striving for GoA. That would be an amazing community. Certainly there might be some failed guides and stuff, but even those would improve because everyone would be helping each other out. I believe that was the developers' entire plan behind GoA. Forum reputation and GoA can help to make for a better community. That's why I'm never so quick to say "get rid if it" like most people and that is why I'm sad to see AoA gone, even with all of its flaws."

The Suggestion-

First let me start by making sure you understand who the, "Site leaders," are.
There are 5 catergories of site leaders at the moment. 3 of which are completely made up of the Spacetime Studios Team. (Admins, Dev team, Super Moderators.) 1 of these groups are made up entirely of Players. (AlterraGuardians) And the last one is a mix of Devs and Players. (Tournament Management.)
My suggestion involves creating two new sub-categories, and editing an existing one. The result would hopefully look like this-
• Administrators-
• Dev team-
• Super Moderators-
• Tournament Management-
• Guardians of Alterra-
• Chroniclers of Alterra-
• Masterminds of Alterra-

The idea behind these three new awards, yes awards, it's not a program anymore, it's an award. To obtain anyone of these three awards it must be proven by actions. Devs- this is how you would distribute these new three titles/and what you would honor the player with- (roughly)

GoA- Send the player who deserves it a pm/and immediatly change his title and avatar. Give him the red crown shield in game. Update the site leaders page with his information. This way no one (even the player) is expecting this new honor. (Basic requirements new GoA)- Contributed to the community greatly, respected by all. (Basically the same requirements as previous GoA.)

CoA- Send the player who deserves it a pm/and immediatly change his title and avatar. Give him a green crown shield in game. Update the site leaders page with his information. This way no one (even the player) is expecting this new honor. (Basic requirements of an CoA)- Helpful, catergorizes threads/creates timelines. Or creates fiction stories/about PL related topics/ very useful, beloved player. (Correct me if I'm wrong but there are around 3-4 of these already but it never became a program.)

MoA- Send the player who deserves it a pm/and immediatly change his title and avatar. Give him a purple crown shield in game. Update the site leaders page with his information. This way no one (even the player) is expecting this new honor.
Basic requirements for a MoA- Has given massive amounts of Feedback, and suggestions that the devs have greatly profited from.

I am being pretty loose on the requirements and such above. My goal to simply portray this idea to you all.

Now I'm going to make sure you understand some important changes-

•These things (GoA, MoA, CoA) are not programs they awards. Meaning that STS does not have to make a long fancy thread about it.

•Awards would be handed out to the least expecting, players who deserve it the most.

•GoA can stay closed. STS doesn't need to reopen this program page to hand out this honor.

Make sure you realize that I'm speaking ver very loosely about everything. The requirements for exclusive community shields does not change, it is still there. But that does NOT mean that STS should hesitate to give titles and shields out to those who deserve it.
STS! You can revoke the title and shield as easy as you gave it out. Keep that in mind.

How would this be a Solution?-

One of Spacetime studios greatest ideas was the GoA program. It brought out so many good and respected people. There are only 4 left... What will happen when there are 0?

The point of giving out, "Shields and titles," would be to encourage great players to be even better. To reunite them together in one common link.

(repeat) How this is different from the old GoA-

Create no, "How to become a GoA," thread."
This way people might either- just help as much as possible and see what happens OR be themselves.

If they are themselves, and they become a notable member of this community... You know what to do.

We need respected/recognized players to help the community even when in game, most everyone is immature.


I'm hoping that you understand my idea. Devs, if you implement this, I take no credit. I see about 2 items being recolored and a bit of programing... I'm not a game Developer like you are. I'm just a PL game fanatic that wants the best for your... No our baby...

We built PL, it has our hearts and souls in it. Many of the NPCs are named after our family (my kids are in there too). We love this game as much, if not more than you do. It is, quite literally, our baby. -Justg

**[I attached photos of what the shields should generally look like. Red- GoA/ Green- CoA/ Purple- MoA]**

08-19-2013, 09:22 PM
So much to read :/

Summary plz..

08-20-2013, 07:16 AM
So much to read :/

Summary plz..

If you don't read all of it, you won't understand my point... It will only take a few mins to read.

08-20-2013, 09:59 AM
You took the time to write it, I took the time to read it. Really nice parts to read - you have writing skills! ;)

08-20-2013, 03:20 PM
I read it, and understand what you are saying. Players help others because of what the community has become. The PL community is now larger than ever, and its due to the fact that people help others, not because they want fancy shields and titles. They do these things out of passion and respect.

Now, what your saying about other titles and shields on the forums and in game - I personally agree here. A lot of people want these things, but having new titles would make some people jealous. On the other hand, having different titles on the forums would make people stand out, and having new avatars to go with it. I also like the idea about the player not EXPECTING it, and the requirements being that they are actively helping around in the community, and earning respect to go with it.

Overall, I fully understand the point your making here, and support it to the extent that I have highlighted above.

EDIT: I help people in game out of love for the community. As much as I would like a shield and title, it is not always about the not expecting awards. I do however agree that the community would be livened up a bit with the addition of new community leaders.

08-20-2013, 05:34 PM
Another good suggestion thread, Gj.

08-20-2013, 05:43 PM
To be honest, it kind of makes sense. I mean think about it, when did the community really start to decline? When AoA and GoA were shut down. This means there is nothing for players to strive for anymore, like the thread stated. I think it's a cool idea, not sure it has a good chance of being implemented, though.

08-20-2013, 05:58 PM
:0 beautiful... Good job!

08-20-2013, 07:22 PM
To be honest, it kind of makes sense. I mean think about it, when did the community really start to decline? When AoA and GoA were shut down. This means there is nothing for players to strive for anymore, like the thread stated. I think it's a cool idea, not sure it has a good chance of being implemented, though.

Thanks for the feedback guys, it really helps when players understand what your trying to say.

@Skeletonlord- I appreciate your response. I really hope that the, "unexpectedness," of the reward would help.

08-20-2013, 07:45 PM
Great suggestion!

08-21-2013, 12:20 AM
I likes the photoshopped colors of goa shield..

08-21-2013, 12:47 AM
So much to read :/

Summary plz..

Look if you're too lazy to read this thread I do not understand why you are replying, this would only take 5 minutes. Instead of being lazy take 5 precious minutes of your life to read it, if you decide not to then you're wasting your time and mine replying.

Oh and btw great thread deuv!!

08-21-2013, 01:01 AM
Look if you're too lazy to read this thread I do not understand why you are replying, this would only take 5 minutes. Instead of being lazy take 5 precious minutes of your life to read it, if you decide not to then you're wasting your time and mine replying.

Thanks for being serious about this :)

08-21-2013, 09:01 AM
To be honest, it kind of makes sense. I mean think about it, when did the community really start to decline? When AoA and GoA were shut down. This means there is nothing for players to strive for anymore, like the thread stated. I think it's a cool idea, not sure it has a good chance of being implemented, though.

I don't think it should be something ppl strive for. You should do it because its who u are. When ppl strive for these "rewards" ppl tend to give up on what got them the reward and revert to their old ways once the "reward" is received.

Just my opinion.

08-21-2013, 09:14 AM
I don't think it should be something ppl strive for. You should do it because its who u are. When ppl strive for these "rewards" ppl tend to give up on what got them the reward and revert to their old ways once the "reward" is received.

Just my opinion.

Yeah I completely agree with you, but as the thread said, the only reason that the community was really even "mature", is because everyone was trying or the Guardian status. Without that, nobody really cares about helping anymore, because they don't get anything out of it.

Unfortunately, I guess this is what the community has come to. Rewards for being good seems like the last resort. It's like my dog, I give him treats when he behaves. The whole meaning of the word "community" is to help others without benefit in mind, but this one is filled with people that don't care about that, only themselves (exaggeration-there are, well a FEW amazing people left).

08-21-2013, 09:28 AM
Yeah I completely agree with you, but as the thread said, the only reason that the community was really even "mature", is because everyone was trying or the Guardian status. Without that, nobody really cares about helping anymore, because they don't get anything out of it.

Unfortunately, I guess this is what the community has come to. Rewards for being good seems like the last resort. It's like my dog, I give him treats when he behaves. The whole meaning of the word "community" is to help others without benefit in mind, but this one is filled with people that don't care about that, only themselves (exaggeration-there are, well a FEW amazing people left).

I disagree with this also hun. There are many players who help in game. Many who aren't on the forum and they don't broadcast their efforts.

Just because community type actions aren't announced to the world, doesn't mean it's not done. There are so many players who stand in FH and give gold pots and items and answer questions through PMs. These ppl aren't looking for a reward or a pat on the back. They are doing this because they believe its the right thing to do.

The kindness and community actions are there. U just have to look for it.

08-21-2013, 09:38 AM
I disagree with this also hun. There are many players who help in game. Many who aren't on the forum and they don't broadcast their efforts.

Just because community type actions aren't announced to the world, doesn't mean it's not done. There are so many players who stand in FH and give gold pots and items and answer questions through PMs. These ppl aren't looking for a reward or a pat on the back. They are doing this because they believe its the right thing to do.

The kindness and community actions are there. U just have to look for it.

I agree with this also, but I think there is less of it than there used to be, which is what many oldies are talking about. I, for one, wasn't playing when the community was apparently at it's best, during the first few caps, so I wouldn't know what it was like. But I do know it has gotten MUCH worse since the first months that I started playing. There is constant bad language and bullying in PvP, especially the lower twinking levels. People rush and say "ez" or "you suck". I don't think it was like that a while ago. When I first started PvP'ing, I was a really big noob, so I asked somebody what a good combo was, and they kindly helped me out, as well as explain a lot more about PvP and the mage to me. That person became a really good friend of mine. Now, I ask for a bear combo (because I'm really noob with bears) and I get attitudes and reply's like "no noob, get your own." Yes, I know that I could go to the forum guides and eventually find one, but the whole point is that people should help others in game, and treat everyone like a friend, not an enemy.

08-21-2013, 09:51 AM
Yeah I completely agree with you, but as the thread said, the only reason that the community was really even "mature", is because everyone was trying or the Guardian status. Without that, nobody really cares about helping anymore, because they don't get anything out of it.

Unfortunately, I guess this is what the community has come to. Rewards for being good seems like the last resort. It's like my dog, I give him treats when he behaves. The whole meaning of the word "community" is to help others without benefit in mind, but this one is filled with people that don't care about that, only themselves (exaggeration-there are, well a FEW amazing people left).

I disagree with this also hun. There are many players who help in game. Many who aren't on the forum and they don't broadcast their efforts.

Just because community type actions aren't announced to the world, doesn't mean it's not done. There are so many players who stand in FH and give gold pots and items and answer questions through PMs. These ppl aren't looking for a reward or a pat on the back. They are doing this because they believe its the right thing to do.

The kindness and community actions are there. U just have to look for it.

I know what your speaking of angel. But in game... It's very rare to find. My idea is to encourage players who do stand around in fh helping. You won't find a player In a town like that easily. Walk into Humania town and read the chat for awhile...
It's basically a reward to encourage those few good players to keep it up. In game and on forums. This is not like the old goa... You get this and it should encourage you to keep going.

Believe me, some people help because it's fun. They find joy in it. STS should reward such players, shouldn't they?

If a few players strive for it, what's wrong with that? They will learn.

08-21-2013, 09:51 AM
I kinda think that asking for a pvp build is different from community type actions. I know ppl protect their builds because pvp is a competition. They are still ppl that would give builds and combos. but it is more rare because ppl want kills. They want to win. I'm not saying they are doing the right thing. Just that I understand why ppl protect their build and combos.

And yes, you can find almost all the information u need about builds and combos here. Honestly, the information posted here is prob more valuable than what u can get in game.

08-21-2013, 09:57 AM
I kinda think that asking for a pvp build is different from community type actions. I know ppl protect their builds because pvp is a competition. They are still ppl that would give builds and combos. but it is more rare because ppl want kills. They want to win. I'm not saying they are doing the right thing. Just that I understand why ppl protect their build and combos.

And yes, you can find almost all the information u need about builds and combos here. Honestly, the information posted here is prob more valuable than what u can get in game.

I was just using an example. Yeah, people can be competitive, but when somebody asks a simple question, they don't have to come across so mean. Look at the some of the pro end gamers, like Ghost, he would never say something like that in PvP. If I wanted to protect my combo, and I got a question like that, I'd say "Sorry man, this combo is really good and I kind of want to keep it to myself." Not rude, but still being competitive.

And again, the whole point is to ignore the forums. Not everybody has access or even goes to them, so what I'm talking about is the in-game maturity level.

08-21-2013, 10:32 AM
Great thread!!

I think it could help a lot, good players will still do the right thing no matter the reward but the ones that dont care about being rudes now will have something that could make them change.

OT: Im really proud to be part of a community that cares so much about this "baby" of us.

08-21-2013, 11:53 AM
I'm seeing people question this thread for things that are easily fixable.

-If people quit being nice once they get the reward, the reward shall be removed.
-People are already being nice? Well, be a pessimist for a second and look at how many people are doing stuff that is bad or morally questionable.
-Then when a person doesn't give a build to a person it's usually because they're selfish. It doesn't even need to be the exact build, just give one that you know works well.
-Also, someone said that there are many people who help out in Forest Haven by giving potions to new players and they don't get recognized. This idea will give them the recognition they deserve.

08-21-2013, 12:03 PM
I'm seeing people question this thread for things that are easily fixable.

-If people quit being nice once they get the reward, the reward shall be removed.
-People are already being nice? Well, be a pessimist for a second and look at how many people are doing stuff that is bad or morally questionable.
-Then when a person doesn't give a build to a person it's usually because they're selfish. It doesn't even need to be the exact build, just give one that you know works well.
-Also, someone said that there are many people who help out in Forest Haven by giving potions to new players and they don't get recognized. This idea will give them the recognition they deserve.


One note one the last point, STS should not recognize everyone. Only those help out in huge ways... And also in those little things, like hanging out in fh and changing a beginners first experience with PL.

08-21-2013, 01:45 PM
You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition.

Imo, once you need those things it's no longer about helping ppl. It's about you and you wanting mommy and daddy to tell you good job. It's becomes a selfish act.

08-21-2013, 02:27 PM
You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition.

Imo, once you need those things it's no longer about helping ppl. It's about you and you wanting mommy and daddy to tell you good job. It's becomes a selfish act.

i agree hunn

08-21-2013, 05:51 PM
You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition.

Imo, once you need those things it's no longer about helping ppl. It's about you and you wanting mommy and daddy to tell you good job. It's becomes a selfish act.

Angel dear, your still not getting my point.

I'll pm you asap. <3

08-21-2013, 06:37 PM
"You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition.

Imo, once you need those things it's no longer about helping ppl. It's about you and you wanting mommy and daddy to tell you good job. It's becomes a selfish act."

Angel dear, your still not getting my point.

I'll pm you asap. <3

I fully comprehend you original post. It is very nice that you are trying to find a solution to the decline of the PL community. I just feel differently than you. . I have seen it happen with GoA and AoA. Ppl get "rewarded" then change back to who they were. They stop helping or turn back into trash talkers etc....

You can pm all you want hun, I stand by my opinions and feelings.

You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition..........
It's becomes a selfish act.

08-21-2013, 08:04 PM
I fully comprehend you original post. It is very nice that you are trying to find a solution to the decline of the PL community. I just feel differently than you. . I have seen it happen with GoA and AoA. Ppl get "rewarded" then change back to who they were. They stop helping or turn back into trash talkers etc....

You can pm all you want hun, I stand by my opinions and feelings.

You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition..........
It's becomes a selfish act.

That's why Rob came up with a very simple solution. Those who abuse it, simply get their status revoked.

08-21-2013, 09:13 PM
Okie I won't pm it, here ya go-

I'll start by using an example. What if you really love doing something/ a sport for exapmle. Let's just say it's basketball. Then let's just say a friend gives you a really nice ball, or something... Would that encourage you to keep playing or quit?
Same with my idea.

Your second problem about this thread refers to jealousy and selfishness, I believe.

Point is... If GoA comes around again (eventhough it would be totally changed) people WILL pretend to be and nice/helpful.
Truth is, if STS gives it to someone like that, and we realize their selfish motives, it will be immediatly revoked.

I understood that players would disagree with my idea. I'm fine with that. But for now I still see that my suggestion will work. I don't forsee any negative effects yet. ^^

08-22-2013, 08:08 AM
Actually..the community was better at GoA...ppl pretending to be good is better than immature pvpers/ppl these days..

08-22-2013, 02:26 PM
I fully comprehend you original post. It is very nice that you are trying to find a solution to the decline of the PL community. I just feel differently than you. . I have seen it happen with GoA and AoA. Ppl get "rewarded" then change back to who they were. They stop helping or turn back into trash talkers etc....

You can pm all you want hun, I stand by my opinions and feelings.

You shouldn't need a reward to do these things. You shouldn't need recognition..........
It's becomes a selfish act.

Here's a little quote that can be related to this situation:

When someone does something nice to another person, it's polite to say "Thank you" to the person doing the good deed.

The reward is a way of saying thanks.

Here's a little story my friend told me a while back. It wasn't on the forums so I can't get an exact quote, but here's what I remember.

A long long time ago, I joined the forums and started posting messages occasionally, but not too often. One day I came across the section labeled "Ambassadors of Blackstar Applications." It sounded interesting, so I decided to pop in and take a look at what this "blackstar" thing was all about. After reading the post, I made a brand new toon, leveled it up to level 10, and wrote an application. I knew the that I needed the game experience to help people, which I have for months considering the time the game has been out, and I would need the kindness to enhance the feeling of getting the help. Then I came across the line saying, "We're not looking for people who sit around in base and spam around 'DOES ANYONE NEED SOME HELP?' we want people who act natural in town and talk to new players so they have a good introduction to the game."

So I began to go into base and start conversations with new and old players alike, occasionally hopping in XP runs with new players and teaching them basic mechanics. Month after month waiting for that reply saying "You have been invited to a group! Would you like to join Ambassadors of Blackstar? Yes or no?" but that message never came. When I saw that the AoB program had closed, I thought it would have made me go berserk, but the feeling was not rage and anger, not happiness and sunshine, to be honest, I had no feeling. I didn't care.

I know right here is kind of contradicting my point but stay with me

There was no point of a title. There is no point in a title. While being around great people is nice, it is never the same as being around those who you don't know. The Ambassadors program was made to get players closer to each other by introducing new people to the community of the game. The Ambassadors program was exclusive to most people, and the reason why it ended was because some of those who were in the guild stopped the introductions and went straght back to lazy rode where they would no longer say "hi" to new players, unless provoked. Instead of saying "are you new?" they would say "Dang, look at all these nubs."

I didn't see myself following these paths, so I left the guild I was in (that was made to help people) and started doing my own project of helping people at a solo cause. While a small cause is slower, "it does not matter how slow you go, as long as you never stop." -Confucius

Rewards are a way of saying, "keep doing what you're doing!" If you do not like being told good job, then this idea is not right for you, but just remember one thing, it's always polite to say "thanks."

08-22-2013, 06:55 PM
Thank you for the read, and for mentioning my post. This is really awesome seeing our community coming together like it once did.


08-23-2013, 11:14 AM
Within every act of kindness is an act of selfishness. But within every act of kindness lies a good deed, and that's all that matters.

08-30-2013, 01:46 PM
Most of you have read this thread - http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...-a-Whole-Today
If you haven't read it yet, get off this thread and go read it.

Throughout all of this, one thing that many newer players have noted is that the oldies whenever they see changes that they do not like tend to be the most vocal about them. The reason why is because we oldies - many of us dating back to 2010 feel that we have more to lose than anybody else if this game does not succeed. We've invested more time, in many cases more money, and are in it for the long haul versus newer players which are often transitory in their game choices.

I agree with this post the most. I've been playing pl since 2010 of September 9th and have payed .... A lot lets just say that.:apthy:

I don't see why people have to use harsh language and bad attitudes to prove that they are better than somebody. I mean why can't people just say "Hey, I beat you, maybe you should do this, this, and this next time to beat me."

^In pvp I agree with this post^

(OldCoot) -Maybe we should spread the word about joining the forums, it was the best learning tool when I started.

^Agree 100% with the above post^

(Rot) -The problem is, no matter what we suggest, they hardly even bother with it. Yes, they might be reading this, but I seriously doubt that any actions will be taken.

Their attitude to PL players : If you don't like the game, quit playing it and get a life.
Their attitude to AL players : Hi sir, how can I help you? Oh, thanks for reminding us, it'll be fixed in 2 days. Remember to buy more plat!

^You get this post very quickly when email support about something important^

So with the above post's I just posted here I agree with completely.

And I hope you all agree as well :watermelon:

And what do I have to Say?

What I always say : Very Simple:listening_headphone

08-31-2013, 12:07 AM
I really like what your saying hear.
I may have been only playing for a little more than a year but i do believe that the people in this community sould help others not for some prize but to be a good person.
The people how only kind and helpful for their own selfish and geedy ways need to learn that they don't deserve an award or prize and they won't grow as a person.
Maybe one day this community will be full of good people how really helps the community with no thoughts about some awards or prizes ;)

08-31-2013, 12:08 AM
We as humans want to see the good in people not the bad :)

09-01-2013, 12:23 PM
There are some great ideas in your post :).

•Near the end of the Humania cap/STS created alot of excitement around BSM. (elite maps ect)
•BSM arrived, most people capped within the first few months.
•Months after new expansion, boredom sets in.

Most of players didn't cap within first months but within the first hours lol.

My suggestion involves creating two new sub-categories, and editing an existing one.

What if the awarded guy was in fact lying, acting in order to get the award? That would be creepy /:

However, it would be nice to make something like that.

09-01-2013, 12:26 PM

Indeed it would be creepy. ^^

That's partially why I stated that sts could revoke it at any time. If it was someone who would misuse it, that is.

09-01-2013, 12:53 PM
There are some great ideas in your post :).

Most of players didn't cap within first months but within the first hours lol.

What if the awarded guy was in fact lying, acting in order to get the award? That would be creepy /:

However, it would be nice to make something like that.

I capped 2 hours ago. Does that count?

09-01-2013, 01:03 PM
There are some great ideas in your post :).

Most of players didn't cap within first months but within the first hours lol.

What if the awarded guy was in fact lying, acting in order to get the award? That would be creepy /:

However, it would be nice to make something like that.

I capped 2 hours ago. Does that count?

Gz man! I guess I meant the majority of players cap within the first few months. :D

09-01-2013, 01:32 PM
Gz man! I guess I meant the majority of players cap within the first few months. :D

I said that in an ironical tone to implicitely critizise -elixirs-which-give-4xp-n-permit-to-cap-in-3h44min- stuff. (x3blessing, x2week end, x2weekelixir, x4 xp)


Gratz roberto:)


About the revoke award stuff, it would involve devs (to keep an eye on them, and take the appropriate choice :/).. Idk if they would do that :(

09-01-2013, 01:49 PM
So you're sayaing.. i'm a vetran thanks man!! I love you, except i actually have noticed the decline amd noticed your opinion gets deleted or removed for unconstructive criticism so i just be quiet :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

09-01-2013, 01:54 PM
So you're sayaing.. i'm a vetran thanks man!! I love you, except i actually have noticed the decline amd noticed your opinion gets deleted or removed for unconstructive criticism so i just be quiet :)

humm.. sorry, what/who are you speaking about? :confused:

09-01-2013, 01:57 PM
Gz man! I guess I meant the majority of players cap within the first few months. :D

I said that in an ironical tone to implicitely critizise -elixirs-which-give-4xp-n-permit-to-cap-in-3h44min- stuff. (x3blessing, x2week end, x2weekelixir, x4 xp)


Gratz roberto:)


About the revoke award stuff, it would involve devs (to keep an eye on them, and take the appropriate choice :/).. Idk if they would do that :(

Not exactly keeping an eye on them.

I think STS and the community would easily tell if someone was bluffing. I believe there would be quite a few threads if there was someone fakin it. STS would definitely notice, and hopeful take action. ^^

09-01-2013, 02:00 PM
humm.. sorry, what/who are you speaking about? :confused:

Just being me, but seriously it took guts for ghost to post that thread and not have it deleted though. :P

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

09-07-2013, 11:39 AM
If you don't read all of it, you won't understand my point... It will only take a few mins to read.

Every word counted. Greatly appreciate this thread. Thanks so much! I was thinking of bringing back GoA too! Hopefully u make a difference! :D