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View Full Version : Where to obtain Mythics?

08-20-2013, 10:39 AM
Do Mythics come from leveling to the cap, or do you obtain them from a certain drop? I'm kind of an AL newbie, and have been searching for answering.

So to ask:

1.) I'm interested in the new questline mythic upgraded gear next cap. If reaching level 31 has been the only time I've capped, will I still be able to obtain the mythic gear upgraded?

2.) Where can I find mythic gear?

3.) If I missed the level 26 cap, did I miss out on something big in order to obtain this mythic gear?


08-20-2013, 10:47 AM
U get mythic from elite gold pirate ii(helm) lv 26,elite gold warchest(armor) lv 31 or u can open lockes which contain everything mythic armor,arcane weapons,arcane eggs etc. u can only obtain upgraded mythic armor by have the original camplete mythic set & u must complete the quest in the up coming expansion order the get it.....good luck and happy hunting :)

08-20-2013, 10:49 AM
U get mythic from elite gold pirate ii(helm) lv 26,elite gold warchest(armor) lv 31 or u can open lockes which contain everything mythic armor,arcane weapons,arcane eggs etc. u can only obtain upgraded mythic armor by have the original camplete mythic set & u must complete the quest in order the get.....good luck and happy hunting :)

So basically it's still possible to get now?

What are the mythic sorcerers helm and plate called?

08-20-2013, 10:50 AM

08-20-2013, 10:54 AM
What are the chests called in order to have a chance at getting either of the mythics?

08-20-2013, 10:54 AM
Do Mythics come from leveling to the cap, or do you obtain them from a certain drop?

You get them from crates, something like farm-able chests, you have to pay 15 plat for opening them.
So to ask:

1.) I'm interested in the new questline mythic upgraded gear next cap. If reaching level 31 has been the only time I've capped, will I still be able to obtain the mythic gear upgraded?

Yup, the crates with the mythic will stay.
2.) Where can I find mythic gear?
Answered above ;)

3.) If I missed the level 26 cap, did I miss out on something big in order to obtain this mythic gear?
No, Mythics are available at every level and anytime. They are a perma addition.

Yo Ghost! Cool to see you on AL. ;)
Everything highlighted in the quote for you.

Although I'm a pure AL newbie as well, I believe the answers sum it up.

08-20-2013, 10:54 AM
u can only obtain upgraded mythic armor by have the original camplete mythic set & u must complete the quest in order the get.....good luck and happy hunting :)
I'm curious about this quest. How and what NPC should I talk to. Does it really mean to have the "complete mythic set" to upgrade all of it?

08-20-2013, 10:57 AM
u can only obtain upgraded mythic armor by have the original camplete mythic set & u must complete the quest in order the get.....good luck and happy hunting :)
I'm curious about this quest. How and what NPC should I talk to. Does it really mean to have the "complete mythic set" to upgrade all of it? the NPC will be added ingame on 29th August

08-20-2013, 11:00 AM
Welcome back bro

08-20-2013, 11:41 AM
What are the chests called in order to have a chance at getting either of the mythics?

See attached guide: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?111152-Guide-Legendary-Elite-Gear-Distribution
Yet for simplicity, it boils down to:
Golden elite pirate chests II have mythic helms and arcane hooks.
Golden elite warchests have mythic armor, rings and amulets and arcane maul.

From what everyone says, it seems like the rate of drops of mythic and arcane from elite chests is incredibly more rare than from crates :(

08-20-2013, 12:43 PM
I played with sonic in TDM

08-20-2013, 12:46 PM
I'm curious about this quest. How and what NPC should I talk to. Does it really mean to have the "complete mythic set" to upgrade all of it?

You don't need complete mythic set in order to be able to upgrade, all you need is armor and helm BOTH, and you will be able to do questline in order to upgrade them. As for the rings/amulets and weapons, they pretty much stay the same (as for now, nothing known about them being upgradeable).

08-20-2013, 01:26 PM
So basically it's still possible to get now?

What are the mythic sorcerers helm and plate called?
I think Vili's Aged Cowl of Assault (Helm) and Vili's Ancient Garb of Force (Armor).
Correct me if I'm wrong :)

08-20-2013, 01:31 PM
All the other mythic stuff (like amulet, ring bow etc..) will be buffed. They will be the best for just 1 more expansion