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View Full Version : Your Top Three Things that Need Fixin’ in PL

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08-22-2013, 01:53 PM
Over in this thread (click here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?111948-The-PL-Community-as-a-Whole-Today/page2)) I have explained how our business needs affect how we prioritize our development bandwidth. I have explained that we have huge lists of things that constantly prioritize and evaluate.

In all of that, I want to make sure we are also incorporating Community Feedback as much as possible. I invite you to give us the top 3 things on YOUR list.

Content and systems are very large efforts, so this request is not for those things.

We are looking for BALANCE CHANGES and BUGS.

Three caveats here:

1) This is not a guarantee that we will do any of these things. We just want to make sure we are aware of the issues.
2) BALANCE CHANGES CAN MEAN A HUGE NERF, so be careful what you wish for!
3) This is not a guarantee that we will do any of these things (again).

With that being said, what are the top things you think are out of whack from a balance point of view? What are the top bugs you would fix if you could fix anything? Please, only your top 3!


- g

Thrall Wire
08-22-2013, 02:38 PM

1. nerf op one shot mages
2. nerf op one shot birds
3. nerf op dodgwtf dogs

4. nerf game?

tbh i rly think PL need nerf in pvp endgame, and also there shuld be that ctf barrier like in AL

08-22-2013, 02:43 PM
1- I think you should reduce the skill point max to 7(at least) Which will fix dodge-ish

2- Increase health pools so it avoids 1 shot kills

3- Nerf fbows because it ruined 10-49 pvp

08-22-2013, 02:48 PM
I think most of the fixes your asking for are going to come from the pvp side of the game. I don't pvp and my only complaint is the inconsistent cap raises.

08-22-2013, 02:50 PM
I think most of the fixes your asking for are going to come from the pvp side of the game. I don't pvp and my only complaint is the inconsistent cap raises.

Yeah that is content, which is very expensive to build. Looking for Balance and Bugs in this thread, thanks!

08-22-2013, 02:51 PM
1. Fix trading multitap for Ios;
2. Lower stats of forgottens;
3. Make hats fit all the classes;

08-22-2013, 02:51 PM
1. Fox is currently slightly underpowered class, mainly because it's dodge buff is way too short being active only 60% of the time in combat. I would suggest changing it from 3 seconds active buff / 5 seconds cooldown to 10 seconds active buff / 15 seconds cooldown.

2. Bring max skill ranks back to 6, level 9 skills are what makes 65+ pvp unbalanced. Maybe add some passive skills.

3. Nerf all forgotten weapons and all halloween gear significantly so that halloween, forgotten and winterfest gear would be equally competent in low level pvp.

Mage till the end
08-22-2013, 02:53 PM
Nerf forgotten bows
Fix spawning. Door at the edge of ctf spawn room only team a can enter team a's spawn.
Make lvl fights in endgame last longer. No one shot stuff.

08-22-2013, 02:56 PM
This is a list that may be just for me but here they are.
1. Fix sound on android.
2. Fix force crashes upon each attempt to open the game.
3. Buff rhinos and foxes, they don't compete as well with the other classes.

08-22-2013, 02:58 PM
Fix spawning. Door at the edge of ctf spawn room only team a can enter team a's spawn.

That is a system, I know we have it in AL but it is tough to get it back to PL for complex reasons that would take too long to explain here.

Good feedback thus far folks, the more detailed on your three ideas the better!

08-22-2013, 02:59 PM
1. Balance Rhyno, maybe increasing hp pool and regen with full str, now i feel i cant tank as good as a bear and i cant dmg nor even support team.

2. Nerf event weapons (specially fbs) to revive low lvl pvp.

3. I know u Said no new contents, but those like me that dont pvp much need something to do. Maybe a so hard drop vanity or a super-long quest.

OT: Thanks for your time G, this means a lot as we can see you really
care about us. :)

Thrall Wire
08-22-2013, 03:00 PM
Maybe add more skills to ech class, cuz right now at lvl 9, the buffs for each class increase by like insane amount percentage per level from 6.
think about it, evasion can give like 40 dodge at level 6 for example, it increases then at like 5 more per level so 55 dodge.
but now u have taunt which can be stack 2 times and that dodge % also increase with level

08-22-2013, 03:04 PM
I believe it's not correct to revive a closed thread (especially if it's closed by yourself G) but I really love if you could get into this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?102892-Fusionstrike-s-list-of-bugs-that-need-attention) by Fusionstrike any further.

Some of the issues listed there really bug me.

08-22-2013, 03:05 PM
1. How about no dodging debuffs:)

2. Rank 6 skills

3. Lower skill dmg on scythes

This is coming from a 71 pvper tho

08-22-2013, 03:08 PM
I believe it's not correct to revive a closed thread (especially if it's closed by yourself G) but I really love if you could get into this thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?102892-Fusionstrike-s-list-of-bugs-that-need-attention) by Fusionstrike any further.

Some of the issues listed there really bug me.

Pick your top three :)

08-22-2013, 03:13 PM
If your not making new levels any time soon there should be a way for current players to get Elite vanity rings. Even if you need to cap 3 times over it's not "balanced" otherwise ;)

08-22-2013, 03:17 PM
My top three involve , like many of the posts above, the new classes' rebalancing.

1. Foxes' evasion buff lasts 3 seconds. I would rather have it last 10 seconds. I agree with gregorak's recommendation of 10 Sec, with 15 sec cooldown.

2. A couple of the Fox skills are delayed badly. Predominantly the skills "Poison Dart" and "Armor Break". They require to be pushed constantly more than other skills because the skills just wont push through, most of the time.
Im not sure if its a bug or flaw, but please check it out.

3. And third, "poison needles" shoots the way you are facing instead of target. Im not sure if it was designed like this but "Poison dart" hits target regardless where you are facing so i hope its counterpart, "Needles", can be solved.

Thank you :)


Also a foxes' "break armor" should have the ability to break MS shields for pve and pvp purpose. It doesnt now, but that effect would make up for the skill , considering the skill only has a 3m range.

08-22-2013, 03:18 PM
The Rhino could use some balancing as it isn't really good in PvE with lots of the skills being majorly overshadowed by others.
Humania mobs need to be looked into. The place is just terrible for new players at that level range. Even a full custom Mount Fang set gets wiped almost instantly there.
How about fixing the stores in Ursan Weald so that the fire axes, ice, forest, and flame armor is available again. I liked saving up a few thousand as a low level to get a good looking Axe at the store which no one uses now.

08-22-2013, 03:20 PM
GREAT stuff, right level of implementation difficulty (numbers are fairly easy) and details. Keep it coming!

08-22-2013, 03:20 PM
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.

08-22-2013, 03:23 PM
1. Increase the time that the ranger skill evasion is active for

2. Nerf forgotten bows/event items

3. Daily blessing elixir fails to be applied if previous day's elixir is same type and still active

08-22-2013, 03:26 PM
1. Balance pvp (mostly endgame where crit and dodge are near 100 and armor/hp is way too miniscule to keep up with damage)
2. Nerf forgotten weaponry
3. Balance pvp (PLEASE)

08-22-2013, 03:32 PM
I mostly farm and merch so balances dont really affect my playing experience. But there is one thing you guys could do, please show up more in game! Many new player havent seen a dev or dont even know what one is!

08-22-2013, 03:34 PM
Stuff Id like to see
A spawn room in ctf where spawners can't get in.

Some updates so those trollers and tos breakers would stop with the foul language.

And probably balance/nerf a few sets.. anyone with savage (scythe set) makes it more difficult for the opposite team to kill and sometimes, its Impossible to kill people with savage.
So far only these three. Nothing else..
Thanks for reading


08-22-2013, 03:40 PM
1. Nerf Halloween and forgotten weapons. Ideally, I would like the damage on these to be comparable to the old Winterfest & twink items (Monkey's Paw could be equivalent to Toyman, Chunker could be like a longer-range SBL without freeze proc, Forgotten Bow could be similar to plat pack bow with a blinding proc, etc.).

2. More health at higher levels. I feel this is a more effective solution than decreasing damage, since it seems to me that damage increases at a reasonable rate as players level up. Health, however, remains constant for pure INT or DEX characters. Even on STR characters, the health increase is too low. This has led to unbalanced PvP at upper levels, where one- or two-hit kills are very possible. My solution for this would be a set HP boost at each level (For example, bears could gain 10 health every level, birds 7, mages 5, rhinos 5, foxes 7). Additional health could also be given by gear and set bonuses. This might seem like an excessive amount of health (1350 for a naked 76 bear before the boost from STR points), but keep in mind the huge damage numbers that all classes (except rhino) can produce.

3. Decrease the damage and dodge on mobs (post-Nuri's).

08-22-2013, 03:59 PM
I have some ideas. The PvP is where PL currently needs a total overhaul, so my opinions revolve around PvP. I tried to think ways to fix PvP without harming PvE, as PvE still is the moneymaker thanks to elixirs.

1. Current gear needs a serious nerfing. Skill is minor factor in current PvP and lowering damage could be viable in PvE if the armor rating would be significantly increased. Dodge and crit stats are WAAAYYY too high on current gear as well which affects PvP seriously. In a nutshell, lower damage significantly and give way more armor for the lvl 75/76 gear (this way end game set would still be viable compared to lvl 70 if armor was raised significantly while decreasing damage). IMO decreasing damage while adding significantly more armor wouldn't hurt PvE and it would make PvP way more viable again. And I imagine it would be quite easy to just modify existing stuff's stats.

2. Skills. I don't think we should go back to 7 or 6 max skill points, but to just nerf the existing buffs so the buffs wouldn't be so damn immense. I don't remember the exact values how much they raise by a level, but cutting the buffs (ESPECIALLY Dodge and Crit buffs) by half would be viable, in terms of PvP. For PvE I don't think the difference would be significant.

IMO my suggestions are rather good and quite easy to put in action. The damage decrease + armor increase would do good for PvE, as the lowered damage would mean a bit more time to run a map but that would make ppl work again in teams and not in 1 man armies which is the common way to run now.

08-22-2013, 04:10 PM
1) would like to see rhinos and foxes balanced out more if possible as it is near enough impossible for us to even beat anything with savage.

2) chance for players to get elite rings if no new cap

3)the rhino bug where their helms don't for properly and their horn goes through the helm.

Btw I love you have done this thread shows you still care and want to know

08-22-2013, 04:11 PM
Just diplays as regular armour

08-22-2013, 04:11 PM
I have ideas both for PvE and PvP, but I don't have the time to write them right now. I'll get back to this in a little bit.

08-22-2013, 04:12 PM
I have some ideas. The PvP is where PL currently needs a total overhaul, so my opinions revolve around PvP. I tried to think ways to fix PvP without harming PvE, as PvE still is the moneymaker thanks to elixirs.

1. Current gear needs a serious nerfing. Skill is minor factor in current PvP and lowering damage could be viable in PvE if the armor rating would be significantly increased. Dodge and crit stats are WAAAYYY too high on current gear as well which affects PvP seriously. In a nutshell, lower damage significantly and give way more armor for the lvl 75/76 gear (this way end game set would still be viable compared to lvl 70 if armor was raised significantly while decreasing damage). IMO decreasing damage while adding significantly more armor wouldn't hurt PvE and it would make PvP way more viable again. And I imagine it would be quite easy to just modify existing stuff's stats.

2. Skills. I don't think we should go back to 7 or 6 max skill points, but to just nerf the existing buffs so the buffs wouldn't be so damn immense. I don't remember the exact values how much they raise by a level, but cutting the buffs (ESPECIALLY Dodge and Crit buffs) by half would be viable, in terms of PvP. For PvE I don't think the difference would be significant.

IMO my suggestions are rather good and quite easy to put in action. The damage decrease + armor increase would do good for PvE, as the lowered damage would mean a bit more time to run a map but that would make ppl work again in teams and not in 1 man armies which is the common way to run now.

Just so you know, rank 6 would be too low (12x6=72 What would you get for the last 4 levels?)

08-22-2013, 04:16 PM
1-skill points reduced to 7 or 8
2- fix foxes and rhinos. Make them as even as birds, mages and bears
3-fix mages. Compared to birds and bears they die very easily without mana shield. I go on my 71 tiki mage and I see that they are as equal to 75-76 mages with that set..I don't think that's normal, is why I kept my mage at 71

08-22-2013, 04:16 PM
I dont see why STG should implement a possibility of getting elite ring because this is a reward to the players that have been loyal by capping for at least 3 caps

08-22-2013, 04:18 PM
I have some ideas. The PvP is where PL currently needs a total overhaul, so my opinions revolve around PvP. I tried to think ways to fix PvP without harming PvE, as PvE still is the moneymaker thanks to elixirs.

1. Current gear needs a serious nerfing. Skill is minor factor in current PvP and lowering damage could be viable in PvE if the armor rating would be significantly increased. Dodge and crit stats are WAAAYYY too high on current gear as well which affects PvP seriously. In a nutshell, lower damage significantly and give way more armor for the lvl 75/76 gear (this way end game set would still be viable compared to lvl 70 if armor was raised significantly while decreasing damage). IMO decreasing damage while adding significantly more armor wouldn't hurt PvE and it would make PvP way more viable again. And I imagine it would be quite easy to just modify existing stuff's stats.

2. Skills. I don't think we should go back to 7 or 6 max skill points, but to just nerf the existing buffs so the buffs wouldn't be so damn immense. I don't remember the exact values how much they raise by a level, but cutting the buffs (ESPECIALLY Dodge and Crit buffs) by half would be viable, in terms of PvP. For PvE I don't think the difference would be significant.

IMO my suggestions are rather good and quite easy to put in action. The damage decrease + armor increase would do good for PvE, as the lowered damage would mean a bit more time to run a map but that would make ppl work again in teams and not in 1 man armies which is the common way to run now.

I agree with this and would like to add #3

Fox and Rhino are next to worthless end game pvp. I've only played fox so I'll comment on that.

--- Increase Fox evasion buff time.----

For a class that is built on speed the skill delays are terrible. I can hit three skills and die before the first one hits (80 ping).

--- Reduce or remove skill delays.----

08-22-2013, 04:31 PM
1. Nerf immense dodge at endgame and increase the health pools of the classes, and make it balanced.
2. Please boost rhinos and foxes, such as for rhinos, making a 12m attack, increasing dmg, making rhino charge good, etc. Fox having longer evasion, make it a bit like bird, etc. Make them both have fast skills, and more AoE attacks!
3. Remove forgotten bows or nerf them so they do less dmg/remove blinding proc and also nerf Halloween weapons such as less dmg, etc.

(IF POSSIBLE)4. Put gates in CTF spawn room. Im not trying to make it hard for STG, JustG has said its very complex, I understand, so if you guys could make it, it would be great.
5. (SORRY) Fix PVP bug where If you run, and enemy chases you, they get an extra meter, allowing em to attack at 13 range.

08-22-2013, 04:33 PM
oh also fix tht glitch tht gives you the unability to kite...

08-22-2013, 04:39 PM
oh also fix tht glitch tht gives you the unability to kite...
Whats Kite?

08-22-2013, 04:51 PM
1.) PvE balances - Ranger and Palidan - I've been playing these classes a lot looking for exactly why they can't seem to do dungeons as fast or efficiently as the three original classes and I've come to notice that the 2 new classes have BARELY ANY AOE damage making it very hard to fight multiple enemies at once. Please make the combos for these 2 classes have some AOE or an advanced effect (such as 100% chance to break dodge).

2.) Damage Output at Certain Levels - Featuring Endgame Sets and Forgotten Bows - Ok, so this section is very basic. The damage output from forgotten items and endgame sets is WAY to high. Now, there are 3 ways we can fix Endgame sets: 1.) Increase armor and/or health and health regeneration 2.) Lower the damage all together 3.) Lower buff values at high levels; another words, lower the maximum skill point value to 7. Since it's clear that there is no level cap on the horizon, we don't need to worry about running out of skill points.n

Forgotten items need the maximum damage lowered by a ton, and, to make it fair, lower the damage on 2012 halloween items (only if forgotten items get nerfed).

3.) Dodge - For all classes - We can all agree that archers and rangers need dodge to win a fight since they are immensely squishy without it. Bears could also use dodge, but armor and health regen make up for it. The problem is that the archer is way to powerful with it's current endgame dodge and rangers have barely any dodge to begin with. At a lot of levels below level 65, dodge is not a major issue because only some sets have good dodge, but low damage output which balances the item, but that 15 extra dodge at level 66+ actually makes a huge difference. Reducing the maximum skill point value to 7 would fix this issue (because it would be changed to 5 extra dodge). Sadly, Rangers don't get enough dodge even with the 9 points, so increasing the time of the buff to maybe 10 seconds would make them a much more viable option in both PvE and PvP.

08-22-2013, 04:57 PM
Nerf endgame bird dodge,mage drain and savage scythe please n ty

08-22-2013, 05:04 PM
1. Fix the daily blessing bug that removes both of your blessings if the old blessing is the same as the new one
2. Fix the weird crackling noise that happens when you complete a level
3. Fix the ios and android multitap confirm trade problem.

08-22-2013, 05:13 PM
oh also fix tht glitch tht gives you the unability to kite...

Yes This! when we root the fox he just dashed out, it hit but they are still in the root..

08-22-2013, 05:16 PM
1. The max amount of points put into "skills" should be only up to 6 (reduce luck based pvp system)
2. In the 2010-2011 time period... elixirs were able to be purchased for in game money. Instead of it being 1.5... one like x3 should be added for around 10k...
3. Balance the health/dmg/buffs for pvp once again.
Thank you.

08-22-2013, 05:24 PM
My suggestions:

1. Implement a truely elite quest in blacksmoke. My suggestion: 7k elite dragon kills (yea, I do mean 7,000)

2. Double only the stats of health pool and armor on every piece of gear.

3. Make foxes evade last 10 seconds, and make rhinos more balanced overall.

08-22-2013, 05:27 PM
I have some ideas. The PvP is where PL currently needs a total overhaul, so my opinions revolve around PvP. I tried to think ways to fix PvP without harming PvE, as PvE still is the moneymaker thanks to elixirs.

1. Current gear needs a serious nerfing. Skill is minor factor in current PvP and lowering damage could be viable in PvE if the armor rating would be significantly increased. Dodge and crit stats are WAAAYYY too high on current gear as well which affects PvP seriously. In a nutshell, lower damage significantly and give way more armor for the lvl 75/76 gear (this way end game set would still be viable compared to lvl 70 if armor was raised significantly while decreasing damage). IMO decreasing damage while adding significantly more armor wouldn't hurt PvE and it would make PvP way more viable again. And I imagine it would be quite easy to just modify existing stuff's stats.

2. Skills. I don't think we should go back to 7 or 6 max skill points, but to just nerf the existing buffs so the buffs wouldn't be so damn immense. I don't remember the exact values how much they raise by a level, but cutting the buffs (ESPECIALLY Dodge and Crit buffs) by half would be viable, in terms of PvP. For PvE I don't think the difference would be significant.

IMO my suggestions are rather good and quite easy to put in action. The damage decrease + armor increase would do good for PvE, as the lowered damage would mean a bit more time to run a map but that would make ppl work again in teams and not in 1 man armies which is the common way to run now.

Just so you know, rank 6 would be too low (12x6=72 What would you get for the last 4 levels?)
They could always add passives to PL, but I also mean race-specific passives to give them variety.

08-22-2013, 05:28 PM
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.
My number one request is exactly what Octavos just said.

08-22-2013, 05:28 PM
This statement scares me alot:
2) BALANCE CHANGES CAN MEAN A HUGE NERF, so be careful what you wish for!

I would just like to know is it possible to balance pvp without affecting pve to much. Really do not feel like fighting overpowered monsters. Please be careful what you wish for. They nerf very hard when they do. Ruined AL for me after warrior nerf

I agree with this so much. Thanks for this one
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by octavos:1235016
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.

08-22-2013, 05:41 PM
This statement scares me alot:
2) BALANCE CHANGES CAN MEAN A HUGE NERF, so be careful what you wish for!

I would just like to know is it possible to balance pvp without affecting pve to much. Really do not feel like fighting overpowered monsters. Please be careful what you wish for. They nerf very hard when they do. Ruined AL for me after warrior nerf

I agree with this so much. Thanks for this one
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by octavos:1235016
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.


1. Implement a truely elite quest in blacksmoke. My suggestion: 7k elite dragon kills (yea, I do mean 7,000)

agree...if there is no cap in sight...this would b great for the pve spenders...mayb an exta quest for those that dont use elixers...

08-22-2013, 05:50 PM
This statement scares me alot:
2) BALANCE CHANGES CAN MEAN A HUGE NERF, so be careful what you wish for!

I would just like to know is it possible to balance pvp without affecting pve to much. Really do not feel like fighting overpowered monsters. Please be careful what you wish for. They nerf very hard when they do. Ruined AL for me after warrior nerf

I agree with this so much. Thanks for this one
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by octavos:1235016
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.


1. Implement a truely elite quest in blacksmoke. My suggestion: 7k elite dragon kills (yea, I do mean 7,000)

agree...if there is no cap in sight...this would b great for the pve spenders...mayb an exta quest for those that dont use elixers...

7k? Seems a bit excessive even for an Elite quest. I would much rather have a quest somewhat similar to those of AO, where we craft our sets.

Edit: if you also think of it this way, by implementing, say L70+ crafting where anyone who is L70+ can get materials for crafting, but only be able to wear the set at L75 it might push players to level either way. If that is the case that means more players try to reach that level more platinum bought, which won't be only from elite players, but rather a much larger group of players. Besides if there is no sight of a cap in "the horizon" I would rather be doing this.

08-22-2013, 05:53 PM
This statement scares me alot:
2) BALANCE CHANGES CAN MEAN A HUGE NERF, so be careful what you wish for!

I would just like to know is it possible to balance pvp without affecting pve to much. Really do not feel like fighting overpowered monsters. Please be careful what you wish for. They nerf very hard when they do. Ruined AL for me after warrior nerf

I agree with this so much. Thanks for this one
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by octavos:1235016
All I have is one request..and one only..... balance damage done from mobs from nuris onward (sewers were still balanced for a full team and no insta-deaths)....no one or two shot kills in PvE...dont matter if your a mage, rhino, bear, bird or fox. I play legends games for the story..PvP, CTF, and other extras are icing on the cake.

this is what stopped me from playing PL, i have yet to ever touch the game again till I know I can survive in a team....even a noob team with semi-good equipment.


1. Implement a truely elite quest in blacksmoke. My suggestion: 7k elite dragon kills (yea, I do mean 7,000)

agree...if there is no cap in sight...this would b great for the pve spenders...mayb an exta quest for those that dont use elixers...
So instead of grinding countless hours of mobs just to consider yourself done with endgame, the person will have to grind the bosses for a smaller amount while requiring a good team and dedication. Sounds familiar...

Oh yea! That's right. AO3 had a thing called "Cyber Quests" where people completed a series of unique and long quests involving hunting down the major bosses or elusive sub-bosses. Best part is that you get an entire, good-looking set for all of the hard work.

08-22-2013, 06:14 PM
1. Nerf forgotten items damage...they do like 150% damage of the best twinkling gear which is a huge advantage over new pvpers as they may not have enough money to buy forgotten gear...Make them have around the same damage as other good weapons

2. Nerf Halloween items damage as they also have way more damage than dungeon gear..just not as much damage and without the proc of forgottens

3. Decrease crit and dodge % of gear and buffs from l65+.. Birds having 65% dodge and being able to have 450 range damage is plain op..bears having 90% dodge,310 armor, 850 health is op...

Increase the endgame gear armor and decrease the crit/dodge

Meh..4. Often in PVE and pvp I see foxes and rhinos teleporting...or even killing enemies when they are across the map, glitch or lag?

08-22-2013, 06:14 PM
1. Fix Pvp
2. Use spawning Door
3. Fix pvp "Please!"

08-22-2013, 06:39 PM
Wow, I feel honored that my thread made such a huge impact. Thank you for making such a great effort for us Gary, much appreciated.

Here is my list then! :)

1.) PvP Balance - There are a couple KEY thing that could really be fixed up. First off, the skill ranks of 9 absolutely tear this game apart. It's not bad that the skill rank number is so high, but each time you upgrade a skill, the benefits cannot be as massive. This is coming off of a 1-shot skills- my mage is screwed if he's not fully buffed (and I don't even win half the time then!). Dodge is insane as well... the two together really make PvP not fun! Haha, but you see my point. Bears should not be able to pull and stomp to kill, birds should not be able to one-shot someone with blast, and mages should not be able to drain and fire to kill someone. Rhino's and foxes need a bit of an upgrade! The gear on each set in terms of damage and dodge needs to be toned down, too.

I am on mobile and wish I could get to a computer (traveling to a state soccer tourney at the moment). Gary, I would love to send you a full PM of real numbers and statistics that I can help you out with. I've been PvPing since day 1 of PL, and I as well as many other, have a great idea of what balance is. If PvP is fixed and balanced, you've literally just revived a large majority of this community from a year-lasting coma ;)

2.) PvP Glitches - It's extremely easy for bears to pull you from behind a wall, birds to blast you through walls, etc. As a mage, I've always liked playing offense. However, in the past year because of the unbalanced cap, I've been having to hide behind walls. However, I'm not even exactly lucky like this because a bear pulls me right when I think I'm cutting the wall, and the game suddenly freezes up. Next thing I know, I'm dead.

3.) Nerf forgotten bows. I don't do twinking anymore like I did back in the good old days, but ever since Fbows were implemented, the game was just ruined for all my low leveled characters. Heck, I miss my 35 swamp rat mage build that was LEET before Fbows game! And I was happy too, because I made that build up purely on my own that people took on after me.

This discludes the fact that I would still love to see new caps, new gear, more elites quests with better story lines - but 1 step at a time, right? :)

Thank you again, Gary. This is really what your loyal community needs. You da man!

08-22-2013, 06:39 PM
1. Black Ice Wand bug

2. New hard quests with DECENT rewards like cyber. And I'm not talking elite quests for people that spend insane amounts of money on capping, because not everyone does that.

3. Make it to where people can't cap in 5 hours in a low level dungeon. How is that elite? They just spent platinum and grinded with no skill involved...

08-22-2013, 06:57 PM
1. Black Ice Wand bug

To clarify, the Black Ice wand appears as a recoloration of the Shivering talon, rather than the Brain-Freeze wand. Shouldn't be a difficult fix. :)

(I assume that's the bug you're referring to, feel free to correct me)

08-22-2013, 07:09 PM
To elaborate more on my 7k elite red dragon quest, I think that it should be a non- elixer dungeon. The dragon should send out mobs every 1/5 of his life, instead of every quarter. The reward should be EITHER: (yes there will be controversy) a nuri shield, CoP, fang armor, or humania monarch helm. One of these for every 7k times the super elite red dragon is defeated. This would promote teamwork, grinding without elixers, solve the rhino/ fox not having a cap ring problem, and most importantly, give us oldies something to do. Thanks or listening!


08-22-2013, 07:14 PM
To clarify, the Black Ice wand appears as a recoloration of the Shivering talon, rather than the Brain-Freeze wand. Shouldn't be a difficult fix. :)

(I assume that's the bug you're referring to, feel free to correct me)

Yeah, and it's been around forever. At this point one would think it's some kind of easter egg.

08-22-2013, 07:24 PM
I would love to send you a full PM of real numbers and statistics that I can help you out with.

I'll take it! Great list folks... keep it coming!

08-22-2013, 07:31 PM
I'll take it! Great list folks... keep it coming!

I'll get on it as soon as possible!

08-22-2013, 07:32 PM
Wow, I feel honored that my thread made such a huge impact. Thank you for making such a great effort for us Gary, much appreciated.

Here is my list then! :)

1.) PvP Balance - There are a couple KEY thing that could really be fixed up. First off, the skill ranks of 9 absolutely tear this game apart. It's not bad that the skill rank number is so high, but each time you upgrade a skill, the benefits cannot be as massive. This is coming off of a 1-shot skills- my mage is screwed if he's not fully buffed (and I don't even win half the time then!). Dodge is insane as well... the two together really make PvP not fun! Haha, but you see my point. Bears should not be able to pull and stomp to kill, birds should not be able to one-shot someone with blast, and mages should not be able to drain and fire to kill someone. Rhino's and foxes need a bit of an upgrade! The gear on each set in terms of damage and dodge needs to be toned down, too.

I am on mobile and wish I could get to a computer (traveling to a state soccer tourney at the moment). Gary, I would love to send you a full PM of real numbers and statistics that I can help you out with. I've been PvPing since day 1 of PL, and I as well as many other, have a great idea of what balance is. If PvP is fixed and balanced, you've literally just revived a large majority of this community from a year-lasting coma ;)

2.) PvP Glitches - It's extremely easy for bears to pull you from behind a wall, birds to blast you through walls, etc. As a mage, I've always liked playing offense. However, in the past year because of the unbalanced cap, I've been having to hide behind walls. However, I'm not even exactly lucky like this because a bear pulls me right when I think I'm cutting the wall, and the game suddenly freezes up. Next thing I know, I'm dead.

3.) Nerf forgotten bows. I don't do twinking anymore like I did back in the good old days, but ever since Fbows were implemented, the game was just ruined for all my low leveled characters. Heck, I miss my 35 swamp rat mage build that was LEET before Fbows game! And I was happy too, because I made that build up purely on my own that people took on after me.

This discludes the fact that I would still love to see new caps, new gear, more elites quests with better story lines - but 1 step at a time, right? :)

Thank you again, Gary. This is really what your loyal community needs. You da man!

I agree with you ghost, PvP need to balance, glitches need to fix, but can I request one more, I would like to see black dragon armour sets drop again in blacksmoke mountain map, this*will see more people will start farming and means more plats will be spend and give a chance others to have it too.

08-22-2013, 07:34 PM
As I always do, I am going to preface this with a few words of wisdom I have learned in my journey called life. The first part of my post is directed to the community and the last will be for Justg and STS/G. A lot of thought has gone into this post as I was already working on an entire thread dedicated to point #1. If you are not committed to reading the entire post, please stop now and refrain from commenting/criticizing only exerts from within.

To begin...

I will keep this first part short. Ladies and Gentlemen, when responding to requests such as what STS/G is giving us the opportunity to be involved in, I implore you to take time in choosing your words carefully before just posting. When you make your suggestions, please understand there are multiple aspects to this game: PvE and PvP. Farming and leveling. Soloing and cooperative play. I mention this because some of the points made above would allow for a fix in one aspect of the game, however, destroy another. Also, simple statements such as "NERF!!" provide no true suggestion and, if I were thinking like a STS/G, could show why I show little attention/motivation into placing PL issues higher on the "to-do list." When creating your requests, answer the following questions: What? Why? How? Answering these "unasked" questions allow for your post to be more beneficial and more likely seen/taken seriously.

With that said, let me begin on what I would like to be seen.

1. A greater scaffolding of attributes when leveling.

For this point, I will use the bear class as an example as I am more knowledgeable and have them at every 5 levels of the game. The argument of bear inefficiency is not what I am striving for. That discussion is reserved for the Strength Gear Analysis thread tagged in my signature. What I would like to focus on, which would not only apply to bears, but all classes in PL, is the ineffectiveness of adding attribute points to increasing class attributes. Below is a picture of one of my level 5 bears and it's overall attributes with all points placed into strength.

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-38-56.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-38-56.png.html)

And again at level 15 with all attribute points placed into strength:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-39-52.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-39-52.png.html)

Some gain in dodge, crit, and health with the greatest benefit in health. But, keep watching. Here is level 35, same full strength allocation:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-40-38.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-40-38.png.html)

After 100 additional attribute points into strength, there is a minute change in all attributes with the exception of health. Let's move on to level 50:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-42-21.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-42-21.png.html)

It's gotta get better, right? Yeah, endgame will do it:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-44-38.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-44-38.png.html)

See a pattern? With the exception of the health pool, adding strength (this classes "main" attribute) has little difference from low level to high level. As the game progresses in PL, mobs and bosses are stronger and hit much harder. However, the base stats of the character change by almost nothing. This means classes require strictly on gear to provide how strong/effective they are. My question is: Why do we even have attribute points? These points should add something more significant than just effecting one out of the ten attribute categories. Shouldn't all of the categories be effected and at a higher level? I can understand strength effecting the defensive stats (dodge, health, health regen, armor), dexterity effecting the offensive stats (hit, crit, damage), and intelligence being a mix of the two. However, ALL of the categories should be affected with the listed attributes having a greater overall impact. The attributes should determine class effectiveness, not the gear which is equipped. I am not saying gear should not have slight boosts as the levels increase, but they should not be the end-all.

To put this into a greater light, look at the following to pictures:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-48-55.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-48-55.png.html)

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-46-16.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-46-16.png.html)

Both pics initially look the same. The stats are very close. However, unless you know me and the levels of the toons above, given I hide my attribute points, would you know the two pics come from a 50 and a 76? Shouldn't a 76 be MUCH more powerful in all categories wearing the same gear?

This brings me to my next point....

2. The "Skills" Argument.

So, many individuals have stated skills should be dropped back to 6 or 7. I disagree.

At 6 or 7, toons will have all 12 skills maxed at 72 leaving no room for improvement after this level. Also, it can be argued not all skills are beneficial depending on the class. Restore is not a "necessity" to birds and bears. Meditation is not needed for birds. By limiting skill allocation, we limit the ability for uniqueness. Everyone would have the same build and the difference between Taunt at level 6 and level 9 is 6 dodge, not a drastic improvement. (Yes, I know Taunt stacks. Bear with me.) Also, skills need to continue to increase to meet the demands of PvE. Too many of the suggestions above focus on PvP imbalance with ZERO consideration to how PvE will be affected. If mob/boss strength will continue to increase, we need the buffs/debuffs to be able to compete within this realm of the game. Instead of limiting the amount of points which can go into a skill, why don't we take a different approach?

Lower the stats of the skills.

Let's go back to the Taunt example. Taunt from level 1 to 9 looks like this: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Why not decrease this by half to require less focus on dodge. This applies to all skills. With a reduction in buff increase, and an increase in attribute point effectiveness, buffs can stay at a high level, yet not me so overwhelming in certain areas.

(While I am here, I would personally like to see points taken from mana regen and dodge, and placed into hit % for bears.)

3. Decrease in mob stats.

Since Nuri's, we have seen an exponential rise in the amount of armor, dodge, and damage mobs and bosses have. This has led to an equally exponential rise in elixir usage and a decline in "team." I am not saying a nerf similar to the recent changes in Nuri's is needed, however, by lowering how hard mobs/bosses hit, as well as the frequency of their dodge, the "team" concept could begin to be reimplemented and players could enjoy runs without worrying if they have an elixir is equipped before joining a game. As I have said a million other times, the game should be fun, not a chore.

I have a few more suggestions, but these are the three which I feel are most pertinent and fit within the requirements given by Gary.

Thank you for making the community feel like part of the game again.

08-22-2013, 07:39 PM
disagree with black drag sets cus i have one :3

08-22-2013, 07:49 PM
No on black and on cop!

08-22-2013, 07:55 PM
I would love to have a cop but as I said earlier they made this vanity for ppl who capped and it wouldnt be fair for them if sts made it possible to receive them

08-22-2013, 07:57 PM
Fox should lose the ability to dash without a target within 8m, only when carrying a flag btw

Farming needs a better drop rate? Idk, I've been extremely unlucky recently. Farmed nuri's 89 time, counted the plat list spending thingy:3, only 2 steels and a bunny. Farmed Red dragon 76+ times 1 swift bo, THATS IT.

Fbow/Event items should get nerfed to make it less powerfull, therefore reviving old pvp, which actually toke skills to master

I think endgame is balanced and I'll tell you why,

Sewer-custom op
Nuri- strongman op
Mount Fang- Lilith Op
71 cap-?
76 cap- I personally think swift is a bit op considering blast damage can take a team of 3 down. And it kills fast! So I'd say once again, Dex Is op.

It just keeps switching around. Next cap will be something else op who knows!

08-22-2013, 07:57 PM
no on black dragon n cop!!!

@crimjr u dont respond to pms ig from random peeps?
(u wear axe? lolol)

08-22-2013, 07:58 PM
Pls NO to the ppl that want old items to be brought back.

08-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Well , looks like the forgotten items & maybe Halloween items may be nerfed

08-22-2013, 08:05 PM
Wow G!! Thanks so much for listening and making this thread. It really is appreciated. Probably more than u realize.

I will post my 3 improvements needed later. I need to really think about it since I only can pick 3 >.<

08-22-2013, 08:08 PM
Fox should lose the ability to dash without a target within 8m, only when carrying a flag btw

Farming needs a better drop rate? Idk, I've been extremely unlucky recently. Farmed nuri's 89 time, counted the plat list spending thingy:3, only 2 steels and a bunny. Farmed Red dragon 76+ times 1 swift bo, THATS IT.

Fbow/Event items should get nerfed to make it less powerfull, therefore reviving old pvp, which actually toke skills to master

I think endgame is balanced and I'll tell you why,

Sewer-custom op
Nuri- strongman op
Mount Fang- Lilith Op
71 cap-?
76 cap- I personally think swift is a bit op considering blast damage can take a team of 3 down. And it kills fast! So I'd say once again, Dex Is op.

It just keeps switching around. Next cap will be something else op who knows!

Yeah, but they weren't nearly as unbalanced as they are now. Although I shouldn't really be saying this, since I don't end game anymore, but at the other caps, all the other classes had a chance. I was a mage at fang, and there were bears and birds that I just could not beat, because of their skill knowledge.

However, this cap sounds like birds beat everything, which is totally wrong.

Again, I wouldn't know since I don't play end game anymore.

08-22-2013, 08:15 PM
1. Possibility of armor buff on first three seconds of spawn in PvP and CTF to prevent spawn killing.
2. No repurchase options for faces. (If you bought it once, you should have the ability to always switch to it. In turn, people, like myself, would by all the faces so I could change it with my different daily outfits without spending another 5-10 platinum or worrying about losing my Humania face.)
3. Gratitude set bonus or effect (sparkles for frozen crown and shield of gratitude).

That's all folks.

08-22-2013, 08:22 PM
1. Possibility of armor buff on first three seconds of spawn in PvP and CTF to prevent spawn killing.
2. No repurchase options for faces. (If you bought it once, you should have the ability to always switch to it. In turn, people, like myself, would by all the faces so I could change it with my different daily outfits without spending another 5-10 platinum or worrying about losing my Humania face.)
3. Gratitude set bonus or effect (sparkles for frozen crown and shield of gratitude).

That's all folks.

I like these ideas o.o

08-22-2013, 08:23 PM
no on black dragon n cop!!!

@crimjr u dont respond to pms ig from random peeps?
(u wear axe? lolol)

Sorry! Look back on the last page and you will see why I was afk'ing. I was on a mission. As long as JustG reads it, mission accomplished. :)

08-22-2013, 08:28 PM
Sorry! Look back on the last page and you will see why I was afk'ing. I was on a mission. As long as JustG reads it, mission accomplished. :)

I'm reading!

08-22-2013, 08:33 PM
Gary I'm wondering I heard people say cap is not on horizon.How long is that I'm just curious?3-4 months or 5-7+ months.Also the best thing to do is Remove that elixir bug I lost my 3x a couple times now.

08-22-2013, 08:37 PM
1. Possibility of armor buff on first three seconds of spawn in PvP and CTF to prevent spawn killing.
2. No repurchase options for faces. (If you bought it once, you should have the ability to always switch to it. In turn, people, like myself, would by all the faces so I could change it with my different daily outfits without spending another 5-10 platinum or worrying about losing my Humania face.)
3. Gratitude set bonus or effect (sparkles for frozen crown and shield of gratitude).

That's all folks.

Yeah! I want my human face back that i spent 15 plat for >:(

08-22-2013, 08:47 PM
Since their will not be any update for very long time

1. Provide a way for new characters to achieve bonus vanities to be up to par with other toons. So that my fox/rhino and whoever else can achieve it.

2. Fix the over-powered dodge and crits.

3. Make a money making map where you dont have to depend on luck from rolls but instead can grind gold from creeps.( plasma pyramids used to be one but now gold isnt sufficient enough.)

08-22-2013, 08:49 PM
As I always do, I am going to preface this with a few words of wisdom I have learned in my journey called life. The first part of my post is directed to the community and the last will be for Justg and STS/G. A lot of thought has gone into this post as I was already working on an entire thread dedicated to point #1. If you are not committed to reading the entire post, please stop now and refrain from commenting/criticizing only exerts from within.

To begin...

I will keep this first part short. Ladies and Gentlemen, when responding to requests such as what STS/G is giving us the opportunity to be involved in, I implore you to take time in choosing your words carefully before just posting. When you make your suggestions, please understand there are multiple aspects to this game: PvE and PvP. Farming and leveling. Soloing and cooperative play. I mention this because some of the points made above would allow for a fix in one aspect of the game, however, destroy another. Also, simple statements such as "NERF!!" provide no true suggestion and, if I were thinking like a STS/G, could show why I show little attention/motivation into placing PL issues higher on the "to-do list." When creating your requests, answer the following questions: What? Why? How? Answering these "unasked" questions allow for your post to be more beneficial and more likely seen/taken seriously.

With that said, let me begin on what I would like to be seen.

1. A greater scaffolding of attributes when leveling.

For this point, I will use the bear class as an example as I am more knowledgeable and have them at every 5 levels of the game. The argument of bear inefficiency is not what I am striving for. That discussion is reserved for the Strength Gear Analysis thread tagged in my signature. What I would like to focus on, which would not only apply to bears, but all classes in PL, is the ineffectiveness of adding attribute points to increasing class attributes. Below is a picture of one of my level 5 bears and it's overall attributes with all points placed into strength.

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-38-56.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-38-56.png.html)

And again at level 15 with all attribute points placed into strength:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-39-52.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-39-52.png.html)

Some gain in dodge, crit, and health with the greatest benefit in health. But, keep watching. Here is level 35, same full strength allocation:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-40-38.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-40-38.png.html)

After 100 additional attribute points into strength, there is a minute change in all attributes with the exception of health. Let's move on to level 50:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-42-21.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-42-21.png.html)

It's gotta get better, right? Yeah, endgame will do it:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-44-38.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-44-38.png.html)

See a pattern? With the exception of the health pool, adding strength (this classes "main" attribute) has little difference from low level to high level. As the game progresses in PL, mobs and bosses are stronger and hit much harder. However, the base stats of the character change by almost nothing. This means classes require strictly on gear to provide how strong/effective they are. My question is: Why do we even have attribute points? These points should add something more significant than just effecting one out of the ten attribute categories. Shouldn't all of the categories be effected and at a higher level? I can understand strength effecting the defensive stats (dodge, health, health regen, armor), dexterity effecting the offensive stats (hit, crit, damage), and intelligence being a mix of the two. However, ALL of the categories should be affected with the listed attributes having a greater overall impact. The attributes should determine class effectiveness, not the gear which is equipped. I am not saying gear should not have slight boosts as the levels increase, but they should not be the end-all.

To put this into a greater light, look at the following to pictures:

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-48-55.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-48-55.png.html)

http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x332/bryanreese77/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-46-16.png (http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/bryanreese77/media/Screenshot_2013-08-22-19-46-16.png.html)

Both pics initially look the same. The stats are very close. However, unless you know me and the levels of the toons above, given I hide my attribute points, would you know the two pics come from a 50 and a 76? Shouldn't a 76 be MUCH more powerful in all categories wearing the same gear?

This brings me to my next point....

2. The "Skills" Argument.

So, many individuals have stated skills should be dropped back to 6 or 7. I disagree.

At 6 or 7, toons will have all 12 skills maxed at 72 leaving no room for improvement after this level. Also, it can be argued not all skills are beneficial depending on the class. Restore is not a "necessity" to birds and bears. Meditation is not needed for birds. By limiting skill allocation, we limit the ability for uniqueness. Everyone would have the same build and the difference between Taunt at level 6 and level 9 is 6 dodge, not a drastic improvement. (Yes, I know Taunt stacks. Bear with me.) Also, skills need to continue to increase to meet the demands of PvE. Too many of the suggestions above focus on PvP imbalance with ZERO consideration to how PvE will be affected. If mob/boss strength will continue to increase, we need the buffs/debuffs to be able to compete within this realm of the game. Instead of limiting the amount of points which can go into a skill, why don't we take a different approach?

Lower the stats of the skills.

Let's go back to the Taunt example. Taunt from level 1 to 9 looks like this: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Why not decrease this by half to require less focus on dodge. This applies to all skills. With a reduction in buff increase, and an increase in attribute point effectiveness, buffs can stay at a high level, yet not me so overwhelming in certain areas.

(While I am here, I would personally like to see points taken from mana regen and dodge, and placed into hit % for bears.)

3. Decrease in mob stats.

Since Nuri's, we have seen an exponential rise in the amount of armor, dodge, and damage mobs and bosses have. This has led to an equally exponential rise in elixir usage and a decline in "team." I am not saying a nerf similar to the recent changes in Nuri's is needed, however, by lowering how hard mobs/bosses hit, as well as the frequency of their dodge, the "team" concept could begin to be reimplemented and players could enjoy runs without worrying if they have an elixir is equipped before joining a game. As I have said a million other times, the game should be fun, not a chore.

I have a few more suggestions, but these are the three which I feel are most pertinent and fit within the requirements given by Gary.

Thank you for making the community feel like part of the game again.

THIS is it, Crim. Thank you. I really want to add on when I have the opportunity to do so, I have a ton on my mind :D

08-22-2013, 08:53 PM
@crim, I've always been impressed by you now it's a new level of respect.
Wow on that post!

08-22-2013, 09:09 PM
Nice post Crim. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

On your final point about rebalancing mobs from Nuris on, that is a huge piece of work. Pocket Legends is the first of four Legends games. The team learned a lot from it and the others. That is why Arcane is the game it is. To go back an rejigger Pocket to that extent, we might as well just load Arcane with PL art :D (if only).

Thanks again for the well thought out posts. I just wanted to chime in an help steer the conversation back to bugs and the like.

08-22-2013, 09:49 PM
Thank you so much for this!
I suggest as follows,

1) Balance, and maybe nerf end game pvp, so it's not one shot and dodges. I liked the 66 cap stats, it took skill to win, not luck. Here my mage dies before a skill lands and isn't dodged, of course when it does land it is usually a one shot.

2) Nerf the fbows, so they aren't the only pvp weapon, I personally used to farm 15, 20, and 30 pvp weapons, but now they aren't worth anything because FBOW is the only thing used, plus they aren't even farmable anymore. On another note it also took the skill from pvp, as fights are quick and who dodges/autos first.

3) My last one is to nerf the end game mobs, even with a thrasher I find it hard/ nearly impossible to solo. I understand soloing should be difficult, but the mobs dodge and have so much armor, that even when my hits land it's hard to kill. With 3X armor, and 3X damage, it is significantly like having a team of three with you, besides the fact that only one person is producing skills. I feel like a team of three should be able to do a map.

I really appreciate this opportunity for the community G, It means a lot to know you are listening to the communities suggestions.

Best to you,

**EDIT: I think balancing pvp to make it not one shots and dodges will also help with spawning. It makes it a better chance of surviving un-buffed.

08-22-2013, 09:50 PM
-dodge(an increasingly primary factor of the outcome any fight starting at level 50) specifically I think once you get 40 dodge, that's plenty. Make up for it with larger health pools
-damage(no kill should take less than 3 skills) either major cutbacks or huge boosts of armour and health pools
-debuffs(60% hit loss is pretty drastic and when it all comes down to who dodges it that makes it even more ridiculous) just cut them or add more debuffs with them, why is there no critical chance debuff, m/s debuffs, or range debuffs.

08-22-2013, 09:55 PM
Fox should lose the ability to dash without a target within 8m, only when carrying a flag btw

Farming needs a better drop rate? Idk, I've been extremely unlucky recently. Farmed nuri's 89 time, counted the plat list spending thingy:3, only 2 steels and a bunny. Farmed Red dragon 76+ times 1 swift bo, THATS IT.

Fbow/Event items should get nerfed to make it less powerfull, therefore reviving old pvp, which actually toke skills to master

I think endgame is balanced and I'll tell you why,

Sewer-custom op
Nuri- strongman op
Mount Fang- Lilith Op
71 cap-?
76 cap- I personally think swift is a bit op considering blast damage can take a team of 3 down. And it kills fast! So I'd say once again, Dex Is op.

It just keeps switching around. Next cap will be something else op who knows!

Lilith may have been OP in 66 cap days, but it is nothing compared to the OP of this cap. I was a mage, and I know plenty of birds and bears that could beat mage. I think I only ever beat Zeus (Apollo) once, and Rushorgtfo would kill groups of mages faster a rabbit running from a fox.

08-22-2013, 10:08 PM
Crim's post was phenomenal,

I suppose I will weigh in too,

1) I know that nerfing the mobs after Nuri's is a big undertaking but it is something that bugs me a ton. As Crim pointed out and I have seen for myself, you can pretty much elixer up and eventually clear a map in decent time (Fang-Blacksmoke) and I miss the entire "team" aspect and using the classes strategically to get the most out of farming. I am totally with crim on this but it will go hand in hand with the cut back on the skill effects.

2) I know you will see this word a thousand times in this thread but it is something that I have wanted to see change ( and almost everybody here) since the day they came. Forgotten bows are just way to out of the games concept. They ruined everything (content/drop wise) that you guys came up with from level 10-45. Not only forgotten but the recent halloween items as well. How far should they be nerfed? I think they should be slightly better then the bows available at the corresponding levels. Paws should be reduced to the wands at corresponding levels (maybe increase in Mana and health regen, and hit % over that levels wands available. Same goes for the rest of the halloween.

Not only will this bring back twinking, it will also diversify those who actually take the time to perfect the origional gear, and those that were there for the quick kills with fbows. Please, please, please take this into consideration.

3) As stated above in a few places, I think its time for an elite quest, just something to tie us over till you get the time/money/resources to create a new expansion. I think that alone would at least quench the PL players hunger for new content. Also if you make it a level 76 only quest it will push players to cap and give them a goal to reach for.

just my Two plat,

Thanks for listening G

08-22-2013, 10:15 PM
1) Rhino buffs. The buffs of a rhino are just terrible to me, I know its not a killing class yet who joins pvp knowing they're going to be terrible, and saying "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy that everyone is stealing all my kills" Rhino at the moment is pretty much there to help the other guys get more kills.

2) Fox Evasion Buff. I hear other people saying 10 sec with 15 sec cd, yet I'd be happy with a 7 sec buff and 10 sec cd. It'd give more time to finish the actual combo.

3) 2012 Hween and Fbows. These definitely need to be nerfed, and we need the old awesome low levels back. 13, 15, 22, 26, and 35 were the best levels ever, and then once fbow came I left low level. I'd love to return, yet all the fbows make it hard to be any fun. If you could consider doing this, you could also consider having a free respec weekend like in AL, so people could adapt back to pre-forg, without having to buy plat.

Hopefully some of these ideas are taken into consideration, I've seen some great ones so far!

08-22-2013, 10:20 PM
Don't know if this is the right thread to bitch and gripe in, but why does the Lvl 76 bow have wayyyyy better stats than the Lvl 76 bear and Mage weapons?

08-22-2013, 10:22 PM
1) Issue of daily blessing elix will vanished if left yesterday's same elix, and remove all kind of 1.25x elix at daily bless,
any single kind elix to all 3x.
2) Fox's "Rabid Bite" not shown its effect if 2 or more skill points added it.
3) Fox's "Evasion" skill effect is too short only 3 secs. need 5 secs or more longer.

08-22-2013, 10:45 PM
1)Daily blessings disappear if you get the same blessing again.
2)Add another quest for the elite(this makes people occupied in game and brings back many players.As long as it takes Long its pretty good.For example the quest for the blacksmoke preview that took super long :P.I think that could keep people occupied for a while.)
3)The last thing is the easiest :D.Make devs come ig again,it makes very memorable moments for a lot of us.This was what happened in the old days in this game .It could happen again if you guys spent 10 min every week just logging on once :D.


08-22-2013, 11:10 PM
I still like the balance of normal mobs in fang. I had so many good times running Crypt without elixirs.

08-23-2013, 01:00 AM
I agree with implementing a quest like cyber. Something along those lines would make me very happy. I understand it may be considered new content, but I'm not a PVPer so focusing along those lines only would be kind of meh.

Thank you for taking this time to allow us to share our thoughts.

08-23-2013, 02:30 AM
Id just like to say thanks for this thread G, i know its giving me some hope for pl and its good to know you guys are still listening to the feed back of us players. After a long silence of no new things for pl except your occasional post to this bring a nice warm feeling. Even if they domt get implemented at least you guys are listening.
1. Overall game balance for rhinos and foxes and game balance in pvp
2. The pvp lvl glitch. Where you can be any lvl and eventually you will find yourself fighting people 10+ lvls higher then you if you keep doing replay
3. Id say a new cyber type quests for 76s. Even though im not capped i belive the ones who are deserve something new to do

08-23-2013, 03:01 AM
3. Make it to where people can't cap in 5 hours in a low level dungeon. How is that elite? They just spent platinum and grinded with no skill involved...

I agree with what Moth says, but if this is going to be done the end game PVE mobs must be scaled down. I dislike spending ages in a party with players who do not have the 'Top gear' and struggle with them.. (Even when I do not have top gear). That is one really big issue that puts me off playing this game.

08-23-2013, 03:44 AM
1. Balance PvP & Fix PvP glitches (especially in ctf) as William (xghostzx) already said.

2. Add batch sale option for inventory items. I think this been suggested like 1000 times already. That option will really help to many farmers and people who leveling up, so yeah heres example:


3. Do something about spawning please!

08-23-2013, 05:06 AM
1. Launch out new skills and lower skill cap from 9 to 6. This should satisfy a lot of players.. Though it is a big work...

2. Forgottens should really be forgotten.

3. Cyber quests... Ohhh those feels when you accomplish them and get kewl gears.. Just.. Amazing..

08-23-2013, 05:07 AM
Flacs, I really like your second idea about batching selling of items. Great idea! :)

08-23-2013, 05:45 AM
Flacs, cool suggestion. However, if that were to be added I feel like the other idea that has also been mentioned millions of times should be added alongside it, that being locking items. I would kill myself if I sold my starry leather and didn't realize it.

08-23-2013, 06:05 AM
Yes, yes yes, if pvp is gonna get fixed I'm coming back i will love Gary Sam and ever sts employee dev mod that works at sts. Even the Janitor ! (If they even have a janitor?) xD

08-23-2013, 06:05 AM
Flacs, cool suggestion. However, if that were to be added I feel like the other idea that has also been mentioned millions of times should be added alongside it, that being locking items. I would kill myself if I sold my starry leather and didn't realize it.

Ah that would be useful. I remembered liquidating a discontinued item and didn't notice it..

08-23-2013, 07:42 AM
1. nerf forgottenbows.
2. nerf mage freeze duration.
3. nerf or change endgame, istakill on all classes and dodge.

08-23-2013, 08:35 AM
Only one thing, i.e. pvp balance, I'll try to put few points that could really balance pvp specially endgame pvp, considering it won't take much time to implement in game or it would cause big changes as techno replied in my earlier thread that, devs are not gonna change bigger nobs of the game.

(Endgame pvp focused)
1> The base points required to equip gears should be increased, atleast by 35-45%. also i found inconsistancy in this behaviour, i.e

L55 pink gears need ~ 120 base points similary
L61 .................... ~ 138 ..
L66 ...... ~ 148 ..
L71 ..... ~ 145 ...

This cap base point requirement is less nerly 382 points to spend and 157 need to equip any pink gear, anyway peoples need to put less point to equip non class specific gears and having few advantage that they must not have for example a full str gear (and rest dex point maxed) with hit% > 100, consequece is obviously toward unbalanced peoples need less knowledge in mechanics and learning to spam their skills. the points must be distributed in a way that for example someone equip str gear his hit% <100 something near 90% so that a tanker can tank decently not kill as fast as non tanker.

2> Instead of increasing health points which not been tradition of pl , armor should be increased significantly to factor in extra damge that causing 1-2 hit killing maybe by 30-40% at the same time the other defense mechanism i.e dodge should be nerfed and dodge should be nerfed in a way that if any class was privilegded with more dodge his armor should be increased more.

3> Here is another unjustified thing that caused significant change in player's gear choosing, advantage of one handed weapons over 2 handed, we can see that the armor value of 2 h and 1 h weapons is same as a a result we can see rare amount of 2h classes in pvp except the class which is made to use 2h weapons in general. the difference of armor value of this two type weapons should be decent so that we can see more 2h weapon classes in pvp arena.

n.b. : birds are not op atall its just 2-3 hit kills along with dodge, i.e op. so this is a prophecy that making other changes specially armor/ hp increase with birds dmg nerfing would be disaster for bird.

Last but not least we need xbow specially since no cap increase on horizon in end game which would make set with swift. alone this thing would differenciate newbs with veteran players.

08-23-2013, 08:56 AM
2.) PvP Glitches - It's extremely easy for bears to pull you from behind a wall, birds to blast you through walls,
sorry but your (mages) fire also do the same thing, though in hiding favors bears > mages > birds

and. tank > non tank

08-23-2013, 08:59 AM
Funny Thing, we both have the same idea of Suggestion XD almost exact

08-23-2013, 09:28 AM
My one and only suggestion (for chrome) is to add some settings to change your keyboard controls, I probably died 100 times because I'm not fast enough to click on the potions, and the ? / ` button is too ''far'' away to actually get on it while running with WASD.

A lot of games have a controls option available, so why not the _L as well.

The other things I would to like see are already requested.

08-23-2013, 09:29 AM
Only one thing, i.e. pvp balance, I'll try to put few points that could really balance pvp specially endgame pvp, considering it won't take much time to implement in game or it would cause big changes as techno replied in my earlier thread that, devs are not gonna change bigger nobs of the game.

(Endgame pvp focused)
1> The base points required to equip gears should be increased, atleast by 35-45%. also i found inconsistancy in this behaviour, i.e

L55 pink gears need ~ 120 base points similary
L61 .................... ~ 138 ..
L66 ...... ~ 148 ..
L71 ..... ~ 145 ...

This cap base point requirement is less nerly 382 points to spend and 157 need to equip any pink gear, anyway peoples need to put less point to equip non class specific gears and having few advantage that they must not have for example a full str gear (and rest dex point maxed) with hit% > 100, consequece is obviously toward unbalanced peoples need less knowledge in mechanics and learning to spam their skills. the points must be distributed in a way that for example someone equip str gear his hit% <100 something near 90% so that a tanker can tank decently not kill as fast as non tanker.

2> Instead of increasing health points which not been tradition of pl , armor should be increased significantly to factor in extra damge that causing 1-2 hit killing maybe by 30-40% at the same time the other defense mechanism i.e dodge should be nerfed and dodge should be nerfed in a way that if any class was privilegded with more dodge his armor should be increased more.

3> Here is another unjustified thing that caused significant change in player's gear choosing, advantage of one handed weapons over 2 handed, we can see that the armor value of 2 h and 1 h weapons is same as a a result we can see rare amount of 2h classes in pvp except the class which is made to use 2h weapons in general. the difference of armor value of this two type weapons should be decent so that we can see more 2h weapon classes in pvp arena.

n.b. : birds are not op atall its just 2-3 hit kills along with dodge, i.e op. so this is a prophecy that making other changes specially armor/ hp increase with birds dmg nerfing would be disaster for bird.

Last but not least we need xbow specially since no cap increase on horizon in end game which would make set with swift. alone this thing would differenciate newbs with veteran players.

So you want to remove warbirds, paladins , bowbears all from the game..? Don't do that plox

08-23-2013, 09:30 AM
My one and only suggestion (for chrome) is to add some settings to change your keyboard controls, I probably died 100 times because I'm not fast enough to click on the potions, and the ? / ` button is too ''far'' away to actually get on it while running with WASD.

A lot of games have a controls option available, so why not the _L as well.

The other things I would to like see are already requested.

Any idea on how to remove bot problems?

08-23-2013, 09:37 AM
1. Increase the health pool so it's equal the damage that can be done (Would be better if fights last a bit longer)
2. Implement more defensive skills that is useful in PVP (Makes the fights more strategical)
3. Add more Loadout spots

(4). Show the weapon procs in Item Description

Regarding to all "nerf fb-posts"; The problem isn't the damage forgotten bow can deal, the problem is that the health pool is too low and a lack of defensive skills which can be used to prevent one shots.

08-23-2013, 10:18 AM
Any idea on how to remove bot problems?


I don't like keyboard re-mapper if you mean this, I don't even know if it's legal to re-map the keys via 3rd party programs.

08-23-2013, 12:05 PM
Nerf forgotten bows.

Nerf forgotten bows.

Nerf forgotten bows.

08-23-2013, 12:09 PM
You asked for simple things that could be fixed to improve gameplay. Here are the top three I think should be fixed.

1. Daily blessing elixir fails to be applied if previous day's elixir is same type and still active

Start with character with a particular daily blessing active (e.g. 1.5x combo)
Collect new day's blessing as same elixir (e.g. 1.5x combo again) while old one still active
Notice on elixir buff page that time left is still the old one's remaining time (e.g. only a few minutes left)
Notice that there's no sign of new elixir
Notice that player has no elixir at all once old one finishes running out

2. Ranger poison needles always shoots where character is facing, not at target

Equip ranger with bow or any other ranged weapon
Use ranger to run near a mob capable of freezing player (e.g. yeti)
Run away with mob chasing until mob freezes player facing away from it
Attack with auto-attack and notice that ranged weapon still attacks mob even when facing wrong way
Use poison needles skill and notice it shoots uselessly off where player is facing doing no damage to mob

3. Chrome space bar clicks on items in environment (like signs) rather than just acting like attack button

Log in using Chrome
Go to a zone with clickable items (e.g. Humania South Pointe map that has signs to property manager)
Move near a clickable item (like sign) and press space bar
Notice that it pops up the dialog box for item as if player had clicked item with mouse
Observe how this really hampers combat when you're just trying to attack and a popup appears blocking the whole screen

I have 7 more easy fixes around deal of the day, guild titles, etc. that I think are just the kind of thing you're looking to address. I'll post and/or send PM if desired.

08-23-2013, 12:19 PM
Any idea on how to remove bot problems?

Remove chrome. That wouldn't do well for business.

08-23-2013, 12:24 PM
The Esb's in pve.

08-23-2013, 12:32 PM
1. Fix pvp like the majority of people have said especially for endgame with the l9 skills
2. Fix pvp please!
3. Fix pvp please!!!!!!!!!

08-23-2013, 12:48 PM
1. Fix pvp like the majority of people have said especially for endgame with the l9 skills
2. Fix pvp please!
3. Fix pvp please!!!!!!!!!

That is a pretty broad request. Do you have three detailed ones?

08-23-2013, 12:51 PM
1. Fix trading multitap for Ios;

Could anyone elaborate on this?

08-23-2013, 12:56 PM
Could anyone elaborate on this?

When you go to trade on an ios device, there is a button you push to "Confirm trade", that then takes you to the next trading screen. It takes multiple times clicking that trade button before it actually works. You have to click it 4+ times sometimes!

EDIT: Here is a screen shot, in case my description was unclear or confusing!http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/08/24/uba4u3eg.jpg
The confirm trade button under Your Offer box :)

08-23-2013, 12:57 PM
When you go to trade on an ios device, there is a button you push to "Confirm trade", that then takes you to the next trading screen. It takes multiple times clicking that trade button before it actually works. You have to click it 4+ times sometimes!

Agree on that one. Pretty annoying thing.

08-23-2013, 12:59 PM
This is a list that may be just for me but here they are.
1. Fix sound on android.
2. Fix force crashes upon each attempt to open the game.

Can you elaborate on #1?
Does this happen for anyone else on #2?

08-23-2013, 01:03 PM
Can you elaborate on #1?
Does this happen for anyone else on #2?

#2 only happens on my ios device when I have a music app such as pandora open in the background, otherwise it's usually good!

08-23-2013, 01:15 PM
1. Repeated text on the achievements. Or is this meant to be like this?


2. Trading Multitap on iOS (Does it happen on android?).

I can only think of two right now.

08-23-2013, 01:16 PM
Can you elaborate on #1?
Does this happen for anyone else on #2?

The sounds on android devices aren't clear and you do not hear it as well. Example: At the end of a ctf match the party emote goes off and on an android device it sounds like a.... a... not sure how to explain that sound

08-23-2013, 01:21 PM
1) Give int a chance! Fiery set is way too weak compared to savage or swift/phoenix bow set. Int mages' health pool is too low and they got less armor (and dodge) than tiki set.

2) Pvp balance :
- bears' stuns and stun chances % are op. With a full combo it lasts 7-8 secs. Bear has 5 stun skills (beckon, stomp, hellscream, sms, crippling crush). sms with 5 skill points has a 90% stun chance. Hellscream stuns always 3 secs (except when being dodged) even if it's not mentioned in the skill description.
Bear stuns 7-8 secs
Mage freezes 6 secs
Bird roots 3 secs
- a mage if she survives the combo can use her heal skill, but a bird cannot free itself neither with heal nor with avian scream. If there are 2 bears in the game a bird is stunned much too long. Same goes for frost bite or ice storm: bird cannot escape.
- mage's revive skill does not always work as it should, either it does not appear or it misses easily. It should be more reliable.
- glitches like shooting or beckoning through walls, even through two walls should be looked at.

3) A new quest with a new farmable dragon set or other vanity would be nice.

08-23-2013, 01:21 PM
When you go to trade on an ios device, there is a button you push to "Confirm trade", that then takes you to the next trading screen. It takes multiple times clicking that trade button before it actually works. You have to click it 4+ times sometimes!

Happens for me on Chrome too.

1. Repeated text on this chat menu.

Pretty sure that one was intentional. :p

08-23-2013, 01:22 PM
1) Nerf Spawning: One shot kills wont be nearly as annoying if they don't one shot you when you spawn
2) Balance Classes: Rhinos need 12m charge and 8m stun, a good kiter can leave them helpless. Foxes need at least 9-12 seconds of evasion, increase the cooldown to 15-20 seconds.
3) Balance gear: Gears should have a health pool bonus to reduce one shot kills. Some dodge should be substituted for high amounts of armor so luck will have a smaller but still significant factor in fights.

(4) Stop making new games, one incredible game is better than several mediocre ones. Lets just leave it at 5 games :p

Side note: Nerfing forgotten bows isnt really a great idea IMO. I know players who have spent 50%+ of their fortune in buying these discontinued weapons. You can either adapt to this playstyle or move to a level more suitable for you. It sorta balanced low levels so bears aren't the dominant class. In the 22's-45's birds actually can beat mages unlike most iceberg warbirds. And to top it off, bears with a reaper or plat pack can easily beat forgotten mages.

08-23-2013, 01:28 PM
1. Repeated text on the achievements. Or is this meant to be like this?



08-23-2013, 01:49 PM
You asked for simple things that could be fixed to improve gameplay. Here are the top three I think should be fixed.

1. Daily blessing elixir fails to be applied if previous day's elixir is same type and still active

Start with character with a particular daily blessing active (e.g. 1.5x combo)
Collect new day's blessing as same elixir (e.g. 1.5x combo again) while old one still active
Notice on elixir buff page that time left is still the old one's remaining time (e.g. only a few minutes left)
Notice that there's no sign of new elixir
Notice that player has no elixir at all once old one finishes running out

I've heard two different things in this thread:

1) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have it cancels the one you currently have.
2) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have the new one will not apply after the first one runs out.

Can you guys confirm what the case actually is?


08-23-2013, 01:53 PM
I've heard two different things in this thread:

1) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have it cancels the one you currently have.
2) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have the new one will not apply after the first one runs out.

Can you guys confirm what the case actually is?


I'm certain that what happens is the current one expires and drags the other one with it, no matter how much time is remaining

08-23-2013, 01:58 PM

Oh that's how it got its name. Thanks for clarifying this!

08-23-2013, 01:59 PM
I've heard two different things in this thread:

1) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have it cancels the one you currently have.
2) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have the new one will not apply after the first one runs out.

Can you guys confirm what the case actually is?

Before I started to remove the old blessing before I get the new one, it happened to me that my old 3x combo plus the new 3x combo both appeared on the elixir buff page. When my old blessing ran out both combos disappeared at the same time, even if it had said for the new combo time remaining 23 hours... So to answer your question, it's case 2 !

08-23-2013, 02:02 PM
Before I started to remove the old blessing before I get the new one, it happened to me that my old 3x combo plus the new 3x combo both appeared on the elixir buff page. When my old blessing ran out both combos disappeared at the same time, even if it had said for the new combo time remaining 23 hours... So to answer your question, it's case 2 !

u r right

08-23-2013, 02:13 PM

1) reduce fb's dmg or speed/auto well anything about that thing need to be reduce.. getting rid would never will happen.
it really does ruins 73% of the level (pvp)

2) every time i get a phone call and when i open the game the sounds of this game goes off? like nothing i can hear D-: i have to re download the app or restart my phone when this happens, which take years!

3) more strict on banning, longer time etc.


08-23-2013, 02:21 PM
Can you elaborate on #1?
Does this happen for anyone else on #2?

The sounds on android devices aren't clear and you do not hear it as well. Example: At the end of a ctf match the party emote goes off and on an android device it sounds like a.... a... not sure how to explain that sound

It happens on chrome for me. Especially often after a Sewer map when the ''extra sound'' comes out (like after killing Gold Fever).

Thrall Wire
08-23-2013, 02:44 PM
1) Nerf Spawning: One shot kills wont be nearly as annoying if they don't one shot you when you spawn
2) Balance Classes: Rhinos need 12m charge and 8m stun, a good kiter can leave them helpless. Foxes need at least 9-12 seconds of evasion, increase the cooldown to 15-20 seconds.
3) Balance gear: Gears should have a health pool bonus to reduce one shot kills. Some dodge should be substituted for high amounts of armor so luck will have a smaller but still significant factor in fights.

(4) Stop making new games, one incredible game is better than several mediocre ones. Lets just leave it at 5 games :p

Side note: Nerfing forgotten bows isnt really a great idea IMO. I know players who have spent 50%+ of their fortune in buying these discontinued weapons. You can either adapt to this playstyle or move to a level more suitable for you. It sorta balanced low levels so bears aren't the dominant class. In the 22's-45's birds actually can beat mages unlike most iceberg warbirds. And to top it off, bears with a reaper or plat pack can easily beat forgotten mages.

Yes, good point.
but we should consider what makes fbow OP

1) very high skill dmg!
2) that blind procesws thing lol

I think STS need to nerf at least ONE of the two ok!

08-23-2013, 03:09 PM
Justg you've proven your loyalty to pocket legends in making this thread! There's some small bugs that occur pretty frequently in PvP and were not introduced too long ago.

1.)Game merging- due to the introduction of that compression system, when a game within the 5 level range of another ends, if there isn't too many players in one game the games will be combined and a player(s) of higher level are in the game. This can get quite precarious especially when it occurs multiple times.

2.) Lag unrelated to connection strength- can't really say when this was introduced but in PvP there are often instances in which there are some server hiccups for no apparent reason, not related to joining, or to too much action going on at all, just random lag. Also somewhat related to this is odd physics. For example, if I attempt to beckon stomp someone at a tree they might suddenly teleport past the tree then right back onto it which can be very confusing, sometimes the player will also appear right in front of you but will actually be really far away and you can't damage them, again not related to lag.

3.) Platform range- to be honest I'm not sure if this is the real term for this mechanic but it is a mechanic that increases range when moving in the direction of target and reduces it when moving away from the target, this is a mechanic that has never really been necessary and has produced some ridiculous skill range such as using hellscream from far away and leaving an opponent with a very good amount of distance from you stunned. Skills were fine with 12m range and I preferred it when crossbows and guns had a higher range than skills (13m).

Thanks again for taking the time to hear our responses and truly communicate with your community, whatever you guys decide on it'll surely satisfy us and is much appreciated.

08-23-2013, 03:13 PM
Response to some questions asked by Justg:

1. The multi-tap required for trading isn't just isolated to iOS, it also applies to Android. It requires the "Confirm" and "Accept" buttons to be tapped multiple times before either the confirm window will pop up and for the trade to be finalized.

2. The blessing issue applies to option #2. If a current blessing matches the one from the previous day, when the timer runs out on the one from the previous day, both are eliminated.

08-23-2013, 03:40 PM
1. Please buff the Rhino and Fox, i mean fox is good but not for multiple targets same goes for rhino and for some reason both classes use alot of mana.

2. Even tho i dont pvp fix both endgame and low level pvping been reading this wonderful thread and many are complaining and hey it may bring back alot of oldies and pros :p

3. Lastly, As someone stated above in this thread add a new Elite or Cyber quest kinda quest to Pocket legends im getting bored farming and making money :p

Thanks for this amazing thread JustG <3

08-23-2013, 03:52 PM
Game merging is a big thing that kills fun in pvp. People abuse it. That needs to be fixed along with forgotten/halloween nerf and endgame nerf

08-23-2013, 04:05 PM
1. Birds being able to one shot bears and rhinos with phoenix bows at far ranges in pvp.
2. Auto attacks not properly changing to nearest targets with slash attacks.
3. Bears, mages, and birds have no speed dash or power movement like foxs or rhinos.

08-23-2013, 04:20 PM
Response to some questions asked by Justg:

1. The multi-tap required for trading isn't just isolated to iOS, it also applies to Android. It requires the "Confirm" and "Accept" buttons to be tapped multiple times before either the confirm window will pop up and for the trade to be finalized.

2. The blessing issue applies to option #2. If a current blessing matches the one from the previous day, when the timer runs out on the one from the previous day, both are eliminated.

So the multitap trading thing is not just me, and it applies on iOS and Android. There you go. You learn something new everyday. I guess it could be like this perhaps to make sure trades or finalised? Just gives you extra chances to edit a trade before you actually trade? Or is it indeed a issue to be fixed?

08-23-2013, 04:57 PM
I just want to suggest a "fix" for the daily gifts. I believe that the drop rate of vanities on the 5th day reward is waaaaay to common and thus devalued their worth. IMO, I believe that the 3x elixers should be more common on the 5th day with a rare chance to get a vanity. That'd make collecting the 5th day reward more appealing instead of us liquidating the same vanity over and over.

08-23-2013, 05:53 PM
Side note: Nerfing forgotten bows isnt really a great idea IMO. I know players who have spent 50%+ of their fortune in buying these discontinued weapons. You can either adapt to this playstyle or move to a level more suitable for you. It sorta balanced low levels so bears aren't the dominant class. In the 22's-45's birds actually can beat mages unlike most iceberg warbirds. And to top it off, bears with a reaper or plat pack can easily beat forgotten mages.
Forgotten bows further unbalance PVP. Bears were the dominant twink class before fbows, now, bears have fbows + best skills for low lvl twink PVP.

08-23-2013, 06:00 PM
I've heard two different things in this thread:

1) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have it cancels the one you currently have.
2) If you get a blessing that is the same as the one you currently have the new one will not apply after the first one runs out.

Can you guys confirm what the case actually is?


Like others have said, it's #2. I think what's happening behind the scenes is the logic attempts to apply the new elixir, but it can't because there's already an identical one still active on the player. So the apply of the new one fails, leaving player with only the original (nearly gone) elixir. So the symptom to the player looks like their "new" elixir only lasted a few minutes.

08-23-2013, 06:12 PM

08-23-2013, 06:14 PM
1.) Nerf the forgotten bows!!!!!!!!!
2.) Add potions in pvp so it makes it more fun (Both health/mana)
3.) Make the foxes/rhino stronger in their buffs so they even out with the mage/bird/bear.

08-23-2013, 06:18 PM
IMO PvP and PvE are greatly flawed to the point of annoyance,
1a) NEW CLASSES REWARDS: Rhino and Foxes need to have a reward for leveling to 76 this cap. I think in a previous thread it is noted that to get from level 1 to 76, a grand total of about 220 thousand (somewhere around there, correct me if the figure is wrong) experience points which is crazy considering that the other three classes have an easier time getting to 76. For example, a bird capped at 71. Next cap it only needs to get to 76, which is a heck of a lot easier.
1b) Solution: Rhinos and foxes must get some form of ring and some prestigious title. In PvP and PvE, foxes and rhinos are EXTREMELY incompetent. There is almost a 100% win for Mages, Bears, or Bird vs. Rhino or Fox. Rhino's attack spells are very weak if one uses the dex/str build. Thus, it would be reasonable for a ring for capping the two new classes once!
2a) BALANCE IN PVP: Being as candid as possible, PvP sucks! OMG the three original classes can all kill with one shot (bird, occasionally a pure int mage) or a single combo (mages and bears). Nuke mages, when buffed has >100+ critical percentage making each shot that renders through to be extremely detrimental. Savage mages are nearly impossible to kill and can sometimes dodge more than a bird! Most savage int mage has over 100 critical percentage when buffed as well. Savage mages really do not utilize mana shield unless they are teamed which means they have incredible armor point when buffed. In addition, savage scythe when utilized appropriately can cause significant amount of damage. Bears are definitely one of the most hardest class to overpower. Two skills-Beckon and stomp does most of the work. If the enemy has not died, just spam your skills and VOILA! death. Hell scream and beckon are passive skills but are extremely useful when executing a combo. Dex savage bears have overpowered damage when wielding a savage scythe in pair with the death-ensuring combo! Plus dodge, for bears is nearly 100% when buffed and the three-piece ring. Birds only need three skills the win a fight: Shattering Scream, Blat Shot, and Root. Use root, scream and blast, then spam and Surprise! you got a kill! Damage is op with elite phoenix bow or swift talon.
2b) Solution: Decrease dodge, armor, and critical buffs and balance sets because as of right now, IMO, Fiery is the least competent of the three.
3a) SKILLS: Please lower the maximum skill points for a certain skill. At most at 7 not 9! Buffs become so relied upon that without buffs, one is practically a sitting duck compared to others with the buff. I believe all buffs despite the class should have the same amount of buff time and cool-down time.
3b) Solution: Obviously lower down the skill points but what about if one maxes out all 12 skills each with 6/7 each. Then STS would have to make some new skills!!!!!!!
Those are my problems and solutions; thank you for taking the time to read them! :)

08-23-2013, 06:38 PM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

Easier = more likely to get done :)

- Nerf F(in) Bows, Halloween 2012 items, etc: Easy, just single ranges of numbers that we have other things to compare to. Having a target range (Winterfest items) also helps.

- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Make Fox more powerful (increase evasion buff time): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Change drop rates of specific things like 5 day rewards: Easy, single set of data.

- Give Rhino and Fox AOEs: Medium, more things to touch and balance implications

- Nerf Skill Point Allocation: Medium, lots more balance implications as well

- Restructure Build Trees: Hard, huge balance implications

- Nerf Mobs from Nuri's on up: Hard. Lots and lots of things to touch here and requires lots of testing.

- PvP Spawning protection: Hard, requires code migration from AL which means large amounts of data restructuring and full QA cycle.

- Bugs (including Daily ELixir, PvP level glitch, Poison Needle facing, Chrome issues, confirm trade bug, etc): Med to Hard, almost always mean a client update (which does occasionally happen)

Again, not saying we'll do any of these but I want to make sure our list contains your things.

Remember: With balance comes nerfs (usually, but some buffs too). If this DOES happen, I expect you guys to come to our aid when the world catches fire because the market drops out of f(in) bows and halloween items.

We're gonna be busy getting Arcane's expansion out so Imma let this thread brew over the next week or two. In general if you give us specific numbers for specific things that you kinda agree upon that gives us a great starting point. So maybe let's focus on those for a bit!

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

- g

08-23-2013, 07:02 PM
My top three involve , like many of the posts above, the new classes' rebalancing.

2. A couple of the Fox skills are delayed badly. Predominantly the skills "Poison Dart" and "Armor Break". They require to be pushed constantly more than other skills because the skills just wont push through, most of the time.
Im not sure if its a bug or flaw, but please check .
Armor break is a close range skill it only works when u are in close range

08-23-2013, 07:08 PM

First of all, I'd like to say thank you for this thread, Gary! I just saw it right now as I haven't really been checking in on PL forums these days due to my newfound interest of AL (which is great, I love how the game has matured and is still maturing with each patch!)

1. L9 Skills
If developers may have noticed, the ratio of damage to armor has been going way out of scale. Now, I realize the effort involved of reworking this, so instead... focus on L9 skills and nerfing them a bit.

However, unlike most, when I say nerf, I mean something completely different. Why do I say this? Well, take a look at the debuffs vs. buffs. If one looks, there is a 100% chance of successfully buffing up a characters stats but the act of landing a debuff depends on buffs. Thus, the balance is thrown off.

Solutions: Make debuffs land 100% of the time, that way damage can be curbed in both PvE and PvP without changing the entire balance of the game!

2. +2/-2 range
In PL, as of right now, there's been a glitch where when kiting, if the character attacking the opponent is being aggressive (meaning running towards), he gains +2 meters of range on the target. The same works in the reverse situation, if the character is running backwards and attacking, he loses 2 meters of range and his opponent will gain 2 meters of range on him.

Solution: I know there was a system in place that didn't use to do that so just revert it back to the original system.

3. Bypassing GCD!

Currently, theres a method to bypass some GCD cooldowns. I'm not going to say which skills on here, but if needed, you can always ask for them via PM.

Solution: Just fix the coding that broke. :D

Just my opinion on 3 issues that could be easily fixed and help make many players happy!

08-23-2013, 07:19 PM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

- Nerf Mobs from Nuri's on up: Hard. Lots and lots of things to touch here and requires lots of testing.

- g

Nothing in this life is easy, hearing us ahead of time would have stopped corruption of PL. But this same statement applied to all games...making mobs insanely hard will kill the games. SL is also a testament to that.

But thanks for your statement G, hopefully AL won't get to PL level of intensity that required top armors and weaponry and elite players to play simple maps.

08-23-2013, 07:21 PM
Yay apollo :)

08-23-2013, 08:01 PM
I know this sounds impossible but would an Uncraft option at any blacksmith for dragon for example be possible or will i have to live with my mistake?

08-23-2013, 08:05 PM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

Easier = more likely to get done :)

- Nerf F(in) Bows, Halloween 2012 items, etc: Easy, just single ranges of numbers that we have other things to compare to. Having a target range (Winterfest items) also helps.

- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Make Fox more powerful (increase evasion buff time): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Change drop rates of specific things like 5 day rewards: Easy, single set of data.

- Give Rhino and Fox AOEs: Medium, more things to touch and balance implications

- Nerf Skill Point Allocation: Medium, lots more balance implications as well

- Restructure Build Trees: Hard, huge balance implications

- Nerf Mobs from Nuri's on up: Hard. Lots and lots of things to touch here and requires lots of testing.

- PvP Spawning protection: Hard, requires code migration from AL which means large amounts of data restructuring and full QA cycle.

- Bugs (including Daily ELixir, PvP level glitch, Poison Needle facing, Chrome issues, confirm trade bug, etc): Med to Hard, almost always mean a client update (which does occasionally happen)

Again, not saying we'll do any of these but I want to make sure our list contains your things.

Remember: With balance comes nerfs (usually, but some buffs too). If this DOES happen, I expect you guys to come to our aid when the world catches fire because the market drops out of f(in) bows and halloween items.

We're gonna be busy getting Arcane's expansion out so Imma let this thread brew over the next week or two. In general if you give us specific numbers for specific things that you kinda agree upon that gives us a great starting point. So maybe let's focus on those for a bit!

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

- g

A suggestion for the "PvP lvl glitch", perhaps reducing the range of joinable games from 5less-5more to 4 or 3?

08-23-2013, 08:42 PM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

Easier = more likely to get done :)

- Nerf F(in) Bows, Halloween 2012 items, etc: Easy, just single ranges of numbers that we have other things to compare to. Having a target range (Winterfest items) also helps. Sounds good to me ^.^

- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers I would say the charge and stun get a better range or at least a bit of a boost in the buffs, such as higher crit for Guardian and/or higher dodge in the force buff(cant remember which one gives dodge)

- Make Fox more powerful (increase evasion buff time): Easy, you've given us numbers Evasion time I would say hopefully 7-12 seconds long, I don't mind having a shorter buff than the original three classes.

- Change drop rates of specific things like 5 day rewards: Easy, single set of data. Anything to help with this would be good

- Give Rhino and Fox AOEs: Medium, more things to touch and balance implications This would of course help with PvE but I think that 1-2 AoE's is fine for now, rhino stomp and holy tempest and fox needles is fine for me haha xD

Again, not saying we'll do any of these but I want to make sure our list contains your things.

Remember: With balance comes nerfs (usually, but some buffs too). If this DOES happen, I expect you guys to come to our aid when the world catches fire because the market drops out of f(in) bows and halloween items.

We're gonna be busy getting Arcane's expansion out so Imma let this thread brew over the next week or two. In general if you give us specific numbers for specific things that you kinda agree upon that gives us a great starting point. So maybe let's focus on those for a bit!

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

- g Thank you for replying to all of our questions/concerns! Shows you guys still care about the oldest child ;D My answers back to these are in bold in your quote. Hopefully a few of these can get implemented, and thanks again :)

08-23-2013, 08:46 PM
- Bugs (including Daily ELixir, PvP level glitch, Poison Needle facing, Chrome issues, confirm trade bug, etc): Med to Hard,

- g.

* Is rabid bite not leaping while out of range above 1 skill point not a bug? If so please add to this list!

08-23-2013, 09:06 PM
1. Attributes- Give attribute points more benefits than what they do now. This is part of what crim said, but currently a Lv76 wearing a L60 set has no difference in stats (but for very tiny numbers) to a L60 wearing the same set. Another suggestion to add to this, is to make Dexterity and Intelligence attributes give a health pool bonus for each point spent. E.g str gives .85, dex gives .60, and int gives .50 health points per point. This numbers are a rough estimate on how it would be balanced among strengh classes. This suggestion can also solve the +nuri campaigns balance issue, by giving birds and mages a bump in health pool, they won't be dying as often as they currently do.

2. Ctf Spawn- Ik it has been said that it's hard to bring down the codes for AL spawn shield to PL, but maybe adding a 3x's armor elixer (remember when daily blessings could be used in pvp *hint*) that lasts from 2-3secs for each spawn a character does.

3. Skills- I think level 9 skills should stay, but with the numbers the level 6 or 7 skill had. E.g. a level 9 focus that currently gives 45% critical 45% hit buff should be nerfed back to 30-35% buff. I think this should go along with the endgame gear nerf, mainly on dodge and critical, the numbers are way too high.

08-23-2013, 09:30 PM

Since the discussion regarding a fix for spawn killing is out of the question, may I throw out a possible "quick fix" which already exists within the game coding? Invulnerability.

In PvE, we currently have an option for a 5 sec invulnerability buff when we die if we pay 5 plat. Would this code not be able to be imported into the PvP "death" code by simply giving a similar option with a 2-3 sec buff instead. Basically, when one selects the "Respawn" button, it takes them back to the spawn area and makes them invincible for approximately 2-3 seconds (which is about how long it takes to leave the spawn area in PvP.) "Revive" would retain it's code so as to keep it's integrity.

Also, some have mentioned fixing the glitch of joining low-level PvP through merging. What if the join levels were set at increments of 1-2 instead of the current 5. This would make games more evenly matched, and cause more work for the "mergers" as they have to go through more games to get to low levels. For instance, if join levels were set at +/-1, a 76 would have to join a 75-76 game to PvP. The only way a 76 could then merge would be to wait for a 74 to make a game, then a 73, and so on. The rarity of some of these levels would make it near impossible for high levels to get below a certain level as some levels are rarely seen in PvP. (How often is a 72, 57, or 53 game seen?)

Just a thought where a simple code change should suffice.

08-23-2013, 09:39 PM
I use fbows and Halloween for leveling only use I have in them.Also nerfing would bring cs prices suuuper down.Still they should nerf but not that it would become like a normal weapon.It should still have its uniqueness for itself.

08-23-2013, 10:23 PM
I use fbows and Halloween for leveling only use I have in them.Also nerfing would bring cs prices suuuper down.Still they should nerf but not that it would become like a normal weapon.It should still have its uniqueness for itself.
Nerf dmg, blinding proc can probably stay.

08-23-2013, 10:23 PM
- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers

One thing I feel compelled to say here.

I spend a lot of time PvPing at level 20, and rhinos are quite good at that level. Using the rhino plat pack with the 2H hammer, they have very strong attacks combined with high armor and the ability to heal. Currently, a good bear/bird with fbow will be able to beat them, but as it is likely that we will be seeing a nerf of these weapons (a nerf which I FULLY support), that will no longer be the case. Now, my point is that if this class is given more powerful skills, combined with their current strength (which does not rely on forgotten/Halloween items), they will absolutely dominate the 16-21 level range.

However, I have spent time playing rhino at higher levels, and I agree that they do need more powerful skills. I guess what I'm saying is, make the rhino skills stronger, but please make it a more gradual strength increase. For example, maybe increase Charge distance to 12m at 5 skill points, or something along those lines.

I know this doesn't really impact everyone reading, but I think twinking will see a major revival if forgotten/Halloween items are nerfed, and I'm hoping to preempt one obvious issue that occurred to me. Thanks :)

08-23-2013, 10:56 PM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

Easier = more likely to get done :)

- Nerf F(in) Bows, Halloween 2012 items, etc: Easy, just single ranges of numbers that we have other things to compare to. Having a target range (Winterfest items) also helps.

- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Make Fox more powerful (increase evasion buff time): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Change drop rates of specific things like 5 day rewards: Easy, single set of data.

- Give Rhino and Fox AOEs: Medium, more things to touch and balance implications

- Nerf Skill Point Allocation: Medium, lots more balance implications as well

- Restructure Build Trees: Hard, huge balance implications

- Nerf Mobs from Nuri's on up: Hard. Lots and lots of things to touch here and requires lots of testing.

- PvP Spawning protection: Hard, requires code migration from AL which means large amounts of data restructuring and full QA cycle.

- Bugs (including Daily ELixir, PvP level glitch, Poison Needle facing, Chrome issues, confirm trade bug, etc): Med to Hard, almost always mean a client update (which does occasionally happen)

Again, not saying we'll do any of these but I want to make sure our list contains your things.

Remember: With balance comes nerfs (usually, but some buffs too). If this DOES happen, I expect you guys to come to our aid when the world catches fire because the market drops out of f(in) bows and halloween items.

We're gonna be busy getting Arcane's expansion out so Imma let this thread brew over the next week or two. In general if you give us specific numbers for specific things that you kinda agree upon that gives us a great starting point. So maybe let's focus on those for a bit!

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

- g

1. Maybe just a few damage stronger than the 2011 Duckfoot. At most 10.

2. 10m charge that can be used at any range when locked to an enemy, as in you'll be able to use the ability to get closer even when you are 12m away. Stun is different because I don't play rhinos a lot.

3. 10 second buff time for evasion or 6 second buff that can be stacked (lowering the dodge CD duration).

Also increasing the amount of damage gained when putting another point on an ability. More of the damaging abilities of the fox go up by 6 damage upon leveling up, it should be more like 10 damage like other classes.

4. I'm not sure. Probably could make it so level 7 would end up granting the same extra stat (like Archers evade giving armor), just that 1-7 would give smaller amounts of the bonus.

5. I'm not sure what's wrong there.

6. Personally, I enjoy the strength of Mount Fang enemies, but BSM could have lower health with higher damage.

7. Yes, it's lots of work, but you know what could be done to make it work.

08-23-2013, 11:09 PM
On a side note, I think that rather than AOE, Rangers could have some sort of bonus effect from the combo. It it were possible, it would be cool to see this little thing I came up with.

So when designing rangers, I could imagine you and STS were trying to make a class that could go in fast to confirm a kill, and then get out quickly without taking much damage. There are two little things I thought ip that could help with the Assassin feel to the class.

1.) Once you hit the dash to hamstring combo, you would get a medium sized armor buff, and each hit you take while the buff is active adds another # of dodge (amount based on the level of hamstring) making it so the escape would be more effective.

2.) To go along with a damage boost to all offensive skills, killing an enemy with the Hamstring combo will refresh ALL cooldowns. This would make AOE no issue since you could hop between targets with amazing speed.

Now I understand that granting these could make Rangers a very very strong class, but, when you look at the mechanics, these features would be very difficult to master.

08-24-2013, 01:09 AM
1. Maybe just a few damage stronger than the 2011 Duckfoot. At most 10.
Actually, it should be weaker by 10 damage or so considering the proc is way more powerful than the WF weapons. That way, there's a healthy balance to choose and a better variety of playstyles.

2. 10m charge that can be used at any range when locked to an enemy, as in you'll be able to use the ability to get closer even when you are 12m away. Stun is different because I don't play rhinos a lot.

3. 10 second buff time for evasion or 6 second buff that can be stacked (lowering the dodge CD duration).

Also increasing the amount of damage gained when putting another point on an ability. More of the damaging abilities of the fox go up by 6 damage upon leveling up, it should be more like 10 damage like other classes.

4. I'm not sure. Probably could make it so level 7 would end up granting the same extra stat (like Archers evade giving armor), just that 1-7 would give smaller amounts of the bonus.

5. I'm not sure what's wrong there.

6. Personally, I enjoy the strength of Mount Fang enemies, but BSM could have lower health with higher damage.

7. Yes, it's lots of work, but you know what could be done to make it work.

Gave my input on your #1.

08-24-2013, 01:18 AM
This thread continues to be full of awesome.

Lemme summarize the range of things we've been talking about so you understand the spectrum of difficulty of implementation.

Easier = more likely to get done :)

- Nerf F(in) Bows, Halloween 2012 items, etc: Easy, just single ranges of numbers that we have other things to compare to. Having a target range (Winterfest items) also helps.

- Make Rhino more powerful (increase range of charge and stun): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Make Fox more powerful (increase evasion buff time): Easy, you've given us numbers

- Change drop rates of specific things like 5 day rewards: Easy, single set of data.

- Give Rhino and Fox AOEs: Medium, more things to touch and balance implications

- Nerf Skill Point Allocation: Medium, lots more balance implications as well

- Restructure Build Trees: Hard, huge balance implications

- Nerf Mobs from Nuri's on up: Hard. Lots and lots of things to touch here and requires lots of testing.

- PvP Spawning protection: Hard, requires code migration from AL which means large amounts of data restructuring and full QA cycle.

- Bugs (including Daily ELixir, PvP level glitch, Poison Needle facing, Chrome issues, confirm trade bug, etc): Med to Hard, almost always mean a client update (which does occasionally happen)

Again, not saying we'll do any of these but I want to make sure our list contains your things.

Remember: With balance comes nerfs (usually, but some buffs too). If this DOES happen, I expect you guys to come to our aid when the world catches fire because the market drops out of f(in) bows and halloween items.

We're gonna be busy getting Arcane's expansion out so Imma let this thread brew over the next week or two. In general if you give us specific numbers for specific things that you kinda agree upon that gives us a great starting point. So maybe let's focus on those for a bit!

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

- g
Pls consider the lv 76 fiery int set stats.

08-24-2013, 01:27 AM
Hello G.Thank you for making this thread.There are alot things and stuffs that I will list in this post.

1.The prize of 5th Daily Blessing.First all I know that the plat prize was been removed because some player exploit those reward.Thus far,I suggest bring back the reward plat and make the plat prize only available on one character/toons only.For example,I got nine character/toons.And my Daily Blessing was on 5th.So I was on first toons and my prize will be plat.The one plat prize will be random on all toons in one account.So in other toons, the prize will be either vanity hats or elixir combo.I love to see the plat reward comeback because its help me alot if the offer on NativeX and TrialPay does not work.The plat prize increase in scale like this.First 5th Daily Blessing were 2 plat.The next 5th prize will be 4 plats.And next is 6 plats,8 plats and 10 plats.The limit of prize plat is 10 plats.After thats,the count will be reset and it will back to 2 plats.If the player do not took the 5th like the second 5th Daily Blessing which is the plat prize was 4 plat,the count of plat prize will be reset@back to 2 plat/first 5th Daily Blessing reward.If Dev do not like those scale,then its will be 1,2,3,4,5 plats.I love to see the plat prize back on PL. :eagerness::eagerness::eagerness::eagerness:

2.The merge PvP room like 76 on 35 games etc.And procs on Elite 76 Weapon,Bow give lava proc damage in PvE,Boulder give stomp proc like bear stomp skill proc in PvE.Also give some buff like Damage,Critical and HP regen.Branch give more support buff like increase HP,HP regen,Mana Regen,Damage,Armor etc.I hope there a procs on elite 76 weapon.And nerf the damage and critical of Elite bow because its too OP in PvP.The damage can remain same as the current now in PvE.

3.The Forgotten Bow Damage on PvP should be lower but in PvE it is same as Forgotten Bow now.The damage and dodge should be nerf only in PvP but not in PvE.It is come in handy when figth PvE boss.And also nerf the skill rank, damage scythe and raise the HP,Armor,and Hit Percentage on bear because it is too low on endgames pvp.I like the savage set give more Hit Percentage.

Hehehe.Sorry for my bad grammar.I still learn English as my secondary language ;).I hope those on my list will be fixed/implant in next patch.Love the community of PL.:D


08-24-2013, 02:52 AM
1) Balance out Forgotten bows in levels: 10-49
2) Make Rhino and Fox competitors in Player Vs. Player.
3) Make End game Player Vs. Player balanced.

08-24-2013, 03:06 AM
Thanks for the reply G, hope we get a nice update soon!

08-24-2013, 04:27 AM
1.The prize of 5th Daily Blessing.First all I know that the plat prize was been removed because some player exploit those reward.Thus far,I suggest bring back the reward plat and make the plat prize only available on one character/toons only.For example,I got nine character/toons.And my Daily Blessing was on 5th.So I was on first toons and my prize will be plat.The one plat prize will be random on all toons in one account.So in other toons, the prize will be either vanity hats or elixir combo.I love to see the plat reward comeback because its help me alot if the offer on NativeX and TrialPay does not work.The plat prize increase in scale like this.First 5th Daily Blessing were 2 plat.The next 5th prize will be 4 plats.And next is 6 plats,8 plats and 10 plats.The limit of prize plat is 10 plats.After thats,the count will be reset and it will back to 2 plats.If the player do not took the 5th like the second 5th Daily Blessing which is the plat prize was 4 plat,the count of plat prize will be reset@back to 2 plat/first 5th Daily Blessing reward.If Dev do not like those scale,then its will be 1,2,3,4,5 plats.I love to see the plat prize back on PL. :eagerness::eagerness::eagerness::eagerness:

+111111111111, nice one

please bring back plat rewards

08-24-2013, 07:55 AM
Thanks again for your time G.

What if u make a new big quest awarded with the new sets u r doing?

The total ammount of quest is 213 now, could u (easily) make a new big one with all of em?
I mean, we should do all quests in order to get a new item (like the 71 elites), maybe 3-5 different ones.
Not sure how much work would it take, but u already have the quests and items.... :)

08-24-2013, 09:12 AM
Wow cool ideas guys! :banana:

Here is my top 3 ideas :


1) Nerf EndGame PvP. How?
*for birds, make the blinding skill being able to get cleared by healings + crash the savage sets dodging powers (war birds don't need skills), lower elite bow damage, don't need their dodge, Because it's the only way for dex bird to survive. Maybe lower a bit blast damage.. But nothing more. Really not. Or it would be underpowered.
*Fox are said to be "bad" in PvP/ctf. However, at end game, when you know how to play it, it is truly decent. You might add some seconds to his defense buff, but not too much because it would make it way OP. Also, fix their skills.. (The stuff with a skill permitting to dash if it is lvl1 only ruins its whole combo.)
*For Rhino, maybe change a skill and make it AOE damage. Maybe the stunting yellow one looking like a thunder ? Because if rhino fights 3 vs 1 he can be sure to die without killing anyone. It needs another AOE skill I think :)
*For mages, lower the damage of sets to avoid oneshots.
*For bears, nerf the DPS (to avoid dex bears to auto kill everyone), and lower dodge, or lower damage. Indeed, bears are right now nukers, tanks, flag holder, protecters, and debuffers. They actually do everything lol.

*Generally, if you cant lower damage of all sets, add much HP : 5 (or even 6) additional hp per lvl (makes +25 hp (+30) than lvl1 at lvl5, +50 hp (+60) than lvl1 at lvl10, [...], +5x76=380hp (+6x76= 456) than lvl1 at lvl76) That would make birds with 800 hp, mage with 700 and bear with 1100, rhino 800, and fox 800. Would avoid one shots and full dodge fights. Would rebalance all classes.

2) Fix the bugs! :
* The PvP/ctf Kiting bug. If you walk back, bows and birds skills can hit you 15-16m, while you can't hit them.
* The Fox and Rhino Teleporting bug! Who has never seen that one? A fox stops moving, and you see ur hp disappearing, and right after, you see the fox crossing walls and taking flags which was at 50m from him.. Fix that pls:)

3) The last one. 2 ideas are "ex aequo" .. So ill make a top3' and top 3'' :/
3') Nerf Halloween+Xmas stuff.
*POSITIVE POINTS : wont be Must-Have-Items anymore, will b able to survive without.
*NEGATIVE POINTS : - Many merchs are gonna suicide.
- Could be fixed with the Addtional-HP/lvl that I evoked supra.

The following idea is gonna be HATED and flamed by whole PL lol. Here it goes :
3'')Disable Vanities, and Vanity Bonuses sets in PvP/ctf (founder, dragons, elite rings, elite crafted rings.)
*POSITIVE POINTS : - WAY more fair, less dodge, less stats, less OP.
- Rhino and Fox lvl61-76 don't feel apart anymore.
*NEGATIVE POINTS: - many many many people are gonna rage..


Here It is :).. Feel free to tell me what you think about them :p.. I might edit if some better ideas come out :p

Cya :D

08-24-2013, 09:52 AM
I would say keep dragon rings but not elite rings to make that post perfect lol but thats my opinion

08-24-2013, 10:22 AM
@Crim: I'm not so sure pvp going by 1-/2+ would go so well. Maybe they could change it by removing that thing where the game drops into a lower level game instead of their own game? Because as some people do twink 37/38/40, they would see much less people, as 37/38 people join 35 games, and 40 people (my rhino included) join 35-40 games.

08-24-2013, 10:49 AM
Maybe just a few damage stronger than the 2011 Duckfoot. At most 10.
Actually, it should be weaker by 10 damage or so considering the proc is way more powerful than the WF weapons. That way, there's a healthy balance to choose and a better variety of playstyles.
Blind proc isn't "way more powerful" than stun and freeze proc.

3'')Disable Vanities, and Vanity Bonuses sets in PvP/ctf (founder, dragons, elite rings, elite crafted rings.)
Good idea, except that dragon rings should have effect in pvp IMO, as they are acquirable by anyone.

08-24-2013, 11:04 AM
1) Exponential increases in stats. For example leveling 1 to level 2 increases by 2 health but a level 75 to 76 increases by 50.
2) Balance damage and range: I have no idea how to do this but I will think of a viable way to change it and post on this again.
3) Things that take no skill should be capped: dodge at 20%, crit at 20%.

08-24-2013, 11:37 AM
1. Nerf Forgotten Bows, ruin low lv pvp
2. Barrier at front of ctf spawn room. only team red can go into team reds spawn. once outside cant go back in. (To avoid running to a safe area)
3. No more lv 9 skills blast shot is ridiculous. More like level 7 skills if u can :D

Thanks for asking the players/forumers for recommendations :)

08-24-2013, 11:44 AM
Blind proc isn't "way more powerful" than stun and freeze proc.

Good idea, except that dragon rings should have effect in pvp IMO, as they are acquirable by anyone.

I think the rings should stay too, a lot of people spend real money to cap and get these rings just to have for pvp fights.

08-24-2013, 11:54 AM
*NEGATIVE POINTS : - Many merchs are gonna suicide. I think that this isn't really a huge deal, its happened before. Dragon vanity, 56 glyph, why not fbows too?

The following idea is gonna be HATED and flamed by whole PL lol. Here it goes :
3'')Disable Vanities, and Vanity Bonuses sets in PvP/ctf (founder, dragons, elite rings, elite crafted rings.)
*POSITIVE POINTS : - WAY more fair, less dodge, less stats, less OP.
- Rhino and Fox lvl61-76 don't feel apart anymore.
*NEGATIVE POINTS: - many many many people are gonna rage.. I'd be one to rage also D: This is a good way to think of "fair," but I think that the guys/gals that worked for the elite rings/dragon rings (like me) are there to disagree. You being one of them, you'd be completely fine if your CoP, Gratitude shield, MFA, etc. all became worthless? And the other guys like me who got the gold for the dragon set, it would sort of be terrible to have 500 plat and 1m gold go down the hole because StS decided to get rid of all the stats. I know tons of people who got the rings just for the stats, and it'd be terrible.


Here It is :).. Feel free to tell me what you think about them :p.. I might edit if some better ideas come out :p

Cya :D Answers in bold, just my two cents :3

08-24-2013, 11:58 AM
1. The title bug
2. The daily blessing bug
3. The multi tap confirm trade bug

thanks for making this thread :)

08-24-2013, 12:24 PM
@Crim: I'm not so sure pvp going by 1-/2+ would go so well. Maybe they could change it by removing that thing where the game drops into a lower level game instead of their own game? Because as some people do twink 37/38/40, they would see much less people, as 37/38 people join 35 games, and 40 people (my rhino included) join 35-40 games.

Maybe yo see much less people because high levels are joining those games. (40 in 35, 32 in 27, etc.) By lowering the levels, people are forced to actually learn PvP and not farm lower levels. This would fix both the "high level rusher" issues and the "merging" issue.

08-24-2013, 12:50 PM
How about a league system... (Too much work?)

08-24-2013, 01:18 PM
Only want one thing. Balance the game like you guys did at 45 cap. Yeah, another post about PvP, because it's the worst thing in the game right now. Nerf damage...a lot...As well as buffs. Raise health and mana pools like before. Take out luck factors such as dodge and crit, have buffs only (at least mostly) effect stats that don't rely off of a percentage. Between one shots and the crazy dodge, any chimp with an iPhone can be the next Dollo.

Short and sweet.

08-24-2013, 03:37 PM
Pls consider the lv 76 fiery int set stats.
yea the stats r underpowered compared to str n dex sets.

08-24-2013, 05:16 PM
yea the stats r underpowered compared to str n dex sets.

It only has less dodge... An int mages hits 400 on my pure str rhino :/

08-24-2013, 05:27 PM
It only has less dodge... An int mages hits 400 on my pure str rhino :/

Rhino should not be meant for killing, it should be for tanking (taking damage) and support. If you're rhino isn't full STR there's a problem, because I tank without any real hassle on my Rhino.

08-24-2013, 05:35 PM
Even as rhinos are tankers, I would like to see them boosted.

08-24-2013, 05:38 PM
It only has less dodge... An int mages hits 400 on my pure str rhino :/
You should make a bird or bear reference.

08-24-2013, 05:56 PM
You should make a bird or bear reference.

most a drain hit on my bear was 500 my bird 720 highest combo damage on my bird 300(ice)-100(auto)-600(drain)-375(fire)

08-24-2013, 06:05 PM
1) Nerf all the forgottens and halloweens.
2) Boost rhinos.
3) Foxes dodge buff should last longer.

08-24-2013, 06:10 PM
See what's happening in EVERY POST, NERF FORG NERF FORG is what I'm seeing. I see that know one likes them and by taking them away and giving everyone 100-300k gold would make us very very happy :D do it you won't regret it justg

Or just Nerf it :3 I want voodoo back so much , endgame was always unbalanced since past nuris... ;(

08-24-2013, 06:16 PM
Hello G.Thank you for making this thread.There are alot things and stuffs that I will list in this post.

1.The prize of 5th Daily Blessing.First all I know that the plat prize was been removed because some player exploit those reward.Thus far,I suggest bring back the reward plat and make the plat prize only available on one character/toons only.For example,I got nine character/toons.And my Daily Blessing was on 5th.So I was on first toons and my prize will be plat.The one plat prize will be random on all toons in one account.So in other toons, the prize will be either vanity hats or elixir combo.I love to see the plat reward comeback because its help me alot if the offer on NativeX and TrialPay does not work.The plat prize increase in scale like this.First 5th Daily Blessing were 2 plat.The next 5th prize will be 4 plats.And next is 6 plats,8 plats and 10 plats.The limit of prize plat is 10 plats.After thats,the count will be reset and it will back to 2 plats.If the player do not took the 5th like the second 5th Daily Blessing which is the plat prize was 4 plat,the count of plat prize will be reset@back to 2 plat/first 5th Daily Blessing reward.If Dev do not like those scale,then its will be 1,2,3,4,5 plats.I love to see the plat prize back on PL. :eagerness::eagerness::eagerness::eagerness:

2.The merge PvP room like 76 on 35 games etc.And procs on Elite 76 Weapon,Bow give lava proc damage in PvE,Boulder give stomp proc like bear stomp skill proc in PvE.Also give some buff like Damage,Critical and HP regen.Branch give more support buff like increase HP,HP regen,Mana Regen,Damage,Armor etc.I hope there a procs on elite 76 weapon.And nerf the damage and critical of Elite bow because its too OP in PvP.The damage can remain same as the current now in PvE.

3.The Forgotten Bow Damage on PvP should be lower but in PvE it is same as Forgotten Bow now.The damage and dodge should be nerf only in PvP but not in PvE.It is come in handy when figth PvE boss.And also nerf the skill rank, damage scythe and raise the HP,Armor,and Hit Percentage on bear because it is too low on endgames pvp.I like the savage set give more Hit Percentage.

Hehehe.Sorry for my bad grammar.I still learn English as my secondary language ;).I hope those on my list will be fixed/implant in next patch.Love the community of PL.:D


Even if you limit the plat reward to only one character to account, it can still be abused. I remember hearing about people who had made 20+ accounts back when plat was rewarded so they could receive large amounts of plat. Even though plat can't be traded between accounts, players could use the plat to buy gold or to buy crafting recipes and craft those into items which can be traded between accounts. Even though it doesn't seem like that much, the plat to gold option would really stack up with people who make tons of accounts.

08-24-2013, 08:52 PM
I just feel why Mages suck at bears are because now; Mages have veryyyy low Health, the builds that you need require no debuffs but yet you need them but when you need them you need the other dmg skills which makes it even harder...

Decreasing the points in skills will help ease either birds and bears dodge haxators ;) and takes that dam dmg down and actually give us int mages a chance to kill a bear damit.. At least birds we have a chance cause they're weaker.

it's an MMO, not (Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on HARDCORE) a playlist for cod that takes less bullets to kill, which means 1-2 bullets kill, this is why I now want voodoo back again but no, FORG ruined it and now I'm trapped out of the game :(

08-24-2013, 09:55 PM
I just feel why Mages suck at bears are because now; Mages have veryyyy low Health, the builds that you need require no debuffs but yet you need them but when you need them you need the other dmg skills which makes it even harder...

Decreasing the points in skills will help ease either birds and bears dodge haxators ;) and takes that dam dmg down and actually give us int mages a chance to kill a bear damit.. At least birds we have a chance cause they're weaker.

it's an MMO, not (Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on HARDCORE) a playlist for cod that takes less bullets to kill, which means 1-2 bullets kill, this is why I now want voodoo back again but no, FORG ruined it and now I'm trapped out of the game :(
like good old sewer bears with their dodge in the 30's buffed

08-24-2013, 11:28 PM
most a drain hit on my bear was 500 my bird 720 highest combo damage on my bird 300(ice)-100(auto)-600(drain)-375(fire)

For some weird reason, my fire hits stronger crits than my drain even though they are the same rank and the Fire base damage is less.

I hit 420 drain and 620 fire.

08-24-2013, 11:30 PM
Rhino should not be meant for killing, it should be for tanking (taking damage) and support. If you're rhino isn't full STR there's a problem, because I tank without any real hassle on my Rhino.

I kinda want to make a 55 pure strength rhino with maximum heal and a fortified set so I can see how 100+ health regen works.

08-24-2013, 11:46 PM
My 40 rhino is str/int (str for gear, rest int cuz of mana Regen, barely any Regen, and also higher tempest dmg and heal power), and its really good at CTF for tanking and flagging.
However, the forgotten bows peirced through as if its budder (and my rhino has 160+ armor buffed...) And ruins purpose..
I want to say to devs, that please, please, please Nerf the forgotten items (not by like 10 dmg) so they're like a normal good bow, and also boost the rhinos/foxes, so they can match up with the other classes (more dmg, higher charge range, etc.).
Forgotten mage spawners have too much DMG, especially at 40, and I have almost no way to fight back.

08-24-2013, 11:51 PM
1) Nerf Forgotten and Hallowen items.
2) Give PL more attention.
3) Buff rhinos anf foxes.

Thanks JustG!

08-25-2013, 12:40 AM
My 40 rhino is str/int (str for gear, rest int cuz of mana Regen, barely any Regen, and also higher tempest dmg and heal power), and its really good at CTF for tanking and flagging.
However, the forgotten bows peirced through as if its budder (and my rhino has 160+ armor buffed...) And ruins purpose..
I want to say to devs, that please, please, please Nerf the forgotten items (not by like 10 dmg) so they're like a normal good bow, and also boost the rhinos/foxes, so they can match up with the other classes (more dmg, higher charge range, etc.).
Forgotten mage spawners have too much DMG, especially at 40, and I have almost no way to fight back.

I think it should be a different decrease for each level. Like a 10%-20% decrease in damage.

08-25-2013, 02:09 AM
It only has less dodge... An int mages hits 400 on my pure str rhino :/

Prices in cs for the fiery set speak the truth about the stats as you can see here:

Lv 71 tiki set

Lv76 fiery set with fossilized dragon egg

Lv 76 fiery set with eye

Lv 76 fiery set with egg and blue ring of valiant glory + decorated antlers

Lv 71 tiki set with blue ring of valiant glory and antlers

08-25-2013, 02:47 AM
Comparison fiery - swift set with 3piece elite dragon ring + egg



08-25-2013, 03:08 AM
fair enough, now come to the real point and compare few skill damage please.....

thus the point that was spoken is true...

08-25-2013, 05:24 AM
like good old sewer bears with their dodge in the 30's buffed



08-25-2013, 07:58 AM
Prices in cs for the fiery set speak the truth about the stats as you can see here:

Lv 71 tiki set

Lv76 fiery set with fossilized dragon egg

Lv 76 fiery set with eye

Lv 76 fiery set with egg and blue ring of valiant glory + decorated antlers

Lv 71 tiki set with blue ring of valiant glory and antlers

Take into account skill damage, buffs, crit, or possible debuffs as well. The damage on the weapons aren't the only damage in the game.

edit: legendfb already said that

08-25-2013, 12:38 PM
My 40 rhino is str/int (str for gear, rest int cuz of mana Regen, barely any Regen, and also higher tempest dmg and heal power), and its really good at CTF for tanking and flagging.
However, the forgotten bows peirced through as if its budder (and my rhino has 160+ armor buffed...) And ruins purpose..
I want to say to devs, that please, please, please Nerf the forgotten items (not by like 10 dmg) so they're like a normal good bow, and also boost the rhinos/foxes, so they can match up with the other classes (more dmg, higher charge range, etc.).
Forgotten mage spawners have too much DMG, especially at 40, and I have almost no way to fight back.

I think it should be a different decrease for each level. Like a 10%-20% decrease in damage.
The rhino or fb? Fb, maybe it would work.
Rhino, they need to be increased and boosted ._.

08-25-2013, 01:44 PM
fair enough, now come to the real point and compare few skill damage please.....

thus the point that was spoken is true...

what is skill damage worth when enemies dodge all?

08-25-2013, 01:45 PM
Take into account skill damage, buffs, crit, or possible debuffs as well. The damage on the weapons aren't the only damage in the game.

edit: legendfb already said that

birds n bears crit all too n their dodge buffs r not bad lol

08-25-2013, 07:45 PM
Take into account skill damage, buffs, crit, or possible debuffs as well. The damage on the weapons aren't the only damage in the game.

edit: legendfb already said that

Skill damage is directly related to damage provided by gear. Only a very, very small portion is related to attribute points. Only buffs/debuffs are independent of gear.

08-25-2013, 09:10 PM
Skill damage is directly related to damage provided by gear. Only a very, very small portion is related to attribute points. Only buffs/debuffs are independent of gear.

I'm a twink, but I'm pretty sure that skill damage is a lot higher than auto damage numbers itself. For example, I hit 50s with talon autos and 87-97 with stomps at 6. That's a pretty significant difference...at level 15. With more armor perhaps it's less significant but with more damage it may even out.

08-25-2013, 09:20 PM
I'm a twink, but I'm pretty sure that skill damage is a lot higher than auto damage numbers itself. For example, I hit 50s with talon autos and 87-97 with stomps at 6. That's a pretty significant difference...at level 15. With more armor perhaps it's less significant but with more damage it may even out.

Now you are talking something completely different and is beyond the scope of this discussion. There are plenty of threads which correlate skill/weapon damage vs. damage dealt when attacking an opponent. You have to understand the existence of ranges and critical damage in both the weapon and the skill. All in all, I stand by my statement. If you don't believe me, unequip ALL your gear, look at Stomp, then equip everything and look at Stomp again. You will then understand what I said.

08-25-2013, 09:22 PM
Now you are talking something completely different and is beyond the scope of this discussion. There are plenty of threads which correlate skill/weapon damage vs. damage dealt when attacking an opponent. You have to understand the existence of ranges and critical damage in both the weapon and the skill. All in all, I stand by my statement. If you don't believe me, unequip ALL your gear, look at Stomp, then equip everything and look at Stomp again. You will then understand what I said.

Um, it does correlate with what we were talking about originally...lmao.
It was a response to that pic guy's response at some guys claim that people hit 400 on his rhino, although the item damage is lower than 400.

08-26-2013, 12:46 AM
what is skill damage worth when enemies dodge all?
PvP would be extincted then.

Skill damage is directly related to damage provided by gear. Only a very, very small portion is related to attribute points. Only buffs/debuffs are independent of gear.
not "very very small " though anyway point is not that, point is overall skiil DMG of mages, and this is true mages can deliver high dmg compare to anyother class also this is not argument of who is op either.

Atila the nun
08-26-2013, 08:06 AM
First off and most importantly, thank you to JustG for giving us a sounding board and to all of STS for an incredible game that keeps us coming back! Let's figure out what can be done to make it even better with a little bit of TLC.

1. Please fix bugs that occur with daily blessings. Others have been mentioned but this is my top complaint:
** - daily blessings cannot be claimed until you change zones. This is especially frustrating when the blessing expires while you are part way through a long map... :-( It's supposed to be on a 24 hour timer, and it's confusing (and I hope a fixable bug) that you also must re-zone. When the elf queen tells me to come back at 9:10pm and it's already 9:15pm I want to tell her to get a new watch! ;)

2. Balance the Rhino and Fox with the original classes.
We love that you added two new classes, but they are nowhere near as capable as the original classes. Sure, they are supposed to be support and hybrid classes with elements of other classes, but the end effect is that they are diluted and generally weaker. They are almost unwelcome in many scenarios, just one example is end game Slayer where each of the original classes has a part to play and is welcomed by others. There are a few things that could be done to address this, and help to welcome these two new classes into the community.
- adjust rhino health pool to better match the other classes. idk the exact number here, maybe 50 to 100. I need to find the thread that covers this for more precise balance recommendation.
- allow rhino to contribute to mega combos. Fox already can contribute, how about some rhino love?
- change the rhino heal timer to match a mage's 3 seconds. Rhino's heals are both less effective for team members as well as having a longer cool down. Decreasing the cool down would be more useful to match the fast paced battles, though both would be helpful. It will be up to the testers to determine what is properly balanced.
- give rhinos and foxes some form of elite ring or cap bonus. Every capped Fox or rhino has finished the grind from 1 to 76 since the classes were released, this deserves some form of reward. It doesn't have to be the same as the elite ring bonus but something to keep them from being ostracized from pro status.
-Fox's shredder skill should cancel shields just like archer's break armor skill. This could be only pve for shadow caves and OL. Maybe for pvp, it would be a % chance for canceling shield instead of a guarantee?
- There is a lack of proper agro management in the rhino. Bears can keep agro on a boss or mob when mages or birds are unloading but most rhinos will struggle. We know this, and when a rhino is tanking there is always a question about whether the target will break free. Increase the effectiveness of Summon by about 50% might do it.

3. Dedicated Dev and community rep for PL.
-I know this is a bigger commitment and seems like it doesn't fall under a bug or balance problem but if we look at the big picture, this is the real balance problem. Likely STS is using a swarm development methodology and I understand the drive for that. However, if you stick to a "everyone focusses on one game at a time" scenario, PL gets the short straw and the players see that as unbalanced. Sam Hayne was an excellent addition to help STS listen to the whole community, we'd love to hear from him every once in awhile. Clearly we are not too needy, those who are needy probably aren't reading the forums or playing anymore. A single developer that put aside a portion of their time giving us some PL dev love would be a huge tip in the right direction for balance. As it is, it feels like we've been the only ones sitting on the teeter-totter trying to make it fun again.

Thanks for your consideration and interest in making improvements!

08-26-2013, 10:33 AM
Only want one thing. Balance the game like you guys did at 45 cap. Yeah, another post about PvP, because it's the worst thing in the game right now. Nerf damage...a lot...As well as buffs. Raise health and mana pools like before. Take out luck factors such as dodge and crit, have buffs only (at least mostly) effect stats that don't rely off of a percentage. Between one shots and the crazy dodge, any chimp with an iPhone can be the next Dollo.

Short and sweet.1: as stated above
2: same as above
3: he said it all above

08-26-2013, 04:08 PM
Per previous post, there are a collection of bugs that are around the same difficulty level. I believe these are all worthy of being considered for a round of PL fixes. I posted these in the bug forum so that others can find them and add to them. Fixing any of these would be an improvement to PL's playing experience.


08-26-2013, 04:25 PM
The forgotten bows should be needed in dmg to maybe a tiny bit higher than winterfest launchers. Same for 2012 chunkers. Decrease fb blinding proc so it blinds away less hit.
Monkey paws should be needed to a normal wand, with a bit better stats, tiny more dmg
Reaper could be nerfed to like plat swords, with a bit better stats and maybe tiny bit more dmg.

08-26-2013, 04:50 PM
The forgotten bows should be needed in dmg to maybe a tiny bit higher than winterfest launchers. Same for 2012 chunkers. Decrease fb blinding proc so it blinds away less hit.
Monkey paws should be needed to a normal wand, with a bit better stats, tiny more dmg
Reaper could be nerfed to like plat swords, with a bit better stats and maybe tiny bit more dmg. At L20 for an example, thats all the reaper is. It barely has better stats than the plat sword and like 6 more damage, so I'd say if they nerf the hween 2012 items they also need to nerf the plat behr swords. The rhino 1h axes at L20 aren't op tho so they're fine. In reality, the L20 plat pack for behr and rhino are just as op as forg bows.

08-26-2013, 05:00 PM
The forgotten bows should be needed in dmg to maybe a tiny bit higher than winterfest launchers. Same for 2012 chunkers. Decrease fb blinding proc so it blinds away less hit.
Monkey paws should be needed to a normal wand, with a bit better stats, tiny more dmg
Reaper could be nerfed to like plat swords, with a bit better stats and maybe tiny bit more dmg. At L20 for an example, thats all the reaper is. It barely has better stats than the plat sword and like 6 more damage, so I'd say if they nerf the hween 2012 items they also need to nerf the plat behr swords. The rhino 1h axes at L20 aren't op tho so they're fine. In reality, the L20 plat pack for behr and rhino are just as op as forg bows.
I don't PvP at 20, I do 30-40 so I'm just posting what I think.
Idk bout plat packs being OP at 20, so you go fill devs on dat :p

08-26-2013, 09:59 PM
Please reply to this thread if you think twink pvping should get a fresh update with old weapons, armor and shields from sandcaves, swamp, expedition, oasis and get rid of forgotten bows.

In my opinion, the forgotten bows did level out the playing field a little bit (like socialism) but its gotten out of hand.

Everything has gotten repetitive. There used to be an art to playing different classes, everything now is just short fight. Everyone has the same build.

Instead of taking a short cut and just handing everyone a forgotten bow, why not even the playing field among all classes with statistical boosts.

For example, add more dodge points to strength gear, increasing hit percentages, increases armor, critical hits etc...

For example, instead a warbird getting wrecked by a Mage, why not add some dodge points to iceberg gear?

Why not add more damage to a onyx sword, a copperhead trident, a talon..... Why just introduce the forgotten bow?

Remember when crush blow, used to be important?

Lets make the devs put a little more thought into revamping the old weapons and bring back the real pvp!!

08-26-2013, 10:36 PM
I feel like nerfing anything will make new caps nearly impossible to pass through in pve. Especially with new chars.
1. Fix new characters to meet the standards of other characters, from a pvp standpoint at endgame, rhinos and foxes dominate ctf.
Easiest solution is to increase health pool on all chars a little bit.
2.I think all levels should really get some new interesting content, to keep us all busy for a long while, as you guys fix or update other games.
3.Make platinum cheaper, because it really is fair to all the old players who have stuck with the game for this long, and since you guys keep creating more content we lose our pool of gamers.

08-27-2013, 01:04 PM
1. Balance endgame ( I don't endgame but so many people do so I think I'm going to give my vote on that too!)
2. Nerf forgotten bows or buff previous pvp items
3. PvE balances

08-27-2013, 09:58 PM
1. My number one is easily the liquidation system. I love the fact that you are able to sell useless items. But one thing I really do not like is when I accidentally sell an item I wasn't trying to sell. I've lost plenty of items that don't drop, such as cyber armor, and omniscient armor. If PL can have a button where you can make it so the item can be unsellable, that would be great.

2. My number two would be the day 5 blessing. I don't like the fact that I already have all the items that come out of the day 5 blessing.

3. Listen to number one. :)

08-27-2013, 10:19 PM
1) Nerf Forgotten and Hallowen items.
2) Give PL more attention.
3) Buff rhinos anf foxes.

Thanks JustG!

What that guy said

08-27-2013, 10:49 PM
All we want its a cap update. And we ll be happy for the next 5 months.......and maby to be able to combine the dragon colors for the left alone dragon pets like the purple ///blue plus red // for example...or more aliens man ALIENS make new items based on the sentinel hate or shadow ...i dono....something.... alien stages are the most cool of the game.

08-28-2013, 12:32 AM
1. Nerf forgotten bows and hween items ( make fbows sightly less damage than the snowball launcher so winter fest items arnt completely useless and worth saving money to buy them
2. Chance of proc on forgotten bow reduced by 80%
3. Maybe discontinue artisans and expert armors to make them actually worth something

08-28-2013, 01:21 AM
1. more content
2. way more content
3. massively more content

i dont care any pvp stuff... i want more pve stuff wich requires some skills.. and not elixiers...

08-28-2013, 01:48 AM
1. Nerf forgotten bows and hween items ( make fbows sightly less damage than the snowball launcher so winter fest items arnt completely useless and worth saving money to buy them
2. Chance of proc on forgotten bow reduced by 80%
3. Maybe discontinue artisans and expert armors to make them actually worth something

why should we discountinue
Artisan or expert? Just to make extra money.I DISAGREE WITH NO.3

08-28-2013, 02:36 AM
Only two things...
1)fix the nightmare mage hood, (the hair shows)
2) fix the 2012 rabbit ears (mages bun shows)

08-28-2013, 03:10 AM
Not sure if it has been suggested, I haven't read all 12 pages, but..
1. In the inventory section, theres an arrow, to choose an outfit. But you can only save four. It would be nice if I could save more than four so I don't have to go through my whole inventory looking pinks of other sets that I couldn't save.

2. Add batch sale option for inventory items. I think this been suggested like 1000 times already. That option will really help to many farmers and people who leveling up, so yeah heres example:


2. I really like this idea, I have liquidated a few trash that I valued, and to have this would be a lot easier to prevent. But I have something to add to this, maybe in stead of tickimg boxes to sell, why not tick boxes to show the types of items? Trash, Common, rare, etc, and liquidate as normal.
3. And also, when carrying potions in Pve, why is the max potions you can loot is 25? If potion cap is 1k why not just let them keep looting? It would save time for potion farmers like me, who already has about 9k potions, but it would be eaiser if I could just keep looting, rather than looting 25, leave map, go back, leave map, and so on.

08-28-2013, 07:33 AM
why should we discountinue
Artisan or expert? Just to make extra money.I DISAGREE WITH NO.3

Key word "maybe"

Honestly dont care if they get discontinued or not. I play to pvp.

08-28-2013, 11:55 AM
1. Nerf Fbows.
2. Buff rhinos and foxes.
3. Buff lvl 1-9 pvp. Like adding some good weaps.

08-28-2013, 12:43 PM
1) Nerf forgotten bows

2) Androids sounds is not clear cant hear at all!

3) Nerf pollasauce..........

Amazing thread Thanks!!!

08-28-2013, 02:14 PM
1. more content
2. way more content
3. massively more content

Not the point of this thread, sorry.

08-28-2013, 03:25 PM
1-Nerf fbows and h'ween items
2-Increase hp so there wont be instakills
3-Buff rhinos

08-28-2013, 03:36 PM
1-Nerf fbows and h'ween items
2-Increase hp so there wont be instakills
3-Buff rhinos

I am definitely sensing a theme...

08-28-2013, 03:42 PM
1 Get rid of forgotten items
2 Buff rhinos and foxes
3 Nerf halloween items

08-28-2013, 03:50 PM
Also, enforcing ToS more strictly. There's guys running around with sold android costumes and founders accounts. If I recall, accounts like these were banned promptly, but this does not seem to be the case anymore.

08-28-2013, 05:12 PM
Yes.. also justg on andriods there appears to be a sounds problem. I explained the best I can in this thread awhile ago. I thought it was only my galaxy s4 but turns out most people experienced the same thing while on andriod.


08-28-2013, 08:21 PM
Give rhino mana shield!

08-28-2013, 08:32 PM
Give rhino mana shield!

Ouch...my 40 rhino already loses enough mana..not much mana regen at 40.

08-28-2013, 09:43 PM
That can be fixed by making the rhino stronger with int attributes and gear. But for higher level rhinos with high m/s it would help

08-28-2013, 09:46 PM
STASH IDEA - finding items quickly in stash

Two ideas...

1. Can there be a way to categorize by either level or color?

2. Be consistent by adding most recently dropped items in stash either at the bottom or top.

It's really tedious and wastes time trying to find items because they are listed so randomly.

Thank you

08-28-2013, 09:50 PM
All we want its a cap update. And we ll be happy for the next 5 months.......and maby to be able to combine the dragon colors for the left alone dragon pets like the purple ///blue plus red // for example...or more aliens man ALIENS make new items based on the sentinel hate or shadow ...i dono....something.... alien stages are the most cool of the game.

What do u mean we? Some ppl don't do endgame xD
Yea yea the majority off ppl do but...

08-28-2013, 10:21 PM
1. Organize inventory terms of stash and vanities as well more tabs or by names in vanity because.some vanities are not alphabetically arranged.

2. Shout out?to be able to let other know in different town (but same town name) because when a town gets full its annoying or probably increase max people in town?

3. In guild stuff. The guild tiers are boring maybe add some mini game or feature for higher purchasable tiers?for tiers 4 add some leave a note or guild message when you enter guild tier 4 for tier 5 add some raffle games associated with the officers/GL thwy put some money then by week/months(I hope we can choose for how long) they can win for some gold by the deadline and add some more guild position, in guild stash too? Add a pw for specific members/officers/recruiters to access it because this game is international and different timezones so this would be perfect

08-28-2013, 10:24 PM
Also, enforcing ToS more strictly. There's guys running around with sold android costumes and founders accounts. If I recall, accounts like these were banned promptly, but this does not seem to be the case anymore.

This is so true we need more devs to get online more often.they have so.many games they can't keep up with security in other games. Prolly get more devs for specific games that'll do the trick. The dev.who can roam around town pvp dungeons in disguise

08-28-2013, 11:28 PM
1. Volunteer Moderators
2. Volunteer Moderators
3. Volunteer DEVS?!?!?! Jk. Jk. But seriously for the first two.

08-28-2013, 11:35 PM
What do u mean we? Some ppl don't do endgame xD
Yea yea the majority off ppl do but...

I don't! :)

08-28-2013, 11:53 PM
I don't pvp I'm all about the pve so here it is 1 give us long quest with a good story if not now do it when the new content comes out something to keep us busy 2 I would like a way to mail ppl in game I've had the same team a long time but a lot of them are not active between content updates and most of them don't get on forums or mabby a guild charter I would like a way to stay in contact with my guilds. 3 give us a way to earn rings if content is not coming out mabby extremely rare craft items around the world that drop for 76 cap players only and items you can't sell only to use to craft armor helm or shield so we can not only gain are rings but have something to work for and keep playing.

08-29-2013, 01:26 AM
Posted by Rushorgtfo

"lower all base damadge by 50% and increase all HP by 50% and decrease all dodge by 50% and all hit by 50 % and crit by 50%"

08-29-2013, 01:45 AM
Posted by Rushorgtfo

"lower all base damadge by 50% and increase all HP by 50% and decrease all dodge by 50% and all hit by 50 % and crit by 50%"

If damage was reduced to 50% at endgame then then would be no need for the health increase :) and if the dodge was lowered by 50% that would be cool, but 331 hit % on an archer would easily pierce the little dodge that remained.

08-29-2013, 01:47 AM
I am definitely sensing a theme...

Ya think?

08-29-2013, 04:00 AM
1)Maybe lowering Lvl experience from lvls 70+ ??Players without trasher wait for a chance for 3xcombo from daily blessing to start lvling

2)FIX DODGE GOD!Especially in lvls 20-45 for bears and birds!There are times that with 40 dodge i may not dodge a single time .... and there are times my enemies cant even harm me!!!!!!!!!!!!Balance it please...

3)Also...nerf please the plat pack for bear L35-40...so overpowered!Bears can have with an armor ring 110 armor and with their dodge which is at least 40 ...they can tank a whole team! Thats all

08-29-2013, 04:25 AM
I just want foxes and rhinos to get balanced, like if I go into a map, somebody will kick me saying 'Noob Fox Go To Hell'.
Nerf fbows. It totally makes l10-71 PvP stupid. Endgame is better but not when Azi or his team are calling people trash and spawning.
Can we stop with the elite rings. Just because people didn't know about Pocket legends in '10 means that they are way underpowered.
Another thing: If you cannot stop elite rings, why not make a new quest or something that people can earn those items. That way it will be equal.er.

08-29-2013, 04:25 AM
like good old sewer bears with their dodge in the 30's buffed

Much higher than that my friend.

08-29-2013, 04:57 AM
I just want foxes and rhinos to get balanced, like if I go into a map, somebody will kick me saying 'Noob Fox Go To Hell'.
Nerf fbows. It totally makes l10-71 PvP stupid. Endgame is better but not when Azi or his team are calling people trash and spawning.
Can we stop with the elite rings. Just because people didn't know about Pocket legends in '10 means that they are way underpowered.
Another thing: If you cannot stop elite rings, why not make a new quest or something that people can earn those items. That way it will be equal.er.

Elite ring was a quest you're just saying you dont have one because you didnt made cap.... everything isnt that unbalance @ endgame stahp

08-29-2013, 05:37 AM
1). This isn't a fix, but please, let us take names of inactive players like before! The whole community would agree with that, nearly all the names which have slightest bit of originality are taken.

2). Fix endgame pvp.

3). Nerf fbows.