View Full Version : L56 Rhino

08-23-2013, 09:28 PM
Does anyone have any tips, rings, combos, builds and attribute info for one?

08-23-2013, 09:59 PM
Hi Kevin.


1 Charge
6 Rhino Might
6 Heal
6 Redemption
6 Brute Force
5 (or) 1 Summon
6 Guardian
6 Vital Force
6 Holy Tempest
1 (or) 5 Revive
6 Stone Skin


An obvious combo is Charge and Redemption, making an unnamed combo.

If you hit the combo, it will heal you.
If hit correctly^, it will deal 2x damage and 2x heal yourself.

I can't really explain the buffs, they're sort of hard and you just need perfect timing since the force buffs cancel each other out.

This might help a bit (or not xD) but I use Brute Force, Stone Skin, and then when really close, Guardian, and wait for them to use their damaging skills. Then I charge in with Vital Force (for the crit) and my combos and then run back a bit to wait for the HT cd. It's sort of a hit and run type of style to play.

The 5 (or) 1 on Summon and Revive are for whatever style of playing you're wanting to do. If you're more of a team player, obviously use higher Revive to be able to revive from farther distances as the range at 1 is only 6m. The debuff (Summon) is not that great either, but every bit of debuff helps.

Hopefully I helped out a little, maybe I'm just telling you the basic everyone-knows-it stuff. Either way, I hope I helped out at all ^.^

08-23-2013, 10:05 PM
Edit: Helped a ton, thanks.

08-24-2013, 07:20 AM
An obvious combo is Charge and Redemption, making an unnamed combo.

The combo is actually "Juiced"

08-24-2013, 07:25 AM
Look who leveled up :o

08-24-2013, 09:06 AM
The combo is actually "Juiced" lel thanks, everytime I did it I couldn't see the name for some reason, maybe has something to do with chrome :o

08-24-2013, 09:15 AM
Edit: Helped a ton, thanks. Forgot about gear and such >.< I'd use BT for Hit% and dodge as the dodge buff isn't great, and you obviously need all the hit% you can get, yet SM has it's pluses too. I use 128 str, 67 int, and 90 dex because 67 int gives me enough to use my ring, and adds damage to Holy Tempest. Ring- Fine Crystal Ring of Life. 10 Plat, Req- L20 + 67 int. Stats- 1 H/s, 3 M/s, 4 dmg.

08-24-2013, 10:13 AM
Edit: Helped a ton, thanks. Forgot about gear and such >.< I'd use BT for Hit% and dodge as the dodge buff isn't great, and you obviously need all the hit% you can get, yet SM has it's pluses too. I use 128 str, 67 int, and 90 dex because 67 int gives me enough to use my ring, and adds damage to Holy Tempest. Ring- Fine Crystal Ring of Life. 10 Plat, Req- L20 + 67 int. Stats- 1 H/s, 3 M/s, 4 dmg.
was gonna say that.

08-27-2013, 08:07 AM
Good luck with your rhino!

08-27-2013, 03:58 PM
Are you 76 now? :D

08-27-2013, 04:52 PM
No, it's staying 56 for now.

08-27-2013, 05:30 PM
I'm surprised. Usually for me I can only stand a level range for about a week before leveling up.