View Full Version : Quests

08-25-2013, 04:48 AM
could i jump into higher maps quests without doing lower maps quest? lazy to do lower maps again haha

08-25-2013, 08:55 AM
I think you need to do some of the lower level quests in order to complete the campaign.

I noticed on my level 31 Mage that I haven't completed the Dead City Campaign. I thought It was odd because I killed all the bosses. But after going through a series of quests that I was too lazy to go through, I got the achievements. Plus, it'll get them out of your way. Less exclamation points on NPCs to worry about xD

Like, for example, if you don't complete the Kraken map and Kraken quests, you won't be able to go to Kraken Mines. (Unless you join someone there)

But up to you. They're pretty easy so.

08-25-2013, 09:55 AM
I don't think skiping to higher maps is a good idea ur just have a hard time & get ur self killed.its better to take ur time then keep dieing over & over.keep running kraken maps till ur 23 then do nordr forest & mt spyr over & over for fast lv up