View Full Version : Orions Arcane Ability

08-25-2013, 08:23 PM
Hey there

I don't know if anyone has noticed or if this issue has already been brought up but anyways..

I recently noticed that Orions Arcane ability isn't showing up on our stats, meaning no change happens to any ones damage when you hit the arcane ability.

This leads me to wonder, is orions arcane ability even working since its not showing/changing your stats? or is it working but it just doesn't show up?

Either way it is not showing a change at all so this is a bug for sure

08-26-2013, 07:36 AM
when there's %dmg added, mostly it doesnt show in the general avatar page. But it shows on the skill page, just check the dmg of 1 skill b4 and after the boost.
Atm sts have put the %dmg bug on hold I guess. There have been a lot of remarks/posts since beginning.

08-26-2013, 07:45 AM
As posted above % dmg (and % armor) aren't shown in your stats screen. It's the same for passives.

Here's the official thread about it...
