View Full Version : Essential skills and gears needed in LB timed runs

08-26-2013, 09:27 AM
Hi, can someone share what gears does a mage need in order to compete with LB timed runs? Is there a specific build for it to be advantageous to the group? Do you need plat for instant revival or dmg/armor boost?

I personally wanted to be part of at least one LB timed run but unfortunately I'm 2/5 mythics, helm and armor only. I'd be willing to buy plat for me to respec and purchase boost elix.

I guess this topic goes for other classes as well.

Thanks for the feedback.

08-26-2013, 09:40 AM
You need the gun, armor, and helm or amulet definitely.
Enhanced is easier than pure, so buying elixirs help, especially the tombs.
As a Mage, you need to worry about hitting the most enemies at a time, to maximize your AOE damage.

08-26-2013, 11:57 AM
Id say top tier gear or a skilled rogue. Tryed doing a couple time runs with apollo on sorc and wasnt making the right speed

08-26-2013, 12:27 PM
Mythic helm, mythic armor, mythic gun, mythic amulet and mythic ring or legend ring of assault. Legend ring of assault is only -0.4 damage as compared to mythic ring. You need 4 offensive skills. Which 4 can be debatable But you'll probably want Fire, Ice, Time shift & Lightning. Sometimes though I like wind if the map needs for you to get to some spot fast, as wind gives you a speed boost. If not using wind, and you need to move fast then use Slag. Slag is also like having a 5th offensive skill because his arcane does damage including panic. Of the legendary pets I believe Colton gives you the highest damage plus crit party bonus which works well with rogues as the crit bonus stacks. Also I think people focus too much on gear and not enough on how to run the map. Even if you don't have all mythics its still possible to come up with a faster time if you figure out a way to finish the map faster by using different/better pulls.

08-26-2013, 10:31 PM
Mythic helm, mythic armor, mythic gun, mythic amulet and mythic ring or legend ring of assault. Legend ring of assault is only -0.4 damage as compared to mythic ring. You need 4 offensive skills. Which 4 can be debatable But you'll probably want Fire, Ice, Time shift & Lightning. Sometimes though I like wind if the map needs for you to get to some spot fast, as wind gives you a speed boost. If not using wind, and you need to move fast then use Slag. Slag is also like having a 5th offensive skill because his arcane does damage including panic. Of the legendary pets I believe Colton gives you the highest damage plus crit party bonus which works well with rogues as the crit bonus stacks. Also I think people focus too much on gear and not enough on how to run the map. Even if you don't have all mythics its still possible to come up with a faster time if you figure out a way to finish the map faster by using different/better pulls.

Learning the map is winning half the battle, I think. Thanks man.

08-27-2013, 03:50 AM
Mythic helm, mythic armor, mythic gun, mythic amulet and mythic ring or legend ring of assault. Legend ring of assault is only -0.4 damage as compared to mythic ring. You need 4 offensive skills. Which 4 can be debatable But you'll probably want Fire, Ice, Time shift & Lightning. Sometimes though I like wind if the map needs for you to get to some s pot fast, as wind gives you a speed boost. If not using wind, and you need to move fast then use Slag. Slag is also like having a 5th offensive skill because his arcane does damage including panic. Of the legendary pets I believe Colton gives you the highest damage plus crit party bonus which works well with rogues as the crit bonus stacks. Also I think people focus too much on gear and not enough on how to run the map. Even if you don't have all mythics its still possible to come up with a faster time if you figure out a way to finish the map faster by using different/better pulls.
He said almost all :) what i would add is:
In elite its better to use lightning fire ice and clock
In tombs instead of lightning i prefer full upgraded Wind, because first you get speed and 2nf you Hit more enemies.