View Full Version : Question For All You People

08-26-2013, 04:11 PM
I have a question for all of you who say the Arcane Hooks were OP in Season 3:
Would you have still thought they were OP even if you knew the stats and proc of the Arcane Maul and Staff back then? The proc of the Maul and Staff are much better than Hooks imo. To be honest, the Hooks seem as dangerous as your average 6 year-old playground bully. Whereas the Maul and Staff are like people armed with a knife and gun.

Now this thread isn't a "Buff Hooks pls" threads. I just want to know if you would've still thought they were OP if all Arcane weapons were released at the same time. Keep in mind that the Hooks were only OP for a short timeframe because the Nordr expansion arrived in 2 months. The Maul was OP for 4 months, and now the Staff will be OP for who knows how long.

I don't want to turn this thread into a thread of hatred and raging people, kthnx.

08-26-2013, 04:30 PM
Well you have a valid point with the season length but the reasoning I come up with for what seems like such a big difference.
In earlier season level caps were lower. This means stats were lower. A 60 buff to intel for Mage in season 5 might be comparatively equivalent to the hooks in season 3. Also you can't really compare them all by exact stats of the proc and stuff because of how each class is effected differently IE: 20 damage on top of a Mage with 300 damage = 1/15 total damage
A warrior with 200 damage gaining 20 damage is 1/10 total damage added etc etc.
so you may be completely correct or it may be since the stats are so different season to season and class to class it could just be no more than a simple misconception.