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View Full Version : Auto-allocation of skill points ...

04-30-2010, 09:18 AM
A puzzling, but reproducible and definitely annoying thing occurs when you gain a new skill point and have less than 4 skills on your 'short list' - a skill point is automatically used and placed in the lowest level skill you have no points in and that skill is then added to the 'short list'.

Is this intentional? And if so, why? Not everyone wants the skills these points are going in to and we're then essentially forced to respec to put the skill points where we want them. BUT, respec to less than 4 skills on the 'short list' and the same thing happens again when you get a new skill point.

I'd imagine this is a bug. However, if it's intentional then it's a lousy way to make us spend cash on a respec. And if it is a bug, how about a fix and then a free respec for everyone?

04-30-2010, 09:31 AM
It is intentional... the idea behind it is that many players (who are not as savvy as you folks) don't understand about skill points and allocations, so we auto-load the first four. Futumsh was working on something that would give you an auto-respec at level 8 or so so you could place those points where you want them.

04-30-2010, 10:02 AM
Cool. Thanks for getting back so quickly.

04-30-2010, 12:23 PM
It is intentional... the idea behind it is that many players (who are not as savvy as you folks) don't understand about skill points and allocations, so we auto-load the first four. Futumsh was working on something that would give you an auto-respec at level 8 or so so you could place those points where you want them.

So what would that mean for the people who have been playing since the beginning so they have numerous characters higher than level 8. Would they still get one free respec?

04-30-2010, 12:52 PM
This does almost force a respec in some cases if you care about every point. I mean how many enchantresses ever use frostbite again after they have ice storm? No big deal though, just a bit annoying.