View Full Version : 56 obe bird/cust bird help

08-30-2013, 02:05 PM
I've always done 56 pvp with my bear and everything is fine, but I made a 56 bird and mostly I suck at it, its just mostly Mage own me and I try everything to beat them, but still mages are super hard to defeat. Please help me figure a way to defeat charmin mages.
Thanks for everyone for helping me!

08-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Okkkkkkkkkk, since it sounds like you have a build ill skip that.
First a quick over view:
L56 dex birds are very fragile
You need decent Internet to use a bird... My new Internet speed keeps my ping in 400-900 so... Yeah bird sucks for me now. Anyways moving on.
You need to either nuke or kite them until they use mana shield then nuke.
For a nice hard quick nuke break, root, blast, then repulse.
Something to note repulse does second highest amount of damage. Now against a charm Mage, your best defense is offense then kite. Use blind first when kiting, this makes you more likely to dodge and decreases there hit%.

If you need more help or unclear on what I said pm me or post here I might check.

08-30-2013, 06:45 PM
Charmin' mages are very op to bird.

08-30-2013, 07:09 PM
I beat charmin mages while using obed ~75% of the time with blast root break arm blind shatter scream repulse.

If you are getting BS luck and constant one hits, move blind before blast.

08-30-2013, 08:02 PM
I beat charmin mages while using obed ~75% of the time with blast root break arm blind shatter scream repulse.

If you are getting BS luck and constant one hits, move blind before blast.
I should of asked u first xD
And thank you srryyoulose and hahahahabirdy