View Full Version : Only the Brave

08-30-2013, 11:08 PM
Only The Brave guild aims to help each and every members in the guild to fullfill quest, farm and level up. We don't have plans on rushing into endgame or doing PVP for domination or for leaderboards. We're posting here in our thread some announcements on events that we will be having.This will be a guild with fun-filled to unite each player in different nationality and time zone.


1. Respect each other. Saying rascal jokes, calling names and other related things which may consider offensive will not be tolerated in the guild.

2. Beggars in the guild is not allowed. Guild chat is not a way or place for begging items/gold. If you need assistance for better looting or killing a boss to get good drops, asked from the guild. There will be high level willing to help anytime when needed and if they are free.

3. Party invite should have a courtesy , when inviting guild member/officer, message them beforehand so to avoid confrontation/misunderstanding.

4. Scammers, cheaters, hackers , stealers is not allowed in the guild. Anyone caught up doing such activities will be kick from the guild and will be reported to STS Support.

5. Avoid drama, all misunderstandings should be settle in the guild hall. Avoid fighting in the guild chat.

#Subject for enhancement#


1. Help members to level up in the best place as possible. Whenever guild master is not around, the officers will be the one to help keep the
guild organize.

2. Help guild masters to decide whether the members are to be promoted as recruiter or the recruiter to be promoted as officer.

3. Greet new members inform about the guild rules and events.


1. Invite more people to the guild. Convincing players to the guild as not an easy task, so be patience and ensure that the players to invite
meet the need requirements set for recruting.

2. Help officers for doing some runs/quest with the members.


1. Help maintain the peacefullness in the guild.

2. Support fellow members to fullfill such quest/kill bosses.

09-01-2013, 01:46 AM
Time starts at: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130902T20&p0=776&fg2=9acd79&msg=Guessing+Game

As promise there will be an event in the guild. This will measure how you know about general information on Arcane Legend game. So find time to read and familiarize the information. These informations will be not so tough to learn since most of the members are just new to the game. Mechanics of the game is simple, just answer the questions that I'm going to asked and the first to answer will have the point. The most numbers of correct answers wins the first and next is second and for the last one gets the third prize.

First Prize : Locked Grand Crate of the Watch
Second Prize : 5K Gold
Third Prize : 2K Gold

Basically, we have a different time zone, so check your time zone from this countdown timer.