View Full Version : Aggro

08-31-2013, 09:17 AM
What are some good ways to maintain aggro? And how do you know if you're maintaining aggro well?

08-31-2013, 09:52 AM
You know you have the aggro when all mobs are attacking you ... lol.

A way to get the Aggro is Horn or Charged Windmill if you have the perks on them. (I think)

08-31-2013, 10:02 AM
There is a HoR upgrade that allows you to hold mobs aggros that are in your heal zone.I think your HoR should be charged.

08-31-2013, 04:44 PM
chest splitter, hor, wm are good agrro generating skill. juggernaut have long cd so i think its not worth it.
few tips on agrro
most noobs dont wait for big pulles. they always like to attack 2-3 mobs so move fast as tank and pull big
pull max mob which u can handle.
learn to lure mobs in every map
when 1-2 mob left leave them for ur party and make ready new big pull for ur party.
i suggest use any aggro generating skill when u loose aggro otherwise spam pots for healing and for attack use ss n autoattack onlyonly. but u need b really quick
i generally pull 15-20 mobs, lure them and hor so i hardly take dmg. after it spam cs abd windmill when required to maintain agrro.
if u wanna tank - spec and gear up for tanking and never care abt dps. warrior cant beat mages in aoe n rouges in single target dps. make ur mind there.
still u may loose agrro bcoz of warrior class design - so dont worry , every class got stupid pots.
with every death u will learn and try not to make that mistake again.
position boss and mobs well so other dps classes dont take dmg and do easily dps.
for spec details check my thread - killingsworth make good post outthere.

its basic of tanking and u will learn more in process

my 2 centscents
key - peace out

09-04-2013, 01:20 PM
You don't maintain aggro. you use your aggro skills when mobs get peeled off.

09-05-2013, 10:52 AM
chest splitter, hor, wm are good agrro generating skill. juggernaut have long cd so i think its not worth it.
few tips on agrro
most noobs dont wait for big pulles. they always like to attack 2-3 mobs so move fast as tank and pull big
pull max mob which u can handle.
learn to lure mobs in every map
when 1-2 mob left leave them for ur party and make ready new big pull for ur party.
i suggest use any aggro generating skill when u loose aggro otherwise spam pots for healing and for attack use ss n autoattack onlyonly. but u need b really quick
i generally pull 15-20 mobs, lure them and hor so i hardly take dmg. after it spam cs abd windmill when required to maintain agrro.
if u wanna tank - spec and gear up for tanking and never care abt dps. warrior cant beat mages in aoe n rouges in single target dps. make ur mind there.
still u may loose agrro bcoz of warrior class design - so dont worry , every class got stupid pots.
with every death u will learn and try not to make that mistake again.
position boss and mobs well so other dps classes dont take dmg and do easily dps.
for spec details check my thread - killingsworth make good post outthere.

its basic of tanking and u will learn more in process

my 2 centscents
key - peace out

Tanks don't always know this, but it's best to hold still rather than go get the mobs and try to peel them off of the squishies. Whenever we add tanks to our guild I run an easy map that I know I can 'tank' with them and show them the pulls. My first advice to them is to hold still and spam pots. :) Holding still allows everyone else's AOE skills to work right and to help with crowd control. Also - when a tank leaves a group of rooted mobs to peel an add off of a mage, the rogue left in the melee (usually me:) ) gets aggro from all the rooted / snared mobs since the tank is out of range. I've died a number of times because of this, and I used to get called a noob because I would die when the tank walked away from my snared group of 20 mobs that I was destroying with my blender to go get 1 stray skeleton :)

Firstly - when you're dealing with Elite pulls, most of them are going to be 8+ mobs. In some of my pulls it's closer to 30. When 1 or 2 go after a mage or a bow rogue who's not in the middle of the melee with the tank, leave them alone.

Personally, I try to peel adds off of the mages. I'll gain aggro from the archers or ranged attackers by using a charged aimed shot point blank as I run out of the melee, and run back while my RS SV and Traps are on cool down, one 3k crit is enough to hold aggro from a mage or archer for a while even over the tank's taunting skills. For the most part though, a stray mob isn't much of a concern to an experienced mage or bow rogue...

09-05-2013, 01:44 PM
Tanks don't always know this, but it's best to hold still rather than go get the mobs and try to peel them off of the squishies. Whenever we add tanks to our guild I run an easy map that I know I can 'tank' with them and show them the pulls. My first advice to them is to hold still and spam pots. :) Holding still allows everyone else's AOE skills to work right and to help with crowd control. Also - when a tank leaves a group of rooted mobs to peel an add off of a mage, the rogue left in the melee (usually me:) ) gets aggro from all the rooted / snared mobs since the tank is out of range. I've died a number of times because of this, and I used to get called a noob because I would die when the tank walked away from my snared group of 20 mobs that I was destroying with my blender to go get 1 stray skeleton :)

Firstly - when you're dealing with Elite pulls, most of them are going to be 8+ mobs. In some of my pulls it's closer to 30. When 1 or 2 go after a mage or a bow rogue who's not in the middle of the melee with the tank, leave them alone.

Personally, I try to peel adds off of the mages. I'll gain aggro from the archers or ranged attackers by using a charged aimed shot point blank as I run out of the melee, and run back while my RS SV and Traps are on cool down, one 3k crit is enough to hold aggro from a mage or archer for a while even over the tank's taunting skills. For the most part though, a stray mob isn't much of a concern to an experienced mage or bow rogue...

I am guilty of this at times! :chargrined: The dilemma is having to choose which cluster of mobs to taunt in the heat of battle. One problem is the fact that our taunt skills effect a maximum of 5 targets at any given time (4 if you use chest splitter + extended reach). Even during the deployment of skills with a pulsating taunt such as Juggernaut of Windmill, 5 is the maximum number of targets that will receive the taunt. I try my best to taunt/peel enemies that have nasty frontal AOEs (shadowmancers especially) and face them the opposite direction from my group. I agree with Alrisaia that generally speaking tanks should remain in the center of the pull and only move slightly to try and give your party the benefits of Horn of Renew. Good mages will know how to crowd control - so warriors need not worry about that. Good rogues will know how to peel mobs off their mages or pull more mobs if the initial is too small - so warriors need not worry about that as well. Tanking in this game is somewhat of an art form in elite maps. I still learn something new every day about my warrior and what skills/pets I use. Holding aggro during mob pulls is certainly something that takes a lot of practice.

09-05-2013, 01:54 PM
What are some good ways to maintain aggro? And how do you know if you're maintaining aggro well?

A good way to maintain aggro on a boss is to time your skill cool downs so that you minimize the downtime between taunts. Having a constant, "pulsating" slew of taunts will keep the boss facing you and prevent them from rampaging your party. Many warriors in this game use their own, preferred build. With that being said, I won't try to persuade you which skills are the "best" for taunting and maintaining aggro. Whichever skills you choose, make sure you use them rhythmically to maintain your aggro and positioning of the boss. However, certain bosses tend to ignore warriors' efforts of taunting: any of the spider bosses and Bloodhammer. For these bosses, your best bet is to try and keep them well positioned and taunt when you can. Spiders you can push into a corner or wall. Bloodhammer you can keep enfeebled so he doesn't crit shell shock one of your party members. There's tactics and strategy to almost every boss fight you encounter. They are certainly not all "hack & slash" encounters.

09-05-2013, 03:02 PM
I am guilty of this at times! :chargrined: The dilemma is having to choose which cluster of mobs to taunt in the heat of battle. One problem is the fact that our taunt skills effect a maximum of 5 targets at any given time (4 if you use chest splitter + extended reach). Even during the deployment of skills with a pulsating taunt such as Juggernaut of Windmill, 5 is the maximum number of targets that will receive the taunt. I try my best to taunt/peel enemies that have nasty frontal AOEs (shadowmancers especially) and face them the opposite direction from my group. I agree with Alrisaia that generally speaking tanks should remain in the center of the pull and only move slightly to try and give your party the benefits of Horn of Renew. Good mages will know how to crowd control - so warriors need not worry about that. Good rogues will know how to peel mobs off their mages or pull more mobs if the initial is too small - so warriors need not worry about that as well. Tanking in this game is somewhat of an art form in elite maps. I still learn something new every day about my warrior and what skills/pets I use. Holding aggro during mob pulls is certainly something that takes a lot of practice.

Yeah, so – having ‘grown up’ running pugs with warriors who had no clue how to hold aggro or who thought they should be running around attacking everything I learned how to survive large pulls with full aggro. Even when and if a warrior dies I typically stay alive by being smart about either kiting if there’s too many, or using my veil and RS combo to avoid damage.

I didn’t realize that a warrior’s taunts only affected some targets – I remember a buff in EQ that was great for gaining aggro – thorns or something – it would dish out damage to the attacker (sort of like the reflective shield of the Alpha Wolf but much smaller quantities of damage)… A single buff of this sort on the tank helped him to maintain aggro very well.

Taejo – anytime you want to test out some of these aggro / taunt skills let me know… we can go into WT4, I’ll pull the whole dang dungeon, and you can peel them off of me with nothing but taunts

09-14-2013, 01:21 PM
@alrisaia for once I may have to disagree boss. I do move around as a tank to steal mobs. Windmill uses EPIC taunt I try to touch and go to pull them all into a single point I then combo a shot from heal right after I am in the middle of all mobs. By doing this I have regained any aggro I have lost by moving. *using vengeful blood before windmill is also a nice way to deal heavy damage (from a warrior's perspective) and regain mana (both of these are luxuries and aren't that important tbh)*

However, in the new shuyal maps (like overgrow) holding all mobs in a single point and having control of all aggro is a great way to get stun locked (and eventually die from the armor debuffs that stack from the wolves). A good way around this is to bring a few mages with strong crowd control skills (fire, clock, and ice. Maybe not all three) and to SLIGHTLY (can't stress slightly enough) seperate the pack. I use vixen right before or after a mage uses clock to achieve this. Then I tank the larger of the two broken off sections if mobs while the mages and rouge (most parties I run are two mages one rouge) pick off the sttanglers. Now the pack is manageable and I proceed to try to regain all aggro (i also stop using vixens ability). *I repeat this method every time I encounter a new pull that is an above manageable size (you will remeber where you need to use vixen after two or three runs)*

09-14-2013, 03:28 PM
@alrisaia for once I may have to disagree boss. I do move around as a tank to steal mobs. Windmill uses EPIC taunt I try to touch and go to pull them all into a single point I then combo a shot from heal right after I am in the middle of all mobs. By doing this I have regained any aggro I have lost by moving. *using vengeful blood before windmill is also a nice way to deal heavy damage (from a warrior's perspective) and regain mana (both of these are luxuries and aren't that important tbh)*

However, in the new shuyal maps (like overgrow) holding all mobs in a single point and having control of all aggro is a great way to get stun locked (and eventually die from the armor debuffs that stack from the wolves). A good way around this is to bring a few mages with strong crowd control skills (fire, clock, and ice. Maybe not all three) and to SLIGHTLY (can't stress slightly enough) seperate the pack. I use vixen right before or after a mage uses clock to achieve this. Then I tank the larger of the two broken off sections if mobs while the mages and rouge (most parties I run are two mages one rouge) pick off the sttanglers. Now the pack is manageable and I proceed to try to regain all aggro (i also stop using vixens ability). *I repeat this method every time I encounter a new pull that is an above manageable size (you will remeber where you need to use vixen after two or three runs)*

Agreed Shuyal has ... changed the pull and tanking tactics drastically :)

09-14-2013, 03:50 PM
@alrisaia for once I may have to disagree boss. I do move around as a tank to steal mobs. Windmill uses EPIC taunt I try to touch and go to pull them all into a single point I then combo a shot from heal right after I am in the middle of all mobs. By doing this I have regained any aggro I have lost by moving. *using vengeful blood before windmill is also a nice way to deal heavy damage (from a warrior's perspective) and regain mana (both of these are luxuries and aren't that important tbh)*

However, in the new shuyal maps (like overgrow) holding all mobs in a single point and having control of all aggro is a great way to get stun locked (and eventually die from the armor debuffs that stack from the wolves). A good way around this is to bring a few mages with strong crowd control skills (fire, clock, and ice. Maybe not all three) and to SLIGHTLY (can't stress slightly enough) seperate the pack. I use vixen right before or after a mage uses clock to achieve this. Then I tank the larger of the two broken off sections if mobs while the mages and rouge (most parties I run are two mages one rouge) pick off the sttanglers. Now the pack is manageable and I proceed to try to regain all aggro (i also stop using vixens ability). *I repeat this method every time I encounter a new pull that is an above manageable size (you will remeber where you need to use vixen after two or three runs)*Agreed Shuyal has ... changed the pull and tanking tactics drastically :)

Yes, it certainly has. As Crow mentioned, standing in the middle now is the best way to get stunned for 5-10 seconds at a time, accomplishing very little for your group. With Shuyal's addition of the purple goo (my forum avatar's location does not lie), my love for Juggernaut has been rekindled albeit the fact I feel it needs minor improvements (change initial heal to a % and lower the CD by 5 seconds). Misty is also becoming a utility that we can consider using in the new Shuyal maps, but doesn't quite stand a chance against our other pet options. Misty has multiple issues that deserve to be expounded upon in a separate thread.

09-14-2013, 07:23 PM
windmill not hitting if mobs is exactly under u. is that bug or what?

09-15-2013, 08:26 AM
@taejo I agree with you (this season) for the first time since this game was released juggernaut has become part of my tanking skill map (and HAS to be there).
As for Misty its useless since it cleans your debuffs all at once but has no lasting effect. Since purple goo is an area based debuff. If Misty cleared the purple goo, or removed debuffs for three seconds (so the debuffs don't pile back on instantly) or in a similar way to the "guardian" abillity paladins have in PL misty may become of value to parties. As is vixen is the best way I have found to break stun lock