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View Full Version : My question about pvp.

08-31-2013, 05:37 PM
Okay so I've been pvping at low level for a while now and I can never make a character that everyone respects and is friends with. Everytime I try to restart I get rushed. I understand there are people who just rush to rush and I'm okay with that when its one person. Earlier today I got rushed by somebody and I'm okay with that. It just makes it 1 v 1. Then I start getting rushed by another person so then its 2 v 1. Thats when it starts to bother me. Another thing is that when I have a forgotten bow on, I don't get rushed as much. When I put on a different bow then everyone tries to rush me. So I'm getting rushed because I'm not equipping a forgotten bow. Also people get me to attack them a lot. I'm standing still watching people fight or waiting for someone to say go and then all of a sudden the person near me has a forgotten bow in their hand autoing me. My first thought is that they're just messing around. Then they get me so low that 2-3 more autos will kill me. What do I do you ask? I stomp them away along with an auto (not even buffing). Then they buff and kill me because my health is so low. Next thing I know, I am labeled a rusher and everyone is hunting me. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong.
So what I want to know is how do you get respect in pvp. For me it seems impossible. I don't rush people and I actually don't rush new people. Its not like I'm new to the game. I've been playing Pocket Legends for about 2+ years now. Its just that this problem occurs so much that I cant get a bear over 1k kills. I don't even know how my bird got 1k+ kills and he barely gets rushed. (This normally happens with my bears).

08-31-2013, 05:43 PM
ME- Joins pvp game just after posting this
Guy1- Go
Me- (Ahh Im dead better not do it) Noty
Guy1- Not an option
Guy2- Noobs these days
Me- ____ has left the game.

08-31-2013, 05:50 PM
You don't need to be "popular" or "respected" to not get people that do those things. No matter how respected you are there will always be people like this. You can go to any level and still get this although its mainly in the lower levels where most of the forgotten users are that think its ok to do these things and that believe being op makes them better than you. Even the most popular and respected pvpers get this. I get it occasionally, but when it does happen I have people that can back me up and that were there. Also this belongs in the "player vs player" section not "general discussion".

08-31-2013, 06:06 PM
Welcome to PL PvP.

08-31-2013, 08:41 PM
This is known as cognitive dissonance. Because people feel so OP with there actions by using an Fbow, they're attitudes literally change thinking they are very skilled. Our actions that we perform eventually become our attitudes.

08-31-2013, 09:36 PM
Dont like to get rush leave the game. There is truly no rules in pvp arena so stop it. Man up
Sorry if it sounds mean but is true.

08-31-2013, 09:46 PM
You don't need to be "popular" or "respected" to not get people that do those things. No matter how respected you are there will always be people like this. You can go to any level and still get this although its mainly in the lower levels where most of the forgotten users are that think its ok to do these things and that believe being op makes them better than you. Even the most popular and respected pvpers get this. I get it occasionally, but when it does happen I have people that can back me up and that were there. Also this belongs in the "player vs player" section not "general discussion".

Getting rushed happens to everyone eventually but once you get popular and make friends it happens waayy less. In 61 pvp I barely get rushed because I know almost everyone but every now and then it comes. But once I hit endgame all those big guilds and random players target me like im free kills while people watch. But again, doesnt happen all the time but would happen less if I was known around that level.

Being known helps but wont completely solve the problem. Just try to make friends and be nice lol

08-31-2013, 11:41 PM
Get known. My 20 bear hardly ever gets rushed, even though I use talon (don't even own an fbow anymore).

Can I ask what level you're at? I might be able to help out if you're getting teamed.

09-01-2013, 08:00 PM
PVP arena is ain playing dolls and make belief tea party buddy, its Survival of the fittest, you will gain more experience faster being rush by one or more, from there you will learn to stay alive and survive attack, that's also how you will learn kiting and dodging attacks.

09-02-2013, 05:16 AM
Strong peoples rule weaker peoples if they get the chance in real life ALSO

If you facing problem, then say -
"don't tempt me to bring my invinsible bird"

and leave.....

09-02-2013, 05:38 AM
I rarely pvp but Bro luvs tat so one day 75 lev bird challenged my main ( harassed again n again each time we met ) . My bro sed : lemme handle tat for u he killed da bird several times , then came an other 75 bird . Bro sed oki then 2 vs 1 so he killed em both then leaved . My main is 76 dual mage was wearing savage set n glory ring n my skills r on lev 9 ... Pvp always rusher world ... Believe it or not ...