View Full Version : Cosmos vs. Keepers?

11-01-2010, 01:01 AM
I am trying to decide whether I want the eye/wand for cosmos or keepers staff.

I understand that keepers is high damage.
I also understand the wand is 8 more additional mana regen plus various other stats.

Any suggestions?

Also: Does Int decrease cool down time of spells?

11-01-2010, 01:04 AM
Staff for pve, since it has high damage and aoe, wand for bosses (since at boss fights you want the extra armor and you won't really need the aoe) and pvp for the added armor. Staff works for pvp as well. I just prefer wand:) that's just my opinion. So I'd switch off.

11-01-2010, 01:10 AM
I put a post in the Enchantress forum with screen shots stating the exact difference between the two.. search for my thread....

Mirage staff is useless... i use Keeper staff in every map everytime "TILL" I reach the boss and then I change to Wand + eye