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11-01-2010, 08:29 AM
how many times have you other bear tanks had people come in and complain about your tanking, when you are doing your best to rock your cool downs, doing your best to round enemies up in corners, and they constantly complain about your tanking when they are using their abilities quite stupidly to knock them away from the nice little death clump you put them in.

complaints really come in AO3 from people dieing from sniper fire. not much i can do about that except try and keep the sniper's stunned, which i do as much as possible.

11-01-2010, 08:34 AM
how many times have you other bear tanks had people come in and complain about your tanking, when you are doing your best to rock your cool downs, doing your best to round enemies up in corners, and they constantly complain about your tanking when they are using their abilities quite stupidly to knock them away from the nice little death clump you put them in.

complaints really come in AO3 from people dieing from sniper fire. not much i can do about that except try and keep the sniper's stunned, which i do as much as possible.

You'll always have people like that. They point before they look at themselves. IMO, good bears can tank that middle room of VL easy, keeping one stunned and disabled, the rest are either being pushed away or dealing low damage.

Just don't tank for them and see them die too :P

11-01-2010, 08:47 AM
yeah not much else i can do. i constantly apply debuffs. i taunt when its up. i do death grip all mighty to make sure enemies are on to me. i stomp them to stun them. i use my direct stun strikes. i even root caster/gunners as much as i can so they can't get away from me.
i also try my best to get mobs clumped in close for rapid stomp and other aoe strikes.
i mean sometimes, like everyone, i might have my bad days and my good days, but overall i think i do a pretty decent job.

11-01-2010, 08:53 AM
I get them once a while as well, and some people take this game way too seriously...

If a Int mage wants to go hit all the mobs with lighting before I stomp, I just let him die...

11-01-2010, 08:57 AM
yeah that happens alot. when im on my mage and there is a tank i make sure to let them get aggro before i go all 'splodey. even then i apply my debuffs before i start doing damage if they are available.

11-01-2010, 08:59 AM
I think the only next thing aside from spamming all those is pre-applied aggro. So you go into the mob/boss and establish aggro before others come in. I'm not sure how to maintain it or how long it lasts though.

11-01-2010, 09:12 AM
Yeah, I have the same problem as well Ellyidol. I can hold aggro for a while, then can't maintain it espically with birds.

11-01-2010, 09:20 AM
I think the key to not getting aggro is being able to control your DPS. For example for a bird, I've never gotten aggro from using a talon despite me spamming all my skills. Though when I put on my blaster, one combo is enough to draw aggro to me. Same with my mage, when I do full combo's on my wand, I don't do aggro. But on a staff, I draw it. For my bear, so I don't draw aggro on hammer, I only buff up my rage and buff skills and normal attack. I don't do debuffs or taunt.

So if you want to kill mobs/bosses quick, be prepared to get aggro. If you want it safe, I suggest maintaining DPS. This works in any other game, a certain player can only have a certain amount of DPS before it draws aggro. Same here I guess.

11-01-2010, 09:57 AM
Rextab if you've ever played an Int or Dex character in AO3, you probably realize how frustrating it can be. Even if you have an excellent team, you can just get 1-shot critted out of nowhere at just about any time. There is some seriously bad tanking out there as well, but I think some people will complain even if that's not the case because they don't understand why they are dying all the time now, when they rarely died in previous campaigns. Mages take a lot of crap too about healing (I just started ignoring people because I literally heal constantly, and they still complain. Granted there are bad mages too, but I guess my point is that life for a mage or even dex character in AO3 is a little too much on the edge IMO, it causes frustration, and players want someone to blame. Going to AO3 requires a change of playing style for many players who could get away with doing things that are just suicide in AO3, and honestly it's the devs fault for following up a crazy easy campaign with kinda joke bosses with the most difficult non-elite campaign in the game. The jump in difficulty is too dramatic, and it's a shock for people I think. I am all for difficulty, but it really does take some of the fun out of the game when I can barely play my Int mage in certain scenarios.

11-01-2010, 10:13 AM
agreed. i have played AO3 as my bear and my bird. i understand the one shotting. heck even my bear can get one shotted at times.
it is just incredibly frustrating.
also they have added alot more strategy to the bosses in AO3. instead of griping i dont know the fight...take a few seconds to explain the mechanics/strategy of it. not that hard.

11-01-2010, 10:32 AM
tell em to drop the attitude or get out. mages and archers cant survive without us tanks, so they should be kneeling at our feet.

11-01-2010, 11:54 AM
when official guild support is added i hope i can get in a guild of people that know what the crap they are doing and willing to help or explain if something is going wrong instead of harshly criticize on something that really isnt even the tank's fault.

just the sheer aholeness of people in this game lately infuriates me. case in point i joined a game on my 32 enchantress last night. there was like a 47 and like i think a 35 in there. the 47 booted me because i was "to low" as he put it (his spelling not mine).
for one that isn't too low for the ancient swamps. thats a low to mid 30s leveling zone. again i say if you just dont want people in your game then lock your friggin game. dont boot someone just because you want to be a punk.

11-03-2010, 08:08 AM
again last night i don't think it is quite fair to say people can't tank when before you (the tank) can even do a single thing to the mobs before everyone lays in on their AOE and high burst (high aggro) attacks.
also not watching what the heck they are doing with their push back or roots as you are trying to position the mobs for maximum tanking position.
is this just a common thing for tanks in PL? i have no problem tanking when i am with people that have any sort of knowledge of how aggro/threat works in games like this.
i had several groups where i did just fine and people were very happy with how i performed, but then there are just groups that constantly berate me when it's not really my fault to begin with.