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View Full Version : Small issue with the upcoming Android version

11-01-2010, 01:03 PM
While I certainly do expect to use the Android version, I will primarily use my iOS device... As I feel pompous and superior for having an iOS device I am thinking that our community needs to come up with a non-offensive yet slightly derogatory name for Android users... What do you think?

Here's some ideas:
New Fish

This is meant to be good clean fun at other people's expense, so let's please avoid racist, scatological, and generally offensive words...

11-01-2010, 01:08 PM
As I feel pompous and superior for having an iOS device I am thinking that our community needs to come up with a non-offensive yet slightly derogatory name for Android users... What do you think?

How about we just call Android players normal players, but Apple freaks get renamed pomps (for pompous) or Apple-Brains (describing both the size and sole focus of their brains)?

11-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Feeling superior for having an iOS device? That's like saying you feel superior for having a Toyota Corolla over someone's Lambo. Good one :)

I like pomps btw, for the Apple users.

11-01-2010, 01:18 PM
Feeling superior for having an iOS device? That's like saying you feel superior for having a Toyota Corolla over someone's Lambo. Good one :)

I like pomps btw, for the Apple users.

dont get cocky lol. we will always be 10 steps ahead of the future droid players

11-01-2010, 01:35 PM
See this is exactly why real Android users should be in the beta. The ilovers are going to hose the port for Android and we are going to be left with and app full of flaws.

I say this as this is the only way ilovers can ever best an Android user do to our superior intellect. ;) just adding to the fun!!

poke poke

11-01-2010, 02:39 PM
If those Android users are on Verizon we can call them silly for choosing to be on a superior network.

Ridiculous for being on a soon to be 4g network.

Absurd for having devices with better specs or bigger screens.

Outrageous for having phones with a nice touch screen keyboard, as well as a physical keyboard.

Some of us get the best of both worlds though by having an iPod Touch 4g and also a Verizon Droid, allowing us to tether our 3g and soon to be 4g to our iPods.

11-01-2010, 03:06 PM
How about we just call Android players normal players, but Apple freaks get renamed pomps (for pompous) or Apple-Brains (describing both the size and sole focus of their brains)?

And those of us with our iPads will merely smile gently upon the folly of youth. :p :D

11-01-2010, 03:09 PM
This thread delivers :D

11-01-2010, 04:13 PM
How stupid. I may as well coin the term "Apple Nazi" because that's pretty much what you are.

On paper, the only upside to having an I-Device is smoothness, other than that the Android is essentially a better device on all levels. Bigger Screen, Quality Camera, Unfiltered/Unlimited App Market, Mobile Hot Spot Abilities, Bigger Key Board, etc.

11-01-2010, 04:17 PM
How stupid. I may as well coin the term "Apple Nazi" because that's pretty much what you are.

On paper, the only upside to having an I-Device is smoothness, other than that the Android is essentially a better device on all levels. Bigger Screen, Quality Camera, Unfiltered/Unlimited App Market, Mobile Hot Spot Abilities, Bigger Key Board, etc.

This is mild humor between Iphone and Android users. He meant no harm no foul.

So everyone from here forward this is not a serious thread, lets keep it that way.

11-01-2010, 04:26 PM
In case the emoticons didn't make it clear, I was being completely facetious. The only name I can think to call the poor, benighted Android users is "poor things" and that simply because they've had to wait so long. Soon, guys. Very soon, with any luck.

11-01-2010, 04:50 PM
How stupid. I may as well coin the term "Apple Nazi" because that's pretty much what you are.

On paper, the only upside to having an I-Device is smoothness, other than that the Android is essentially a better device on all levels. Bigger Screen, Quality Camera, Unfiltered/Unlimited App Market, Mobile Hot Spot Abilities, Bigger Key Board, etc.

Ouch. Thought this was a joke thread where we were poking fun back and forth.

11-01-2010, 05:35 PM
MurdocX, fail for mentioning nazis, you lose.

Idevice = fanbois

Android = droods

There you go and no consulting fee for you all. :)

11-01-2010, 05:38 PM
How bout... Their usernames? or whatever RL name they want to be called by...?

11-01-2010, 05:40 PM
Twink that's an outlandishly logical reason.

11-01-2010, 05:41 PM
Twink that's an outlandishly logical reason.

Thats The way of the Zen master.

11-01-2010, 06:37 PM
Thats The way of the Zen master.

True, but.... if I poked correctly this will be the first game that allows idevice users and android users in the same game fighting side by side or a little pvp. So a little camaraderie is in place as long as it is in good taste and not belittling.

And yes the game will be absolutely a blast knowing both phone users will be in the game and no one will know any different. :)

11-01-2010, 07:19 PM
Feeling superior for having an iOS device? That's like saying you feel superior for having a Toyota Corolla over someone's Lambo. Good one :)

I like pomps btw, for the Apple users.

Yea right, no matter how good the Android OS is or isn't, the hardware its on is never on par with the latest iphones.

And besides, the PC client users will just crap on all the phone users once that is released. All the mobile users will probably be called palmers.

11-01-2010, 11:31 PM
The Android OS BLOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS compared to the iOS. Sorry, it just does. And I don't want to here about specs being better than the iPhone because frankly, if the OS sucks then the better hardware doesn't matter.

Yes, I hate AT&T - they suck but that's all I have for my iPhone for now.

How about his suggestion which does not slander any platform.

iPL = PL player on iOS device

dPL = PL player on Droid OS Device

pPL = PL Player on PC

"I'm a iPL and I was playing with two of my dPL friends and one pPL friend the other night on AO3....."

11-01-2010, 11:36 PM
At&t is fine in most urban areas. Personally i hate version cause they don't use sim cards and jerk you around like crazy when you try to switch phones unless you buy it from them.

11-02-2010, 08:56 AM
The Android OS BLOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS compared to the iOS. Sorry, it just does. And I don't want to here about specs being better than the iPhone because frankly, if the OS sucks then the better hardware doesn't matter.

Yes, I hate AT&T - they suck but that's all I have for my iPhone for now.

How about his suggestion which does not slander any platform.

iPL = PL player on iOS device

dPL = PL player on Droid OS Device

pPL = PL Player on PC

"I'm a iPL and I was playing with two of my dPL friends and one pPL friend the other night on AO3....."
I must ask, what is so bad about the Android OS? What can you do with an iPhone that we can not do with Android? Did the iPhone get Flash yet?

11-02-2010, 09:11 AM
The Android OS BLOOWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS compared to the iOS. Sorry, it just does. And I don't want to here about specs being better than the iPhone because frankly, if the OS sucks then the better hardware doesn't matter.

yet another person lost to Stockholm Syndrome. http://artoftheiphone.com/2009/12/13/analyst-says-iphone-users-experiencing-stockholm-syndrome/ just poking fun here :D

Yes, I hate AT&T - they suck but that's all I have for my iPhone for now.

you can always jailbreak and move to t-mobile.

How about his suggestion which does not slander any platform.

iPL = PL player on iOS device

dPL = PL player on Droid OS Device

pPL = PL Player on PC

"I'm a iPL and I was playing with two of my dPL friends and one pPL friend the other night on AO3....."

This will only cause finger pointing towards one platform or another when someone wins a PvP or gets a better drop then others. It is best left plain across the game so no-one knows what platform they are on unless that person chooses to mention it.

And this is my last reply to the thread due to people like this guy. For some reason, and it doesn't matter what device your using, people always get way to sensitive to competition and have no idea how to keep it fun and in jest. The point of this thread is lost.....

11-02-2010, 12:18 PM
Yikes, a few people have taken this a bit too seriously...

In addition to my iPad I have an Android phone and an Android tablet. AT&T has really crappy coverage in my area so iPhone is out of the question. Yes you can jailbreak and go to T-Mo, but you can't get 3G connectivity. Regardless, I like the Android OS but I am overall disappointed that Android hasn't lived up to its promises or potential.

I find selecting apps a chore as there is often several version of the same thing and you may need to do research to figure out which you can use. The Android market is littered with junk too. The down side to the "open" system is that any fool with moderate programming skills can make an app and toss it up there.

On the other hand, I am sadly biased towards Apple, I've been using Apple computers my entire life. As Apple's power and influence has grown, I find myself excusing things that I would jump up and down for if Micro$oft did it... I admit I have drunk the koolaid. (What Would Jobs Do?)

Anyhow, back to the fun... and if there is going to be flames, at least bring marshmallows to toast...

11-02-2010, 01:02 PM
As a Mac user since 1984, I welcome competition. It means, as always, that Mac creates and others imitate. Often there are improvements with the imitation, but the best thing is the competition. It keeps the folks I have been patronizing for 25+ years on their toes.

And who knows, the new players might not be quite so pampered. They will probably put up with more errors and shutdowns. They will get viruses we don't get, and they will endure. I feel for them, and admire their tenacity.

11-06-2010, 02:26 AM
Pocket Legends on Ubuntu?

11-06-2010, 05:23 AM
Pocket Legends on Ubuntu?

Dual boot with Windows and you won't have to worry about it.

11-06-2010, 11:32 AM
i think android would be a nice change

11-06-2010, 12:17 PM
Pocket Legends on Ubuntu?

Dual boot with Windows and you won't have to worry about it.

Why dual boot, I'm betting Wine will run it without a hitch ;)