View Full Version : Suggestion: Story Tokens and Hauntlet Coins

09-02-2013, 05:15 PM
I hate to complain especially because I love so much about the game, but what I don't love so much is the minuscule amount of story Tokens and Hauntlet coins you can get each day. I understand a balance is needed or else the pets you get with them wouldn't be as rare but to get 100 story Tokens can take 20 days. With Hauntlet coins it's a bit different in that you can run as much as you want. I just wish there were more bard story token dailys or at least other ways to get story Tokens, like a rare chance from a locked grand crate, just to speed up the process just a smidgen for those of us yearning for a pet with the dilemma of not wanting to buy them but also not wanting to move so slowly to get them. Just my opinion though:excitement:

09-02-2013, 06:17 PM
The Story Tokens are a shining example of "Loyalty." It is rewarded for players who play a lot..

If you do not wish to put the effort and be patient each day.. Then buy it from auction...

Btw.. I was slightly disappointed on how easy it was to get the new pets. I would think that the amount of tokens would be very high, yet they are on par with the other pets...

09-02-2013, 06:32 PM
Here is a solution for you:

1) Instead of doing bards quests, do twice as many hauntlet runs as you were planning to

2) Buy 2 eggs with your hauntlet coins instead of 1

3) Sell one of those eggs in the auction

4) Use that gold to buy the story token pet in the auction

Problem solved! You will notice that Shiloh is a similar price as Colton. Both need a similar amount of tokens, but Shiloh is hauntlet coins while Colton is story tokens.

Remember that this game is set up so that you can choose what you do best. You don't need to farm for every item you need. Farm in the dungeons you prefer to farm in, then sell the extra items and use that gold to buy the items you need that you would rather not farm for.