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View Full Version : XP (Call me a whiner) / elite maps/guild halls

09-03-2013, 07:28 PM
I just feel like if you've ground one level that requires 26k XP...you shouldnt have to do it again...

I ground 31 at 26k XP..and now I have to do it again for 36...to be honest, if it wasn't for the mythic quest requirement, I wouldnt even think about it. Just kinda lame...IF you're going to require that much XP for a level, there should be other ways to get it besides "go to this map and kill the same things over and over and over again." Maybe a more diverse quest line that rewards XP for quests rather than gold...There's already tons of ways to get gold...I feel like instead of the 1.2k gold I get for collecting lanterns or killing shadowmancers, maybe u can give us 300-500XP like you do for ulfang/uberman.

And while i'm at it...rather than making elite maps, i'd rather devs spent slightly more time and made 5 DIFFERENT maps...Why do we need slightly more difficult versions of the same maps? Why cant each expansion just have more levels, and more maps that are DIFFERENT rather than just recycling the same content and making it a little harder.

Also, I feel like there should be a guild bulletin board in the guild halls...maybe a CS too...Paid 50 plat for the GH and we get nothing for it...

09-03-2013, 11:10 PM
The 26,000 xp grind SHOULD remain as it is, it's the essence of capping the highest level which involves a lot of time of killing and grinding. Initially, most of us were surprised when the cap at lvl 26 was increased to 26k from 16k in season 1, thats a lot of time of grinding for non-elix players. What is really lacking however is the reward system, STS should give a reward to players who capped and made it to the top, like top 500 players. Also, a reward would be fitting to those players who played and capped every season from Season 1 to 5, such as me.

09-03-2013, 11:47 PM
What is really lacking however is the reward system, STS should give a reward to players who capped and made it to the top, like top 500 players. Also, a reward would be fitting to those players who played and capped every season from Season 1 to 5, such as me.

Reward system? There's already a reward system!
You get a free banner that takes up 1 inventory/stash slots...
What kind of reward would be better than that? :D

09-04-2013, 12:21 AM
Hello, please keep in mind. You don't have to cap all at once.

09-04-2013, 12:56 AM
It's not that hard to do 26k XP, stop whining. I've seen 'noobs' cap to 16/21/26/31/36 and I don't see them whining.

But I do agree with the "quest ~ XP" idea. Like killing shuyal's final boss 5x will get you 1-2k XP. And killing the elite version 5x..well 2.5-4k XP.

And yes, the elite maps bore the heck out of me, just a recycled map with harder mobs and better loot.

09-04-2013, 10:15 AM
Ok, you're a whiner.

The current level range is 31-35. 36 is the "elite" or "nightmare" level. If you had stayed at level 30 last season, then it would have cost you 2600xp (notice the missing zero) to make 30. If you don't want to spend the time to gain another 26000xp for level 36 THEN DON'T.

Elites... they drop elite equipment (stats equal to 5 levels above the level of the item), and they are harder because of it. Sure, they could have just created more normal levels, but don't expect elite gear from those levels for it. The current system allows you to use the normal levels to learn the best methods to beat the elite levels, this is a GOOD thing.

09-04-2013, 10:33 AM
Ok, you're a whiner.

The current level range is 31-35. 36 is the "elite" or "nightmare" level. If you had stayed at level 30 last season, then it would have cost you 2600xp (notice the missing zero) to make 30. If you don't want to spend the time to gain another 26000xp for level 36 THEN DON'T.

Elites... they drop elite equipment (stats equal to 5 levels above the level of the item), and they are harder because of it. Sure, they could have just created more normal levels, but don't expect elite gear from those levels for it. The current system allows you to use the normal levels to learn the best methods to beat the elite levels, this is a GOOD thing.

Thank you!
I don't know when the Elite Cap got confused with THE CAP, but complaining because one does not know the difference is getting really old.

09-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Sorry you're definitely a whiner. If you don't want to grind it then go play with a Twink.

Oh but you want to play end-game no? Then deal with it.

09-04-2013, 11:13 AM
To be honest, you all seem to be whining more in this thread than I am


and ELITE MAPS drop ELITE LOOT? I HAVE MYTHIC, and ONCE YOU GET MYTHIC, YOU DONT NEED ANYTHING BETTER (except for your classes arcane weapon, Which drops from lockeds...which you can get from brackenridge, don't need to kill elite bosses for it, thus making elite bosses once again, useless)

and no, elite maps are laziness. "Why make more maps when we can recycle the same ones"

I'm right, you're wrong...get over it

Edit:And FluffnStuff, you call it the "Elite" cap..what makes it so special? You can do elite maps at level 35...

09-04-2013, 11:29 AM
Ahem. I did it for 16, 21, 26, and 31. 3 times each. Its part of the game.

Edit:And FluffnStuff, you call it the "Elite" cap..what makes it so special? You can do elite maps at level 35...

Its called the elite cap, because a lot of people, like yourself, are too bothered to do it. It says nothing about a players skill, however. It only implies eliteness. And actually, came from Pocket Legends where the "elite cap" took 100k+ experience.

09-04-2013, 11:34 AM

Depends on how you want to look at it. I see it as a way to give people something to strive for. Something to keep playing for. Or, like you said, people will just get the best gear and quit.


Then you've beaten the game. Move on to something else? Nice meeting you.

I'm right, you're wrong...get over it

Nuh-uh 40783

09-04-2013, 11:42 AM
Ahem. I did it for 16, 21, 26, and 31. 3 times each. Its part of the game.

Yep its part of the game but gets little boring doing it over and over again, killing stuff over and over again. Something that it will make more enjoyable is wellcomed in my opinion. So i agree partially with the op on some more quests that gives xp, or something more interesting that will make grinding more colorfull.

On the other hand calling making elite dungeons "laziness" its not true. They have more work with them as it seems and was mentioned in this thread


A crazy idea but I've been thinking about it for a while now. I'd like to either remove the current Elite Dungeons, or at the very least stop making new ones for the future expansions.

But why?!

Designers could stop focusing on maintaining the Elite dungeons, which is quite a time sink......

Elite maps r big part of the game and keep ppl playing and trying to get the best gear. Altough its bit questionable in this season, when a lot of ppl already have mythics and only need to upgrade them. But thats for another thread i guess.

09-04-2013, 11:44 AM
So i agree partially with the op on some more quests that gives xp, or something more interesting that will make grinding more colorfull.

Don't disagree with that at all :)

09-04-2013, 11:48 AM
Edit:And FluffnStuff, you call it the "Elite" cap..what makes it so special? You can do elite maps at level 35...

History lesson.

Back in Late 2010 (First year of PL) The Cap was 45 and everyone was playing the Alien Oasis Trilogy. It was easy to reach the cap, and after you did, players would keep farming and farming and farming to get gear and sell it. It was noticed that we killed tons of mobs but got no experience for it, so the developers added a "bonus" the next cap. For sewers, after you hit 50, you could farm, and you would continue to gain experience. It was set ridiculously high (100K) as the idea was to just bank experience from the kills you were going to get anyway. When the cap flipped over to 55, the experience you gained would be put toward 51 as a percentage and you would have a head start. One or two super hardcore players decided they wanted to get it all at once and started powering those experience points and ignoring the farming part. (No plat elixirs at this time, just gold ones you could buy that gave you 1.5 xp). For their dedication, they were given a fancy hat.
The next cap, more and more players decided to do the extreme level way instead of farm method and the Elite Cap was born, and the armor that was given out worked with the cap to create a bonus. By the time 70/71 rolled around it became 'noobish' to only have a 70 (which I did, as up to then I was regular capping 3 toons and just farming). I did not start participating until they started actually creating content solely for 'Elite' players, like the special boss that dropped the party wiping bomb (LOVE IT).
By BSM, well, players were going for "Elite Cap" in the first couple days, and that pretty much became the cap, due to elixirs. But how did WE do it? XP anywhere farming Magic Castle over and over. So "Elite Cap" went from hit the regular cap and farmed so much you happened to go over to paying plat to spend a few hours grinding paper mache mobs. Elite? Not so much.

OK, so we are talking AL. All of this was wrapped in AL, but what got carried over was not the Elite Farmer, but Elite Paper Mache Grinder. So yes, I do call it Elite, but no, nothing makes it special anymore.

09-04-2013, 01:44 PM
and ELITE MAPS drop ELITE LOOT? I HAVE MYTHIC, and ONCE YOU GET MYTHIC, YOU DONT NEED ANYTHING BETTER (except for your classes arcane weapon, Which drops from lockeds...which you can get from brackenridge, don't need to kill elite bosses for it, thus making elite bosses once again, useless)

and no, elite maps are laziness. "Why make more maps when we can recycle the same ones"

I'm right, you're wrong...get over it

Edit:And FluffnStuff, you call it the "Elite" cap..what makes it so special? You can do elite maps at level 35...

I know how you could rectify your pain: Don't cap.

Also... You have Mythic gear? You don't need anything better? OK.. guess it's time to stop playing then. You did it - you beat the game. STS - Roll Credits.

FYI - I'm wearing a legendary amulet and ring that's better than the mythics... :) oh... and it drops in Elite places that the devs so kindly update for us every season.

This section of the forums is for constructive feedback - I suggest a dev to close this thread before it becomes hostile.

09-04-2013, 04:17 PM
I didn't read comments but I read first post, GH is extremely over priced for what? Discount potions. OMG I just saved what 300gold? Idc. But let us atleast customize our own guild! Give us the power to do that. But I know you people are dead set at making money, so keep the shadow, and the others but add a customize hall option for maybe 75 - 100 platinum, 200K? And a high scores for people in guild not every AL player.

09-04-2013, 05:58 PM
I know how you could rectify your pain: Don't cap.

Also... You have Mythic gear? You don't need anything better? OK.. guess it's time to stop playing then. You did it - you beat the game. STS - Roll Credits.

FYI - I'm wearing a legendary amulet and ring that's better than the mythics... :) oh... and it drops in Elite places that the devs so kindly update for us every season.

This section of the forums is for constructive feedback - I suggest a dev to close this thread before it becomes hostile.

And if I want those, i'll buy them with gold...Simple as that. You're telling me you'd rather play the same maps twice with ranging difficulty than have a different set of maps that are elite?

09-04-2013, 06:21 PM
Lol at thinking this is "too much." Ever play a real mmorpg? Go play the classic, and still much alive, Diablo II. Let me know if you ever hit the final lvl. Hitting 99 in the expansion maps is absurd as it is. They make it so you can still play pre-expansion maps and gear...no one ever hit 99 since season 3. It truly was a 'mythicly obtainable goal.'

And lots of games make different difficulty versions of the maps, with better drops. This is nothing new.

09-04-2013, 10:42 PM
Lol at thinking this is "too much." Ever play a real mmorpg? Go play the classic, and still much alive, Diablo II. Let me know if you ever hit the final lvl. Hitting 99 in the expansion maps is absurd as it is. They make it so you can still play pre-expansion maps and gear...no one ever hit 99 since season 3. It truly was a 'mythicly obtainable goal.'

And lots of games make different difficulty versions of the maps, with better drops. This is nothing new.

I used to play star wars galaxies, max level after their last "major update" took over a million XP...ground 9 characters in that game..only difference was, when you completed a quest, you always got XP as a reward.

It would just be nice if they had better ways to grind than the same 5 maps over and over. They should make it so if you're below the current level cap, you have the choice of XP or gold as a quest reward.

09-05-2013, 08:25 AM
And if I want those, i'll buy them with gold...Simple as that. You're telling me you'd rather play the same maps twice with ranging difficulty than have a different set of maps that are elite?

Given that your suggestion will never happen (I'm not sure if you really understand how development works), I'll take the map with ranging difficulty. Because lets be honest. Once you hit the elite maps, do you ever really go back to normal maps?

Maybe you need a better understanding of development time and resources. Its not like these maps and mobs and bosses and gear just come out of a magical hat somewhere.

09-05-2013, 09:07 AM
I just feel like if you've ground one level that requires 26k XP...you shouldnt have to do it again...

I ground 31 at 26k XP..and now I have to do it again for 36...to be honest, if it wasn't for the mythic quest requirement, I wouldnt even think about it. Just kinda lame...IF you're going to require that much XP for a level, there should be other ways to get it besides "go to this map and kill the same things over and over and over again." Maybe a more diverse quest line that rewards XP for quests rather than gold...There's already tons of ways to get gold...I feel like instead of the 1.2k gold I get for collecting lanterns or killing shadowmancers, maybe u can give us 300-500XP like you do for ulfang/uberman.

And while i'm at it...rather than making elite maps, i'd rather devs spent slightly more time and made 5 DIFFERENT maps...Why do we need slightly more difficult versions of the same maps? Why cant each expansion just have more levels, and more maps that are DIFFERENT rather than just recycling the same content and making it a little harder.

Also, I feel like there should be a guild bulletin board in the guild halls...maybe a CS too...Paid 50 plat for the GH and we get nothing for it...

1.) It's called Elite Capping. It will remain the same. In Pocket Legends, some players have had to grind 100k xp 5 different occasions (with the exception of 89k xp at the level 56 cap).

2.) Because adding Elite maps extends the experience after capping. They release new maps for each cap, and, possibly, once they get the core experience down (level 51 cap?) they will add extra levels to go to at lower levels.

3.) This is the most common guild suggestion of all time throughout all 4 Legends games.

09-05-2013, 01:46 PM
I used to play star wars galaxies, max level after their last "major update" took over a million XP...ground 9 characters in that game..only difference was, when you completed a quest, you always got XP as a reward.

It would just be nice if they had better ways to grind than the same 5 maps over and over. They should make it so if you're below the current level cap, you have the choice of XP or gold as a quest reward.

There is one huge difference everyone is forgetting when discussing the quantity & quality of playable content: This is an MMO for mobile devices -size of the game plays a huge part in quantity. Do Google and/or Apple have requirements for content that can be sold in their virtual stores?

If quantity of content is an issue, why not play WoW, or another MMO on a different platform that allows for D/L > 1gb