View Full Version : A tip for my fellow End-Game INT Mages!

09-06-2013, 09:11 PM
Hold on to those INT sets! Don't go pally just yet!

I can sense some good coming in with balanced sets for end game - int sets will have a better chance of competing... meaning more value in our int sets, plus less value in those savage sets.


Thrall Wire
09-07-2013, 10:22 AM
nah i dont think so, mage is already pretty powerfal with her skills
what STS need to know is not that mage is underpowered, it that bird and bear set are OVERpower,
so mage do NOT need a boost, rather, bird and bear set need NERF!
why? cuz mage is perfectly fine with her damaging capablities and stats, but having that absurd dodge is NOT thats why.

09-07-2013, 11:28 AM
so mage do NOT need a boost, rather, bird and bear set need NERF!
This is what Ghost meant. If swift and savage sets get nerffed, fiery set will become proportionally better and raise in value.

09-07-2013, 11:42 AM
This is what Ghost meant. If swift and savage sets get nerffed, fiery set will become proportionally better and raise in value.

Ya. Gragorak and Ghost hit it on the nose

09-07-2013, 12:26 PM
nah i dont think so, mage is already pretty powerfal with her skills
what STS need to know is not that mage is underpowered, it that bird and bear set are OVERpower,
so mage do NOT need a boost, rather, bird and bear set need NERF!
why? cuz mage is perfectly fine with her damaging capablities and stats, but having that absurd dodge is NOT thats why.

I didn't mention one thing about boosting up INT mage gear... just that they'll be balanced out with other sets...

09-08-2013, 01:55 AM
I hope they will do something for us int mages before we go extinct lol. But I am asking myself why a lv 76 set should stay weaker in dodge and armor and even mana regen as a level 71 set.

09-08-2013, 07:07 AM
Next week we could see new "Pro" and whos "nub" (Like me).

09-08-2013, 08:12 AM
Next week we could see new "Pro" and whos "nub" (Like me).

some might be just noob but some might seem more noob than they r just cuz of ping. e.g. 100ping vs 200ping. doesnt matter?

09-23-2013, 06:23 AM
The most unfair thing is that fiery set has too less armor and dodge. The last caps wand set and even the old angelic set has better defensive stats (a bit less armor but way moar dodge). Damage raised like crazy compared to damage raises in other caps, so mages are just too squishy with their 400 life and still 220 armor.

09-23-2013, 08:43 PM
Hold on to those INT sets! Don't go pally just yet!

I can sense some good coming in with balanced sets for end game - int sets will have a better chance of competing... meaning more value in our int sets, plus less value in those savage sets.


Still feeling this way??

09-24-2013, 09:21 AM
Still feeling this way??


10-09-2013, 09:07 PM
It would appear that int mages are in need of a major buff. The fundamental issue remains unchanged. Like 10-20% of the time, a pure int mage will one volley KO another class. Yet 80-90% of the time, that int mage is dead meat because they have so little protection.

The only viable options are to:

1. Increase armor in int gear
2. Give int dodge gear comparable to other classes (balanced as they still have lower armor)
3. Make certain types of moves immune to dodge
4. Fundamentally change equipment mechanics, introducing caps where appropriate

I'm rooting for 4.