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View Full Version : Gold bug thingie

09-06-2013, 10:42 PM
I was messing around earlier and I traded 8m for 8m with Darkbladess and somehow they ended up with less gold. This is the 3rd time this has happened to me, I know everyone will be calling me a liar and all of those fun names, keep them to yourself. I have tried figuring out whats going on using 2 of my accounts at the same time but I cant seem to do so. If anyone doesnt believe me, ask Apa/Apasara, Satanxmerch and Darkbladess. Theyve all experienced it too. Is it possible that a bug takes away something from virtual reality before it happens? That seems to be only explaination I have come up with. I have been called a scammer and such because it glitches or something after I hit confirm and they hit confirm but before its transfered to different account. To all of you who might still persist in calling me a liar or saying Im "Hacking" a SECURE server, please keep it to yourself, I dont want to read those comments, I only want help solving this problem.

Has anyone else experienced this or is it just me and the few people Ive named above? Please help me figure this out!

09-06-2013, 10:44 PM
Never tried it but I'll try it with 1 gold later.

09-07-2013, 08:03 PM
oh em gee hakur plo nub scam pplz moar!

Jk I tried it with 1m and it did the same

09-07-2013, 08:31 PM
See, Im not crazy! This tme! Darkbladess, Satanxmerch, Apa/Apasara and, I have lost over 30m from this :/ Its starting to annoy me since I cant merch without the risk of losing gold...FIX THIS STG!!!