View Full Version : Summary of suggested NEW ACHIEVEMENTS

09-07-2013, 01:33 AM
We have had a number of threads suggesting various new achievements that players would like to see, so I have decided to make a new thread with a summary of all of them...


The goal is to have so many achievements that no player could possibly do them all. For example, I hate flagging. However, at this time that is all that is left for me to do to increase my APs. It would be nice if there were other options for me. If there were tons of achievements out there for me to choose to work on, then I could decide not to do flags, and instead concentrate on something else. So please do NOT complain that some of these are too hard -- I realize that they are, and that's why we are adding them. We are going to make sure that no player can ever have a chance to get all the achievements. So that way none of us ever get bored and run out of stuff to do.

Ok, now that we have settled that, here is the list:

1) 50k PvE Kills
2) 100k PvE Kills
3) 500k PvE Kills
4) 1m PvE Kills

5) 50k PvP Kills
6) 100k PvP Kills
7) 500k PvP Kills
8) 1m PvP Kills

The following achievements would be given in the form of quests. When you complete each quest, you are granted the achievement, and you also receive a reward of 100k gold. Any combination of the bosses or mini-bosses from each of these areas will count towards each quest, but bosses defeated in the Shuyal Arena or Bael 2/Krunch 2 will NOT count.

9) Kill 100 Blackenridge Elite Bosses
10) Kill 100 Ydra Forest Elite Bosses
11) Kill 100 Dead City Elite Bosses
12) Kill 100 Kraken Isles Elite Bosses
13) Kill 100 Nordr Elite Bosses
14) Kill 100 Shuyal Elite Bosses

15) Get both shark pets (Hammerjaw, Ripmaw)
16) Get both elemental pets (Glacian, Slag)
17) Get both wraith pets (Samael, Abaddon)

18) Get all 4 monkey pets
19) Get all 4 toucan pets
20) Get all 4 wolf pets (not including Misty)
21) Get all 4 eagle pets
22) Get all 4 bat pets
23) Get all 4 shadow pets

That's all I can think of for now. Let me know what you think....

09-07-2013, 02:56 AM
Excellent thread. I really hope this takes off in the right direction. Some ideas from me:

Map runs:

1) Complete the entire Arena match 100 times
2) Complete Watcher's Tomb/Tombs of Kraag/Kraken Mines in a certain amount of time (like Hauntlet's 3:30/1:30 APs)

I think some loot achievements would be great. Of course, they can be a quest or coded so that only legitimate drops are counted, not purchases or trades/gifts. For now, these are just rough draft examples:

3) Loot any variation of an Entombed Hammer, Nordr Jewel, and Mountain Teeth weapons (if they don't nerf Bael, then I guess those would count)
4) Loot any variation of Architect Blade, Pylon, and Quill weapons (same note as above)
5) Loot 100 Regular/Elite Golden Chests
6) Loot 100 Regular/Elite Banded Gold Chests
7) Loot 100 Regular/Elite Golden Pirate Chests
8) Loot 100 Regular/Elite Golden Warchests
9) Loot 100 Regular/Elite Golden Puzzleboxes
10) Loot 500 Locked Grand Crates of the Watch


11) Reach the leader board for any amount of time just once
12) Reach the leader board and receive a seasonal banner (1-5)

Not only does Energizeric's idea balance the playing field for people to reach the leader board, but more importantly, with all of these achievements just think of how much satisfying game play there would be available. I would never find myself bored with so many goals to accomplish.

09-07-2013, 03:39 AM
What a great thread! I support this 200% mate!

09-07-2013, 03:40 AM
The pet achivs would be hard for non plat users. We already have arcane achiv

09-07-2013, 03:51 AM
I loooooove all of these ideas. What a brilliant way to inject some more interest into the game, I know for a fact our guild would relish in such new achievements.

09-07-2013, 04:24 AM
No mmo should have players with max achievements.
That being said right now b/c many players have and are close to achieving max achievements, it's doing two things.

1. For those who find PVP dull/boring or are at a disadvantage b/c of their weak AOE skills (rogue) *cough cough* it's discouraging b/c players with the same AP are ranked based on their PVE kills.
2. CTF Flags is pretty much the hardest and final achievement people are aiming for so it has been promoting CTF flag farming (===> bad teamplay, b/c the truely selfish ones values AP > playing the game for what it is)

If half the achievements here are implemented, I see many positive things as a result,
ex. discourages many players from "farming" and people will maybe set long-term goals vs farming hard (& screwing up the game for everyone else) in the short-run to place on the LB's
ex. people who enjoy pve can aim for pve ap's while people who enjoy pvp can aim for pvp ap's (ofc it will be balanced)

As Ener has suggested below:
1) 50k PvE Kills
2) 100k PvE Kills
3) 500k PvE Kills
4) 1m PvE Kills

5) 50k PvP Kills
6) 100k PvP Kills
7) 500k PvP Kills
8) 1m PvP Kills

To keep things fair and to keep the whiners out, AP's should be awarded proportional to their difficulty.
1) 50k PvE Kills - 100 AP
2) 100k PvE Kills - 200 AP
3) 500k PvE Kills - 300 AP
4) 1m PvE Kills - 500 AP

5) 50k PvP Kills - 300 AP
6) 100k PvP Kills - 500 AP
7) 500k PvP Kills - 700 AP
8) 1m PvP Kills - 1000 AP

There is absolutely no reason to be against these insane achievements because this is how MMO's (the never ending I can't beat this game aspect) truly differentiates itself from console gaming.

09-07-2013, 04:50 AM
Some new ones I thought of:

1) Completed 500 Hauntlet Runs
2) Completed 1000 Hauntlet Runs
3) Completed 5000 Hauntlet Runs
4) Completed 10000 Hauntlet Runs

5) Acquired 500 Hauntlet Coins in Satchel
6) Acquired 1000 Hauntlet Coins in Satchel
7) Acquired 5000 Hauntlet Coins in Satchel
8) Acquired 10000 Hauntlet Coins in Satchel

9) Completed 500 Daily Story Quests
10) Completed 1000 Daily Story Quests
11) Completed 2500 Daily Story Quests
12) Completed 5000 Daily Story Quests

13) Acquired 500 Story Tokens in Satchel
14) Acquired 1000 Story Tokens in Satchel
15) Acquired 2500 Story Tokens in Satchel
16) Acquired 5000 Story Tokens in Satchel

17) Acquired 250M Gold
18) Acquired 500M Gold
19) Acquired 1000M Gold

20) Lost 1M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees
21) Lost an additional 5M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees
22) Lost an additional 10M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees
23) Lost an additional 25M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees
24) Lost an additional 50M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees
25) Lost an additional 100M Gold to Hungry Auction Boy in Auction House Fees

26) Acquired All Pets

27) Acquired 2 Different Leaderboard Banners
28) Acquired 3 Different Leaderboard Banners
29) Acquired 4 Different Leaderboard Banners
30) Acquired 5 Different Leaderboard Banners
31) Acquired 6 Different Leaderboard Banners
*can be from different seasons but must be of different categories (CTF Kills, CTF Flags, TDM Kills, Timed Runs, PVE kills, Top Class)

32) Opened 5000 Chests in PVE Maps
33) Opened 10000 Chests in PVE Maps
34) Opened 25000 Chests in PVE Maps
35) Smashed 10000 Crates/Barrels in PVE Maps
36) Smashed 25000 Crates/Barrels in PVE Maps
37) Smashed 50000 Crates/Barrels in PVE Maps
*cumulative, i.e previous crates/chests count towards next AP

38) Leveled 5 Pets to current max level or max level - 1
39) Leveled 10 Pets to current max level or max level - 1
40) Leveled 25 Pets to current max level or max level - 1
41) Leveled 50 Pets to current max level or max level - 1
42) Leveled All Pets to current max level or max level - 1

43) Fed 1M in Pet Feed to Pets
44) Fed 2M in Pet Feed to Pets
45) Fed 5M in Pet Feed to Pets
46) Fed 10M in Pet Feed to Pets

47) Drank 10K HP and Mana Pots
48) Drank 100K HP and Mana Pots
49) Drank 500k HP and Mana Pots
50) Drank 1M HP and Mana Pots

51) Purchased 5M Worth of Goods from Auction House
52) Purchased 25M Worth of Goods from Auction House
53) Purchased 50M Worth of Goods from Auction House
54) Purchased 500M Worth of Goods from Auction House
55) Purchased 1000M Worth of Goods from Auction House
56) Purchased 5000M Worth of Goods from Auction House
56) Purchased 10000M Worth of Goods from Auction House

etc... you guys get the point

09-07-2013, 05:25 AM
Love this thread.

09-07-2013, 05:31 AM
I like a lot of these suggestions, although some would require STS to add new programming to the game to keep track of such things like money spent, chests opened, barrels smashed, etc. I'm sure they could do it with quests, but the problem is that quests reset once you are done. So as soon as you smashed your 10,000th barrel, your quest would be complete and now you would have to start over again to get to 25k. The only other way would be to keep track of these items on your stat page, but that would get a little messy since there are so many items.

So I think such things are best left to having a single achievement, and once done there are no more stages. So for example, if you want to have a "Smash <x number> barrels/crates", I suggest deciding on a certain number for x, and that be the only achievement in that category. Then handle some of the other categories like this in a similar way. What is nice is we have 15 quest slots, and I've never used even half of them, so some could be filled with these types of long term quests.

I know they can handle the "kill 100 elite bosses" type of achievement because they already have a quest to kill 20 elite nordr bosses and get an elite gold warchest.

The only suggestion above that I'm not so crazy about is the "loot <certain item>". I never liked the mythic or arcane achievements for this reason as well, although they fixed the arcane achievement so at least you can now purchase an egg and hatch it. But in general, I hate achievements that require luck. Achievements should indicate hard work and skill. I never liked the challenger arena achievement either for this reason.

09-07-2013, 05:59 AM
I was thinking of starting such a thread but you were faster, Energ :-)

I don't have much to add and I think if STS adds just 25% of your ideas guys, it will make the game much more interesting.

I had today one failed Inan run with undergeared guildies and I can tell you it is damn hard for the officers to sacrifice time, resources and RL money to help with such APs.

Having greater variety in APs would make the guilds hold together more, IMHO and also it would bring additional motivation of the guys with moderate gear.

Perhaps besides quantity, add also challenging elite goals, like clearing certain no of mobs, fighting enraged bosses, time limits etc.

Also, cap 10 pets for example.

In general, I think we all call for variety.

09-07-2013, 06:38 AM
I do like the capping of a certain number of pets. An idea I had posted a couple of months ago (but nobody responded) was to have a "Beastmaster Pro" title which you get if you cap all of the original pets. Yes, this would be difficult, but imagine how busy it would keep some folks.

09-07-2013, 07:54 AM
My suggestions:

1) End a PvP CTF mode 100, 500, 1000, times. Grants you [True Challenger] title. Each gives 100 Aps.
2) End a PvP TDM mode 100, 500, 1000, times. Grants you [Troll Challenger] title. Each gives 100 Aps.
3) Complete the True Challenger and Troll Challenger achievements. Grants you [Addicted] title. Gives you 250 Aps.

4) Made 100 foot steps. Grants [New Adventurer] title. 100 Aps.
5) Made 500 foot steps. Grants [Adventurer] title. 150 Aps.
6) Made 1000 foot steps. Grants [Explorer] title. 150 Aps.
7) Made 5000 foot steps. Grants [True Explorer] title. 200 Aps.
8) Made 10000 foot steps. Grants [Invicible] title. 300 Aps.

9) Unlocked all Brackenridge maps, and killed Ghul Bellybottom. Grants [Brackenridge Master] title. 100 Aps.
10) Unlocked all Ydra Forest maps, and killed Bael. Grants [Bandits Crusher] title. 100 Aps.
11) Unlocked all Dead City maps, and killed Lord of Mardrom. Grants [The Brightside] title. 100 Aps.
12) Unlocked all Kraken Isles maps, and killed Captain Bloodhammer - The Return. Grants [Pirate] title. 150 Aps.
13) Unlocked all Nordr maps, and killed Grimnr. Grants [Nordr Fellows] title. 150 Aps.
14) Unlocked all Shuyal maps, and killed Inan'hesh. Grants [Nott Savior] title. 200 Aps.

15) Looted 100 common, and rare items. 100 Aps.
17) Looted 50 common, rare, and epic items. 100 Aps.
18) Looted 10 common, rare, epic, and legendary items. 100 Aps.
Once you completed the 3 quests, you granted a new pet and [Looter] title. And also 300 Aps.

19) Completed 10, 50, 100, daily quests. (Bards not include)
Grants [Daily Survivor] title. And 200 Aps.

20) Hit mobs 100, 500, 1000, 5000, and 10000 times! Grants [Pro Combo] title and 200 Aps.

21) Made 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 teleportations. 50 Aps for 10 and 50. 100 Aps for 100, 500, and 1000.

22) Earned 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000 golds. 100 Aps for 1000 and 5000. 150 Aps for 10000 and 50000. 200 Aps for 100000, 500000, and 1000000.

This can makes us easily reach [Paragon]. Especially for newcomers.

As usual, feedbacks are very welcome!
Thank's everyone. :vD:

09-07-2013, 08:07 AM
15) Get both shark pets (Hammerjaw, Ripmaw)
16) Get both elemental pets (Glacian, Slag)
17) Get both wraith pets (Samael, Abaddon)

these seem a bit impossible for everyone to complete because mythic pets only come from events , and may never come back .

09-07-2013, 08:08 AM
and for aps like 1mpve oe pvp for ezample the ap points shoild be more. not the usual 100

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

09-07-2013, 08:09 AM
I like everything except the new pet achievements, which would require much too much plat

09-07-2013, 08:53 AM
Nah, no more ap for pvp kills(thats only for rogues)

09-07-2013, 09:07 AM
Nah, no more ap for pvp kills(thats only for rogues)

Yeah, and the "Gain 500 million gold" achievement is only for rich people, so we shouldn't have it :rolleyes:
That should not be a thing that stops achievements from happening, there should be some achievements that you cannot get, or have to work very, very, very, very hard to get.

This is bramer - signing out

09-07-2013, 09:13 AM
Yeah, and the "Gain 500 million gold" achievement is only for rich people, so we shouldn't have it :rolleyes:
That should not be a thing that stops achievements from happening, there should be some achievements that you cannot get, or have to work very, very, very, very hard to get.

This is bramer - signing out

Like the "10 k flag one" :)

09-07-2013, 09:15 AM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.

09-07-2013, 09:18 AM
i agree, give more Achievements.

09-07-2013, 09:30 AM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.

Oh come on, just because rouges dominate pvp doesn't mean pvp kill achievements are specific to rouges, it just means it would be very hard for non-rouges to get them. And think about it, well all of the rouges are working on the pvp kill achieves you could be working in the pve kills and elite boss achieves. Which the pvpers wouldn't have time do, what with them trying to get 1 million pvp kills.

This is bramer - signing out

09-07-2013, 10:19 AM
We definitely need more PvE achievements/titles/banners.

09-07-2013, 10:27 AM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.


Dropped Timebomb 100 times (Time Shift for mage)
Blew the horn for 100 times (Horn of Renew for warriors)
Smoked the mobs 100 times (Shadow Veil for rogues)

my silly suggestions.

I like these suggested achievements to add variety to the AP mechanics. Boring to see players with same AP with only PVE kills that keep them different.

09-07-2013, 10:53 AM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.
PvP kills doesn't seem like a Rogue-only achievement. Sorcerers and Warriors can get it, it might just take longer.
Besides, who said you had to go for 100k PvP kills?

And if there are class specific achievements, each class should have it's own then....

09-07-2013, 01:44 PM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.

PvP kills doesn't seem like a Rogue-only achievement. Sorcerers and Warriors can get it, it might just take longer.
Besides, who said you had to go for 100k PvP kills?

And if there are class specific achievements, each class should have it's own then....

Agree partially with both statements. The point is to have a wide variety of achievements to let players pick and choose which ones they want to do. When keeping the leader boards into perspective, the "Top" board will be dynamic because of all of the possibilities players now have to attain a ranking. The top 25 players would literally be different on a weekly (maybe even daily) basis, and we'd finally be seeing some talented players enter the spot light that otherwise couldn't before. We all know there's players out there who perform better than some of the "Top" players, but since they either 1) don't spend plat 2) don't play as much or 3) simply don't care about the leader boards, we never see their names posted. This idea has equal opportunity written all over it!

But again, I don't think Energizeric's motive behind suggesting this fabulous idea is strictly to revamp the road map to reaching the leader board; but rather, this new laundry list of achievements would keep players genuinely interested in the game's content - new and old alike. The basis behind some of my suggestions was to have players backtrack to older elite content for the achievements.

Speaking specifically to Haligali and Drearivev, adding some class specific achievements seems necessary to me. The reason is because of the unbalanced advantage rogues and sorcerers have over warriors in terms of the timeliness of killing players, mobs and farming/soloing maps. When I mention this, I am considering two assumptions: 1) most players will attempt to solo these achievements rather than group up for them and 2) most warriors do not land the majority of killing blows in PvE/PvP EDIT:in a group environment. Running a map solo, such as Harbor for hunting Elite Bael II, my sorcerer can complete the map almost 2x as fast as my warrior (full mythic with L36 Architect Blade of Assault). So giving the average warrior (keep mythic/maul users out of this) an opportunity to embark on some challenging achievements that wouldn't take hours is a fair addition. For example, let's say that the achievement of "Loot 100 Elite Golden Chests" was implemented. Farming Elite Jarl would be the optimal way to go about this. For rogues and sorcerers, these runs may take 2 or 3 minutes tops. For a warrior, unless they are spec'd full damage which many aren't, we're looking at 4 or 5 minutes. Multiply this by the amount of runs you might have to embark on (let's say 1000), the rogues and sorcerers can complete this achievement in roughly 2000-3000 minutes, whereas warriors will take 4000-5000 minutes. To some these numbers may not seem like much, but we're looking at a difference of 33 hours of game play here in which warriors are at a disadvantage. That's time better spent for the warrior to accrue PvE/PvP kills in my opinion.

I don't have any good ideas for class-specific achievements at the moment. I made this post in hopes to point out the significant class imbalance of some current achievements, so that others can consider this when posting their suggestions. Even though there is indeed a good amount of warriors who have hundreds of thousands of PvE kills and 10k+ PvP kills, these players all dedicate their time strictly to those endeavors. I would guess the reasoning is that there isn't much else to do once you've accomplished the rest of the achievements and geared up. I also realize that it's way too time consuming to map out all of the achievements and compare and analyze the balance among classes. You're basically asking STG to sit down and develop a new game with that amount of work. So to reiterate, some (maybe 2) class-specific achievements would be good, with a decent amount of APs associated. However, the achievements should really encourage players to party up, make friends and join guilds in order to accomplish them. The community needs to remain collaborative, not purely competitive.

09-07-2013, 02:30 PM
these seem a bit impossible for everyone to complete because mythic pets only come from events , and may never come back .

Good point. I guess you can't have achievements based on items that can become discontinued and cannot be purchased from the auction. Otherwise new players would never have a chance to get those achievements.

09-07-2013, 02:34 PM
Yea, but we should avoid the class specific achievements.

I disagree. As long as there are equal number of such achievements for all classes, then it is fine. There are plenty of class specific achievements right now. Flags for example, is much more geared towards warriors, PvP kills is much more geared towards rogues, etc. It will always be that way. But we have separate leaderboards for each class, so we don't have to compete against other classes to get a banner.

The only leaderboard that bothers me where we are not judged only against our own class is the timed runs, and yes I have complained about imbalance on that leaderboard in a separate thread, and was heavily criticized for doing so.

09-07-2013, 02:39 PM
I disagree. As long as there are equal number of such achievements for all classes, then it is fine. There are plenty of class specific achievements right now. Flags for example, is much more geared towards warriors, PvP kills is much more geared towards rogues, etc. It will always be that way. But we have separate leaderboards for each class, so we don't have to compete against other classes to get a banner.

The only leaderboard that bothers me where we are not judged only against our own class is the timed runs, and yes I have complained about imbalance on that leaderboard in a separate thread, and was heavily criticized for doing so.

Yep, and the criticism will definitely follow into this thread if we dabble too much in class imbalance semantics. That's why I had a tough time writing my reply above (you can see how many times I edited it!) It's important to emphasize that the addition of these achievements increases the overall longevity and enjoyment of Arcane Legends.

09-07-2013, 02:51 PM
Some ones I have are:


1. Keep allies' health above 50% for 250 complete Elite runs.
2. Taunt 50k Elite enemies with Windmill
3. Disrupt 10k Elite enemy attack wind-ups


1. 10k allies have stood in your Shadow Veils in (towns dont apply)
2. Poison 25k enemies with Noxious Bolt
3. Defeat 100k enemies with Shadow Piercer


1. Snare 100k enemies with Time Shift
2. Electrocute 50k "Cursed" enemies
3. Absorb (x amount) of damage with Arcane Shield

Thinking of more...

09-08-2013, 12:51 AM
guys are u mad?!? LOLnLouder 1 million pvp kills?!? That one makes only rogues happy. And even they would spend a life time in pvp to get it.

But I agree. What I would like to see is more quest achieves. Like the gleipnir one. that one was nice because it needed some brains. Somethings I miss a little here in AL.

If you ever have played Order & Chaos u know what I mean.

AL could really profit from that, i.e. to get a certain item you need for that quest, like a ring or something, you need to buy it with small plat or so.

I really would appreciate more quests, rather than pure stupid grinding achieves. and imho there is enough story room for quests in this game. Give us some brainers, not just grinders, devs.

I was kind of dissapointed abuout shuyal. Though i liked the graphics and the new bosses and all, the quest line was rather thin.

09-08-2013, 01:02 AM
You can also do ones for "bad things", like die X times in a specific way. Or killed X mobs without using a potion.

09-08-2013, 01:28 AM
guys are u mad?!? LOLnLouder 1 million pvp kills?!? That one makes only rogues happy. And even they would spend a life time in pvp to get it.

Yes, and for mages we can decide to work on PvE kills. And warriors can work on flags. The idea is to have choices. Nobody would ever be able to get all of them, so instead of complaining about the ones you can't do, find ones that you can do.

09-08-2013, 01:44 AM
Let me add my favorite.
This will be in the SOCIAL section.

Made 10 friends.
Made 50 friends.
Made 100 friends.
Made 500 friends.
Made 1000 friends. [Greedy] title.

Ignored 1 person.
Ignored 5 people.
Ignored 10 people.
Ignored 50 people,
Ignored 100 people. [Bad Person] title.

Removed 1 friend.
Removed 5 friends.
Removed 10 friends.
Removed 50 friends.
Removed 100 friends. [Nemesis] title.

Chat 1 time.
Chat 100 times.
Chat 1000 times.
Chat 10000 times. [Spammer] title.
(These can easily make people spamming chat, but LMAO why should I tell. :hopelessness:)

Private message 1 person.
Private message 10 people.
Private message 100 people.
Private message 1000 people. [Messenger] title.

Partied for 1 time.
Partied for 10 times.
Partied for 100 times.
Partied for 1000 times. [Party Fever] title.

Joined 1 guild.
Joined 5 guilds.
Joined 10 guilds. [Unfaithful] title.

Joined a guild and stay for 1 week.
Joined a guild and stay for 1 month.
Joined a guild and stay for 3 months.
Joined a guild and stay for 6 months.
Joined a guild and stay for a year! [Faith] title.

And also, check my previous achievement suggestions in Page 1 of this thread!

09-08-2013, 03:55 AM
I love this thread :D

Some suggestions:

Have 1k potions!
Have 5k potions!
Have 10k potions!
Title granted for all achivs [Drunk]

Obtain all Shuyal dimension pets!
Obtain all Nordr pets!
Obtain all Kraken Isles pets!
Title granted for obtaining all pets listed above [Tamed Beast]

Visit a guild hub 100 times!
Visit a guild hub 50k times!
Visit a guild hub 100k times!
Title earned [Cozy]

Completed 10k [Elite] maps!
Completed 50k [Elite] maps!
Completed 100k [Elite] maps!
Title granted [Survivor]

Completed all [Elite] maps without dying!
Title granted [Ultimate Survivor]

Completed all maps without dying!
Title granted [Fighter]

Obtain 10m gold and keep them in your stash for 10 days (for players who are rich :))
Title granted [Piggy Bank]

09-08-2013, 05:16 AM
All cool suggestions. Now let's see what STS does with all of this info. Considering the positive responses in this thread, I think we will see some of these implemented in game. :)

09-08-2013, 06:56 AM
These are really good ideas
I'd love to see most of these be made into achievements

09-08-2013, 01:52 PM
All cool suggestions. Now let's see what STS does with all of this info. Considering the positive responses in this thread, I think we will see some of these implemented in game. :)

Agreed, but I really think that we as a community should compile the list, and choose the best 20-30 (or more) and weed out some of the unnecessary ones. The reason I say this (and seriously, no offence to STG), is because these ideas we've come up with are expressions of what we'd like to see in the game - something STG has seemingly overlooked since they created AL. I feel it's up to us to revise the list and come up with a preliminary final draft of suggestions. I'd rather not leave it solely up to the devs to decide. Also, I'm sure they wouldn't mind our help in reducing man hours required to implement this..

09-08-2013, 04:36 PM
Agreed, but I really think that we as a community should compile the list, and choose the best 20-30 (or more) and weed out some of the unnecessary ones. The reason I say this (and seriously, no offence to STG), is because these ideas we've come up with are expressions of what we'd like to see in the game - something STG has seemingly overlooked since they created AL. I feel it's up to us to revise the list and come up with a preliminary final draft of suggestions. I'd rather not leave it solely up to the devs to decide. Also, I'm sure they wouldn't mind our help in reducing man hours required to implement this..

I'd love to be able to make a list where you can vote on your favorite 10 or something like that. But I think survey threads only allow people to vote to choose one single item.

Also, there is an issue of what is currently possible to keep track of. Lots of suggestions were made for achievements which sound very cool, but for which I know STS could not currently add without some major programming involved. For example, a nice merching achievement would be one which says "spent 10m on auction house listing fees". I think this is a fine idea, and one which most likely would not be abused (who wants to waste 10m gold just for an achievement??). But how does STS keep track of the fees spent by every player? It's a hard one to keep track of and would require a ton of additional programming.

So basically if we want to make it easy for them, the only kinds of achievements which are possible are of these types:

1) ones which can be achieved in a single moment in time, i.e. looted a certain item, equipped a certain item, have certain items (certain pets, certain amount of gold, etc.), killed a certain boss, finish a certain dungeon in a certain time, etc.

2) ones which can be achieved through a quest in the quest window with a counter, i.e. kill 20 elite nordr bosses, find 16 fragments, etc.

3) ones which involve stats that are kept track of on your stat page, i.e. get 10k pvp kills, get 1k flags, get 100k PvE kills, etc.

Anything that requires STS to keep track of something more involved than a simple integer counter (which can be done through a quest), is not going to happen I can assure you. It's just too complicated for them to do. So while it would be cool to give an achievement to those who merch and have spent 10m in auction fees, unless they add a new stat on your stats page and start keeping track of this for each player, I just don't see how it is going to happen. Likewise for other extremely long term things like "used 100k mana potions" -- yes you could do this in the form of a quest, but do you really want this quest sitting in your quest window for the next year while you do it? I don't think so. Quest based achievements should be ones that won't take forever, like "kill 100 elite shuyal bosses".

09-08-2013, 11:59 PM
Ok. here is my favorite AP entry:

Win a CTF game. (1 to 5 achievement points, depending on how high the difference was to the losing party).

Holy Cow. This would change pvp so much to the better.

I used to play real-life CTF in a polish scout camp when I was about 12.

The team with the most flags captured won. AND GOT THE REWARDS.

Not the other way around, as it is right now with CTF in AL

09-09-2013, 01:16 AM
So if these happen.

Tada! 25000+ Aps.
Welcome Paragons! :D

09-09-2013, 01:19 AM
Completed 10k [Elite] maps!
Completed 50k [Elite] maps!
Completed 100k [Elite] maps!
Title granted [Survivor]

Completed all [Elite] maps without dying!
Title granted [Ultimate Survivor]

Completed all maps without dying!
Title granted [Fighter]

Challenge accepted! :vD:

09-09-2013, 01:51 AM
yes please !!

09-19-2013, 11:32 PM
Any progress on consolidating the ideas into a master list for us to vote on? I really think this idea needs more support and get the ball rolling. It would greatly improve AL.

09-20-2013, 03:00 AM
I think I would need to make a master list, and would need a developer to make a bunch of "Yes/No" survey questions, one for each suggested achievement. Perhaps a developer can chime in and suggest to me how I can do this?

Edit: NVM, I did some searching quickly and found there are a few sites that allow for free surveys. I'm not going to have time to set this up for a few days, but I'll post a new thread at that time with a link to the survey.

09-23-2013, 12:29 PM
I think I would need to make a master list, and would need a developer to make a bunch of "Yes/No" survey questions, one for each suggested achievement. Perhaps a developer can chime in and suggest to me how I can do this?

Edit: NVM, I did some searching quickly and found there are a few sites that allow for free surveys. I'm not going to have time to set this up for a few days, but I'll post a new thread at that time with a link to the survey.

Sounds good, looking forward to it. I really think adding 20-30 new achievements that take a LONG time to accomplish will help keep people interested in the game. As of now, I have a few friends that have quit/plan on quitting due to lack of content. They agree these achievements would spark some life back into the game for them. The longevity would certainly increase.

09-23-2013, 12:38 PM
I would like to see some elite solo achievements like complete X number of elite Brackenridge, Ydra, Dead City, Kraken, Nordr, Shuyal maps. Elite Solo achievements wouldn't be easy to get and would take a considerable amount of time just to do one. So if you had like 10/50/100/500/1000. No one person could do all of them. Where as with a well equipped team you can complete most maps inside a very short period of time. And not everyone has the skills to do elite maps solo.

09-23-2013, 01:20 PM
I would like to see some elite solo achievements like complete X number of elite Brackenridge, Ydra, Dead City, Kraken, Nordr, Shuyal maps. Elite Solo achievements wouldn't be easy to get and would take a considerable amount of time just to do one. So if you had like 10/50/100/500/1000. No one person could do all of them. Where as with a well equipped team you can complete most maps inside a very short period of time. And not everyone has the skills to do elite maps solo.

That would be easy for rogues, average for mages, and veryvery hard (impossile?)for warriors.

09-23-2013, 01:23 PM
That would be easy for rogues, average for mages, and veryvery hard (impossile?)for warriors.

Even for rogues... having the option to choose between a few elite bosses and having to kill them 1000 times is not an easy endeavor. I think Falmear was just providing examples, which would fall on top of the other achievements listed throughout the thread. The point is to have so many achievements, no one could complete them all in a timely manner (or at all), thus creating a bunch of choices for players to set goals on. It also helps make the Top leader boards more approachable by a larger percentage of players.

09-23-2013, 01:30 PM
Even for rogues... having the option to choose between a few elite bosses and having to kill them 1000 times is not an easy endeavor. I think Falmear was just providing examples, which would fall on top of the other achievements listed throughout the thread. The point is to have so many achievements, no one could complete them all in a timely manner (or at all), thus creating a bunch of choices for players to set goals on. It also helps make the Top leader boards more approachable by a larger percentage of players.

And what if just remove the 'solo' tag?

09-23-2013, 01:33 PM
And what if just remove the 'solo' tag?

Yeah, I can't say I agree that any achievement should say "solo". I missed that part, sorry. I'd prefer achievements that encourage grouping up - especially for the life stream of PUGs.

09-23-2013, 02:44 PM
That would be easy for rogues, average for mages, and veryvery hard (impossile?)for warriors.

Why impossible for warriors? Its hard to kill an elite boss without dieing. Warriors have the advantage that they could take more beats. And when you are solo and you die killing the boss, the boss resets. So warriors have the advantage because of their high health and high armor. Except it would take them longer because of lower damage. I don't think it would be easy for anyone. Each class has various advantages and disadvantages when going solo. To solo and elite boss, its hardest with a mage because its easier to die. I'd rather see some achievements that take some skill vs just an exercise in how much time you can spend doing one thing over and over.

Its like when you are in the arena and everyone in your party dies but you and you finish off the boss. That to me is an achievement. Because you know how to play the strengths of your character and avoid its weaknesses. Most of these suggestions just tell me you have a lot of time on your hands.

Also there should be APs if you get a banner for being on the LB. Maybe APs for each leaderboard. I'd rather see more APs which reward people who can play well vs people who can just spend their time doing the same thing over and over without much difficulty. These would get me more interested in APs. Right now it feels like a big time suck.

09-23-2013, 02:55 PM
Also there should be APs if you get a banner for being on the LB. Maybe APs for each leaderboard. I'd rather see more APs which reward people who can play well vs people who can just spend their time doing the same thing over and over without much difficulty. These would get me more interested in APs. Right now it feels like a big time suck.

Agreed! Was in my list of ideas as well :) And with more APs to choose from, the competition becomes more fair for everyone else. We won't have to succumb to 10k CTF flags or Midas Touch to reach the Top players LB.

09-23-2013, 05:38 PM
umm i like ap like current shuyal arena ap. those big no. ap like - 1m pvp kills are just too much.
most mentioned ap are suited for hardcore players(10% in game max)
example - 10000 haunlet run - it isnt fun at all and i play game for fun.
running each elite 100 times - not fan of this type of ap.

better make more ap like "anger management"

09-23-2013, 05:42 PM
Why impossible for warriors? Its hard to kill an elite boss without dieing. Warriors have the advantage that they could take more beats. And when you are solo and you die killing the boss, the boss resets. So warriors have the advantage because of their high health and high armor. Except it would take them longer because of lower damage. I don't think it would be easy for anyone. Each class has various advantages and disadvantages when going solo. To solo and elite boss, its hardest with a mage because its easier to die. I'd rather see some achievements that take some skill vs just an exercise in how much time you can spend doing one thing over and over.

Its like when you are in the arena and everyone in your party dies but you and you finish off the boss. That to me is an achievement. Because you know how to play the strengths of your character and avoid its weaknesses. Most of these suggestions just tell me you have a lot of time on your hands.

Also there should be APs if you get a banner for being on the LB. Maybe APs for each leaderboard. I'd rather see more APs which reward people who can play well vs people who can just spend their time doing the same thing over and over without much difficulty. These would get me more interested in APs. Right now it feels like a big time suck.

there are few bosses like ilnash and bloodhammer - which almost impossoble with current warrior dps.

09-23-2013, 11:55 PM
Lots of great ideas here... But let me ask a question on the first suggestion (and maybe act the Devil's advocate).

Why so many AP on PVP kills?

When CTF was in beta/testing mode, I really found the game challenging and satisfying. It really had that "good game" feeling -- people guarded the base, ran and chased for the flag. After a while, no one wanted a game where people took the flag to score -- people just wanted kills. TDM was introduced for this reason.....but ironically, these people who just liked kills can still be found in CTF games (i.e. they don't want flags, they just want kills). Now, like most people need to do the flag AP...I've grown to really dislike flagging to the point where I ask myself, why am I logged on AL again to do the same thing over and over... Well, I'm doing it for the achievement.

My point is, adding ridiculously high numbers for achievement IMHO does not bring enjoyable game play. It's an achievement, true. Is it hardcore? Yes. Is it enjoyable? Very arguable.

IMHO, any achievement that is related to a high number equates to "repetitive monotonous farming". The 10k PVP kills and CTF flags I believe are fair... Anymore than that, just kills the game -- it's killing CTF isn't it?

I do agree with very hard to obtain achievements. I would rather see suggested "hard" achievements based on game play. Not so much as the boss that one-hit-kills you (even when wearing the top gear at that level). Not so much the boss that takes an hour to kill. Nor the rarity of an item. Although, they all fall in the category of "hard achievement".

How about more of/and or new features:
- Crafting: the upgraded mythics fall under this - maybe let us craft legendary and epic items.
- Puzzle quests: really hard to solve mysteries.
- Epic quests: really long, riddled with puzzles (I really like how we had to go back previous campaign to finish the mythic upgrade).
- Timed quests: quests that expire after X period, and resets.
- Taming a pet: instead of just farming eggs, maybe create a story-line/quest on how to tame a dungeon monster.
- Safe passage: Attach an NPC (like a pet) and escort to a location (without getting the NPC killed). This could be made to a quest for crafting items, or certain clues to quests.

Difficulty of an achievement doesn't always have to be "the number of times" you did it... There are other ways to make something difficult to obtain. Just saying, because I'd really hate it if STS implemented the 1mil of anything achievement, because no one objected to it.

09-24-2013, 01:09 AM
there are few bosses like ilnash and bloodhammer - which almost impossoble with current warrior dps.

This is why I said bosses not any specific boss. I'd full well expect people to kill the "easiest" one(s) repeatedly. Also as elites don't scale these maps get easier so you can get the APs later on.

09-24-2013, 01:28 AM
Lots of great ideas here... But let me ask a question on the first suggestion (and maybe act the Devil's advocate).

Why so many AP on PVP kills?

When CTF was in beta/testing mode, I really found the game challenging and satisfying. It really had that "good game" feeling -- people guarded the base, ran and chased for the flag. After a while, no one wanted a game where people took the flag to score -- people just wanted kills. TDM was introduced for this reason.....but ironically, these people who just liked kills can still be found in CTF games (i.e. they don't want flags, they just want kills). Now, like most people need to do the flag AP...I've grown to really dislike flagging to the point where I ask myself, why am I logged on AL again to do the same thing over and over... Well, I'm doing it for the achievement.

My point is, adding ridiculously high numbers for achievement IMHO does not bring enjoyable game play. It's an achievement, true. Is it hardcore? Yes. Is it enjoyable? Very arguable.

IMHO, any achievement that is related to a high number equates to "repetitive monotonous farming". The 10k PVP kills and CTF flags I believe are fair... Anymore than that, just kills the game -- it's killing CTF isn't it?

I do agree with very hard to obtain achievements. I would rather see suggested "hard" achievements based on game play. Not so much as the boss that one-hit-kills you (even when wearing the top gear at that level). Not so much the boss that takes an hour to kill. Nor the rarity of an item. Although, they all fall in the category of "hard achievement".

How about more of/and or new features:
- Crafting: the upgraded mythics fall under this - maybe let us craft legendary and epic items.
- Puzzle quests: really hard to solve mysteries.
- Epic quests: really long, riddled with puzzles (I really like how we had to go back previous campaign to finish the mythic upgrade).
- Timed quests: quests that expire after X period, and resets.
- Taming a pet: instead of just farming eggs, maybe create a story-line/quest on how to tame a dungeon monster.
- Safe passage: Attach an NPC (like a pet) and escort to a location (without getting the NPC killed). This could be made to a quest for crafting items, or certain clues to quests.

Difficulty of an achievement doesn't always have to be "the number of times" you did it... There are other ways to make something difficult to obtain. Just saying, because I'd really hate it if STS implemented the 1mil of anything achievement, because no one objected to it.

Excellent post, and very good points made. My personal explanation for coming up with the repetitive monotonous ideas is because I'm not sure exactly what STS is capable of implementing or what they're willing to develop for new achievements. Of course I'd love to see the ideas you mentioned in your list, as would many others. I guess the question is will STS do it? In the end, I'd rather see something implemented rather than nothing; because at this point I'm running out of things to do.

09-24-2013, 08:45 AM
would be nice for some aps to have extra rewards like plat or gold

e.g. 1k hauntlet runs. but have to cross finish line. leechers not allowed.

or those 1k boss kills normal/elite. etc etc.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

09-24-2013, 10:56 AM
- Safe passage: Attach an NPC (like a pet) and escort to a location (without getting the NPC killed). This could be made to a quest for crafting items, or certain clues to quests.

Difficulty of an achievement doesn't always have to be "the number of times" you did it... There are other ways to make something difficult to obtain. Just saying, because I'd really hate it if STS implemented the 1mil of anything achievement, because no one objected to it.

Totally agree. Doing something 10m times is definitely an achievement... But not entertaining. I hate boring repetitive tasks. Love absolutely love the safe passage idea! The mechanics being simple it could be implemented for every map... Good one

Enviado de meu GT-I9300 usando o Tapatalk 2

09-24-2013, 11:18 AM
Like others have said, doing like 100 elite Brackenridge runs is pretty boring. Make it something less repetitive, like loot both Kettle and Loki eggs in Elite Brackenridge (I think you can loot either of them in any elite Brackenridge/Ydra Forest map, right?) Or loot Snaggletooth and Wrathjaw eggs from Elite Dead City Outskirts. I see many people farming Elite Antee and Mardrom to get Snagg/Wrath, and Elite Ann doesn't have an achievement, so less people would probably be running that. So make them get out of their usual Rooks Nest/Lost Mage's Mine runs.

09-25-2013, 11:25 AM
Its hard enough to get warmonger. Almost everyone pro/endngame is close to 100k pve kills though. I agree we need repetitive elite aps. If I have to get 10k flags there should be an ap for 10k elite bosses (title: slayer of gods). Not to mention I actually enjoy elite.

09-25-2013, 01:04 PM
The pet achivs would be hard for non plat users. We already have arcane achiv

It's hard for non-spender to even get on the top players

09-26-2013, 07:43 AM
It's hard for non-spender to even get on the top players

actually impossible

09-26-2013, 08:13 AM
It's hard for non-spender to even get on the top players

actually impossible