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09-08-2013, 10:02 AM
What level did you get your first PvE death and how many do you have at your level?

Just curious :3

09-08-2013, 10:23 AM
Got first death due to lag at 9

I have 2.1k kills 2 death at l15 WTB u

09-08-2013, 10:23 AM
how many do you have at your level?Just curious :3

Being in Elite 95% of the time, you don't wanna know, lol :D

Ok, seriously, I don't give a damn about no of deaths in PvE.

09-08-2013, 10:23 AM
I got my first death at Lord Mardrom after a lag spike... Then the rest came easy through Elites and more lag...

I think I have 408 right now. I have to check.

09-08-2013, 10:46 AM
Lol! Still pissed about how ghul bellybottom kicked your backside?

My first death came in at around lvl 10? 20? I didn't know how to use pots then. :p

09-08-2013, 10:54 AM
My attempt at a no death toon, RIP! Died last season trying to level cap from 30 to 31. Suprisingly I didn't die of lag, but instead out of shear boredom and not paying attention during guild chat in nordr, lmao. Killed all bosses up to nordr, but got gun shy about the bosses of nordr and only killed maneater to get to stronghold. Notice the nice tanky lvl31 smurf build :) Now I do nothing with this useless alt other than farming for crates when I get a nice daily....



Oh yeah, and on my main I have 4668 deaths! I think I got my first one on the very first day of the game, probably on some lame mob since I didn't understand the game mechanics and ran out of pots. Really don't remember, and really never really cared too much about pve deaths. I feel that if you never die then you are never pushing the limits enough.

09-08-2013, 11:05 AM
^^ nice guild!

I have more deaths than I could share lmao - i kill myself to get mobs out of they way and get to boss faster.. so yeah.. not a nice number to share.. but my ratio is about 100 kills to 1 death :)

09-08-2013, 11:07 AM
Lol! Still pissed about how ghul bellybottom kicked your backside?

My first death came in at around lvl 10? 20? I didn't know how to use pots then. :p

You made him kick my butt -.-

I was so mad that I threw my charger at the floor. :(

09-08-2013, 11:14 AM
Eh 1.4kish on sorc, 100 something on warrio. Been playin sorc since last november and back then maps and bosses were hell

09-08-2013, 11:41 AM
My first death goes something like this:
Level 4 aquaducts-
goblins gang bang me, i retreat at low health.
Running i throw down my fully upgraded health packs for them to fail. spear goblin aimshot crits. I die.
Now im at 4k deaths. All due to health packs failing.

(lol i havent used health packs in a while so jk haha)

Edit: an idgaf about pve deaths either haha after mines of nordr for weeks.
got almost 2k deaths in that place.

09-08-2013, 01:35 PM
Um mine came around 20ish. From nordr cavern boss. I hate that spider with passion esp with his pull thingy. Atm im at 35k+ kills and 720 deaths. And it really pisses me off when die considering majority due to lag. I need to overcome this though cus your going to die..like a guildie told me: it doesnt matter how many deaths u have as long as u have plenty of kills to still make kdr look nice.

09-08-2013, 02:09 PM
I made pve guide because 0 death made me feel good.. check guide sec

Well I got 31 warr 27k -0 until I did elite now 29k - 56

ROgue 22k-0

SOrc 13k - 0

09-08-2013, 02:26 PM
Ghul really is annoying

09-08-2013, 02:32 PM
Ghul really is annoying

He 1-KO me. -.-

09-08-2013, 03:11 PM
level 3 staab brack forest

3100 deaths and I'm still farming. try for ten a day

09-08-2013, 04:04 PM
First death? Dont remember honestly:/ now i have almost 4k with 80k kills... 3k deaths coz Of lags...and 200. Deaths in elite skull cove :/ but i got the ap after dieing 200 times in like 20 runs wasting a lot Of pots lol

09-08-2013, 04:10 PM
I can't even remember, but I'm sure it was in season 1 last December. As long as I have a PvE kdr better than 100 I'm happy. Currently it's like 185k kills, 1350 deaths. I'd like to actually get to 200-to-1 kdr, but it will require a lot of tombs running over the next few months. If they were to add a 500k PvE kills achievement, it would probably motivate me more to spend the time.

09-08-2013, 04:14 PM
My warrior's 1st death: February, against Bael. Currently have 671 deaths.

09-08-2013, 08:06 PM
Season 1, in the hands of the boss in the gold mine or Jarl. Didn't care much about deaths because when you do elites it's inevitable.

09-08-2013, 08:17 PM
Season 1, in the hands of the boss in the gold mine or Jarl. Didn't care much about deaths because when you do elites it's inevitable.

I always cared about KDR, I don't know why. Most of my deaths (over half of my 1350 deaths) came during season 1 before they changed the way health is determined. Back then only STR points gave health, and so sorcerers were super squishy -- I think I had about 550 health at level 16, so I kept dying at Elite Jarl. Then as soon as season 2 started they changed it so that INT & DEX points gave health, and then my health quickly rose to over 1500.

09-08-2013, 08:19 PM
I always cared about KDR, I don't know why. Most of my deaths (over half of my 1350 deaths) came during season 1 before they changed the way health is determined. Back then only STR points gave health, and so sorcerers were super squishy -- I think I had about 550 health at level 16, so I kept dying at Elite Jarl. Then as soon as season 2 started they changed it so that INT & DEX points gave health, and then my health quickly rose to over 1500.

All my friends call me a KDR freak because every time I get a death, I either rage or remake the character.
I'm trying not to rage or remake the sorc.

09-08-2013, 08:21 PM
I probably died during the tutorial because I used up all my pots :-)

Honestly, I probably got my first death when a higher level warrior ran aqueduct with me, aggro'd a huge group then left me standing there with noob gear and no idea what I should be doing.

09-08-2013, 10:24 PM
I probably died during the tutorial because I used up all my pots :-)

Honestly, I probably got my first death when a higher level warrior ran aqueduct with me, aggro'd a huge group then left me standing there with noob gear and no idea what I should be doing.

Ah hah! Now I know why you solo the entire game (and do an amazing job at it)!

09-09-2013, 03:11 AM
Lol...The first time i died was at lvl 5 or 6 when i went in Kracken Isles first map...
Now im at 15k kills and 1.5k deaths.

Hustle Harder
09-11-2013, 04:09 AM
I got my 1st death on rogue at lvl 22 in tombs cause of lag

09-11-2013, 07:33 AM
Ah yeah, I have about 30k kills and 3k deaths...could be much better but then again I don't run elites much, n when I do I usually have 100- pots :p

09-11-2013, 07:35 AM
class - warrior
well my first death was after 10 min of starting.game - i was testing how many mobs i can handle.

i lvled up my warrior with
without using single pots until 31 (who says pots are cheap lol) still i had only 55k at 31
not bought single gear from auction until 31
didnt asked for help to pass zone or kill boss
never played with friends or guildmate until i have reached 31
my ping lies between - 600 to 100k (2g gprs)

Total death count - approx 1500+ at 31
now 30000+ kill and 1900 death