View Full Version : The Endgame Mage Perspective

09-08-2013, 07:20 PM
First of all, this is a complaint from me to STG

To me, as my primary is int mage, I think birds are really frustrating
Birds have 12m range, instant damage, dodge, two buffs, tons of dps, and instant debuffs
Mages on the other hand, have limited range skills that take too long to take effect (drain), no dodge, and SLOW mana shield.

In this senario, the mage has a fiery wand set while the bird has elite bow set, classic setup and is fighting with the "go" system

Now we have a fight between these pure classes. Who wins most of the time? Yeah thats right. The bird. If you dont know why, here Ill explain...
So everyone is buffed up right? Mages with their mana shields out and birds with their buffs. The birds start out by popping your shield, now you only have that 400 health left, and completely vulnerable with 800 mana sitting there. While you're doing your combo, the common drain-ice-fire, drain which takes a long time to actually do damage, ice, which you see flying slowly towards the bird, and fire with that knockback. The bird is doing theirs. Now as i said, birds have fast skills, and auto that does 200 a shot, and the skill that does way more. The bird pops your mana shield, still has that auto that takes away HALF your health, and thats only with one skill and an auto! Then he does another skill, and you're dead.

Now lets factor in the dodge! Birds have a ton of dodge while the mage has very very little. Lets go back to when the bird pops your shield, 400 health and facing a bird that does 200 with his AUTO. Suppose you dodge the blast and your mana shield still on, now you take use of that mana. But theres the bird with his high damage, takes very little time for your mana to run out, here the dodge comes into play. While you are spamming your skills, the bird is spamming his, but he has a high percent of dodging ALL of your damage while you have very little chance of dodging one of his. So there you are, dead with either no mana or full mana, waiting for the revive message to pop up.

Here is the basis of my complaint: dodge.
Bears are supposed to have tons of dodge with not a lot of damage, birds are supposed to have some dodge and some damage, and mages are supposed to have very little dodge and a lot of damage. That all balances out right?

But this cap has made it so birds have a lot of dodge and a lot of damage, bears with a lot of dodge and a lot of damage, and mages with no dodge still and a lot of damage. Now i believe dodge is just luck, and with a ton of dodge, end game pvp has just come down to luck. Is this really how pvp is supposed to be? Luck? It makes the experienced endgamers frustrated at how the "just started pvp" birds equiped with the elite bow keep on killing them.
Thanks for your time in reading this!

09-08-2013, 07:23 PM
Theyre fixin this soon

09-08-2013, 07:37 PM
lel naab just come twerk with me:)

09-08-2013, 07:41 PM
Nothing needs nerfing for mages, only the dodge in birds and damage in bears

09-08-2013, 07:48 PM
Few things:

First off, STS is in the process of rebalancing these stats and issues as you are complaining (& complaining is not really tolerated on the forums). Check out the general discussion "The Great Nerf of PL 2013." STS has a few things on the road which should hopefully be taking place this week - if not, by next week. But balance will come, I can assure you.

Secondly, you pointed out that mages don't do enough damage. They, in actuality, have a ton of damage (that's why they're known as the nukers/AOE class). But as you said, it's their delay of skills that do not allow us to compete. Which only means one thing - that birds solely do too much damage in a matter of a very short time. This doesn't reinforce the idea that mages don't deal enough damage - where just not able to compete because damage is too high (not correlated with armor/health points) and so is dodge.

What makes the mage a neat class is the fact that there skills are delayed. I love being able to time my drain up to gain health, and kill someone - then they're all like "Wahh, how!?" It just takes adjustments :)

Lastly, try to avoid complaining on the forums, as it will result in a locked thread very quickly. I don't mean to be the forum police, but history through STS shows that when us customers complain, the company tends to not care about it's community as much. We should be respectful, regardless, and create constructive feedback that will help STS.

09-08-2013, 07:48 PM
The dodge in birds? 55 buffed without an elite ring. Squishy enough as it is the dmg makes up for it, and then nerfing the dmg aswell? Birds don't even have a dmg buff. Lol

09-08-2013, 07:54 PM
Thanks ghost, that was exactly how i was trying to put it, i just didnt know how ^_^

09-08-2013, 09:13 PM
Easiest solution is to grab a staff and use fire. If they arent by then, gf. Hang on to your fiery set, prices will rocket once it balances itself.

09-08-2013, 09:35 PM
Easiest solution is to grab a staff and use fire. If they arent by then, gf. Hang on to your fiery set, prices will rocket once it balances itself.

Probably not by much though. A lot of people got a ton of money with the forgotten liquidations, so it will even itself out.

09-10-2013, 05:47 AM
I would say only one thing, its just 2hit killing and bit extra dodge I.e op and unbalance, as dmg being nerfed, I'm quite sure mages are gonna eat birds as before, (not the pros). hence that also not gonna be called balance amyway.

The only thing I meant here, birds are not op, its the overall system that was not updated and tend to be weak as endgame cap approaches.

lastly there's also one situation you did not mention I.e both buff, mages ms then b4 bird would brk her ms got one hited.

- this situation isnot also uncommon.

09-10-2013, 08:24 AM
Int mages are easy to kil even with 71 bird. Just blind+blast+rep, run away and come back with cruel blast. Endgame mages are underpowered but low lvl mages are op

09-10-2013, 09:04 AM
IMO all classes have too much damage (or too little armor respectively). Intmages hit nukes with 1000+ dmg in 3-4 skills very easily, the main reason we don't see that alot is the high dodge on bears/birds/pallies which will hopefully soon be decreased to a more reasonable amount. At the same time, if all classes had lower damage (or higher armor), intmages would be able to time their heals and shields again (instead of having to shield right away every time) for much better survivability.
The crit on intsets is ridiculously high as well. IMO crit should be higher on dex sets; mages already have an insane crit buff and there is no incentive to play dexmage atm, but we might see that get fixed too I hope.

Probably not by much though. A lot of people got a ton of money with the forgotten liquidations, so it will even itself out.

Thats not how economics work.

09-10-2013, 11:01 AM
Thats not how economics work.

I wasn't thinking much when I made my comment :/ I still doubt a big change in price though unless a ton of people decide to go endgame mage and buy out all the sets.

10-09-2013, 10:08 PM
Trying being a fox :/

10-09-2013, 11:44 PM
increasing int should give a small dodge bonus just to even out the playing field.

10-10-2013, 06:17 AM
They nerfed both bird buffs, and root. All they did to you is nerf a buff. You shouldn't be complaining, instead just practice being faster with your combo, changing it, or trying a new set. Birds already have 0 dodge in low lvl pvp (-45). If the devs do anything more to bird, the class will virtually not exist in low lvl pvp (its starting to die anyways).

P.s. Birds are NOT BAD because of the FBOW nerf, but they are bad in low lvl pvp because of the BUFFS and ROOT nerf. Warbirds would be perfectly fine if we could still dodge some, and debuff our opponents.