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View Full Version : Nerfing?

09-08-2013, 08:14 PM
Hey all, I was having a good old time spending my evening playing PL, when I figured I'd go a few rounds of Pvp on my mage! To my ultimate demise I was pulled into a match of ffa vs two birds, and managed to get 5 kills over the 4 rounds that we played. I'd heard that nerfing was done to the dodges, Fbows, and crits, but it didnt seem so to me. Almost every time my fire was used, it was dodged and I was dead before I could have another spell land because of the delay on the others. And when I was lucky enough to have a timed heal to stay alive for an instance longer, that is where my luck ended, because my next spell was dodged too. In the end this resulted in me being called terrible at pvp, noob, ect... That doesn't really bother me anymore, we have all come to know and love the trash talk among pvp, you just don't respond. And come on I'm not THAT bad at pvp. ;) even if I'm not considered a pro. So I was wondering if the combos and builds the mage needs to wield in order to survive?

Also, I'd like to thank STS for what they did with the Fbows. Not only did it bring back pvp in low levels for the most part, but it also brought back farming for the pvp items, making money easier to come by without having to hit that 1 in 60 trillion chance of dragon armor!

Thanks guys, if I don't talk to you tonight I will next weekend! School and sports are keeping me right busy!

09-08-2013, 08:17 PM
Birds get there skills of the fastest so it might be that.

Try to early MS and hope for the best!

09-08-2013, 08:26 PM
Birds get there skills of the fastest so it might be that.

Try to early MS and hope for the best!

Getting my mana shield up isn't the problem my friend, I almost always have time as long as a I don't get a bad spawn :)

09-08-2013, 08:33 PM
They're not nerfing dodge and crit at low level, but the forg is obviously nerfed. If they're dodging a ton, it's because they have Armsman + 6 Evade. Birds are def the hardest >.< Do you have 6 BoM?

09-08-2013, 08:57 PM
They haven't nerfed the dodge or critical buffs yet, only forgotten weapons so far

09-08-2013, 09:12 PM
They're not nerfing dodge and crit at low level, but the forg is obviously nerfed. If they're dodging a ton, it's because they have Armsman + 6 Evade. Birds are def the hardest >.< Do you have 6 BoM?

I do not, should I?

09-08-2013, 09:32 PM
Fbows are still viable below 25. Also, dodge and crit haven't been nerfed yet. Expect it later this week. Halloween items will probably be nerfed on Monday.

09-08-2013, 11:12 PM
I do not, should I? If you're L22+... If you're not L22, you don't have BoM. But 6 BoM is pretty much a must for mages, as I believe it is what, 60+ crit? >.> Anyways, Idk what level you are :P

09-09-2013, 03:30 AM
You're best mage..

09-09-2013, 04:35 AM
You did not mention which level you're talking about, u mentioned fbow though.

Dodge and crits are not nerfed yet, they gonna nerf it this weak, the buffs.

again just to remind, without no dodge birds are too fragile and this game is not dodge independent also, so lets c what's devs gonna do.