View Full Version : fairplay in PvP

09-10-2013, 06:25 AM
There is NO fairplay by 90% of all players!

There IS joining 1on3s, 1on4s, they even jooiinnn to a 5 oonn ZERO WTH!
There IS gangin
There IS killing if someones typing
There IS 1 guy flaggin and the rest of the team facing a x-1 vs x
There IS a guy shooting Trulle instead of helping the team

You know what? Im done with fairplay, im done with joining to make even teams!

I`ll join the better team, i`ll gang! Gonna be good for my stats, cause thats the only thing that counts? Honour/Fairness? lmao TYN!

09-10-2013, 06:52 AM
I use the fairplay approach, but I suppose that explains my mediocre KDR.

I am also the type that doesn't bail when we lose the advantage - I try to play out the match, which is unfortunate because there are matches where I get absolutely trampled 5v3 or 3v1. I must admit that it is super satisfying when I can wipe out the opposing team 3v1, so I press on for those rare moments when it happens :-)

I do agree, it seems that everyone is so focused on KDR and leaderboard status that it encourages this type of behavior. It's just unfortunate. On the otherhand, my stick-to-it-iveness has made me many friends and a lot of respect in the arena, so fairplay and taking your lumps isn't such a bad thing in the end.

09-10-2013, 07:09 AM
You may compare the kdrs with those on lb for further analysis.huge gap between kill death means they might be farming noobs.close gap might mean they don't easily flee from a match.might not be 100prcnt accurate but its a good start to evaluate a player until u see their pattern and gaming approach.and negative kdr does not mean they are stupid nor smart.

I agree that these days finding a good room with good sports ain't easy.to mk matter worse with dmg ability now owned by other classes ppl simply going nuts about killing which lead to ganging spawning etc.gone the days whr a 5v5 require some thoughts or strategy.ignore the trash talk since its a competitive play tht involve real ppl tht is hardly avoided now.worse if u r being hit in such manner u hit em back.being nice has its price and we being human can't mantain that calmness all the time.

Honour is what fueling this game and its people for a better experience.but honestly this season so far very few can mantain that.many newnpvpers restarting the vicious cycle of killing and damaging other players coz that's what they think pvp is all about.don't matter to creste enemies etc.n not all previous pvpers are joining the room coz if they do things might change.I hope in time the pvp scene that is playingbfor honour in positive manner will be restored.

09-10-2013, 07:27 AM
I really feel like chivalry is useless in PvP...in 5v5s, its courteous to wait in the middle, and once both teams are ready, say 'game' or something. Ofc, that's bs when you're sitting around chatting n waiting for the other team to rg and they come charging around the corner without a word of warnin. Bah.

Of course, joining the side with the lesser numbers in PvP (except when a fellow officer is on the larger team - guild rules) has got my kdr pretty much negative. Times when I'm facing a maul and refuse to run...ho hum, that's given me my fair share of deaths.

Nothing to be done about the issue though. There will always be players who want to up their kdr and run when the going gets tough. I have this saying that sums stuff up...'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' I wont point fingers, but at leleast a few are lb players.

09-10-2013, 07:29 AM
hmm lets start with what room did you join in? is it TDM or Flag room.

if it is flag - the rules are simple kill the other team and get the flag and score. there is not rules use strategy that will make you win. that game is not about killing only. i think you guys miss-out the concept of the pvp room you joined.

You join Capture Flags -meaning the concept of this room is to get the Flag!

2nd team death match. now this room is all about killing. the concept is what team can reach 20kills.


Solution is space time need to create another pvp room for team match.

game concept 5-5 team match.
game will start when each team got 5 players same level.
there is one way map that leads to the middle.
then when you die you will resurrect to spawn area but you cant join until one team is whipeout.
Then the system will score blue or read team 1 point.

this is the only solution can think of to have a fair pvp game. so people dont keep on whining and crying iv been gang huhuh!

09-10-2013, 08:08 AM
I dont get respect in PvP cause i cant shut my mouth and i ALLWAYS end up trashtalkin to those easyteam joiners... A lot of ppl started hating me because of my confrontation... they hate me cause i want a good and even game! So TY - this is history!
If there is a player on enemy team i know and like i wont gang, i wont kill if typing all others -> TY!

09-10-2013, 08:10 AM
I dont get respect in PvP cause i cant shut my mouth and i ALLWAYS end up trashtalkin to those easyteam joiners... A lot of ppl started hating me because of my confrontation... they hate me cause i want a good and even game! So TY - this is history!
If there is a player on enemy team i know and like i wont gang, i wont kill if typing all others -> TY!

LOL rob its ok to gang. you just gang me while ago lol... and its fine... the concept of the room is Ctf (capture the flag)
you can do what ever strategy suits you.. lol

09-10-2013, 08:14 AM
LOL rob its ok to gang. you just gang me while ago lol... and its fine... the concept of the room is Ctf (capture the flag)
you can do what ever strategy suits you.. lol

Then its a thing of what u call ganging... for me ganging is stepping into enemy spawn room with 4 or 5 guys and take out 1! A fight 4vs3 and the 4 players has no tank, the 3 players team has 1 or more is not ganging... if it ends up in a 1on4 still no gang - it was a good fight!

09-10-2013, 08:21 AM
There is no fairplay when PvP. The strong stands, the weak dies.

09-10-2013, 08:50 AM
There is no fairplay when PvP. The strong stands, the weak dies.

Actually, u mean the ones that join the team with more players stands, the ones who want to have even games dies.
Constantly joining the winning side doesn't make u strong, it makes u a noob. Regardless of what ur kdr ur reputation will speak more loudly.

09-10-2013, 09:36 AM
Actually, u mean the ones that join the team with more players stands, the ones who want to have even games dies.
Constantly joining the winning side doesn't make u strong, it makes u a noob. Regardless of what ur kdr ur reputation will speak more loudly.
+1 to this.
I always join the team that has less people to make it even. If it is already even, I'll join the better one :p

09-10-2013, 10:31 AM
Actually, u mean the ones that join the team with more players stands, the ones who want to have even games dies.
Constantly joining the winning side doesn't make u strong, it makes u a noob. Regardless of what ur kdr ur reputation will speak more loudly.

I don't mean that. :)

09-10-2013, 10:56 AM
I don't mean that. :)

Joining the winning side really doesn't make somebody strong. He does have a point. Why? They were strong without you, so the only reason one would join the winning side is for selfish reasons that originate to their own weaknesses.

I always join the weaker side because challenges are what makes somebody stronger - not easy battles.

09-10-2013, 11:05 AM
Ofcourse I always join weaker teams because its fun to kill same geared people

09-10-2013, 11:09 AM
I don't mean that. :)

i wasn't commenting on u specifically. My comment was towards the attitudes of 80% of AL pvpers. lol.

09-10-2013, 11:40 AM
I made a suggestion a while ago to fix the issue of unfair joining. This however would prevent guild warrs unless they can coordinate (which they can)

X player joined the game
X player was put on red team.
Z player joined the game
Z player was put on blue tea

Basically, kill the "join-red-or-blue" button an place us on a team. Problem solved.

09-10-2013, 12:38 PM
^ Agree!

09-10-2013, 03:14 PM
There is no fairplay when PvP. The strong stands, the weak dies.

Its true but we can always make it a better place to compete positively.

Joining strong team.ofc big deal u wanna win tho u may not realized its jist temporary and don't justify that you are a good player.some tk this as priority and some easily satisfied with such accomplishment.it may draw a long term effect when the pvp community start to aim you and in the end you end up in series of bashing tht make u just wanna give up pvp.hence the honorable gameplay makes you earn respect, making friends or turning enemies into allies.

Joininh weak team.doesn't make you honorable either.at some point when you are continously farmed despite whether kdr ia your concern or not you will end up giving up as there's no satisfactory takeout of the gameplay nor making you feel good looking at ypur dead toon after numerous change od tactics.some say its cowardice action to flee and some say its bravery to stay.but the end takeout which fuel your action matters in the end.

Fleeing a match.again the same dilemma.hard to justify.leaving after 1 trial cn be labelled as coward, leaving after 10 might be stupid.again it depends but i feel the 20prcnt who play the game fairly and those who has been around know how to judge well.

Yes its a play at your own risk battlefield but to make the experience matters is to hold the dignity and honour of keeping it clean and healthy.a noble and tough effort but not impossible.

I make it a habit to hunt the gangers in every match tho it cost me a huge sum of deaths just to send a message that sucj act won't be left unnoticed.there will be those who step up n wanna reclaim what a good fight is.coz when its good regardless the outcome bothbteams can agree and admit simply by saying gg or gf no matter who lose or win.but that's just me

09-10-2013, 05:28 PM
Not saying it applies to you Rob, but alot of people will scream "ganger" without looking at themselves first.

Usually I try to play fair but in the last few weeks I had experiences that made me say "f it", first 4 vs 1 (me being the 1), I took it in stride until I got tired. Yesterday saw one of the gangers who sad for him joined against me and everyone flocked to me for some reason. 4 vs 1 and I didnt even think twice about it, what happened? He complained, a LOT, asked for 1 vs 1 ignored him.

Few matches later I join a room and it ends up me and someone else on one team and guy alone on other. He quickly goes "no gang", we say its fine and will wait until he has a partner. He calls someone and they join, suddenly another one joins his team and now its 3 (2 warriors and one rogue) vs 2 (rogues).

I called him out on his hypocrisy and left, so basically I'm not showing any mercy anymore, as far as I'm concerned few will play fair (and they are "usuals" in PVP so I already recognize them) so I'm done giving these randoms fair chances.

09-10-2013, 09:58 PM
I made a suggestion a while ago to fix the issue of unfair joining. This however would prevent guild warrs unless they can coordinate (which they can)

X player joined the game
X player was put on red team.
Z player joined the game
Z player was put on blue tea

Basically, kill the "join-red-or-blue" button an place us on a team. Problem solved.

strongly agreed. Ban the choice button!! It would solve oh-so-much problems.

The only problem might be: how do you prevent people from just leaving an undesired team? They'd leave and join, leave and join until they have their "right" team?

09-11-2013, 12:44 AM
strongly agreed. Ban the choice button!! It would solve oh-so-much problems.

The only problem might be: how do you prevent people from just leaving an undesired team? They'd leave and join, leave and join until they have their "right" team?

Like a usual CTF match you leave, you join another game. Which leads me to remove the join button on friend-guild-party list.
They can leave, but couldnt get back in

09-11-2013, 09:28 AM
Joining the winning side really doesn't make somebody strong. He does have a point. Why? They were strong without you, so the only reason one would join the winning side is for selfish reasons that originate to their own weaknesses.

I always join the weaker side because challenges are what makes somebody stronger - not easy battles.

I know someone. He is always joining the weak team. But he doesn't get stronger until now. Why?
All because gears and skills.
You join the weaker team and kill the stronger, so you stated that makes you strong, you have gears dude.

Hmm and I think you all just get mad that you are getting ganged when PvP right? :D (Just a thought)

And also what the hell is KDR? KDR means nothing in PvP. Prove with act not just numbers.
If we are talking about KDR, go kill dummies.

09-11-2013, 09:34 AM
I know someone. He is always joining the weak team. But he doesn't get stronger until now. Why?
All because gears and skills.
You join the weaker team and kill the stronger, so you stated that makes you strong, you have gears dude.

Hmm and I think you all just get mad that you are getting ganged when PvP right? :D (Just a thought)

And also what the hell is KDR? KDR means nothing in PvP. Prove with act not just numbers.
If we are talking about KDR, go kill dummies.

Apollo was simply stating that going against players that have better gear or a better team ultimately improves your skills.

I've never owned Mythic or Arcane anything, yet I achieved Warmonger status while playing against some of the best all-time PvPers. Skill/Tactics can make up for a significant deficit in gear. One does not learn these skills farming and spawn killing with the superior team. You learn effective tactics, kiting range, skill rotation, when to press and when to retreat when you are outnumberd and/or out gunned.

Hovering at a spawn entrance and bum-rushing someone 5v1 doesn't help make you better - that's all he was saying.

I do agree that KDR is a relatively meaningless stat and not indicative of true skill. I know many great PvPers who barely have a 1:1 KDR, yet when I see them on the other team, I know that they are to be respected. It's not the KDR that I respect, it's the skill and teamwork that are most intimidating.

09-11-2013, 09:40 AM
I know someone. He is always joining the weak team. But he doesn't get stronger until now. Why?
All because gears and skills.
You join the weaker team and kill the stronger, so you stated that makes you strong, you have gears dude.

Hmm and I think you all just get mad that you are getting ganged when PvP right? :D (Just a thought)

And also what the hell is KDR? KDR means nothing in PvP. Prove with act not just numbers.
If we are talking about KDR, go kill dummies.

1. Of course there will be exceptions as not everybody has the capacity to learn from their mistakes.

2. When I'm getting ganged, I just call my warriors to help me out. It's not a big deal. The gangers usually leave after 1-2 deaths because they're the ones who care about KDR - not me.

3. When did I mention KDR? If you're going to get aggressive, at least understand the post correctly.

09-12-2013, 01:52 AM
lol the concept is of the room is capture the flag its normal to be gang! just fight back and make a strategy how to turn the tides.

i rather be in the team who is being gang and try to turn the tides. its very challenging ^_^

09-12-2013, 04:22 AM
Lol I'm tired of warrs vs 4tanks and 1 rouges. No such thig as fairplay...

09-15-2013, 11:28 PM
Fair play is what users do in the game. Like spawn killing is not. Ganging is not. Not letting teams regroup is not. Fair play.

To minimize the mess thats with team choice... yes, again. eliminate choice button.

Oh, and another thing. A little episode... Today I freaked out ingame (wich I rarely do) because a team was lucky enough to be able to spawn kill me like 10 times in a row without letting me go to my team. Finally we made it to group after several attempts to do so. When we where together the tides changed and we killed them off. Then we adopted the behavior of the other team and didnt let them regroup. Now. That might seem like a very awful thing, but as I said, i was really fed up. And there needed a lesson to be given about fair play.
In all seriousness one of the other team guys said: You were complaining about ganging and now you are ganging urself!?! And I answered: this is punishment. Since u r not able to apply fair play in the first place although i asked several times for it, it seems to me you have to learn it the hard way. After that they just called me noob, but still got killed until the game was over (due to flagging).

My point is: whenever someone is playing unfair, be aware, that the other team can do that to you too and the punishment for that might come at a much higher price. Yes, u can just leave then, but thats cowardice and you know it. Oh, and for those who dont: cowardice=incompetence.

So if you want the real thing out of pvp, namely competition and reassuring comparison, leave unfair play and stick with some basic rules: No spawn killing and no persistent ganging (2v4 is no ganging, I think we all agree on that).

Some will say, its pvp and there are no rules. Wrong. We are all human beeings and we have to stick to the same framework of social behaviour as we do in the real world. At least to the most common low denominator. Fairness.

09-16-2013, 07:48 AM
i usually leave when other team have better gear and doesn't show a will to end the match A.S.A.P.

i always remind myself that PVP maps are made for rich characters, but i can't resist to try it, even with obvious result. but for me, there's absolutely no fun in pvp.

i have a wild imagination that there will be a pvp map, where chars can only use same gears and pets. so it will be the battles of true builds and skills. but, what the odds for STS would be? haha

Sent from my LG-P970 using Xparent Green Tapatalk 2

09-17-2013, 05:35 AM
I don't play pvp very often because I have 100% PvE specification and I really don't feel like respecing five times in a day.

I always wondered why the arena is called CTF. I thought that goal of the session is to win by capturing more flags than the opposite team.

But usually one or two guys say immediately "don't kill me, I just need flags" and the rest forms a gangbang party instructing the flagger not to score the 5th flag.

I think because killing is so funny and flagging is not, many guys are unhappy because the LB is only about flags today.

We had several threads about new APs. I think pvp needs serious improvements too because as it is now, it is just a plain kill farming arena.

09-17-2013, 06:43 AM
hmm lets start with what room did you join in? is it TDM or Flag room.

if it is flag - the rules are simple kill the other team and get the flag and score. there is not rules use strategy that will make you win. that game is not about killing only. i think you guys miss-out the concept of the pvp room you joined.

You join Capture Flags -meaning the concept of this room is to get the Flag!

2nd team death match. now this room is all about killing. the concept is what team can reach 20kills.


Solution is space time need to create another pvp room for team match.

game concept 5-5 team match.
game will start when each team got 5 players same level.
there is one way map that leads to the middle.
then when you die you will resurrect to spawn area but you cant join until one team is whipeout.
Then the system will score blue or read team 1 point.

this is the only solution can think of to have a fair pvp game. so people dont keep on whining and crying iv been gang huhuh!

I love this idea..... i have been saying this since i started playing :)

09-17-2013, 07:22 AM
I am relatively new to PVP as i have previously concentrated on PVE (so that i can at least say that i am fairly good at something lol). I would have to agree with the previous posts, that CTF should be a game based on actually that. I appreciate that CTF arena is a great arena (imo the better of the 2) and that people do go there to have a dam good scrap, but i do think that most people forget what the object of the game is in that arena.

That being said the PVP etiquette somewhat baffles me. I am all for fair play and have learnt many unwritten rules over this weekend having repsec'd multiple times, taking advantage of the free respec on offer. During this time i observed the following:

Join a game with 5 on one side and 3 on another. I join the team with 3 players and run to where my team-mates are. On route to my team i turn a corner and find the opposition, who then 5v1 me as soon as they see me. They then camp outside my spawn point making it impossible for me to regroup, and only letting me out when my team attempts to help me. Upon this happening (being uncontrollably angry because of the constant kill spawns) i then would contact some of my warrior friends with a Maul to help me out (thank you btw for coming so fast). They arrive, we regroup and then by chance we see 2 of the other team, where we return the favour of gang kill, just to make them aware of how annoying it is. Then comes the abuse..... Because they are now being ganged they dont like it, and turn into a bunch of little whiny btches, throwing insults to vent their frustration.

This happened to me at least 50 times over the weekend, and tbh its the reason why i dont play much. I like PVE because there are no mobs to whine at you whilst you are killing them.

I have also however, had the privilege of playing with some of the great PVPers. Beatriixx, Apollo, Epillon, Reincell, Flagoman just to name a few, and this was a totally different experience. They all regroup and let the opposition regroup, to make the fight fair, and a hell of a lot more interesting. I have to say i thoroughly enjoyed every minute with u guys, so thank you.

My point is that STS may want to look at Sptcuz suggestion below, it might well be the solution that everyone is looking for. CTF IMO should be kept for capture the flag as it was intended..... So perhaps to implement this suggestion may be a solution.

hmm lets start with what room did you join in? is it TDM or Flag room.

if it is flag - the rules are simple kill the other team and get the flag and score. there is not rules use strategy that will make you win. that game is not about killing only. i think you guys miss-out the concept of the pvp room you joined.

You join Capture Flags -meaning the concept of this room is to get the Flag!

2nd team death match. now this room is all about killing. the concept is what team can reach 20kills.


Solution is space time need to create another pvp room for team match.

game concept 5-5 team match.
game will start when each team got 5 players same level.
there is one way map that leads to the middle.
then when you die you will resurrect to spawn area but you cant join until one team is whipeout.
Then the system will score blue or read team 1 point.

this is the only solution can think of to have a fair pvp game. so people dont keep on whining and crying iv been gang huhuh!

Im sorry if my lack of knowledge offended anyone, or if i have missed the point and gone off on a rant and if i have missed anything or i dont understand things fully, please correct me. :)

09-21-2013, 02:34 AM
I believe in fair play such as no ganging when the other person doesn't even have a team(when the courtesy is given first or at the very least returned of course) but I wonder about the regrouping thing. One plays PVP to win, no other reason; nobody plays to lose.

So here's my question on the regrouping thing. If There's a group in say TDM one warrior and three rogue snipers beating my team of say 2 rogues and 2 mages ,until we take the rogues down first, why should we let them regroup? Divide and conquer I say, why should the chance be given for them to regroup if we can easily destroy them 1-1 individually or even in teams when they are clearly besting us with the previous approach? It's part of the strategy.

I mean when I have as opposition 4 warriors I'm not eager for them to get together again I try to keep them apart at any cost, why should I put myself at a disadvantage for some false sense of honor? If they are good/smart they will regroup by themselves, I don't have to ALLOW it.

09-25-2013, 11:29 AM
I believe in fair play such as no ganging when the other person doesn't even have a team(when the courtesy is given first or at the very least returned of course) but I wonder about the regrouping thing. One plays PVP to win, no other reason; nobody plays to lose.

So here's my question on the regrouping thing. If There's a group in say TDM one warrior and three rogue snipers beating my team of say 2 rogues and 2 mages ,until we take the rogues down first, why should we let them regroup? Divide and conquer I say, why should the chance be given for them to regroup if we can easily destroy them 1-1 individually or even in teams when they are clearly besting us with the previous approach? It's part of the strategy.

I mean when I have as opposition 4 warriors I'm not eager for them to get together again I try to keep them apart at any cost, why should I put myself at a disadvantage for some false sense of honor? If they are good/smart they will regroup by themselves, I don't have to ALLOW it.
You have a point here. But i think what most people here say is when after a fight people try to regroup and the other team uses this to their advantage, running from one spawn to the other just to kill the outnumbered team eberytime they spawn. Until this team is not spawning all tgther in the same room, this can be a very disconcerting experience, wich very often makes people angry to a point of rage. And yes, this should not happen, because this is not fair play.

10-04-2013, 10:28 PM
I think PVP its better if it's play like Counter Strike, with time limit and one team defending and the other team attacking. Just a thought :D