View Full Version : STS: PVP Arena please!!

09-11-2013, 07:05 AM
Ok, pvp is fun. But is it that fun? Ctf: people are not interested in the intended purpose of ctf, which is to capture the flag! The only people who do this are the people crazy enough to attempt the overkill achievement of 10,000 flags...... Again, absured. Tdm: good idea, biput 1. Trull ruins it. Your running up to a fight with a charged fire ball and cast it and lighting and viola! You hit trull! Thats not even the worst part about tdm. The worst part is the map itself. You can not see below you due to the way the game is designed, so if you are at the top of the map,nyou get pelted by a rogue who is south of you and die before you even see him. Unacceptable design.

Solution to pvp.

Make an arena. A way where competitive pvpers can fight each other in the most fun way. No random players you dont know in green and purple gear, no joining games where everyone joins the team with the most existing players on it... ( yea, all the time, 5v2 noob smashing festivals of samaels and arcane mauls wasting ou before you can open your eyes.) No. A way where friends can join a party of 2, 3 or 4 people. Queue up in the "arena" and be matched with other teams. Wins and losses will be personally recorded and top teams will be posted on a leaderboard. Simple, easy, and people will love it! Blow this thread up and tell them you agree.

09-11-2013, 09:07 AM
Yes maybe it would get some trashtalk away from ctf

09-16-2013, 02:32 AM
I agree!

09-17-2013, 11:17 AM
No thanks, I like being able to abuse blind spots. :D

Also, having Trulle in the arena is awesome. It's like having a warrior with never ending HoR.