View Full Version : Keyboard Controls soon?

11-02-2010, 10:53 PM
Hey guys.

So I just got a wireless keyboard today and linked it to my ipad.

Its awesome in a sense that its so easy typing. Its just awkward how all the controls ( even just chatting) are on the iPad.

Maybe "enter/return" key on the keyboard can open the chat window?

Not sure what I'm missing, or you guys might have other suggestions!

11-02-2010, 11:30 PM
It actually doesn't make sense to me how the iPad would be played with it since you still have to tap on screen to interact with everything else, but we did buy one to get it working (low priority).

Enter to chat is how it works in the PC version.


11-02-2010, 11:33 PM
True, but for chatting especially you don't need to tap much or at all if ever keyboard can be used. Will the keyboard function be usable on the iPad as well if the PC version comes out? :)

11-02-2010, 11:43 PM
Try playing PL with your iPad, and pretend the keyboard works when you want to chat (bring out out to type on, etc.). That's a lot of shifting, propping up the iPad, typing, putting down the keyboard, holding the iPad again, etc.

If all you do is sit in towne and chat rarely touching the screen, it may be useful. I've actually tried it, and couldn't find it useful.


11-02-2010, 11:47 PM
Try playing PL with your iPad, and pretend the keyboard works when you want to chat (bring out out to type on, etc.). That's a lot of shifting, propping up the iPad, typing, putting down the keyboard, holding the iPad again, etc.

If all you do is sit in towne and chat rarely touching the screen, it may be useful. I've actually tried it, and couldn't find it useful.


True, then I guess chat controls via keyboard would be useless without controls such as movement keys huh? Any chance for that on ipad keyboards? :P

Either way, thanks for answering!