View Full Version : Building a Rogue

09-13-2013, 08:04 AM
Good morning everyone.

I am sure that this question has been asked (and answered) a million times. I am going to try for it one more time.
With free Respec this weekend it's liable to be asked a few more times.
What is a good Rogue build??

I have fooled around with it for a bit this morning, and really didn't notice any difference.
I am currently at Strength - 76, Dex - 110, Intel - 38.

My skills are "Aimed Shot", "Shadow Piercer", "Shadow Storm", and "Combat Medic".
My passives are "Durable", "Agility", "Quickness", and "Might".

Am I anywhere close to optimal with these settings for my rogue, "Dinella" ?
Or, should I rebuild again to better her performance?

Thanks guys and gals, I appreciate your help.
Deke and Dinella


My skills

Alvin Cia Alejandro
09-13-2013, 11:29 PM
if your a pvp type person maybe .. aimshot(max_ nox(max) shadow piercier(lvl1 only) medpack(max) passive : int/dex/str/ max upgrade .. and lvl 4 crit .. lvl36 build ty