View Full Version : Booting Makes Me Mad !

11-03-2010, 12:26 PM
Thread closed

11-03-2010, 12:35 PM
i hate that its ****ing gay

11-03-2010, 12:49 PM
I understand, MC, but why not level in Fathom or Lost Expedition? You can actually use the items that drop and the XP is the same.

11-03-2010, 12:49 PM
I hate it too. Wish there was a boot back button or something.
I have noticed alot of "please dont boot me" coming from people as they joing the group. i thought people were just being silly at first, but i think they are being serious. at first it was lower levels, but now it's people of the appropriate level for the content. it must be really getting bad.

personally i'd only boot people that were being vulgar or harassing party members or people obviously not there for the benefit of the group such as leechers or people only there trying to sell crap (time and place for that and groups is not one of them)

edit: what snake said above. why not level in appropriate zones? you can use the items. you get no more or less experience in higher level zones. maybe they should reduce/restrict XP in zones outside your level. you quit getting XP once you overpower an area...why not if you grossly underpower the area?

and like i have said before...if you dont want random people in your group...just lock the dang thing.

King Kamehameha
11-03-2010, 12:52 PM
I agree with too low although I've never been booted for that and agree more for giving a real reason for boot I've had recently botted for . M n s z r bye sry lol gone see ya etc so yes stop booting or just take it off

11-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Facking idiot stop complaining about boots!!!! I am so pissed off because immature all-knowers seems to think that all booters are wrong!!
Would you be happy if you hosted a victory lap for good people that are out for quick loot and this lvl 46 guy with no gear at all joins the game?
Who likes a lazy low level *** sitting back doing nothing while waiting for others to get the xp for him? You get mad when u join a pot rush and get kicked, but do you not know that YOU will just be dying like a handicap and getting the mages to take risks of dying by reviving YOU!

When you get booted, there is always a reason, whether the host specifies it or not. The hosts cannot write game discriptions, so if a noob joins a game for pros and get kicked, it is not the hosts fault!!

So, give me one reason that a host should not have the permission to kick someone from HIS game.

King Kamehameha
11-03-2010, 01:04 PM
Facking idiot stop complaining about boots!!!! I am so pissed off because immature all-knowers seems to think that all booters are wrong!!
Would you be happy if you hosted a victory lap for good people that are out for quick loot and this lvl 46 guy with no gear at all joins the game?
Who likes a lazy low level *** sitting back doing nothing while waiting for others to get the xp for him? You get mad when u join a pot rush and get kicked, but do you not know that YOU will just be dying like a handicap and getting the mages to take risks of dying by reviving YOU!

When you get booted, there is always a reason, whether the host specifies it or not. The hosts cannot write game discriptions, so if a noob joins a game for pros and get kicked, it is not the hosts fault!!

So, give me one reason that a host should not have the permission to kick someone from HIS game.

Wow geez hater you must really love saying you it's all you say YOU YOU YOU do you ever think that it wouldn't hurt to be kind and help the lv46? Or are you just selfish? :) and besides what if he has lv47 gear try and be generous like chief and many others and level up people and not be so selfish and only want gear and I bet you (or should I say YOU) have been booted and hated it so think twice before you say something

ps do you kiss your mother with that mouth? If so she must really regret it

11-03-2010, 01:13 PM
Lol your post makes my on my mood again, i remember when my friend said"have a heart :)".
I have helped many people level in crush the keeper, fathom crypts and expedition, but imo victory lap just isnt the place to level(20-40 xp per run?). When i do victory lap i want a group of solid and experienced player, not some level 47 bird with a random green coat and a small black crossbow.
I also accept my boots like a man. Maybe the hoster had a friend trying to join or maybe i am just not good enough for the hosters game.
By the way by putting caps on "you" i was trying to emphasize the fact that it is not othets, but YOU that is causing the misery.

11-03-2010, 01:15 PM
Wow geez hater you must really love saying you it's all you say YOU YOU YOU do you ever think that it wouldn't hurt to be kind and help the lv46? Or are you just selfish? :) and besides what if he has lv47 gear try and be generous like chief and many others and level up people and not be so selfish and only want gear and I bet you (or should I say YOU) have been booted and hated it so think twice before you say something

ps do you kiss your mother with that mouth? If so she must really regret it

Everything that Superzarop said is true, it's just that most people do not WANT to hear it. He is talking about rushing, and rushing by definition is VERY selfish. It boils down the game to just getting the best gear in the most efficient way, which is why EVERYONE WANTS TO DO IT! The problem is, NOT EVERYONE CAN! The increase in armor and fire power for level 50 weapons is significant, and if you are not 50, you should not be rushing. What you should be doing is taking the time to level up, just like all the other 50's did.

11-03-2010, 01:16 PM
Don't fall for the noob troll with 26 posts hammering on the guy with 719 posts. Trolls troll, and they love negative reactions. Laugh at them. They hate that. ;)

11-03-2010, 01:18 PM
Don't fall for the noob troll with 26 posts hammering on the guy with 719 posts. Trolls troll, and they love negative reactions. Laugh at them. They hate that. ;)

How bout a troll with 1441 posts? Cause Superzarop is right.

11-03-2010, 01:37 PM
Being right or wrong has nothing to do with trolling. Incendiary remarks, name calling, etc. makes him a troll.

And while he may be right, he is not addressing the OP. I can say water is wet in response to anything and will be right every time. But if I say water is wet you far kin ijit, I would be a troll.

The OP was told to boot himself from his own hosted game, and later told to boot his sister. Trolls don't read. Then they say the obvious, meanly.

11-03-2010, 01:38 PM
Don't fall for the noob troll with 26 posts hammering on the guy with 719 posts. Trolls troll, and they love negative reactions. Laugh at them. They hate that. ;)

Does it not seem like you are the troll? My post was a reply to the topic starter concerning this topic. And how does his 719 make him any more skilled, smarter or morally correct than me?
You might have 1 million posts, but trolling is trolling.

11-03-2010, 01:43 PM
LOL!, the old whatever-you-say-about-me-I-say-about-you! Hahahaha... Got any other tactics? That one is old. ;)

11-03-2010, 01:49 PM
You must feel so mature amirite?

11-03-2010, 01:50 PM
if there is a reason to boot someone fine. just politely explain. but most people that boot people are dickish about it. they give no real reason and are not exactly polite about it even if there is one. ASK someone to leave and they probably will. should people feel bad about "accidentally" joining a rush game? most are just joining random games trying to level. and like i have suggested before...you want to be a closed game...lock your friggin game and invite who you want.
you say you want "experienced" players? you want them to know your tactic? how are they going to do that if all of the people that do this seem to be elitist snobs and not let people try it and learn? how quickly forget that they too were a noob once. they weren't born with the innate knowledge of how to play their class, all the mechanics behind the game, or how to tackle certain maps and enemies.

11-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Kids, please.

11-03-2010, 01:51 PM
I am done.

11-03-2010, 02:55 PM
Always Posts That Makes Me Think That People Hates Me ..
Why Everytime I Make A Thread , There Is Always Someone Talking Nervously ?
Geez People , Peace ! We Are Supposed To Be A Community And All Friends , Yes !
And Yes , I've Helped A Lot Of People , Given Away Like 10Mil To Friends And New Players , Helped Nearly 150-200 New Players To Level Up From 1 To 8 Or More , Given Away 239 Pinks , Go Check The The Thread Called : " Masterchief's Wish List " If You Don't Trust Me .
And For The Ones That Knows That , Don't Tell I've Made This For The " PL Shield " Because It's Wrong , Well I Told What I Tough .. Comon Guys .. Peace .

- Peace, MC

Alex :)
11-03-2010, 03:03 PM
Idk why the make this Boot button?!
Booting is bad,but other site the lv 10-20 can lv other map not ao3 , because much of lv 50 are farming and when they r farming they cant considerate of them.
Mybe they can delete the Boot Button pls!

11-03-2010, 03:27 PM
I don't think that booting is necessarily bad. If you get booted, try to calm down and remind yourself that it's not personal; that it has to do with the booter, not you. As for the reason, try to remember that not everyone is an English speaker or a very fast English typist. Remember that it's about the booter, not you. If you get booted too much for your personal sanity, then start your own game with your own friends or with people who join you.

There ARE rude people who come in and immediately ask that the low level be booted, even if the low level started the game. I've been in games talking to my low level friend who hosted and invited me and people come in and immediately ask me to boot the low level. It's very strange. I don't take offense, but depending on the friend, the person asking will likely get booted.

I personally have a hard time booting, so I only boot if I've been playing with a group and we've been running for awhile and some new person hops in in-between. I will usually use the reason "sry, friends coming" and then boot. Often I will tell them I will invite if there is space. But again, I don't usually boot. I prefer to give the new person a chance. If they contribute and survive, that works. If not, they usually leave on their own. As I've said in other posts, lots of people can't seem to take a death or two, and it's not even their own death. I do boot non-contributors.

A couple of times, I joined a friend and they told me "full". Of course, I know what that means: they're running with a group and it's going well and they're not going to break it up. Of course, I go; there's lots of other things to do and it's not personal.

I do have friends who are quite attached to the boot button. Some are kids; some are foreigner speakers. On their end, they do not take booting that seriously. From their point of view, they are just playing the game their way. They're very loyal to the people/person they are playing with but that's it. If they have a fault, I would say that they are focused (I suppose some would call that selfish, right?) I've also had these "heavy" booters go to bat for me when I join them, making sure the host knows I'm a friend, a buddy, blah blah, even when I already know the host (LOL). I suppose it's like having a pit bull, very loyal but can bite strangers.

If you get frustrated with being booted, then consider playing the game YOUR way, which is to say with your friends and/or starting your own game.

I really like that there are both hosted and non-hosted games in PL. So as an alternative to hosting your own game, you can play a non-hosted game for a bit: Walk through a portal or climb down a ladder, etc.

11-03-2010, 03:34 PM
Just need to be able to make game descriptions, one little text box will solve so much.

People will stop joining games where they aren't wanted, and will be able to select games where they know they will be welcomed and not have to rush etc. Will be better for everyone.

11-03-2010, 03:46 PM
I would like an OPTIONAL Min Level setting, where it would not allow anyone to even enter if they are lower than the setting I choose. There goes half the problem right there. If I don't set the min level, everyone is welcome. If I set it to 50, well, only a 50 could enter. Why not? The host is consider the owner and we are allowed to password. How about allowing a min level that the system enforces. I think more than half, maybe even 75% of the booting will stop then.

Player X joins Bayou Boss Brawl and sets it for 35, I can join but those who are not able to wear their witch toad tiaras can not join. Basic average player starts one with no min level, anyone can join. Player Y sets the same game to 50, only my main can enter. Works for me.

p.s. Wouldn't mind a max level, too. Sometimes I would rather keep the high levels out...

11-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Number one was your fault... you sound like a person who leeches off friends..

11-03-2010, 04:43 PM
I would like an OPTIONAL Min Level setting, where it would not allow anyone to even enter if they are lower than the setting I choose. There goes half the problem right there. If I don't set the min level, everyone is welcome. If I set it to 50, well, only a 50 could enter. Why not? The host is consider the owner and we are allowed to password. How about allowing a min level that the system enforces. I think more than half, maybe even 75% of the booting will stop then.

Player X joins Bayou Boss Brawl and sets it for 35, I can join but those who are not able to wear their witch toad tiaras can not join. Basic average player starts one with no min level, anyone can join. Player Y sets the same game to 50, only my main can enter. Works for me.

p.s. Wouldn't mind a max level, too. Sometimes I would rather keep the high levels out...

i am a bear and i approve this message
great ideas. just leave it open and let the host decide what levels he will allow.

11-03-2010, 04:52 PM
Sorry for my harsh language masterchief, but i was tired of people complaining over booting. Maybe you were only complaining about people that want other low levels to get booted, in that case im sorry again for arguing about the wrong things.

For me, it all boils down to this: the one that created the game shall have total control of his game, and booting an unwanted player is what gives him this control.

11-03-2010, 04:59 PM
I agree that the maker should retain the right to boot. All we have to do is find out a better way to create teams other than booting the ones we don't want. I have only used it a few times. Usually I can get players who are too low to leave just by talking to them.

11-03-2010, 05:30 PM
Yeah .. I Don't Wanna Fight With Friends Anymore So ...

---------------------------- THREAD CLOSED --------------------------

- Peace, MC

11-03-2010, 06:44 PM
sigh... i got booted, reason being "2 person run"
I said ok, but: item chance is the same no matter what (in case your a noob)

i guess its hard to stress the words in case, maybe he was doing it for kicks. :/ anyway a trolling war beckons and he starts insulting my playing, my pvp (unashamedly non-existent) and saying anyone who plays with me is noob. sure enough, I was in one epic-as-heck team (3 bears 2 mage, but no bird sadly) while he was prob still doing a 2 person run... odd...

11-03-2010, 06:46 PM
Arterra add me :) Moarpewpew is my ign..

I won't boot you. :)

11-03-2010, 06:50 PM
Facking idiot stop complaining about boots!!!! I am so pissed off because immature all-knowers seems to think that all booters are wrong!!
Would you be happy if you hosted a victory lap for good people that are out for quick loot and this lvl 46 guy with no gear at all joins the game?
Who likes a lazy low level *** sitting back doing nothing while waiting for others to get the xp for him? You get mad when u join a pot rush and get kicked, but do you not know that YOU will just be dying like a handicap and getting the mages to take risks of dying by reviving YOU!

When you get booted, there is always a reason, whether the host specifies it or not. The hosts cannot write game discriptions, so if a noob joins a game for pros and get kicked, it is not the hosts fault!!

So, give me one reason that a host should not have the permission to kick someone from HIS game.
....wow you should be banned for that post >.< lml

11-03-2010, 06:52 PM
Don't fall for the noob troll with 26 posts hammering on the guy with 719 posts. Trolls troll, and they love negative reactions. Laugh at them. They hate that. ;)

=D hahahaha :cool:

11-03-2010, 10:49 PM
Everything that Superzarop said is true, it's just that most people do not WANT to hear it. He is talking about rushing, and rushing by definition is VERY selfish. It boils down the game to just getting the best gear in the most efficient way, which is why EVERYONE WANTS TO DO IT! The problem is, NOT EVERYONE CAN! The increase in armor and fire power for level 50 weapons is significant, and if you are not 50, you should not be rushing. What you should be doing is taking the time to level up, just like all the other 50's did.

I LOVE how all the lvl 50 rushers complain about random people joining their rush parties. Okay umm well let me put it this way.

Random people = Not learned they can't rush yet.

11-04-2010, 02:05 AM
I didnt want to post anymore on this because this thread should be closed, but im tired of the argument "put a password on the game".
If the hoster decides not to put a password on his game, it means that he wants some other non friends to also be able to join, but if he want a free game only for "elitst jerks", he have no way of letting people know before they enter the game. Then the only options that remain are to boot or asking them to leave, in which booting is much faster and efficient. So if someone that the hoster does not want joins, it is not the hosters fault that he will get booted. And most of the times, a boot is better for the group.

11-04-2010, 07:19 AM
adding the min/max and description would definitely help matters.