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09-15-2013, 02:09 AM
What are the pros and cons of this game to you and your rating of the game dont hold back

A few pros

The guilds, stores, vanity, the moving around in game, fighting pve/pvp

A few cons

Cant buy health pots from auction, some of the good looking armour has low stats (not talking about any mythic) only 3 classes and cant pick if you want a guy or girl on them

My rating of game is an 8.5

09-15-2013, 02:24 AM
For a mobile game? This should be 9/10. Fine graphics, easy gameplay, player to player interaction is a joyride, pet system is well versed, the lore is entertaining, customer support is a breeze.

But for a hardcore online gamer? 2/10 IMO. the PvP sucks, guild system is useless other than the sense of belongingness to a group and discounted pots, No weapon and armor upgrades (there's quite a variety of designs for armors and weapons which is a good thing, but what are they thinking? They expect us to collect them all? This game is not pokemon like 'gota catch 'em all.), toons are soooo gear dependent, no choices of toon gender, economy is bad- really bad, pets are gold diggers.

Yup. That's my rating from a two sided view.

09-15-2013, 04:20 AM
I'd go 9.5/10 for a mobile game. STG has done a great job making it into a mobile and small-time PC mmo.

09-15-2013, 04:46 AM
My biggest problem is the levels are to linear. For the most part there is only 1 path to follow, not even requiring a backtrack, loop, maze etc. It gets a big boring. That and seeing many people just walk past the mobs and not kill them. For instance in Pl there is a enemy counter and you must kill everyone to continue. 3rd the pet feeding is annoying, how about an unlimited pet food bag for $50 plat? Helps Stg and removes a common game annoyance. I give Pl 9.5, Al 8

09-15-2013, 01:15 PM
My rating on a comp for this game is 2/10 the controls suck is the main thing

09-15-2013, 01:32 PM
My rating on a comp for this game is 2/10 the controls suck is the main thing

If its a 2/10 why would you even register for the forum.....

My vote is a 7/10. The game's economy is (for the most part) plat based. And the fact that the best pets are only avalible through plat (arcane weapons drop from elite golden chests is mystifing to me). However, all said, Arcane Legends is the best mobile MMORPG I have ever played so hopefully sts keeps up what they are doing.

09-15-2013, 01:34 PM
Read up my rating on mobile is higher i was giving my rating for computer also

09-15-2013, 01:35 PM
I played on both and I have to say I enjoy playing on Chrome better than on mobile.

09-15-2013, 01:38 PM
So DocDoBig what is you rating For AL

09-15-2013, 01:41 PM
I would give AL a 9/10.

The gameplay is extremely addicting. I love the awesome graphics (as well the battery drain ;)). The story is a nice touch and the enemies are well designed (except for Bloodyhammer's KO :().

Overall.. The game keeps me entertained and I hope the will continue building onto this lovely creation of fun! :D

09-15-2013, 02:14 PM
I rate al 7/10.
Great enjoyable easy to play pick up mobile game for everyone. I like how theres a variety of gears/loot tables.(its like a box of chocolate you never know what youll get! Lol)..Bosses and maps are pretty well designed and provide sufficient challenge for players. Variety of selection of pets. Love the support as they do an excellent job listening to players and providing new content and updating regularly.

However the game does revolve around plat a bit too much. Pets, bundles, crates etc. Require it. Almost feels as if you want the BEST things in game you MUST buy plat.
Maps can get a bit repetitive at times. Could use more path choices rather one to follow.
Gears could use more looks as most look same. No upgradeable gear aside from mythic recently.
Pvp could use more maps/objectives as two get boring.(see my suggestion thread on this called [Read] ideas to improve pvp).

Overall though Al is a great game. Recommend it to anyone who enjoys mmorpg games.

09-15-2013, 02:15 PM
So DocDoBig what is you rating For AL

1337 of 10.

09-15-2013, 02:25 PM
For a mobile game? This should be 9/10. Fine graphics, easy gameplay, player to player interaction is a joyride, pet system is well versed, the lore is entertaining, customer support is a breeze.

But for a hardcore online gamer? 2/10 IMO. the PvP sucks, guild system is useless other than the sense of belongingness to a group and discounted pots, No weapon and armor upgrades (there's quite a variety of designs for armors and weapons which is a good thing, but what are they thinking? They expect us to collect them all? This game is not pokemon like 'gota catch 'em all.), toons are soooo gear dependent, no choices of toon gender, economy is bad- really bad, pets are gold diggers.

Yup. That's my rating from a two sided view.
STG can't control the economy, but they can control the drop/looting rates for everything. That would make the economy more stable.

What I like is that you get to choose what skills you want to unlock (unlike other STG games), there's a pet system that's actually useful (unlike O & C, where I heard they give more inventory space?). I also like there's 3 solid classes, not something like a main tank, an off-tank, a dmg dealer, a mage, and some other kind of mage. Sure, you can make your Warrior into an off-tank, but atleast there isn't two or more skill trees for one class like in other games.

I don't like the elite maps; the risk:reward ratio is pretty bad. You end up losing more than gaining most of the times. Would like there to be more Shuyal Arena-type things. Maybe something like the Mines of Nordia again. Something like http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?106922-Arcane-Playground&highlight=arcane+playground maybe, except mobs are elite.

09-15-2013, 02:35 PM
9/10 is my rating of STG.

09-15-2013, 02:39 PM
I would give 10/10 but u can't trade pots

09-15-2013, 03:17 PM
However the game does revolve around plat a bit too much. Pets, bundles, crates etc. Require it. Almost feels as if you want the BEST things in game you MUST buy plat.

I agree with this it does feels like it mostly based around plat

09-15-2013, 03:34 PM
9/10 for sure. The only thing it's lacking for me is a gambling aspect that revolves around skill more than luck such as dueling arena or a pvp with some type of reward for victory other than flag and kill ap.

09-15-2013, 03:39 PM
Gambling would be nice something kinda like on runescape like the fighting/wild where when u fight and die you lose your items that way there is a chance and a lil rush but keep the safe fight and add a solo fighting place

09-15-2013, 03:43 PM
Overall,a positive sentiment towards AL by far.still able to spark attention and luring engagement.despite my numerous swearing i still tempted to tske the risk of gambling in locked where i paid for its aftermath.still addictive tho i honestly admit my hours to commit has reduced significantly despite any excude i could give.also due to the drawback of certain disagreement/contents that doesnt meet my expectation.its a norm to not getting what you want and playing with real people.this cant be avoided and hopefully i can remain positive always.but the cons so far has failed to made me quit tho the thoughtd were there not long ago.i reckon its a vicious cycle as AL is entering its maturity phase and things can be dull at some points.so as long as the innovations are there perhaps it can stick a sense of loyalty to the most of us touchwood.

It is expected to pay for this level of entertainment.bt if u like something u will find a way to work it out so plats has equally share both spot of being a problem or not.sometimes u just gotta deal with unfavourable changes as this is where you learn many things.

I dont have much to say of its core concept being an mmo as it has no vast differnce that can be highlighted.but the contents are dynamic and keeps you attached with contants updates to keep the spark.well done sts as this is the competency edge you are owning atm.

another thing for sure thats keeping the game alive or retention is the people.the friends u made.the bond youve created.at one point logging in is not about playing or being entertained by the contents.its simply for bonding and social engagement.it wont be the end outcome but it might be the reason for being around still which is good.

As for my hatred towards AL that doesnt meet most of selfish demands or request,i sincerely have a good vibe and faith for the game longevity as ive been bought by its potential and dynamic efforts.nothing really last but good things lives longer

So thank you STS for taking most of attention and time regardless whether its meeting my wants or not its definitely an experience that has grown beyond gaming and entertainment.thanks for the good times so far and keep it up :)

09-15-2013, 03:48 PM
However the game does revolve around plat a bit too much. Pets, bundles, crates etc. Require it. Almost feels as if you want the BEST things in game you MUST buy plat.

I agree with this it does feels like it mostly based around plat

Great thread, thanks for starting it! Before I give my rating, I'd like to share my thoughts about the above quote. I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this... but here it goes...

Platinum is extremely important. Without it, we would not be here on the forums giving PL or AL our ratings. Keep in mind, at the end of the day STG is a company just like any other - with employees whom deserve a paycheck. The plat spenders are some of the people who fiscally support the development of the game and staff's quality of life. Compared to most mobile MMORPGs, AL is very much an equal opportunity game in terms of acquiring the best gear - including mythic and arcane. The best thing about AL compared to other free, mobile MMORPGs, is if you don't want to spend plat and open up crates or convert it to gold, you don't have to (Elite Golden Chests)! If you don't want to spend plat to get a re-roll elixer, you don't have to (Leprechaun Pendant)! The only superior items you can't get from chests that you can get from crates (plat required) are the arcane eggs. In this sense, you're not obligated to spend plat.

So to get back to the OP's question: I rate AL 8/10.

Fantastic graphics
Involved game play (not a button masher)
Diverse skill sets available to each class
Available on PC!
Not a "pay-to-win" game, although plat helps
Many options/opportunities to acquire gold (quests, farming, etc.)
STG developers listen to their community's feedback all the time

Lacks in-depth story line/game lore
Some quests are very boring and lack content
Some issues have been unresolved for months (passive ability display)
PvP (generally speaking) is very straight forward and repetitive
Many many many issues with the leader board system
Not enough achievements!

For all of the cons that we list here, don't forget you can always share your suggestions/ideas on the forum to improve the game and fix some these problems!

09-15-2013, 05:31 PM
My rating is 9.99/10

A very good game to play.
Even the glitches are not too bad for me lol

09-15-2013, 05:49 PM
Everyone that posted here plz read my other thread (did one of what you would change)

Thank you