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View Full Version : The New Bael System Discussion

09-15-2013, 02:58 AM
I just want to share that though the intent of the devs was to let low level players invite their guildies to kill bael... right now it just doesnt make sense, because Bael one hits a 4.6k life warrior and HEALS FULL LIFE! yes full life, I like bael to be harder too for the economic system of arcane legends to not be destroyed, but not this hard. The lowbie cant even participate normally because of the strength of bael if it happens... (we've finished bael for aopround 2 hours no freaking joke, if there was a timer i swear it will be more than 2 hours!!! and I only looted an elite chest!!!)

So what I want to be discussed is your personal opinion, experience, and recommendation for the new Bael.

09-15-2013, 03:16 AM
First and also where did u meet baeel cause I searshed all the maps in vain like 10 tines :/

09-15-2013, 04:20 AM
windmoore after defeating bluecrab, thenformation is in the other thread

09-15-2013, 06:51 AM
Elite barl/krunch have been scaled to level 36 so yes they will be difficult and that is the part of the mechanic. It isn't supposed to be easy and give great rewards. I'm sorry you had to battle for two plus hours, it happens unfortunately but it was your choice to sink that time. Gl with your next encounter

09-15-2013, 07:43 AM
I agree that he should be easier to kill. I don't have a problem with him being easier than other elite bosses as long as they keep him very rare and he only spawns after defeating a regular boss. That way people can't run up and down the map in 30 seconds to see if he's there and then leave and do it again.

Just the fact that he's hard to find is enough to keep his elite loot very rare.

09-15-2013, 08:42 AM
I agree that he should be easier to kill. I don't have a problem with him being easier than other elite bosses as long as they keep him very rare and he only spawns after defeating a regular boss. That way people can't run up and down the map in 30 seconds to see if he's there and then leave and do it again.

Just the fact that he's hard to find is enough to keep his elite loot very rare.

Agree to the point that he is rare and hard to find, which makes the loot more costly thus slowly stabilizing the AL economy, BUT I still think his difficult level should remain the same and if not HARDER.

Reason being; he is a "RARE" spawn.. And like most elite bosses, some strategy should be required and not just decked out PUGs who thinks they know what they're doing. To be honest a majority of the Elite Bosses ingame currently are NOT that challenging and yes I've killed all of them.

Leave it as is for those who truly seek a challenging reward. I myself still have not found him and I hope the devs don't fix this.