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11-03-2010, 08:30 PM
I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, but I feel a strong need to complain about the cutscenes. It seems now that just about any enemy gets a cut scene, and many of them hide your health bar, so you can't even see that you're dying until the cutscene ends. Every time I yell about the cutscenes in-game, everyone agrees with me that they're awful and unnecessary. Yes, they're cool the first couple of times you see thm. And maybe Gurg can stay since he doesn't do any damage right away. But most cutscenes just end up killing people. Either they need a complete overhaul that allows the game to continue as usual, or we need the option to turn them off. I apologize if that is already part of the queue, but I really really hate those cutscenes and need something to be done about them. Thank you.

11-03-2010, 08:51 PM
theyre not cutscenes they last for about 3 seconds.

11-03-2010, 09:00 PM
What does it matter how long it is?

11-03-2010, 09:05 PM
What does it matter how long it is?

they dont have any affect on you being killed youre probably getting killed cause you have bad gear and no l33t skillz. trust me the cutscenes (if you want to call them that) have absolutley nothing to do with it.

11-03-2010, 09:07 PM
they should just take out the cutscenes or an option to view them/ or not..IMO they're kinda annoying

11-03-2010, 09:07 PM
I suppose one could say the clips make the big bad bosses "intimidating" but when they get cheap shots during cut-scenes that doesn't make them intimidating at all :/ Considering the situation that many of these bosses kill/immobilize in a painfully few amount of blows, 3 seconds can make a big difference...

11-03-2010, 09:10 PM
what do you guys have, 10 armor?

11-03-2010, 09:10 PM
they dont have any affect on you being killed youre probably getting killed cause you have bad gear and no l33t skillz. trust me the cutscenes (if you want to call them that) have absolutley nothing to do with it.

What world do you live in? Sometimes seconds count in the game against bosses. There are levels where two cut scenes come one right after the other because of two bosses in a room. During that time your character is taking damage and there is nothing you can do about it. So, during the cut scenes it does not matter whether you have good or bad skills because you can't use your skill buttons or use heal potions. This is actually a problem and saying that someone is not l33t is just childish. This has been suggested before - make it an option to turn off the cutscenes.

And yes, the proper term for this is cutscenes:

11-03-2010, 09:12 PM
I'm tired of the gear argument. I've been farming victory lap bosses for a while now without the "best" gear. It just takes a good team that has good teamwork. But if I'm heading in first and can't even see my health bar, I don't stand a chance. So please don't tell me it's my fault. These cutscenes are completely unnecessary and interfere with gameplay.

11-03-2010, 09:18 PM
And by the way, with the awful lag lately, it only makes the problem worse. And I'm sure the cutscenes aren't helping alleviate the lag either.

11-03-2010, 09:21 PM
What world do you live in? Sometimes seconds count in the game against bosses. There are levels where two cut scenes come one right after the other because of two bosses in a room. During that time your character is taking damage and there is nothing you can do about it. So, during the cut scenes it does not matter whether you have good or bad skills because you can't use your skill buttons or use heal potions. This is actually a problem and saying that someone is not l33t is just childish. This has been suggested before - make it an option to turn off the cutscenes.

And yes, the proper term for this is cutscenes:

actually, if you are smart and dont rush into the boss room and run right up to the boss, then cutscene will just show the boss standing there and he wont even attack you.

11-03-2010, 09:27 PM
first of all, define "l33t" and "IMO" plz lol
second, these cutscenes btw dont affect gameplay if u dont barge into the room

11-03-2010, 10:47 PM
Besides the fact that these cutscenes are on a individual basis so everyone has to have a moment of terror most just can't afford it. Hen clearing the room b4 going for the keeper, if you accidentally get the keeper scene to activate them yellow blasteroids will shoot you out pretty fast. I dont even have to have any aggro or even be the first sighted for me to be targeted first and murdered lol these cutscenes don't help.

Smoae what in he'll do YOU have against this? What are you SMOKING??

11-03-2010, 11:34 PM
soooomeeeeone answer my questions 2 posts above plz :P

11-03-2010, 11:38 PM
Uh, even the stupid aliens and other desert monsters have close-ups, which hide your health bar. It's not just the bosses. And Plothozz is one of those that hides your health (I believe). Seriously why do you love the cutscenes so much.

And btw, we had a great team going, Smoae before you joined us just now. Suddenly everyone's dying all over the place and running amok?

11-04-2010, 12:33 AM
first of all, define "l33t" and "IMO" plz lol
second, these cutscenes btw dont affect gameplay if u dont barge into the room

It is possible to trigger the cut scene without going into the room. I'm not talking about barging into the room. Even if I was, you have to enter the room sometime, don't you?

11-04-2010, 12:39 AM
Yeah I find them annoying somewhat. The only reason I like them is the fact that it makes it easier for me to target the boss.

Other than that, I've died from cut scenes as well. Whether it affects game play or not,, that "3 seconds" still is annoying especially when you cut with low hp and return to be spiked.

11-04-2010, 02:20 AM
Plothozz is most terrible cutscene, i cames when i run to him, so i never know when i can stomp exactly :( i cant target him in that time..

plz devs make an option to shut down those!

and the lag is beeing terribler from day to day... annoing...

11-05-2010, 12:42 PM
"l33t" means elite.
"IMO" means in my opinion.

Chatspeak stinks :p

Anyways, back to the topic. These cut scenes are part of the game, and only come up occasionally. Personally, I have died once or twice before because of these. The developers probably put it in the game to showcase the graphics (which is commendable for a mobile game), and from what I experienced, only happens to bosses or mobs that you need to kill.

I am for the option to be able to turn this on or off, but if not, just be careful the next time you rush into a room :)

11-05-2010, 02:37 PM
i've just gotten used to timing them, especially the stomp on pl thozz. but i was real annoyed during the adjustment period as both of my characters are kinda squishy.

11-05-2010, 02:53 PM
Besides the fact that these cutscenes are on a individual basis so everyone has to have a moment of terror most just can't afford it. Hen clearing the room b4 going for the keeper, if you accidentally get the keeper scene to activate them yellow blasteroids will shoot you out pretty fast. I dont even have to have any aggro or even be the first sighted for me to be targeted first and murdered lol these cutscenes don't help.

Smoae what in he'll do YOU have against this? What are you SMOKING??
idc if they want to make it an option, i just think its stupid to turn them off.

Uh, even the stupid aliens and other desert monsters have close-ups, which hide your health bar. It's not just the bosses. And Plothozz is one of those that hides your health (I believe). Seriously why do you love the cutscenes so much.

And btw, we had a great team going, Smoae before you joined us just now. Suddenly everyone's dying all over the place and running amok?
yep thats what happens when you dont have a mage.

11-05-2010, 03:15 PM
*voice over by Smeagol (LOTR)

"It's a curses... a curses i tells ya.... "


11-05-2010, 06:55 PM
what do you guys have, 10 armor?

No, an enchantress. Oh, wait....same thing; carry on. :D And I, too, hate them. King Mynas' seems to be the worst. There you are, minding your own business in the hallway outside his lair and BAM! Lovely cutscene that then pans back so I can see how my Mage looks dead.

11-06-2010, 12:21 AM
yep thats what happens when you dont have a mage.

While I've already forgotten who was part of that team, I have rarely allowed a game to start with no Mage, so I'm 99.99999% sure we had a Mage. Try again.

11-06-2010, 12:27 AM
I really don't see any reason why the devs haven't given us the option yet to turn them off. Haven't enough people complained about them yet? And btw, I've noticed some of them even do a complete spin of the room, leaving me staring at a wall outside the room for a good couple of seconds. Gurg and Mynas are examples of these. Everything just spins around. If I were playing Pin-The-Tail-on-the-Gurg this would be fine, but we're not! So please Devs, unless you can make the cutscenes less intrusive, please please please give us the option to shut them off!!

(Do the devs ever respond to these things? I get faster responses on their facebook page.)