View Full Version : Ranger class PvP

09-15-2013, 02:22 PM
1st of all, i'm happy with the rebalance for pvp, with one exception: the ranger. Ranger did not need to be rebalanced at all. They were already the under-dog in pvp as is. So. My two and only suggestions are this: put the evade skill back to where it was (exactly where it was). Granted, it takes a little bit longer (to an arbitrary degree at that) to die but, now that they stay rooted so easily, it renders their attacks useless, making death certain. Lastly: make rabid bite usable without a target for those who spec it beyond one point so that way they can be more useful in ctf. That is all :)

09-15-2013, 07:55 PM
Foxes were underpowered BECAUSE of the short buff..
Since they have so many skills, they might not have time to spam evade.
And 3 seconds buff and 5 second cooldown?
Trust me, a mage can probably kill a fox when evade is cooling down.
So evade just became better.
Perhaps bandage could free from stun, root, and ice.

Atila the nun
09-17-2013, 07:53 AM
After playing with the changes for awhile, here's some feedback. Just like others have said, there's something not right about the fox Evasion skill. The change might have been intended as an improvement but instead it was a painful nerf! Nothing quite as frustrating for a close combat class than getting rooted. I can certainly understand the frustration for both of the above posts, to have to wait for Evasion's current cool down to break root is maddening and before, the dodge buff wasn't active for long enough.

I like the idea of adding a break root to Bandage to counter-act the change! It adds a strategic challenge with the thirty second timer since I would be sacrificing the post-fight healing ability. I can picture getting rooted, popping Evasion, getting rooted again (bah!) and then deciding whether to trigger Bandage in order to break out and try to finish them off... only to be killed by their swiftly approaching teammates?! Or would I be able to leap away quickly with both rabid bite and vixen kick?!*

Yep, that settles it! Devs, please let us try out a break root effect on Bandage or restore the previous timing.

09-17-2013, 12:17 PM
Breaking roots w/ bandage sounds good also. The major issue I have w/ bandage is the "damage cancels" aspect of it. I say, remove damage cancels and w/ that, restore the old evasion

09-20-2013, 05:40 PM
Keep the ranger skills exactly where they are, w/ these 4 exceptions: add "breaks root effects" & "10m range" to fox howel. Remove "damage cancels" from bandage then, scale down the "mends additional" from 50% to 30%. Please allow us to try both of the main suggestions on this thread! PLEASE and thank you!!


09-23-2013, 08:46 PM
Fix Evasion, increase damage, bandage shouldnt cancle and please fix the root its terrible.

Hound -_^

09-23-2013, 08:50 PM
I agree with dellabell

09-24-2013, 06:28 PM
Agreed. Foxes need something like a chance to break root.

10-24-2013, 03:41 PM
My officers and I have been grinding our poor lil foxes to death (many deaths) & we all unanimously came to this conclusion: Rangers can be as much of a winning class as the others if the only thing you did is add, "clears negitive effects" to bandage. That is the only improvement the fox needs PLEASE!! & THANK YOU!!
-Dellabell and the primes of <primo victoria>

10-31-2013, 06:49 AM
They're fine. I dominate at L51 as one of the few dex foxes.

10-31-2013, 09:50 AM
@ roberto77: then do 2 things: cap a fox and then see where u stand. 2nd fight startorch at L51. pretty please tell me what you find out. I would LOVE some pointers! As far as we (primo victoria) have discovered fox can stand there ground but NOT dominate. any info would be hot! please and thank you!

10-31-2013, 12:40 PM
@ roberto77: then do 2 things: cap a fox and then see where u stand. 2nd fight startorch at L51. pretty please tell me what you find out. I would LOVE some pointers! As far as we (primo victoria) have discovered fox can stand there ground but NOT dominate. any info would be hot! please and thank you!

Timing. Just practice timing. If you know when to use your skills against each class, you will do fine.

In FFA/CTF, just work on positioning. If you wait until your team goes in, focus the squishies and save defense skills for aggro. Evade should be used when you think the next ability in the enemies combo (on an ally) is AOE, so you won't have you combo disrupted.

The break armor skill is horrible unless you're a strength fox, where you can stay up close for sustained damage, but on a dex fox, you want to keep your distance until the enemy has their defensive buffs weakened.

Fighting bears is all luck of the dodge. If they hit their combo, you're dead. If you hit your combo, they might die, but chances are they will still have a high amount of health.

If a person is a strength (sword and shield) ranger, I won't fight the coward. I accept dex based (bow/crossbow) rangers with str as a side stat to get royal sewer, but full strength sets are pathetic for most classes (excluding bears and rhinos). I also put drainers on my pathetic set list. A player completely reliant on dodge cannot be good.

So far I've only seen one other dex based ranger at 51, and I won our 1v1. I've seen four str rangers at 51, none of them were relatively good, just OP.

2v3 against 3 mages:


10-31-2013, 01:08 PM
Duely noted and thank you very much. just 1 thing. there's only kite and rush win or lose (or some mixture) I also don't believe in call-go I'm an ffa pureist, it's not cowardice. it's all method and nothing else. (yes u called me a coward LOL it's ok). If you would. plz add dellabell and zartanprime :-)

10-31-2013, 06:10 PM
hey della... zart's already too pro XD

10-31-2013, 06:52 PM
Nah-uuhh. :-P as I said: foxes at their BEST can only hold their ground. give us "clear negitive effects" on bandage and even reduce "mends additional" down to 35-40% instead of 50% if they have to.