View Full Version : reroll

09-17-2013, 02:23 PM
Is it just my impression or the reroll doesn't work properly?
I saw many times it failed miserably (even if people was using more elixirs n had lepre on)

09-17-2013, 03:00 PM
Its not just you look in the bugs thread i posted there email dev it gets there attention faster if you complain about how long it takes them to reply lol

09-17-2013, 03:16 PM
Its not just you look in the bugs thread i posted there email dev it gets there attention faster if you complain about how long it takes them to reply lol

Unless you mean something new I've found it to be quite effective recently.
When getting the free re-roll for 30mins I always get 1 or more locked crates in the window.

09-17-2013, 03:31 PM
It works fine. It's not meant to work 100% of the time. The leprechaun pendant only works 15% of the time, and the luck elixir 25% of the time. You can see in the chat log when it works as it tells you that you got a re-roll.

09-17-2013, 03:36 PM
Reroll give's you a 25% chance to roll for better loot anytime there is a drop. Now, this does not mean that you automatically go up in rarity level (i.e. Epic -> Legendary). All it means is that the server will recalculate another drop, and if it is higher in the loot table, you get a new drop. This also does not mean that you will always reroll every time.

Imagine a loot table with 100 slots structured in the following way:

1-60 - Common Items
61-80 - Rare Items
81-95 - Epic Items
96-100 - Legendary Items

Let's assume you roll an 82 - which would be an Epic item. You then have a 25% chance to roll again. If the number that gets rolled is a 68, then you do not see this reroll opportunity (since it rerolled for a lower level item). If, the reroll lands at a 89, then you get the rerolled loot, but it winds up being another Epic item. What everyone wants on their reroll chance is to roll to a higher level item, i.e., reroll to a 98, which would be a legendary. The mechanics of reroll does not guarantee that you will always reroll to a higher class item, just that you will reroll to a higher rarity item in the loot table.

The way the loot table operates is purely based upon drop percentages, so lets say slot 51 has a drop rate of 3.2%; whereas slot 55 has a drop rate of 3.1%. Technically, if you roll a 51 the first time, get the 25% chance to reroll a second time and land at 55, you have successfully rerolled for a item that is more "rare" per the loot table. In this example, both items are junk and would be liquidated immediately, so the net outcome for you the player is the 5-7 gold for the liquidated item.

Now, I have read on many threads (including some posts from the Devs) that sometimes, there is a secondary loot table which the reroll chance pulls from. From what I gathered, this secondary loot table shuffles in different loot along with some of the loot from the previous table. So in the case of Elite Rooks Nest Bael encounters, the first loot table could have a Malison egg residing in slot 100 (with, lets say a 0.25% chance), the secondary loot table could have Malison residing in slots 97-100, yielding an effective 0.75% chance combined between these three slots.

Occasionally, reroll can work against you. Take for example you reroll for a Golden Elite Warchest, which is considered an Epic Item. Given a similarly structured loot table, you could reroll to a Locked Crate, which is technically a Legendary Item with a lower drop rate. Now, obviously, farmers don't want the Locked Crate, they would prefer the Epic Warchest, but the way the mechanics are structured, you rerolled to a higher level (more rare) item, thus you have "won" the reroll sweepstakes.

TL;DR - Reroll only gives you a 25% chance to roll again for an item higher up in the drop table. It does not necessarily mean that you will move up in rarity level (i.e. Epic -> Legendary).

BTW: I reroll greens all the time with reroll and leprechaun pendant going. Reroll is not a promise for Legendary items.

09-17-2013, 03:40 PM
Found that in another post about how reroll works i hope it helps you to understand how it works

09-17-2013, 04:20 PM
Another note: 25% means on average 1 in 4 drops will result in a reroll. Not every 4 drops will u get a reroll though. Stacking with a lep will bring you up to 40% which is 2 in 5 drops on average you will get a reroll

09-17-2013, 06:22 PM

There you go!

09-17-2013, 06:53 PM
Found that in another post i hope it helps you to understand how it works

You should probably give credit to whoever posted it... I think it was Kalizzaa?

09-18-2013, 02:16 AM

11-08-2013, 12:39 AM
Hi.. Reroll😃

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