View Full Version : Loot Drop Rates Weekend Feedback thread

04-30-2010, 04:04 PM
Hey folks!

We have had several changes to the loot drops with the last two updates, particularly:

Loot is now dropped based on the items' rarity (as opposed to the old system where loot drops were chosen 'randomly').
Bosses now drop loot every time they die.
Mobs drop loot per-player, so 5 players get 5x as much loot as 1.
Decreased trash loot drop rates to compensate for increased boss loot drop rates

In essence we are trying to make the bosses drop more meaningful things and thinning out the trash a bit. Please let us know how it feels over the course of the weekend.


- g

04-30-2010, 04:10 PM
This does definitely affect farming, it seems...Anyway, there's nice bonuses too due to the boss drops. I'm not really sure..Do devs even have a serious problem with farming for gold? After 30 thats what most people do.

04-30-2010, 05:37 PM
I like that rares drop less but there needs to be a better trading system. It should work while your offline, you put what you have and what you want. If someone offers what you asked it's auto traded.

Example I put I am looking for X item, and am willing to trade any of the following x items for it. It would create a real value to certain items. 1 person says pink for pink, the next has to add 500 gold in order to better the offer, etc.

04-30-2010, 06:15 PM
The percentage of drop rate was decreased way to much.
And there are alot of bosses that still don't have promised drops.
Lil bill from Lost Expedition.
Sparky from mega maze.
Dead-eyes from mega maze.
Those are a few off the top of my head.

04-30-2010, 07:32 PM
Does pink drop in lost? Played through 5 times now haven't seen one

05-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Does pink drop in lost? Played through 5 times now haven't seen one

Yah there are pinks in le I've found a few but nothing really for my class..but anyways I'm happy with the drop rate now u think it's fair and now makes the rares well actually rare now lik they shuld be ...and also lik I've said in other posts this will good for pvp to will actually make ppl wanna farm more so they can be better ...jus my opinion anyways :)

05-01-2010, 02:08 PM
mmm its abit hard to farm for loot now. I am not sure if I like it, it is hard to weight game balance over personal greedy needs and wants.

05-01-2010, 03:23 PM
I think this will separate the best of the best. Now not every person will have the best items and trading will actually be beneficial.

05-01-2010, 04:05 PM
I love the drop rates since new update I don't think finding legendary every second is classified as fun I was actually starting to get really sick of the drop rates everyone was getting godly and I believe u should have to work for what you have not doing 2 dungeon runs and already having 20 purples n pinks. Good job spacetime I like it alot more just make 2 way trading and it will be perfect! :D

05-01-2010, 04:10 PM
Whoa. I just played a game and got about 15 drops within 6 minutes. They were all trash but it's still very suprising. This was in LE btw.

05-01-2010, 04:12 PM
I think this will separate the best of the best. Now not every person will have the best items and trading will actually be beneficial.

Ya this is very true trading will be alot more useful now that the godly drop rates are at minimum and it even has me lookin to trade right now and that's what I believe makes a good online rpg, can't wait for the 2 way trading and pvp !! :D thanks for the posts justg keep up the great work.

05-01-2010, 06:31 PM
I'm liking the new loot system. So far I've got a pretty proportionate amount of loot, as opposed to the random amount previously. I also like the idea of more people, more loot. It helps to discourage solo farming.

05-02-2010, 11:44 PM
well i would like to know what the previous drop rate for pinks were, and how much it was dropped because i haven't found a single one for 10+ hours o.o.

05-02-2010, 11:48 PM
I have been playing pretty actively since Friday. I have only seen maybe one Purple. Also before y'all updated it so the trash doesn't drop much there hasn't been too many drops in general. A ton of junk items mostly.

05-02-2010, 11:57 PM
I posted this in the update thread before i found this thread:

Loot table are looking VERY badly messed up for forest haven, lower levels etc. I just created a new character and went back.... I'm now getting 25-30 level items in forest haven.... this shouldn't be possible. This leaves a large hole for farmers. (25-30 level items sell for much more, and contain more legendary items.) I have run into more pink and purples in forest haven than I was in Lost Expedition. Furthermore... I'm getting like lost expidition "ice" and crypt "bone" items in forest haven. Something doenst seem right.....

I still support rare items being rare... i'm just letting you know there is a current loophole in the system.

05-03-2010, 12:02 AM
I actually prefered the previous drop rate.

right now I am getting alot of white and greys, which is frankly not exciting.

I got more excitement when I got Orange whatever bow of fred.

Sure, it was useless vendor trash but I was like, zomg I got item!

Now I'm like, oh look, another frost king bow. *junks*

05-03-2010, 02:11 AM
has anyone even seen a pink drop since the last update? how do we know that its even possible yet? lol

05-03-2010, 02:40 AM
Played about 5-6 hours over the weekend, soloing King's Forest and partying up for LE. I didn't see a single purple/pink. I agree that it was way too easy before but this new drop rate is ridiculous.

I don't think I'll pick up the game again until the drop rate for rares is increased or until the next expansion. Too much for work for such a young game whose sole purpose at the moment is getting drops. It was different with older games like UO, EQ, EC, etc. when they were still trying to figure things out and an adjustment like this wouldn't be a big deal because there was more to do in the game, but with PL, there simply isn't. Max out your guy, and hunt for drops. If I spend 5 hours of my weekend and my net gain is zilcho, then it can be very discouraging. In regards to drops, you guys should really find a happy medium between this update and the previous one.

05-03-2010, 02:58 AM
another good thing to mention i guess is that since this is a mobile game, it should be more rewarding than a pc game since most people dont play excessively. i just think the rates should be increased a lil bit for pinks since ive never heard/seen anyone finding one since the update.

05-03-2010, 04:05 AM
Havent even seen one green drop since this update...

05-03-2010, 04:56 AM
Havent even seen one green drop since this update...

Well, alot of trash drop and loot table is indeed messed up. I got a few green drops over the weekend as I was playing > 6 hours per day.

It was good to tune the drop rate actually. However, I dont really want to see this game to be rewarding only for those who are hardcore gamers. I suppose there are other medium to reward those hardcore gamers (Like prize for having 10,000 kills, 20,000 kills etc).

WOW is quite balanced in terms of rewarding items between hardcore and casual gamers. Casual gamer can get epic loot by participating in raid/dungeons (Usually last 1-2 hours). Hardcore gamer can also go raiding and grind reputations. I was a hardcore gamer in WOW before. However, now that I have a full-time job, I can only play casually.

Pocket Legends is a game that attracted me to pay for access to more dungeons and have fun with others. A full run takes less than 30 mins. This way, I could play 2-3 runs of different dungeon types and go to sleep each night. I guess I said too much... LOL...

I hope you got what I meant. There needs to be some ways to reward both casual gamers and those hardcore ones. You do not really have to use loots to differentiate them.


05-03-2010, 07:45 AM
I played hours yesterday and never saw a pink or purple

05-03-2010, 07:47 AM
Ya this is very true trading will be alot more useful now that the godly drop rates are at minimum and it even has me lookin to trade right now and that's what I believe makes a good online rpg, can't wait for the 2 way trading and pvp !! :D thanks for the posts justg keep up the great work.

Yes but no one will ever trade. when I find someone that has something I want, they are either too scared to trade or want a few things for one item..

05-03-2010, 08:14 AM
In my opinion, the drop rates for purples & pinks are too low now. I was hunting throughout much of the weekend, and I only ever saw one purple item. Zero pink items. I got a tonne of grey, white, and orange items. I even found a few green items. But that's it.

I agree that the old system -- six pink bone armors in every dungeon! -- was a bit much. That said, I think y'all went too far in the other direction. There must be a middle ground here somewhere....

05-03-2010, 08:23 AM
Yeah, the only thing I don't like is that now, new players are at a great disadvantage (like me). I started playing just after the loot drop change, so I didn't ever get a chance to get any purple or pink gear, whereas slightly older players than me have tons of awesome stuff. So while I'm glad people aren't getting tons of legendaries any more, I think you guys should tweak it so that the percent drop is a little bit easier.

05-03-2010, 09:03 AM
Prior to the patch it was very clear that the drop system was severely too generous, people were walking away from a single farming run with enough pinks to outfit their toon and sell a few. At first this might seem great but after a short period every player will be running around with the best possible gear and nothing to strive for and nothing to trade. Having items that are actually rare is a good idea. When it comes to loot distribution, item harmony and integrity of rare items should always be paramount over farming needs.

Just my 2 cents

05-03-2010, 09:24 AM
Have also not seen any pinks since the change. I did see a couple of purples. I got 1 staff and saw another one for another team mate. Forgot how many hours, but I've leveled my warrior from 12 to 30 since the change. I now have 40k gold and drink potions like it's free, but no good gear.

05-03-2010, 11:06 AM

Junk loot should still be common
Junk loot allows players to sell these items to match the increase cost of potions. Also, I know there are many other players like myself out there, I give the junk loot freely to the new gamers so they can either sell or have a slightly better weapon so the game does seem too difficult for them and they enjoy it and want to continue playing. Also, a problem i see with the current loot drop is that i've completed many 1st levels of maps and only 1 item is dropped among 5 players. This is hardly enough money farmed to cover costs of potions used.

Frequency of drops
Frequency should be based upon number of players in the party. A player should receive more loot drops if there are fewer players in the party. Example, if there are 2 players, each should receive 50% of the drops. if there are 4 players, each player should receive 25% of the drops. Having that said....

Item Drop per Kill
Each time an enemy is killed, a loot item should be dropped. If its a weak enemy, junk loot is dropped. Stronger enemies, better loot is dropped. Boss enemies have chance for rare loot drops. If this were the case, the player who kills the enemy gets the loot drop. If a player kills the boss, that player has the chance for rare loot, the others still gain loot from boss, just not a chance for rare item.

Overall, I think the loot drops should become more frequent. This allows us to sell, trade, and possible rare loot. Potions have increased in cost, and for enchantress, there is a higher use of potions due to skills. There just isn't enough loot to sell to cover the cost of the potions. I have soloed a few levels on lost expedition and the number of potions used is very high and i certainly do not gain enough loot and money to replenish potions used. Thus, I no longer solo anymore, I'm forced to play with other players even if i want to choose not to.

05-03-2010, 11:23 AM
Loot System Needs Work

All of the changes are in the right direction, however they still need further tweaking and refinement.

Trash mobs
Trash mobs should traditionally drop more greys and whites than any other non player character in the game. Their best drops are green and orange, with a .5-1% chance of a purple or pink.

Bosses should not drop greys or whites, their loot table should start at green through orange as their common drops. Purple and pink are less common, naturally, but still have their frequency bumped up slightly more than the current values.

Pocket Legends is a Mobile Game
What attracted me to Pocket Legends in the first place was that I have given up playing WoW and still had an itch I couldn't scratch with other mainstream games. Pocket Legends scratches that itch, and does it in a consumable form that doesn't have me slaving over my computer trying to attain gear. In essence, I already have a day job, and I lost interest in coming home to my second job to group up with guildies and start grinding instances for our gear.

As a mobile game, its inconceivable to expect anyone to put 6+ hours into grinds to get gear. The current status of the loot drops is moving PL in this direction, and its not a good one for many reasons, particularly the "Leveling Experience."

Leveling & the current Drop Rates
I have progressed through 10 levels on my warrior with the new loot system, and have only had 1 orange item drop in a run. I have had an abundance of greys and whites which I vendor for potion money. This means that during my leveling, I was wearing the same gear at 14 as I was at 24, and as a tank, was severely mismatched for the mobs I was supposed to be tanking. As a result, I died a lot more, and had to start getting used to lag and the potion button. The quality of my gameplay experience dropped as a direct result.

The orange item that did drop wasn't even for me, it was to another teammate, and seeing how it was actually warrior gear, I traded him a purple bow for it that I had gotten last week running king's forest. This is how much of a skew the loot values have undergone, I'm trading level 29 purple gear for level 24 oranges.

Levels 14-24 = wasted
I've blown 10 levels without reward, and in a game with a level 30 cap, that's 1/3 of the game with only a mountain of "vendor gear" to show for it. I'm taking a break from the game to enjoy the final 6 levels available to me when things are sorted out with the loot drops. I have enjoyed playing this game levels 1-14 and have invested over $15 into it to further support the development of PL, and will continue to invest with the introduction of the next DLC pack.

05-03-2010, 11:26 AM
now first of all, thank you devs! u rock and are very very responsive.

That said im not happy with the recent loot table changes. they are in the right direction for sure though! thank you for making bosses drop loot, and thank u for making white more common. i cant believe how long it took me to find frost shield of power before loot table change.

So i played all weekend. i dont even want to say how many hours. attempting to farm loot for friends im getting into the game. I saw 1.... purple...... the whole time. no pinks. Now with such limited ammount of items this is really hard to swallow. I know exactly whats out there, i know what i want, but i cant get it no matter how hard or long i try. i hope it doesnt stay that way.

IF you guys want to continue on the route of very very rare legendary, please please please add a ton more legendary items. Oddly powerful things like bows with tons of int or mana regen, swords with butt tons of dex etc. If you never know what you are gonna get cause legendary are rare but hardly ever drop the same item more than a few times it would be cool. there would be real bragging rights here and high high end trades.

spending hours and hours looking for a conq axe when every bear and their mother already have the same thing just hurts.

05-03-2010, 03:15 PM
has anyone even seen a pink drop since the last update? how do we know that its even possible yet? lol

Yes, I have seen more pink/purple than i know what to do with. I acquired two legendary items in the run using the method I posted above. Outside of that bug I would say that things are more scarce, but still doable. I like the current drop rates, but if must be changed, shouldn't be upped much more. Legendary should mean legendary. If you can find all the best items possible in one day of playing, what is the point in playing after that?

05-03-2010, 03:40 PM
Yes, I have seen more pink/purple than i know what to do with. I acquired two legendary items in the run using the method I posted above. Outside of that bug I would say that things are more scarce, but still doable. I like the current drop rates, but if must be changed, shouldn't be upped much more. Legendary should mean legendary. If you can find all the best items possible in one day of playing, what is the point in playing after that?

Your method may work for you, but clearly it's not for everyone else.

I went through 10 levels with only 1 orange dropping in a run, and it went to someone else.

Legendary should be legendary, but PL doesn't need to be a 2nd job to get legendary items.

05-03-2010, 04:22 PM
The drop rate is horrendous. I have yet to see someone get a Green item now. All I see is white on my screen... Getting 30 White drops is lame. Getting 25 white drops, 2 orange, 1 green, and 1 pink drop would be much nicer.

Pinks don't have to drop all the time. One Pink per level would make sense.. Or per entire campaign run.

05-03-2010, 06:05 PM
Ok, new patch is out.

1 run from 2nd map of lost expedition to 2nd to last map. 6 purples, no pinks. A bunch of greens and oranges.

Lil' Bill does not drop anything on the 2nd to last map. I think that was his name. I thought all bosses are suppose to drop something?

05-03-2010, 07:19 PM
i played for 4 days, about 6~8 hours a day and haven't seen a single pink or purple drop

i think the boss drops should be fixed. being a boss, it should drop at random a choic of green, purple, or pink everytime

05-03-2010, 07:34 PM
im lvl 30 and as PvP is not out yet (moderately interested in this anyway) i get my kicks out of farming and getting cool pink and purple loot. I do this because I hate trading as the sys is not that advanced anyway so the ppl who know me know I just give stuff out pink or whatever.... it is annoying now when I farm and all i get is crappy loot... zero pinks and next to non purples.....

in my opinion, by doing this, you aggravate the trading dynamics as a whole because players will not want to trade a pink or anything else but for another pink as it is super rare now. Players will be more prone to rip others off as to get the better loot.. I can ask someone to let me see their pink “something” and just run and stash for my other players and u will never see it again right? In an environment on constrained recourses you promote competition and crime. Its ok for the high lvl players but poor low level guys….. I have been just giving stuff to low lvl players and new players as they will never see what a bone armor looks on them…

before u shoot me, its my opinion only…


05-04-2010, 03:12 PM
After the patch on Monday, I think the drop rates are pretty good now for LE campaign. A typical run through will net anywhere from 2-6 purples per 4-5 man team. It looks like typically, it'll take 2-3 runs to get 1 pink. With secure trading coming online soon, a player should be able to outfit himself with decent gear by trading items that he can't use.

I'm still getting about 3-4k in gold from selling white/gray/orange gear per run through. IMO it's a tad high. That's enough for 100 health and 100 mana potions.

05-04-2010, 04:25 PM
After the patch on Monday, I think the drop rates are pretty good now for LE campaign. A typical run through will net anywhere from 2-6 purples per 4-5 man team. It looks like typically, it'll take 2-3 runs to get 1 pink. With secure trading coming online soon, a player should be able to outfit himself with decent gear by trading items that he can't use.

I'm still getting about 3-4k in gold from selling white/gray/orange gear per run through. IMO it's a tad high. That's enough for 100 health and 100 mana potions.

Considering the fact that getting a real healer in your group is about as rare as Pinks are now, I'm glad I can buy 100 pots at a time after vendoring my trash gear.