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View Full Version : When could we expect to see addition of new skills?

09-18-2013, 04:35 AM
For those of us who've been here for 4-5 seasons, the game cycles getting quite predictable.
New weapons, new armors, new pets, more stats the the previous...that's the current trend.

By now many of us players want a little more than new gear or new pets.
Perhaps allowing a 5th skill slot?or an introduction of a 9th skill (unlocking @ "x" level), or maybe even additional upgrades on existing skills?

With more variety in skills, it will allow room for many different skill builds and counters to other builds..and just maybe we will see an end to the "my class is UNDERPOWERED" threads.

*My personal suggestion for the Rogues 9th skill:
An invisibility cloak that hides you for 6 second with a 30 second cooldown
You are not immune to any combat damage while invisible.
Upgrades to Increase duration, decrease cooldown, immunity for 2 seconds, shadow cloning, hp/mana buff/regen, etc.

09-18-2013, 06:06 AM
I think we will see new upgrades to existing skills. There seems to be no reason for adding new skills, but any new features can just be added to existing skills.

I think we will also see further upgrades on the passives. I'm sure you remember that they kept raising the number of upgrades for each skill in PL, so I'm sure we will see that soon, maybe next expansion or the one after that. Because right now we are starting to run out of upgrades, and all of us are going to start looking the same, which I'm sure they want us to avoid.

There should always be more skills and passive upgrades that everyone wants than what they have enough skill points for. Then it forces you to make though decisions.

09-18-2013, 08:37 AM
they could take shadow storm shot out and replace it. I'd love to see them add a revive subability (at least to mages). then I won't whine so much about the bosses one hit abilities when we're not even in the red zone.

I do remember one dev saying that passive armor gets more powerful the more armor we get so they don't see it ever going above 5. They didn't leave out increasing any of the others tho. I'm like you guys tho, I'd rather them add new skills/subabilites instead of increasing passives.

09-18-2013, 08:55 AM
Instead of seeing a 5th skill, I prefer to see NEW additional skills added on or remove some useless ones.

09-18-2013, 09:56 AM
Instead of seeing a 5th skill, I prefer to see NEW additional skills added on or remove some useless ones.
Exactly. 5th skill would get crowded on a phone screen, but new skills would be useful. Remove useless ones like SSS.

09-18-2013, 10:14 AM
Exactly. 5th skill would get crowded on a phone screen, but new skills would be useful. Remove useless ones like SSS.

Who doesn't like to spam SSS :D

09-18-2013, 11:38 AM
I'm not sure about other classes, but for sorcerers I don't think there are any useless skills. I see mages will all different types of builds using all 8 skills. The only one I saw that almost nobody used was gale force, and now with the speed dash update I see a lot of sorcerers now using that as well. And curse is now used by a ton in pvp. So really we have enough to choose from but could use some more upgrades.

I would also like to see a revive upgrade added to Lifegiver.

09-18-2013, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=Energizeric;1270450]I'm not sure about other classes, but for sorcerers I don't think there are any useless skills. I see mages will all different types of builds using all 8 skills. The only one I saw that almost nobody used was gale force, and now with the speed dash update I see a lot of sorcerers now using that as well. And curse is now used by a ton in pvp. So really we have enough to choose from but could use some more upgrades.

I would also like to see a revive upgrade added to Lifegiver

Yeah all 8 skills are now viable for use as Mage in some form . I personally would love a 5th skill slot but don't perceive the chance of that being added as too high. Not a fan of the revive idea.

09-18-2013, 08:52 PM
I would love to see some diversity in end game pvp rogues -.-

09-18-2013, 09:27 PM
Nice idea.i dont get why people keep comparing to other spacetime product like pl or rl or whtever.then you wont escape the cocoon and end up being typical anf predictable.as what it is becoming now.

If we are looking at rpg genre which is a bigger segment for comparison what love suggested make sense for an ideal evolution.we will see a massive change in gameplay or charactet development whilst adding flavours to the content so it wont end up dull and so prefictable.stronger storyline balanced with competituve challenges have longer span for the game longevity.

Its a nice skill addition like an assasin.cant think of what best for other classers but heres to a good start.

09-18-2013, 09:29 PM
I would also like to see a revive upgrade added to Lifegiver.

Sam said they don't want a class that would be pressured into using one skill by other classes.

The main reason that a Revive ability isn't currently in Arcane Legends is the limitation to only 4 skills. If one class did have such an ability, they'd pretty much always have to have it up when running in a party (or their party mates would likely browbeat them into slotting it - which isn't something we want). The limitation to 4 skills is by design and fits well with the current functionality to upgrade skills. Also, with all 3 classes having access to a heal ability and how bosses pop out heal plusses as you fight them - dying is part of the intended difficulty. We'd say, play better.

09-18-2013, 10:05 PM
I would love to see 5th skill slot and upgrades as well.

Most if you have given ideas. I Like the idea of revive but not a high possibility since that would take away some of devs plat income.

Heres some possible skill ideas i can think of:
Vitalality shout-increase yours and party health/armor temporarily. Upgrades could be duration, range, etc.

Shield bash-Add a skill using shield as there shields in game. The skill could stun a single target for like 3 sec /reduce armor of target. Possible uupgrades could be hit extra mob, stun duration etc.

Another damage dealing skill. I know wars are meant to dish damage out but we basically just have ss and windmill while others are taunting.

Revive-revive dead party member.

Earthquake-since they have all other elements wind/ice/fire why not earth? It could make rocks come up from ground or around enemies. Possible stun chance, reduce armor, etc of target. Possible duration, increase radius, etc for upgrades.

Life drain-Damage a target by sucking their life out of them. Possible upgrades: return life drained to caster, drain and return mana as well, increase drain amount

Invisibility as love said. I like the idea and it just fits with the class.

Blinding powder-Blinds/disorients targets reducing hit chance, crit, atk power. Could throw down like sv. Upgrades duration, radius, the usual.

Shadowstep-Move in a blur creating temporarily shadow clones around enemies and damaging them. Could increase dodge or something since enemies would have harder time determining the real you. Upgrades: extra clone, duration, etc.

These are just some ideas i can think of but anything new would be cool. I think we will see something next expansion cus weve run out of things to increase as is. As for passives i dont see them being further upgraded cus they all get sstronger based on stats not just armor as someone said.

09-18-2013, 10:22 PM
Sam said they don't want a class that would be pressured into using one skill by other classes.

It would be an upgrade to life giver, not a whole skill by itself. Besides, that doesn't really make any sense. That's like saying they don't want rogues to be pressured into using aimed shot. Sure, a rogues doesn't have to have it but who would do a run with her? A revive subability would be good for the party and hopefully mages would be pressured to activate it.

09-18-2013, 10:33 PM
More skills or new classes would be sweet however nothing the devs will ever do will end the "omgz this class is op" or "nurf dis NAO plox"

09-18-2013, 11:23 PM
All I'm gonna say about revive is it would be just like mana heal. I would be walkin round pvp. And some silly rogue be like yo psyko revive me. Then I laugh and tell him to revive me while I walk over his dead body.

Reasoning - healing rogues mana so they can steal my kills doesn't benefit me and neither does bringin you back to life either for the same reason :p

09-18-2013, 11:44 PM
Give Wars Beckon and Stomp
Give Rogues Break Shield and Root
Give Mages Atk(Dmg+Crit) and Def(Armor+Hp) Buffs

*stolen from their other game xD

09-19-2013, 02:16 AM
More range attacks to warriors, for those who run when they're low health in pvp.

09-19-2013, 02:20 AM
*My personal suggestion for the Rogues 9th skill:
An invisibility cloak that hides you for 6 second with a 30 second cooldown
You are not immune to any combat damage while invisible.
Upgrades to Increase duration, decrease cooldown, immunity for 2 seconds, shadow cloning, hp/mana buff/regen, etc.

Invisible cloak that hide you for 6 seconds? Are you serious, do you know how many would use that skill in pvp? Then people would cry about it being op.

Heck no.

09-19-2013, 02:28 AM
More range attacks to warriors, for those who run when they're low health in pvp.
Much worse than my invisibility suggestion.
You might as well hand them a bow to wield if that's what you're asking for.

09-19-2013, 02:31 AM
More range attacks to warriors, for those who run when they're low health in pvp.
Much worse than my invisibility suggestion.
You might as well hand them a bow to wield if that's what you're asking for.

Lmao, umad?
Just sayin' think of both pve & pvp.

09-19-2013, 03:57 AM
I'd like to see lifegiver improved a bit more. In just about every other RPG, mages/sorcerers are always the best healers, but for some reason in AL warriors have a better heal skill than mages. I'd like to see that adjusted a bit. If heal was a little more powerful, then I think more sorcerers would use it.

And yes, a revive upgrade would make it worthwhile for sure.

What I would really like to see is for them to improve the mana regen and health regen upgrades. Nobody currently uses those upgrades since it both grabs aggro from bosses and barely results in any sizable increase in your mana or health. 10 health regen and 5 mana regen for 10 seconds totals only 50 extra mana and 100 extra health. I'm going to waste 2 skill points on that? I don't think so.

They should make those numbers percentages that scale to the level of the caster. Yes, 50 extra mana and 100 extra health were sizable amounts during season 1 when I had a total of 500 health and 1000 mana. Perhaps instead of 10 health regen and 5 mana regen, it should be 3% health regen per second, and 3% mana regen per second, both for 10 seconds. Then it would actually become useful. And make it so that healing does not grab aggro from the bosses. Last I checked when a rogue drops med packs it doesn't grab aggro, so why should healing from a sorcerer.

09-19-2013, 06:38 AM
New skills?
For rogue, the invisibility skill seems nice. Rogue will still taking damage when in invisibility but cannot be aimed when attack and doesn't attract aggro. Maybe 2 sec invulnerable when casted as an upgrade.

For sorcerer, a revive skill should be good. Long cooldown but very benificial buff. Only 1 member can be revive at a time but other members alive got a 50% addition on all stats (dodge, health,crit,dmg, etc) for 10 sec.

For warrior, idk.

09-19-2013, 06:47 AM
New skills?
For rogue, the invisibility skill seems nice. Rogue will still taking damage when in invisibility but cannot be aimed when attack and doesn't attract aggro. Maybe 2 sec invulnerable when casted as an upgrade.

For sorcerer, a revive skill should be good. Long cooldown but very benificial buff. Only 1 member can be revive at a time but other members alive got a 50% addition on all stats (dodge, health,crit,dmg, etc) for 10 sec.

For warrior, idk.
Seems like everyone's on the same page.
For war's give them a short ranged aoe pull skill (for mob control, etc)

09-19-2013, 06:50 AM
For those of us who've been here for 4-5 seasons, the game cycles getting quite predictable.
New weapons, new armors, new pets, more stats the the previous...that's the current trend.

By now many of us players want a little more than new gear or new pets.
Perhaps allowing a 5th skill slot?or an introduction of a 9th skill (unlocking @ "x" level), or maybe even additional upgrades on existing skills?

With more variety in skills, it will allow room for many different skill builds and counters to other builds..and just maybe we will see an end to the "my class is UNDERPOWERED" threads.

*My personal suggestion for the Rogues 9th skill:
An invisibility cloak that hides you for 6 second with a 30 second cooldown
You are not immune to any combat damage while invisible.
Upgrades to Increase duration, decrease cooldown, immunity for 2 seconds, shadow cloning, hp/mana buff/regen, etc.

Geez Love.. You want make rogues best for any case... If so i demand the skill "white magic" for sorcs which DEBUFF ALL ENEMY BUFFS And leech their mana :3

I would love to see 5th skill slot and upgrades as well.

Most if you have given ideas. I Like the idea of revive but not a high possibility since that would take away some of devs plat income.

Heres some possible skill ideas i can think of:
Vitalality shout-increase yours and party health/armor temporarily. Upgrades could be duration, range, etc.

Shield bash-Add a skill using shield as there shields in game. The skill could stun a single target for like 3 sec /reduce armor of target. Possible uupgrades could be hit extra mob, stun duration etc.

Another damage dealing skill. I know wars are meant to dish damage out but we basically just have ss and windmill while others are taunting.

Revive-revive dead party member.

Earthquake-since they have all other elements wind/ice/fire why not earth? It could make rocks come up from ground or around enemies. Possible stun chance, reduce armor, etc of target. Possible duration, increase radius, etc for upgrades.

Life drain-Damage a target by sucking their life out of them. Possible upgrades: return life drained to caster, drain and return mana as well, increase drain amount

Invisibility as love said. I like the idea and it just fits with the class.

Blinding powder-Blinds/disorients targets reducing hit chance, crit, atk power. Could throw down like sv. Upgrades duration, radius, the usual.

Shadowstep-Move in a blur creating temporarily shadow clones around enemies and damaging them. Could increase dodge or something since enemies would have harder time determining the real you. Upgrades: extra clone, duration, etc.

These are just some ideas i can think of but anything new would be cool. I think we will see something next expansion cus weve run out of things to increase as is. As for passives i dont see them being further upgraded cus they all get sstronger based on stats not just armor as someone said.

EarthQ will be great improvement!!! :)

09-19-2013, 07:05 AM
I made a suggestion abt revive skill. Quite an old thread http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94492-Revive&highlight=revive. Good suggestions were made there. Would be really good to see this feature in game.

For warriors i would imagine something that makes them hold aggro better. Right now they utterly fail to mantain it. Even for the best ones its really hard.

And for rogues, i dont like idea of invinsible cloak. It can be usefull only in pvp. I dont see it as a good skill for pve.
Rogues need some mana regen skill that would be more usefull for them.

Or add nama and health regen as passive skills. When the passive skills first came out, that was my thought in the first place abt passive skills. Yes we have pets for it, but we also have pets for dmg, crit, speed and yet those abilities made it to passives. And truly said most pets r not so usefull in this.

Just few thoughts i think that may be usefull in game.

09-19-2013, 07:49 AM
Love all suggestions made here.

Seems like everyone's on the same page.
For war's give them a short ranged aoe pull skill (for mob control, etc)

This ones good. Something like rogues draw in trap upgrade, but 100%?

09-19-2013, 08:01 AM
i would love to see one more class which burns mana passively hehe

09-19-2013, 01:49 PM
Something i was thinking of a while back was decoys. Would probably be most fitting for rogue (was actually thinking of it replacing shadow storm, and not as 9th skill). Basic skill drops 2 decoys (similar to packs) which attract the attacks of enemies and explode when targeted, causing dmg. Upgrades would include things like 1 extra decoy dropped, more dmg on explosion, chance to steal health from enemy on explosion, and chance to steal mana on explosion. I think this could be the rogue's curse like skill, would be most effective in pvp, but still be an option for pve.

For mage, im not sure i understand the concept of revive on life-giver. We are already expected to give mana when the rogues want, help back up the wars and heal when needed, and now revive when the team dies? Thats a lot to ask from one skill imo. You may think i can give mana and heal at the same time (btw, talking mostly pvp here), but due to rogues hiding back i cant reach them with mana and support the war with health at the same time. And say i revive someone right before a fight, then im in cd and cant help the team with health or if a rogue comes by that needs mana.. Maybe ive got the wrong idea for revive in my mind but this is just how i see it going.. in pvp at least. In pve, it may be more reasonable since most just spam pots and i could save lg for reviving.

Another idea for mage could be to steal that invisibility idea as an upgrade on shield instead of the push-back tho. Have it last for 5 seconds, making the mage completely invisible, but leaving a wavy looking shield. This could be used for just general stealth in pvp, and would "confuse" enemies in pve, ultimately, unattracting aggro, or when solo just causing mobs to shoot aimlessly. As for a completely new mage skill, im unsure.

09-19-2013, 02:43 PM
Love all suggestions made here.

Seems like everyone's on the same page.
For war's give them a short ranged aoe pull skill (for mob control, etc)

This ones good. Something like rogues draw in trap upgrade, but 100%?

They have one. Axe Throw.

09-19-2013, 03:03 PM
I'd like to see lifegiver improved a bit more. In just about every other RPG, mages/sorcerers are always the best healers, but for some reason in AL warriors have a better heal skill than mages. I'd like to see that adjusted a bit. If heal was a little more powerful, then I think more sorcerers would use it.

And yes, a revive upgrade would make it worthwhile for sure.

What I would really like to see is for them to improve the mana regen and health regen upgrades. Nobody currently uses those upgrades since it both grabs aggro from bosses and barely results in any sizable increase in your mana or health. 10 health regen and 5 mana regen for 10 seconds totals only 50 extra mana and 100 extra health. I'm going to waste 2 skill points on that? I don't think so.

They should make those numbers percentages that scale to the level of the caster. Yes, 50 extra mana and 100 extra health were sizable amounts during season 1 when I had a total of 500 health and 1000 mana. Perhaps instead of 10 health regen and 5 mana regen, it should be 3% health regen per second, and 3% mana regen per second, both for 10 seconds. Then it would actually become useful. And make it so that healing does not grab aggro from the bosses. Last I checked when a rogue drops med packs it doesn't grab aggro, so why should healing from a sorcerer.
At endgame last season, Sorcerers with those upgrades healed 50-60 mana each second and Idk how much health. That's more than 5 mana per second I think....

09-19-2013, 04:44 PM
i agree we need more skills maybe 10.. this game have ONLY 4 skills its the only game i see with 4 skills on all my life..

i think sts need put back bael and krunch because the game its very hard to farm now. elite maps drops egg hardly and u sell it for 35k malison now cost 90k so its very very cheap before expansion wrat jaw cost 100k snag 90k mali 220k now cost nothing snag 30k so why u go to farm snag now for 30k? u need make maybe 20-30 runs for get 1 or nothing..

the game its very limited now. and its going bored i see many of my friends left the game and now play occasionally before theys play all the days. it happen with me too i'm bored, the game have not pvp only tvt (team vs team) we need a (player vs player) on city or wharever u want pvp..

and we need dungeons not same maps but ''ELITE'' i really like going to dungeons with party run and kill only boss. its more funny.

same maps but ''elite'' are bored we need kill all the monster or maybe many of this and then go to kill boss for get nothing. or maybe green.. very very bored i think.

i have mytic items if anyone say this man have nothing and its angry.

this is my opinion and i think sts need change something on game..

09-19-2013, 04:48 PM
i agree we need more skills maybe 10.. this game have ONLY 4 skills its the only game i see with 4 skills on all my life..

i think sts need put back bael and krunch because the game its very hard to farm now. elite maps drops egg hardly and u sell it for 35k malison now cost 90k so its very very cheap before expansion wrat jaw cost 100k snag 90k mali 220k now cost nothing snag 30k so why u go to farm snag now for 30k? u need make maybe 20-30 runs for get 1 or nothing..

the game its very limited now. and its going bored i see many of my friends left the game and now play occasionally before theys play all the days. it happen with me too i'm bored, the game have not pvp only tvt (team vs team) we need a (player vs player) on city or wharever u want pvp..

and we need dungeons not same maps but ''ELITE'' i really like going to dungeons with party run and kill only boss. its more funny.

same maps but ''elite'' are bored we need kill all the monster or maybe many of this and then go to kill boss for get nothing. or maybe green.. very very bored i think.

i have mytic items if anyone say this man have nothing and its angry.

this is my opinion and i think sts need change something on game..
This game has 8 skills for each class o.o
Or if you mean active, well, this game is a mobile game, so relax....

09-19-2013, 04:51 PM
4 skills and another skills are ''passive'' and u can't use it on pvp/pvm

i see another mobile game with many skills and what its the problem?? i have played many of mobile games and theys have more skills, dungeons..

09-19-2013, 04:55 PM
4 skills and another skills are ''passive'' and u can't use it on pvp/pvm

i see another mobile game with many skills and what its the problem?? i have played many of mobile games and theys have more skills, dungeons..
You can unlock all the skills for all we care. And Passive skills add to your stats, they aren't active skills...so yes, you are technically using passives in PvE and PvP.

09-19-2013, 04:59 PM
u use it but u can't ACTIVE IT and make damage or buff ur team u understand??

u can unlock all but u can't use it at same time.. u only can put 4 skills and use 4 skills active..

09-19-2013, 05:02 PM
I like the format of having more than four skills tbh, rather anoying that I can't use more than one offensive skill in PvP (jugg, heal, and blood are all must haves). But I would also like to see more skill. One buff/debuff (the lower row) skill, and one offensive skill (the top row). Here are some suggested skills. :) don't take any numbers as hard set. Obviously this isn't a 100% final draft of my ideas.


Double edge: deals short range damage to a single target, restores users hp by 15% of the damage dealt. 15sec cool down
1) Refined edge: increase damage of double edge by 10%
2) Broad edge: increase heal returned by 20% of damage dealt
3) lasting wound: target now takes bleed damage over time
4) First aid: charging double edge now self heals user

Sound of agony: user releases a note from their horn taunting all in range and chance to aply feeble to targets in range and increase the crit chance of allies in range by 10% for 4secs. 3m radius. 20sec cool down
1) Loungs of steel: increase radius of (?) to 6m
2) Change of tune: all targets in range of the (?) have their armor and damage reduced by 5% for 8secs.
3) Sound of death: all targets in range of the (?) are stunned for 2secs
4) Lasting noise: all effects of the (?) Are increased by 40%


Rock stab: a rock pierces out of the floor hitting a single, but random, target within an 6m foward of a 30° section of area in the direction the caster is facing. 6sec cool down.
1) Statue: rocks that were summoned stay in play untill they take two attacks.
2) Earth splitter: now the caster will create 1-3 Rocks each cast.
3) Sand pit: a small sand pit reducing targets movement speed by 30% surounds each hit site.
4) hard as stone: each target hit has a 20% chnace if being stunned.

Carnivorous Vines: user drops a seed that grows a mass of vines that attacks up to 5 targets in range every second for 6secs. 3m range. 20sec cool down.
1) Get a grip: when vines first sprout there is a 20% chance five targets in range will be pull to the middle of the plant. Vines will also snare all targets hit.
2) Circle of life: when vine dies it has a 15% chance to immediately regrowing another plant.
3) Animal instinct: vines deal 15% more damage a hit.
4) overgrow: range of the carnivorous vines extended to 5m.


Shadow clone: a duplicate of the caster made of shadows is summoned aiding its master for 8secs. The globe's damage is equal to 20% of its master, but cannot crit. 20sec cool down.
1) dark matter: clone(s) will last an additional 2secs.
2) double trouble: the caster now creates two clones. each clone has 15% of its caster's damage.
3) strength in numbers: clone(s) will absorb 10% of the damage caster takes (having multiple clones doesn't change percentage of damage reduction).
4) master of disguise: clone(s) recieve buffs from pets.

Acid pool: a small pool of acid applies poison damage to targets who touch it every second and for three seconds after a target steps off the acid pool. Pool lasts 3 seconds. 20sec cool down. 3m range.
1) concentrated: poison affect also reduces target's armor by 5%.
2) lasting stain: acid pool now lasts 5secs.
3) potent blend: poison damage deals 15% more damage a second.
4) chemical engineered: acid pool is now a cloud that will move toward targets slowly.

09-19-2013, 06:41 PM
If i had to suggest some great upgrades id have to say...
•A rotating skill key that allows for more than 4 skills
•A quick change button for tha fast changing of gear(and lep hehe)

09-19-2013, 06:43 PM
Mana regen passive skill. Useful for all classes. 1 mana regen per point. Simple and useful.

09-19-2013, 06:44 PM
I like the format of having more than four skills tbh, rather anoying that I can't use more than one offensive skill in PvP (jugg, heal, and blood are all must haves). But I would also like to see more skill. One buff/debuff (the lower row) skill, and one offensive skill (the top row). Here are some suggested skills. :) don't take any numbers as hard set. Obviously this isn't a 100% final draft of my ideas.


Double edge: deals short range damage to a single target, restores users hp by 15% of the damage dealt. 15sec cool down
1) Refined edge: increase damage of double edge by 10%
2) Broad edge: increase heal returned by 20% of damage dealt
3) lasting wound: target now takes bleed damage over time
4) First aid: charging double edge now self heals user

Sound of agony: user releases a note from their horn taunting all in range and chance to aply feeble to targets in range and increase the crit chance of allies in range by crit 10% for 4secs. 3m radius. 20sec cool down
1) Loungs of steel: increase radius of (?) to 6m
2) Change of tune: all targets in range of the (?) have their armor and damage reduced by 5% for 8secs.
3) Sound of death: all targets in range of the (?) are stunned for 2secs
4) Lasting noise: all effects of the (?) Are increased by 40%


Rock stab: a rock pierces out of the floor hitting a single, but random, target within an 6m foward of a 30° section of area in the direction the caster is facing. 6sec cool down.
1) Statue: rocks that were summoned stay in play untill they take two attacks.
2) Earth splitter: now the caster will create 1-3 Rocks each cast.
3) Sand pit: a small sand pit reducing targets movement speed by 30% surounds each hit site.
4) hard as stone: each target hit has a 20% chnace if being stunned.

Carnivorous Vines: user drops a seed that grows a mass of vines that attacks up to 5 targets in range every second for 6secs. 3m range. 20sec cool down.
1) Get a grip: when vines first sprout there is a 20% chance five targets in range will be pull to the middle of the plant. Vines will also snare all targets hit.
2) Circle of life: when vine dies it has a 15% chance to immediately regrowing another plant.
3) Animal instinct: vines deal 15% more damage a hit.
4) overgrow: range of the carnivorous vines extended to 5m.


Shadow clone: a duplicate of the caster made of shadows is summoned aiding its master for 8secs. The globe's damage is equal to 20% of its master, but cannot crit. 20sec cool down.
1) dark matter: clone(s) will last an additional 2secs.
2) double trouble: the caster now creates two clones. each clone has 15% of its caster's damage.
3) strength in numbers: clone(s) will absorb 10% of the damage caster takes (having multiple clones doesn't change percentage of damage reduction).
4) master of disguise: clone(s) recieve buffs from pets.

Acid pool: a small pool of acid applies poison damage to targets who touch it every second and for three seconds after a target steps off the acid pool. Pool lasts 3 seconds. 20sec cool down. 3m range.
1) concentrated: poison affect also reduces target's armor by 5%.
2) lasting stain: acid pool now lasts 5secs.
3) potent blend: poison damage deals 15% more damage a second.
4) chemical engineered: acid pool is now a cloud that will move toward targets slowly.
Those all sound pretty darn cool...but perhaps Sounds of Agony can be like Veil, charging it makes it's range larger. So instead of the extended range, you can make damage debuff and armor debuff as two separate upgrades. Double Edge sounds cool, seems like it was taken from Pokemon haha.

09-19-2013, 07:51 PM
For mage: blackhole, earthquake, summon undead, evil spirits aoe,

For Rogue: booby trap, penetrating arrows, arrow burst shot, stealth

For warrior: air juggle, 3 second no cooldowns to chain combos, dash ram with shield , impale

09-19-2013, 09:08 PM
Those all sound pretty darn cool...but perhaps Sounds of Agony can be like Veil, charging it makes it's range larger. So instead of the extended range, you can make damage debuff and armor debuff as two separate upgrades. Double Edge sounds cool, seems like it was taken from Pokemon haha.

Its taken from PL. Paladin skill

Its only 5% so I added both. The idea behind "Sound of agony" was a taunt skill that benefits entire prty by debuffing mobs. The inspiration is that purple horn attack inan'hesh uses. (the 2sec stun is awsome for large packs of mobs as we know from slag)

09-19-2013, 10:13 PM
Mana regen passive skill. Useful for all classes. 1 mana regen per point. Simple and useful.

that's not the least bit useful to me as a mage. I never come anywhere close to running out of mana