View Full Version : Attention devs: please nerf/look into this

09-18-2013, 07:54 PM
It has come to my attention as well as my fellow guildmates and friends that nordr elite mobs NEED a nerf.

This is for nordr oltgar keep and halls of valheim. My guild and i went with some of our best geared people (full mythic) and the mobs one shot people even the tank. And the tank was full myth with 5500hp and using juggernaut..he shouldnt be one shotted seriously!

It seems to be the giant icey mobs or archers that do this. And the boss is easier than the mobs. I know the mobs where scaled to lvl 36. Thats fine but nerf thier attack a bit. Getting instant killed 20 times is too much. So please look into this for the sake of everyone. Thanks.

09-18-2013, 10:06 PM
Really? Yesterday I did about 15 runs there with some buddies. Our party was 2 warriors, a rogue and myself (I'm a sorcerer). And I think maybe I died twice and the rogue died a couple times, I don't think either of the warriors died on any of the runs. I looted 2 entombed hammers. :)

I didn't notice it being any more difficult than it ever has been.

09-18-2013, 10:23 PM
Well i dont know then. We pulled large groups at first and then small and still got one shotted.

Grats on your two entombed:)

09-18-2013, 10:48 PM
Perhaps your team has good gears but there's something missing with the strategy and wiped your tank.

09-18-2013, 11:57 PM
The big glacian guy found in elite oltgar and elite valheim can 1 shot a full mythic tank when you're hit by its red zone attack. I remember it doin 7k crit damage on my full mythic tank

09-19-2013, 01:03 AM
Btw velu, the tank does not use juggy :)

Elite maps are a lot about tactics. That's why its called elite :) Make sure tanks time charged HoR properly so that the red-zone attack from the snaggles would not deal damage due to the 2 sec invulnerability. For mages, it won't be problem if shield is up, must keep on using pots.

Rogues get a slight disadvantage as they get to around 15-20% health if they received the red-area hit, instant death if it was a crit. The only defence here is by dodge (mali buff+rs dodge) besides the invulnerability from HoR. Rapid pot as always.

09-19-2013, 04:18 AM
The big glacian guy found in elite oltgar and elite valheim can 1 shot a full mythic tank when you're hit by its red zone attack. I remember it doin 7k crit damage on my full mythic tank

Yes, you have to stay out of those red zones. The red glow gives you plenty of warning that it's coming. The few times I died was because I got stunned while in the red zone and then was killed.

09-19-2013, 05:09 AM
Yes they are bit harder than last season, especially the snaggletooth pigs MUST be frozen fast, or else your whole team die, but a good sorc can handle this.

09-19-2013, 06:05 AM
If any boss should be nerfed it's bloodhammer and mother and glob in arena.... Seriously 1 shooting my warrs

09-19-2013, 11:56 AM
If any boss should be nerfed it's bloodhammer and mother and glob in arena.... Seriously 1 shooting my warrs

Bloodhammer and Mother I can agree with. Glob?? Just move out of his red area :) He's the slowest, dumbest boss in the game as far as I'm concerned.

EDIT: To stay on topic... I remember a Dev stating in a thread months ago that the reason many mobs/bosses have a 1-shot capability is to add challenge to the game. I know that sounds a bit unfair, but look at it this way: what consequences or ramifications are there to dying in AL? Just another tally to the "Deaths" number and the hike back to your group, right? This is a much better deal than taking durability hits on armor, losing XP points, having to drag/loot your corpse, etc. like some MMOs. Dying is really no big deal in this game... just time consuming really. The only place where dying gets annoying is in the arena; but that's the element of risk vs reward at play. Not to mention we should be grateful a place like that exists without having to pay commission to enter.

I feel your pain in Nordr, though. Snagglebombs > Taejo every day!

09-19-2013, 12:38 PM
Find out the right pulls without the big blue rocks.
They can do around the 3k dmg, they dont one hit u but if u're standing in a big group with one of the rocks and they all hit u its like a one hit.

09-19-2013, 01:26 PM
It has come to my attention as well as my fellow guildmates and friends that nordr elite mobs NEED a nerf.

This is for nordr oltgar keep and halls of valheim. My guild and i went with some of our best geared people (full mythic) and the mobs one shot people even the tank. And the tank was full myth with 5500hp and using juggernaut..he shouldnt be one shotted seriously!

It seems to be the giant icey mobs or archers that do this. And the boss is easier than the mobs. I know the mobs where scaled to lvl 36. Thats fine but nerf thier attack a bit. Getting instant killed 20 times is too much. So please look into this for the sake of everyone. Thanks.


No devs.

Do not do what OP suggests.

The last thing the game needs is EASIER pve and easily farmable top of the line legendaries. This change was a good thing. Elite has never really been ELITE until now.

What I'd like to see implemented is rewards to make the increased Nordr difficulty a little more worthwhile for those people whose rerolls and lep ammys fail them.

Maybe increasing the drop chance of elite gold warchests by a solid 5 percentage points? (although that might upset economy)

Or maybe add in some loot rewards on those extra difficult mobs. How about each Big Glacian killed restores 25 H+M potions? That would be truly awesome.

09-19-2013, 02:04 PM
Bloodhammer and Mother I can agree with. Glob?? Just move out of his red area :) He's the slowest, dumbest boss in the game as far I'm concerned

Glob 1 shoots outside his red area. You would know if you farmed arena. Besides he 1 shoots warrs too, go check it out.