View Full Version : Mystery Unsolved: Locked Crates for 3.5 mil -- what are these guys up to?

09-21-2013, 11:55 PM
I noticed lately that more and more players offer crates at fantasy prices, like, Locked crate for 3,456,789 gold or 3,000,008 gold.

Now... I understand that this is a try to get some ignorant or intoxicated people buying them, maybe believing that in those crates are extra high valueable items.

What I dont understand is this: Does this work so well, that certain players keep auction several crates at those prices all the time?? I mean, I would be broke in a day if I did this so often (and I tried, but it didn't work).

I know its not allowed to call out on people, but look at the auction on crates, there's one certain heavenly (<-- hint) player who does this all the time.

What is the mystery behind this scheme?

09-22-2013, 12:29 AM
hey that's me :D
I have been playing for a few months and was intrigued not by the ridiculous listing prices but people doing that again and again with multiple listings at these prices, and one in particular as you said, It would cost around a million every 3 days to list at these prices. Someone listed above me and its gone already, I dunno if he listed for 12 hrs or it really sold.

09-22-2013, 01:47 AM
To flaunt their money. I doubt anyone with that much to buy one would believe it has a higher chance

09-22-2013, 01:50 AM
He spent on marketing.we dont

09-22-2013, 02:10 AM
it's a way to brag to others that they dont mind losing millions

also, i think it's also a gamble on their part because there will be a time where a player in some way gets a different set of results in auction when doing a search and the cheapest ones listed are those exaggerated locked prices

i had cases like that before when doing a search for the cheapest items but instead, expensive prices were shown to me instead.

09-22-2013, 02:12 AM
He want to try hit jackpot. There r some people that when rushing buying locked instead of ascending the price , they descending it and make them buy the most expensive one

09-23-2013, 03:14 AM
They are just showing off.

09-23-2013, 10:08 AM
A lot of the 'super high priced' are the same as the super low priced, except the super low priced disappear instantly.
Standard price is 12500
Person lists for 1250 - Instant sell
Person lists for 125000 Sits up there.
You can actually see a stack of the mistakes up at the top.

Not sure what those crazy ones are, maybe they are just really bad typers?
25,678 could have been the target price. Then again, he could be crazy.

Oh, and can I say this thread is ANOTHER reason we need commas in this game!!!!

09-23-2013, 10:15 AM
mastergod is computerized avartar for AL. i heard if u buy one there is always mythic inside.

09-23-2013, 01:11 PM
Xmakx is in Elite Runners.
I'm 100% Positive he didn't mean to list it for 3,456,789.

I have done the same thing accidentally listing Elite Copper Warchests last season for 33,333 instead of 3333 - they sold.