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View Full Version : AL monthly membership

09-22-2013, 07:01 PM
Opinions on what if sts made so that yiu could be a member for a monthly fee? We members get special events and perks and and set amount of plat a month? Some perks would be like crates only 10 plat to open. And exlirs a bit cheaper. I dont know just want to hear others thoughts. I think it would be pretty cool.:)!

09-22-2013, 07:04 PM
That is a good idea I agree with u STS could do this maybe the fee could be 15 dollars a month ur thoughts

09-22-2013, 07:04 PM
If this went to subscription I don't think u should have to buy plat for anything

09-22-2013, 07:06 PM
Yea I feel like 15 a month would be a perfect price . I think it wouldd be a great idea for sts to do and make us players happy

09-22-2013, 07:09 PM
Itnwould be for those who want the perks not eveyone has to and people still would probally purchase plat even when member. Bc the monthly plat recived wouldnt be a substantial amount

09-22-2013, 07:09 PM
The reason platinum exists in the first place is so STG can make a profit, pay it's staff, and continue developing the game. If they changed AL to be a subscription based mobile game (which they won't), then platinum would have to go away entirely. If they implemented an optional subscription for players (which most games call a VIP subscription), this idea would bring about a "pay-to-win" mechanism within the game and create nothing but upheaval.

I vote no.

09-22-2013, 07:09 PM
* not a substantial amount . My bad

09-22-2013, 07:29 PM
How I see it is the big time plat buyers still will purchase larage amiunt of plat and be a member and I think would make sts more money bc people mainly get plat for crate opening if only 10 to open they buy more

09-22-2013, 07:45 PM
HE*L to the NO

i wouldnt play if they added this,

09-22-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't like this idea. $15/month for a mobile game sounds a bit ridiculous. This fee will deter a lot of the player base. At least with platinum, you can control how many you want to buy at any time. There are better MMORPG games out there that charge the same subscription fee with better graphics, content and the like.

09-22-2013, 08:28 PM
I haven't bought platinum in awhile, as I've been trying to play like a free player. (Trust me, not buying platinum this weekend was exceedingly difficult!)

Secondly, while trying this "free player" perspective, I've come to realize how much more fun the game can be! Interestingly enough, when you don't have platinum...you learn to become more cautious as you can't afford to waste platinum on revives.

So, having a subscription service would kill off the wonderful free player community that we have (excluding the ones that argue platinum is the only way towards making cash).

09-22-2013, 08:37 PM

09-22-2013, 09:41 PM
NO! I would have to say no to this. One reason I play this game is because it's FREE. If they were to put in this $15 a month to have more things you can do in the game, they would lose players including me. It took me forever to find a game that I like that doesn't have something stupid like having to be a paid member to do everything in the game and if this game turns into one of those, well bleh. Would never play this game again.

So the point is no, the game is fine how it is and it shouldn't have this added.

09-22-2013, 10:16 PM
I disagree keep the game the way it is!!

09-22-2013, 10:27 PM
I vote No too. Same as Apollo I find it much fun to find ways to get around plat buying, and I think I'm pretty successful. I have 3/5 mythic and I was two seasons on the Leaderboards.

I spent one time for getting auction slots (because I felt a lil' bad for playing without spending some amount AT ALL). So I regarded it as my "contribution" even if it wasnt much.

A volountary subscription fee would create a two class society that eventually would kill the game.

09-22-2013, 10:30 PM
NO No no.

The game is FREE to play.

Sts makes more money with plat than they would with subscription im sure so why change Not to mention theyd lose players cus not all will pay to play.

This is a mobile game not WoW therefore its not broad enough graphical wise and other things to have subscription.

09-22-2013, 11:12 PM
STS doesn't release numbers but I doubt more than 15% of the player base buys plat. That 15% (or whaever it is) has to generate enough money to support the staff, servers, developers, etc....The entire game is designed around buying plat, it can't change to a subscription based game without being a different game.

Free games that are fun to play are hard to find, especially an MMO. AL can be certainly be played without spending a dime if you are good at making friends and have the time to put into it. If that is changed to monthly fee, the number of new players coming into the game will drop off dramatically, plus a huge exodus of existing players. STS needs that flow of new players constantly coming in in order to have new people buying plat.

Anyway that's my theory :)

09-22-2013, 11:23 PM
I vote no subscription fee.

09-23-2013, 03:30 AM

09-23-2013, 06:49 AM
Opinions on what if sts made so that yiu could be a member for a monthly fee? We members get special events and perks and and set amount of plat a month? Some perks would be like crates only 10 plat to open. And exlirs a bit cheaper. I dont know just want to hear others thoughts. I think it would be pretty cool.:)!

I play this game $0 and I plan to continue to. I was flabbergasted when the locked system was put in place and to this day am sore that arcane eggs ate only locked drop (put at least one of them in an elite chest. Perhaps uncap rooks area and add new chests? Imo). I ddoubt I would continue playing much longer if player were getting such absurd advantages as only 10plat per locked. I do free trials which still benefit STG, and I don't apreciate the constent juxtaposition that spending my own money is better. I may use/gain less plat but I do not deserve to be forced to pay money, or give up on being pro. Not to mention the original app page clearly stated plat would be only necessarry for some pets, gear bundles, and elixirs. I understand they changed this for profit's sake, but I already loath the change of heart. Keep the game the way it is or you will lose players (fyi I had well over 10 friends quit AL when locked were introduced, though they didn't buy plat their trials still benefitted STG and should be valued as such. EVERY player is equal).

09-23-2013, 06:53 AM
Yea I feel like 15 a month would be a perfect price . I think it wouldd be a great idea for sts to do and make us players happy

Maybe make YOU happy -.- you can open magic boxes with items worth millions.....be happy with what you have.

09-23-2013, 07:36 AM
Vote: No

AL is a F2P game althought you pay and make it a P2P game.

09-23-2013, 09:26 AM
The only way this would work is if there was a different server for it! Even then it would be risky due to population etc. And then it would gradually die off like most p2p mmo's :confused:

09-23-2013, 09:59 AM

09-23-2013, 10:02 AM
most of the time f2p mmo's get the most ppl
ps: order and chaos switched to f2p.

09-23-2013, 10:07 AM
Maybe make YOU happy -.- you can open magic boxes with items worth millions.....be happy with what you have.
lol some ppl just cant be happy with millions.....

09-23-2013, 10:09 AM
The answer is NO and thats the bottom line cause the STONE COLD SAID SO.

09-23-2013, 10:28 AM
i vote no

09-23-2013, 01:48 PM
Not a bad idea but no I would not pay for this at all nor would most people by the looks of it

09-23-2013, 01:54 PM
No. Not everyone is rich and can pay per month.

09-23-2013, 01:57 PM

09-23-2013, 02:04 PM
i Vote NO. because the ''1 month members'' got advantage from the non 1 month members. No and NO because this game its FREE 2 PLAY.

09-23-2013, 05:25 PM
If STG wanted to, they could convert the current plat system into a monthly fee system where it would be optional, and would likely have a similar outcome to the current system. For example, imagine a system where for $20/month you would get the following advantages:

1) Plat would be eliminated from the game.

2) Locked Crates would be free to open for monthly subscribers (this would be the only advantage of being a monthly subscriber).

3) Items that currently sell for plat, such as vanities, items from plat chests, and the leprechaun amulet, would instead all be items that could be looted from locked crates. They would all be tradable, so if you don't loot the item you want, you can always buy it from the auction from someone else who looted it.

4) Instead of buying elixirs, they too could be items that can be looted from locked crates, much like the "VIP Elixir" we all received in our stash a while back. Elixirs would become an inventory item that could be saved and then used as needed, and could also be bought and sold in the auction. Then those who don't spend any money would have a chance to get elixirs too by buying them for gold.

5) No more plat revives, eliminate those from the game.

The results of this would be less frustration and feeling of gambling among those who open crates. Crates instead would become the premium kind of chest as they have the best odds, and would probably have a price above that of elite golden chests.

The only issue is how would you transition to such a system from the current system. What happen to the player who bought 5k plat and it's just sitting in his account. I suppose you could offer him a certain number of free months on the new system. But that could be a violation of the terms you sold him the plat under. So in order to make a transition like this you would have to keep the old system in place, but maybe offer the new system as well. Maybe allow players who have plat to buy months from their current plat, maybe 400 plat per month or something similar until they exhaust their plat. And then phase out the plat system after like 6 months.

09-23-2013, 05:46 PM
It would simply work the same way they have it set up. But simply players have the choice to be a member for a monthly fee off 15. And give them slight perks like crates less to open and other little things and less say only 150plat a month there will be alot of people still still purchasing larage amounts of plat. And of course those players would want to be a member bbecaus less plat for opeing crates.

09-23-2013, 08:05 PM
Actually after thinking about my vote is now NO but I still don't like one thing one of the free offer things was removed and I am not old enough to buy platinum really(kinda) and most trail play offers u need to be older to do so I say they need more offers or something or platinum

09-23-2013, 09:56 PM
If it became a pay per month, I would just go play another mmorpg. I like the fact that there's those who pay to win, and then those who play for free.

09-23-2013, 10:47 PM
I doubt STG would do anything like this and I would not like them too. Putting something like this into the game will attract only a small portion of STG's AL clients while the mostly non-plat buying population would most likely put away the game. Sure some might pay for the subscription but overall, I think STG would lose money which is why they haven't done this.