View Full Version : Samael Does Not Attack!

09-22-2013, 08:43 PM
I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing the problem of "Lazy Sam" as I like to call it.

Often times, in PvP or PvE, I'll be fighting and it takes a LONG time for Samael to start attacking. Heck, a lot of the time, he doesn't attack till the very end.

Actually, this seems to be a problem with many close combat pets. I've noticed that my Malison does not have this problem, just pets that require to be up close and personal in order to dish out damage.

With Samael, it's even more noticeable, especially considering his passive healing is reliant on him attacking in order to be activated.

If this could be looked into & some info about this irritating issue could be given, that would be highly appreciated.

