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View Full Version : How much Would it take?

09-24-2013, 11:48 AM
A few Weeks ago, I made a new bird. I have heard a lot of good things about the character. My Ign is NotZergeo. I left the idea until I joined Cloaking Order. I am currently L36. Some people help me lvl. I can get about 2x xp(gold 2k elixr plus usual daily blessing results in 1.5 xp).
So my question is from 36/37, how long would it take to get to 65( 65 is the level where I work out my character's stats before I take him into the gruelling Humania, and the slightly less Gruelling Black smoke Mountain. So I would like just to know how long it would take from 36/37 to 65 exp wise and timewise.


09-24-2013, 01:40 PM
So you're asking how much does it take leveling from 36/37 to 65? You don't really need anyone to help you because it's just as fast/faster with a group of 3+. So you just need to find a game with 3 people and start playing in AO until you hit 48. After that you do Bandit boy hideout in sewers, pretty easy to find a group, after you hit 53 you should complete quests from Nuri's Hallows, find the lady standing next to the crafting bear called Enobaria or something. Do the quests and you should play Haunted Symphony if there's 3 guys available. If not you should do Funhouse with high level guys. Pretty much as fast, haunted symphony is a little faster with a group. You do Nuri's 53-64. After that you can do various maps, Vampire Feast with high levels or Crypt. Usually when you have a set it helps you with not getting booted from a Feast game.

As for how long does it take. Depends a lot how much you play but with a 2x with 2 hours ACTIVE leveling a day it will probably take you 3-4 days to 50-53. 50-60 will take maybe 2-3 days if you play a lot. So I'd say 36-65 it will take you about 5-10 days depending on your leveling time.

09-24-2013, 02:08 PM
at the double xp weekend with the 1.5 combo (the one that can be bought for 2k) i lvled to 66 in 4 or 5 days

09-24-2013, 02:26 PM
Too many variables to give you a clear answer.

Best advice is to work with bigger parties. That will speed it up a LOT. And if you can constantly push the limits of dungeons so that the enemy mobs always have red dots, you will get that bonus XP multiplier too. (choose dungeons slightly above your level).

09-25-2013, 01:46 AM
Double xp weekend plus 3x combo is awesome. I leveled from 20 to 71 in about 5 hours