View Full Version : PvP Orbs - Fix

09-26-2013, 01:46 AM
I think a way to fix the orb problem, since many people hate it (including me), because it makes spawning even easier, is this:
1) Let us at least buff while the orb lasts. That way we can't get one shot by someone right after it ends, since they can time it, and we cannot.
2) Remove the orb after you get revived by someone. That way you prevent further abuse if you did decide to change something about it.
3) Keep the orbs in CTF only (discuss this), I think spawning wasn't a problem in DM since it's designed the way you spawn at the locations with the least enemies.

09-26-2013, 01:57 AM
I agree it should be fixed.Spawning is much easier now

09-26-2013, 08:28 AM
When reviving in a PvP zone the brief invulnerability a player receives has been changed: While invulnerable, you cannot be targeted by friends or enemies and cannot cast while invulnerable. Players can still move/run as part of this invulnerability.

This is not working as expected, players can be targeted.

09-26-2013, 08:38 AM
When reviving in a PvP zone the brief invulnerability a player receives has been changed: While invulnerable, you cannot be targeted by friends or enemies and cannot cast while invulnerable. Players can still move/run as part of this invulnerability.

This is not working as expected, players can be targeted.
Even if they couldn't, I, as a dex bird, could be killed quite easily by AoE spells, like mage could use light and fire and I'd die, bears could use beckon stomp etc. etc. Please remove it, except for CTF BASE ONLY.

09-26-2013, 01:22 PM
Just use the first attempt at this orb but make it just for ctf spawn rooms and no where else

09-29-2013, 10:08 PM
I agree with all of these points especially #1. The orbs made "spawning" possible in arena and slowed down pvp overall