View Full Version : More Encounters Like Trulle

09-26-2013, 03:38 PM
When I first did Trulle, I thought it was boring and felt like a "busy work" achievement. However, the other day I ran Trulle again - this time as two full guild groups - and I must say it was a blast!

I would love to see special maps added with similar encounters that require teamwork and coordination - mini-raids if you will. The map would not be a PvP map, but still consist of a red and blue team. They can't attack each other, but also can't buff each other. I'm sure STS or some forumers could come up with creative ways to make each team significantly helpful in the encounter.

EDIT: Also, forgot to mention the bosses should have the huge amount of HPs as Trulle does. As for loot, I don't really care as long as the encounter is fun and involves interesting achievements.

I realize this idea is considered a "content" or "system" update which are both very expensive and time-consuming for STS. Just an idea to add to your list of 1,000+ others :)

Here's the video which inspired the idea (thank you Ebazauibab for filming the encounter)!


09-26-2013, 04:55 PM
This ^ (+1)