View Full Version : Consistency between armour/robe/leather and campaing and class

11-06-2010, 02:45 AM
Hello Everyone!

If this has been suggested before i apologize and can freely close this thread. One thing that i noted (a bugs me a little) is an inconsistency in two different settings.

1) Classes

If my pally, which is basically an enchantress, wears a STR item it still looks like a robe, instead of looking like an armour the bears wear (same with birds). The same pattern may be seen with a DEXenchantress (not having quiver and belt over the shoulder) or STRbird or whatever Hybrid you may name (the cape over INTbear looks kinf of strange compared of how it looks over the enchantress)


Another inconstency I've seen regards the armour you can wear (whatever you are a hybrid or pure) during campaings. Until Dark Forest I think It's fine like it is, but beginning from Balefort, while the weapons begin to have some variety from this point onward, I can't say ther same for armours/robes/leathers. In Balefort for example you can get the mercenary helmet only from quests and not from normal drops (correct me if I am wrong), same thing with the masked robe of the enchantersess (or the closed mercenary helmet for birds which makes me scream "OMG MY BIRD HAVE LOST ITS BEAK!!!"). I Think the armours/robes/leathers should follow the pattern/colours of the main antagonists for the campaing i am following (and with this i mean to replace the crappy white/grey/yellow/green wear gear) apart from the pinks which already have their own design (I always wanted my enchantress/pally to be dressed like the D'Jinns!)

Let me know if my idea makes sense or not.

Suggestion delivered.