View Full Version : Lore keepers, Snipers and Berserkers in AO3

11-06-2010, 04:57 AM
Ok I believe this will solve some of the points with people being unable to play as the Paladin.

The Lore keepers, Snipers and Berserkers in the final level of AO3 should drop the level 50 Alien Oasis 2 items instead of just normal level 45 Alien Oasis 2 items.

Thanks if this gets implemented

11-06-2010, 07:44 AM
I agree. Those Snipers are annoying and then we get ao2 pinks? WTF?

11-06-2010, 09:44 AM
This is good idea... i think... but they shouldnt get ao3 bosses drop lv45 items from ao2

11-06-2010, 10:25 AM
-violin music-

Srsly..... they arent hard... i play with good pallys and these take like.. 5 sec to kill...

Also, we still need the pvp match...

11-06-2010, 10:59 PM
U can get rift from snipers...i got a rift axe (fail)

11-07-2010, 04:44 AM
You get rift axe from the one in Crush the keeper not the victory lap ones

11-07-2010, 05:41 AM
I didn't read this right. I just think the ao3 victory lap snipers, etc should drop the same as the other ao3 levels. The lvl 50 ao3s were never meant to be there in the first place, so doesn't seem to make much sense to have them drop often now.

If they dropped the same as other levels, maybe people woulejt have o be told to kill them, they'd want to anyway!