View Full Version : 2013-09-30 Content Update (131063)

09-30-2013, 03:18 PM
Free Platinum Offers have returned to normal payout.
Disable pesky popups! You now have the option to disable the use of context player menus outside of town. This is the menu that pops up when tapping on another player to inspect, trade, or invite, etc. This option is enabled by default, which provides identical behavior for those that do not wish to change their current setup.
Skeleton, Crystal, Pirate and Inferno rings have had their damage and armor value scaled down to be more in line with where an epic should be.

09-30-2013, 03:18 PM

09-30-2013, 03:19 PM
Nice got good amount of plat

09-30-2013, 03:19 PM

Alvin Cia Alejandro
09-30-2013, 03:19 PM

09-30-2013, 03:19 PM

09-30-2013, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the menu update! Just what I wanted :)

09-30-2013, 03:21 PM

Alvin Cia Alejandro
09-30-2013, 03:22 PM
cool .. hehe mythic ring will incrse price again .. i hope :D

Alvin Cia Alejandro
09-30-2013, 03:23 PM
aw mythic ring sold out in cs

09-30-2013, 03:24 PM
free platinum offers have returned to normal payout.
disable pesky popups! You now have the option to disable the use of context player menus outside of town. This is the menu that pops up when tapping on another player to inspect, trade, or invite, etc. This option is enabled by default, which provides identical behavior for those that do not wish to change their current setup.
skeleton, crystal, pirate and inferno rings have had their damage and armor value scaled down to be more in line with where an epic should be.

best update evaaaaa!!!!

09-30-2013, 03:26 PM

09-30-2013, 03:28 PM

09-30-2013, 03:35 PM
Yay! No more pop up deaths!

09-30-2013, 03:36 PM
Hha I sold my epic pirate ring lucky

09-30-2013, 03:38 PM
Can u make offer plat to 40% pls

09-30-2013, 03:38 PM
Oooh! Disable popups!! Yay! :banana:

09-30-2013, 03:40 PM
Yay now I won't trade with someone when I lag in elite :)

09-30-2013, 03:52 PM
Concerning pirate rings, only force got nerfed?

Nm. It looks like it updated correctly now.

09-30-2013, 04:11 PM
Lol this is funny teaches rich people not to be to hasty, how do you feel a poor person has ur gold XD

However harsh on people who farmed hard to afford these things... :(

09-30-2013, 04:32 PM
As a reminder of the forum rules: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

Negative feedback can be very useful, provided that it is presented in a civil, factual manner. Tell us what you don't like and why and how you feel it could be improved. Posts that are insulting and rude may be deleted, no matter how valid the ideas behind them may be.

A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents.

Threads that make threats or use other combative language are not allowed.

We apologize for the error that led to the Epic rings to have over-inflated stats. Hopefully everyone can understand that an Epic ring shouldn't perform better than similar Legendary or Mythic and recognize that it was an error that needed to be fixed.

09-30-2013, 04:33 PM
Seems like STS will probably delete the rant threads/comments

Still I feel bad for anyone that wasted there money :(

09-30-2013, 04:36 PM
uhoh.. deleted post... and reposted! :D

nice update!
I just posted this on the other update:

Bug found:
Players below lvl 35 are able to click 'join' from social and join elite maps.

Thanks! :)

09-30-2013, 04:41 PM
I do not accept the apology as many other Players ... you pay for the mistakes and not hide behind the rules!

09-30-2013, 04:41 PM
Again "you gambled and lost" comes up, although nothing probably will happen, maybe STS can compensate somehow, there about to have ALOT of rage posts all over the forums (although that's nothing new really)

09-30-2013, 04:43 PM
Erm... Thx for the update my 51 platinum gone to the toilet bc all elixir gone!!! Hippocrates.

09-30-2013, 04:50 PM
Erm... Thx for the update my 51 platinum gone to the toilet bc all elixir gone!!! Hippocrates.

Hey Bmwmsix,

The elixirs store their state when the server comes down so they shouldn't be removed from that. If you would please, email our Support Team at support@spacetimestudios.com so they can look into what happened with your Elixirs.

09-30-2013, 04:54 PM
As a reminder of the forum rules: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

We apologize for the error that led to the Epic rings to have over-inflated stats. Hopefully everyone can understand that an Epic ring shouldn't perform better than similar Legendary or Mythic and recognize that it was an error that needed to be fixed.

Ur rely on the idea "we should have known these rings, being epics, were over powered". If we have to guess what u guys intentions/mistakes are couldn't we just as easily have guessed "these rings are supposed to be legendary and they just labeled them wrong?". U guys have made similar statements that the problem was so evident we should have known better. F that's the case then why didn't u catch it in testing/review?Maybe we assumed a dev entered the items values in a table, reviewed his or her work, then sent it to QA department where it passed inspection before the update was released. Then maybe we assumed u had a weekend to check on forums to see all the posts about the rings and no changes or comments were made so we assumed everything was like it was supposed to be.

This isn't treating others the way u want to be treated. This is making people pay for mistakes u have made.

09-30-2013, 04:59 PM
Free Platinum Offers have returned to normal payout.
Disable pesky popups! You now have the option to disable the use of context player menus outside of town. This is the menu that pops up when tapping on another player to inspect, trade, or invite, etc. This option is enabled by default, which provides identical behavior for those that do not wish to change their current setup.
Skeleton, Crystal, Pirate and Inferno rings have had their damage and armor value scaled down to be more in line with where an epic should be.

Owch - Just spent most of my gold on one of those pirate rings :-(

Oh well, I'll make the money back eventually.

TY for eliminating those annoying popup menus!

09-30-2013, 05:01 PM

Why can't you form a group of beta testers for your games? I'm sure many of us would do it for free, under a typical MMO beta-testing contract, etc. Shuyal has been pretty bad with detrimental "mistakes" leaking through. A beta team would catch all these things that you devs are unable to see (because you're focused on other stuff).

09-30-2013, 05:07 PM
Could be something far larger group of Players would have the idea of ​​what was happening, was that advertising is also pretty good and certainly less error by at least 30% to be met in a global issue

09-30-2013, 05:12 PM
Darn...spent so much money on my pirate ring...

09-30-2013, 05:29 PM
Many of these players spent over a million just to buy these rings, and after these rings got nerfed, they are worthless for both the players and the market. I suggest buffing the rings to have about 3.5 damage to solve this problem. Players now will not be not satisfied and these rings would not be able to match up with the mythics and legendaries.

Raito Yagami
09-30-2013, 05:45 PM
i am sad.........
i lost money in buy that pirate epic ='(
and now is nerfed............

09-30-2013, 05:52 PM
Angry?!?!? Play BD..sorry thought I would throw that out there. XD
As for the rings...an obvious bug..is obvious...epics are never supposed to be better then legendary and mythic. But I do believe it was misclassified like wvhills said tho considering StG has a QA department. was ment to be a legendary, but since so many got the rings..they just decided to do the nurf instead. this would greatly taint the market. They only change something that breaks game play to give new players a chance..same changes happened to elix hoarding, weapon nerfs, elite jaral nurf, ect....now who remembers those changes?!?!

09-30-2013, 05:54 PM
first i was mad too, but its our fault for sure it was bugged cuz its and epic ring and first when we have seen it was a shock 7,5 dmg what ring is that ( arcane) no its an epic so something was wrong from the start so sts decide to fix the bug when the next patch was coming.

09-30-2013, 06:06 PM
im still using this "epic" ring now (fatality for mage) since it has better stats than my lvl 31 ring. the 7.8 dmg would have been nice though

09-30-2013, 06:38 PM
Should have buff mythic ring instead of nurff pirate ring..Mmm I suspect that you guys gonna release new set of mythic ring and amu.

Sent from my LT26ii using Tapatalk 4

09-30-2013, 07:53 PM
I didn't waste my gold on a ring.... BUT...

I reallt feel that sts should have announced the error waaaaay sooner than just dropping a surprise update fix.... kinda like putting salt on the wound... think that's bad bussiness.

09-30-2013, 08:26 PM
I'd like to announce that although it wasn't in the patch notes, "Malgo" now drops (it was bugged and didn't)

09-30-2013, 09:02 PM
Updates for better gaming is a way to keep the business running.. but for this update I think it really is not.. I bought a pirate ring for hundreds of thousands just a few days ago.. and now this.. I can't use it anymore.. unfair.. you should've informed us bout it first.. sorry but this is unfair..

09-30-2013, 09:06 PM
Updates for better gaming is a way to keep the business running.. but for this update I think it really is not.. I bought a pirate ring for hundreds of thousands just a few days ago.. and now this.. I can't use it anymore.. unfair.. you should've informed us bout it first.. sorry but this is unfair..

I lost a lot of gold as well, buying a ring for my lower level toon. The reality is most of us only lost gold and not real money (I hope no one did, at least). However, I agree that a simple forum post Friday night or Saturday afternoon from a Dev saying "Don't buy these rings, they're bugged and will be fixed Monday" would have been a respectable gesture from the company. Hopefully there's some way to repair this... maybe let us liquidate them for a good chunk of gold? Although, this might get exploited somehow...

09-30-2013, 09:26 PM
Not having experience with the rings for the other classes, I must say that the nerf bat hit the DEX version of the ring a bit too hard.

Even leaving it at 3.1 DMG (3.5 preferably) would have made a bit more sense as it would, at least from a damage perspective, be the same as the crate rings, but not offer any armor boost. At this point, these rings are unusable, unlike the Bling Bauble of Potency which is completely usable.

I will hold on to the ring for a bit, because I'm hoping that others come to the realization that the nerf was a bit too extreme in this case. 7.8 DMG bugged? Probably, but what it is now, probably bugged as well...

09-30-2013, 10:12 PM
Is it down again?

10-01-2013, 12:24 AM

I agree with many others here. You made us pay for your mistake(s).

Actual money WAS lost for nothing -- there were some whom bought plats & paid dearly in gold for YOUR mistake, totally unaware of STS's intentions when the way stats were entered for the rings.

I'm afraid, a simple apology is not good enough.

10-01-2013, 12:43 AM

I agree with many others here. You made us pay for your mistake(s).

Actual money WAS lost for nothing -- there were some whom bought plats & paid dearly in gold for YOUR mistake, totally unaware of STS's intentions when the way stats were entered for the rings.

I'm afraid, a simple apology is not good enough.

Maybe sts will pay for it this weekend.who knows?

10-01-2013, 01:57 AM
Won't this affect leaderboard timed runs? The records achieved by full teams using these rings would have been quite a lot faster than what is possible without them. Just curious.

10-01-2013, 02:55 AM
Post deleted huh? I apologize if "you" deemed my post "not constructive", but your fix certainly wasn't constructive as well. The (you should have known better) reply came off as rather ARROGANT. There were many possible solutions as stated by others in here, but what you did wasn't. The "FIX" you guys implemented would have "possibly" worked had you done it sooner.

Weekend is not an excuse. This is an online mmorpg, not a school. This is me assuming that you guys were on a break on weekends cause you weren't replying or making any announcements regarding these epic rings. The alternative would be you guys were there, and were simply watching us buy these rings with our hard earned money knowing full well what's about to happen.

I WAS a long time player of AL, stopped, then came back last season (almost everyone on my friends list by now quit, capped at 21, There was only one left on that list which made me play again). I have been farming non-stop ever since cause I want that mythic armor set, my wife can attest to that and everyone here knows how hard it is to farm without platinum. Then, just like that, it all vanished.

Explain it to us guys, we know how to listen if you just know how to reach out. You may have a lot of players, but treating a selective few like this is not good. Too bad, I was just starting to enjoy AL again and next month my credit card is about to be approved, but if this is an indication of what future events will turn out, I'm out.

10-01-2013, 03:25 AM
As always.
I remember captain axe had 80% dodge and sts said it was a typo. Lol
Millions of gold for error you made. What will sts do for this now?
I doubt....
Then don't even reply for any complain. =p

But I agree that u should fix it. But you also should care about your 'customers' better.

10-01-2013, 03:30 AM
i am sad.........
i lost money in buy that pirate epic ='(
and now is nerfed............

What did come inside your head? 1st its epic its very obvious that is a bug lol!

10-01-2013, 03:31 AM
Won't this affect leaderboard timed runs? The records achieved by full teams using these rings would have been quite a lot faster than what is possible without them. Just curious.

I agree on the leaderboard thing. Maybe you could check if there were any timed runs made this weekend? We'd been thinking of running too but decided against it when it became clear on here that the stats probably weren't intended that way because a) we didn't want to exploit what might be (and in the end was) a bug and b) we assumed any timed runs made with the rings/this weekend would be reset anyway since they may just be unbeatable after the nerf - at least for now.

10-01-2013, 03:32 AM
Post deleted huh? I apologize if "you" deemed my post "not constructive", but your fix certainly wasn't constructive as well. The (you should have known better) reply came off as rather ARROGANT. There were many possible solutions as stated by others in here, but what you did wasn't. The "FIX" you guys implemented would have "possibly" worked had you done it sooner.

Weekend is not an excuse. This is an online mmorpg, not a school. This is me assuming that you guys were on a break on weekends cause you weren't replying or making any announcements regarding these epic rings. The alternative would be you guys were there, and were simply watching us buy these rings with our hard earned money knowing full well what's about to happen.

I WAS a long time player of AL, stopped, then came back last season (almost everyone on my friends list by now quit, capped at 21, There was only one left on that list which made me play again). I have been farming non-stop ever since cause I want that mythic armor set, my wife can attest to that and everyone here knows how hard it is to farm without platinum. Then, just like that, it all vanished.

Explain it to us guys, we know how to listen if you just know how to reach out. You may have a lot of players, but treating a selective few like this is not good. Too bad, I was just starting to enjoy AL again and next month my credit card is about to be approved, but if this is an indication of what future events will turn out, I'm out.

OMG! you cried so much! GEEEZZ DUDE 1st of all we all know that epic cant be stronger or better stats than legendary or mythic.

That alone is very obvious and clear bug. LOL!

10-01-2013, 03:38 AM

I agree with many others here. You made us pay for your mistake(s).

Actual money WAS lost for nothing -- there were some whom bought plats & paid dearly in gold for YOUR mistake, totally unaware of STS's intentions when the way stats were entered for the rings.

I'm afraid, a simple apology is not good enough.

LOL yah true STS made a mistake, but please STS did not set up the prices on the auction.

it was we players who made the price of the ring and also it is our choice to buy it or now at that price that other players made.

Before you buy the ring im sure a lot of question came to your mind.
1.) why the ring has so high damage
2.) the ring is epic
3.) you compare it with the legendary 1st then mythic.

so as you can see it will make you think that something is wrong with this rings.

Only un-experience players buy the rings and guys its very simple all in every update there is always 1 or 2 things that will not the be perfect.

Nothing is perfect and it was not STS fault.

10-01-2013, 03:38 AM
This unfair update according to all player who farmed hard using platinum or not got punished for sts mistakes. Lesson learned, no more buying Platinum. :/

10-01-2013, 03:40 AM
Updates for better gaming is a way to keep the business running.. but for this update I think it really is not.. I bought a pirate ring for hundreds of thousands just a few days ago.. and now this.. I can't use it anymore.. unfair.. you should've informed us bout it first.. sorry but this is unfair..

LOL you guys where being Greedy thinking you can make more money fast by farming the epic rings.

Well FYI not all players are new to online games. So experience player already expected this.

10-01-2013, 05:33 AM
LOL yah true STS made a mistake, but please STS did not set up the prices on the auction.

it was we players who made the price of the ring and also it is our choice to buy it or now at that price that other players made.

Before you buy the ring im sure a lot of question came to your mind.
1.) why the ring has so high damage
2.) the ring is epic
3.) you compare it with the legendary 1st then mythic.

so as you can see it will make you think that something is wrong with this rings.

Only un-experience players buy the rings LOL! and guys its very simple all in every update there is always 1 or 2 things that will not the be perfect.

Nothing is perfect and it was not STS fault.

It is called mis-representation. It is every bit STS's fault. I'm not debating how much the price was. Even if it was 20K, if one didn't have that amount, plats would have been bought to purchase it, if so desired. Regardless of price, money was involved.

Mis-representation leading to sub-issues is the issue. How would you like to buy (for example) an iPad promising an A7 chip but turned out to be an A5 chip inside? Whose fault was that? The consumer whom paid for it? Or the people whom advertised so? And then, the people whom advertised so, just issue you an apology note. How would you feel?

FYI, I'm not the affected one. Just voicing out for rest of guild mates as I deem fit.

10-01-2013, 05:40 AM
It is called mis-representation. It is every bit STS's fault. I'm not debating how much the price was. Even if it was 20K, if one didn't have that amount, plats would have been bought to purchase it, if so desired. Regardless of price, money was involved.

Mis-representation leading to sub-issues is the issue. How would you like to buy (for example) an iPad promising an A7 chip but turned out to be an A5 chip inside? Whose fault was that? The consumer whom paid for it? Or the people whom advertised so? And then, the people whom advertised so, just issue you an apology note. How would you feel?

FYI, I'm not the affected one. Just voicing out for rest of guild mates as I deem fit.

But you paid gold for the ring seller, not sts.

10-01-2013, 05:59 AM
But you paid gold for the ring seller, not sts.
For the record, not me.

As a response, yes, ppl paid gold for the ring seller--based on STS's mis-representation.

10-01-2013, 07:56 AM
I agree with the fixed there is no way an epic ring should be more powerful than mythic. I'm also a victim but that's thru my own fault. Sts does not set prices on cs we do and some of us have fair well thru trading.

If u think the rich people care don't be kidding yourself this just a small bump.

Erwin D. Padilla
10-01-2013, 10:23 AM
In reward should make 60% off in platinum !!!! Because u will not give back the gold

10-01-2013, 10:40 AM
In reward should make 60% off in platinum !!!! Because u will not give back the gold
Oooooo......I totally support this ;o)

10-01-2013, 10:51 AM
It is called mis-representation. It is every bit STS's fault. I'm not debating how much the price was. Even if it was 20K, if one didn't have that amount, plats would have been bought to purchase it, if so desired. Regardless of price, money was involved.

Mis-representation leading to sub-issues is the issue. How would you like to buy (for example) an iPad promising an A7 chip but turned out to be an A5 chip inside? Whose fault was that? The consumer whom paid for it? Or the people whom advertised so? And then, the people whom advertised so, just issue you an apology note. How would you feel?

FYI, I'm not the affected one. Just voicing out for rest of guild mates as I deem fit.

But you paid gold for the ring seller, not sts.

Ok so let's use this "ring seller" logic

Apple makes a IPad stating it has a A7 chip but only has a A5 they sell it to Rogers (or wherever you would go to get a IPad) & Rogers sells the IPad to you, u later find out it only had the A5 chip, so who gets in Trouble with the consumer? Not Rogers, they only sold you the IPad all the backlash would come back to the creators (apple) & apple would be responsible for refunding these iPads

~I never got one of these rings but I can defiantly feel sorry for the people who did spend 1-4m on them

10-01-2013, 11:09 AM
This is a poor analogy as aapl gets to set the price of their gadgets... Sts does not dictate wat these rings sold for we do.

If you thought oh wow I'm getting this ring that's better than blood at a fraction of its price and got burnt I really can't sympathized with you.

To those that said they used plat to farm these rings you are obvious liars. Why would you need elixirs to farm rings?

10-01-2013, 11:44 AM
This is a poor analogy as aapl gets to set the price of their gadgets... Sts does not dictate wat these rings sold for we do.

If you thought oh wow I'm getting this ring that's better than blood at a fraction of its price and got burnt I really can't sympathized with you.

To those that said they used plat to farm these rings you are obvious liars. Why would you need elixirs to farm rings?

You read way to into the post, my point is, it's the original creators fault for releasing a bugged product on the market, not the sellers, if there was no bugged product to begin with there would be no sellers to sell the bugged product

10-01-2013, 11:45 AM
No player should be blamed for this. Buying one of these rings for gold made perfect sense, they were really good and it's very rare that we go out and nerf an item after it's gone live. We handled this poorly, especially by letting these rings remain in a broken state the entire weekend.

I feel extra bad for players that spent a lot of gold, or even worse, platinum to buy gold, to purchase one of these rings.

All I can do is apologize and promise that we will do our best to ensure it won't happen again.

10-01-2013, 12:04 PM
Live and learn guys. Alot of other companies wouldn't even bother offering even an apology. STS seems to be pretty good in terms of hearing the community of players for a MMORPG.

10-01-2013, 12:11 PM
No player should be blamed for this. Buying one of these rings for gold made perfect sense, they were really good and it's very rare that we go out and nerf an item after it's gone live. We handled this poorly, especially by letting these rings remain in a broken state the entire weekend.

I feel extra bad for players that spent a lot of gold, or even worse, platinum to buy gold, to purchase one of these rings.

All I can do is apologize and promise that we will do our best to ensure it won't happen again.

I can accept it (though I never bought the ring) a lot of companies for MMOs wouldn't even apologize so I can appreciate that, yet it doesn't really help when some players have 1-4m gold outta there pockets, my suggestion is if you guys don't work weekends release the updates on Monday, Tuesday or Wensday so you (& the players) can catch a bug and have it patched fast so this never happens again

10-01-2013, 12:24 PM
No player should be blamed for this. Buying one of these rings for gold made perfect sense, they were really good and it's very rare that we go out and nerf an item after it's gone live. We handled this poorly, especially by letting these rings remain in a broken state the entire weekend.

I feel extra bad for players that spent a lot of gold, or even worse, platinum to buy gold, to purchase one of these rings.

All I can do is apologize and promise that we will do our best to ensure it won't happen again.

that's an admirable statement. I appreciate it a lot more than "u should have known there was a problem" statement I've seen implied from u guys. However, there is more u could do. U could have people who spent gold on the ring submit a claim, u could then review ur records and refund the gold to our accounts. It would take some work/effort but it would be the right thing to do. Doing things the easy way (not double checking, submitting to QA, etc) is what created this mess in the first place.

10-01-2013, 01:48 PM
that's an admirable statement. I appreciate it a lot more than "u should have known there was a problem" statement I've seen implied from u guys. However, there is more u could do. U could have people who spent gold on the ring submit a claim, u could then review ur records and refund the gold to our accounts. It would take some work/effort but it would be the right thing to do. Doing things the easy way (not double checking, submitting to QA, etc) is what created this mess in the first place.

It is not that easy. So we refund the gold to those players, do we also take it away from the seller? If we don't, we've now introduced millions upon millions of extra gold in to the economy. If we do, we're punishing different players that also didn't do anything wrong.

10-01-2013, 01:51 PM
Even aapl released bugs they just provide updates to fix it. While it is easy to refund a tangible product not so easy when dealing with virtual products.

I appreciate the apology from sts. It is what it is we just need to move on.

10-01-2013, 01:53 PM
It is not that easy. So we refund the gold to those players, do we also take it away from the seller? If we don't, we've now introduced millions upon millions of extra gold in to the economy. If we do, we're punishing different players that also didn't do anything wrong.

with the ability to convert plat to gold is introducing more gold to the economy a big deal? i'm just getting more upset thinking about this so i'm going to get over it. i appreciate ur statement. In the future when new items are introduce i guess i'll wait until monday to decide whether or not to really buy one.

10-01-2013, 01:54 PM
It is not that easy. So we refund the gold to those players, do we also take it away from the seller? If we don't, we've now introduced millions upon millions of extra gold in to the economy. If we do, we're punishing different players that also didn't do anything wrong.

What I would say is to freeze loot-tables right now and allow liquidation of the rings for 200k-500k temporarily (like the forgotten weapons in PL). Then, after this phase is complete, allow them to drop again and return their liquidation values to normal.

Sure, it might bring a few mil gold to the economy... but that gold will be scattered since they weren't collected or anything. Overall, I think that this would even slightly boost the spending which might lead to a healthier boost in the economy.

EDIT: Taejo helped with this suggestion.

10-01-2013, 01:55 PM
All I can do is apologize and promise that we will do our best to ensure it won't happen again.

So, about that beta testing team... ;)

One way to smooth things over with the community is by handing out more treats than tricks during the Halloween event :D

10-01-2013, 01:56 PM
So, about that beta testing team... ;)

One way to smooth things over with the community is by handing out more treats than tricks during the Halloween event :D

Well played on words.

I'd love more treats than tricks!

10-01-2013, 02:22 PM
I agree on the leaderboard thing. Maybe you could check if there were any timed runs made this weekend? We'd been thinking of running too but decided against it when it became clear on here that the stats probably weren't intended that way because a) we didn't want to exploit what might be (and in the end was) a bug and b) we assumed any timed runs made with the rings/this weekend would be reset anyway since they may just be unbeatable after the nerf - at least for now.

It looks like most of the current recs were rewritten with those rings, so yeah. Just seems a bit odd to nerf the rings back but leave the times set with them.

10-01-2013, 02:33 PM
Fix the wind skill for sorcerers

10-01-2013, 02:40 PM
It looks like most of the current recs were rewritten with those rings, so yeah. Just seems a bit odd to nerf the rings back but leave the times set with them.

How can you tell if it was with the rings or not?

I'm sorry, but it seems that ALOT of people are taking advantage of STS in light of the current situation here. The LB's being one.

I'm not directing this towards you, i'm saying in general.

10-01-2013, 03:57 PM
What I would say is to freeze loot-tables right now and allow liquidation of the rings for 200k-500k temporarily (like the forgotten weapons in PL). Then, after this phase is complete, allow them to drop again and return their liquidation values to normal.

Sure, it might bring a few mil gold to the economy... but that gold will be scattered since they weren't collected or anything. Overall, I think that this would even slightly boost the spending which might lead to a healthier boost in the economy.

EDIT: Taejo helped with this suggestion.

^agreed and probably the best way to go about it, clear the CS of all these rings, make them non-tradeable & make them stop dropping until this time is over IMO this would probably be the best & easiest way to go (assuming STS is going to do something)

10-01-2013, 05:10 PM
What I would say is to freeze loot-tables right now and allow liquidation of the rings for 200k-500k temporarily (like the forgotten weapons in PL). Then, after this phase is complete, allow them to drop again and return their liquidation values to normal.

Sure, it might bring a few mil gold to the economy... but that gold will be scattered since they weren't collected or anything. Overall, I think that this would even slightly boost the spending which might lead to a healthier boost in the economy.

EDIT: Taejo helped with this suggestion.

I like that in theory, but how would that help those that bought them for a lot of gold and sold them dirt cheap or even liquidated them already? Personally, I like to keep my inventory somewhat clean and get rid of useless stuff - one way or another. I know of a lot of people that are the same way and thus wouldn't benefit from this at all, even though they lost lots of gold just like everyone else.

10-01-2013, 06:00 PM
I like that in theory, but how would that help those that bought them for a lot of gold and sold them dirt cheap or even liquidated them already? Personally, I like to keep my inventory somewhat clean and get rid of useless stuff - one way or another. I know of a lot of people that are the same way and thus wouldn't benefit from this at all, even though they lost lots of gold just like everyone else.

STS can't help everyone. Keep in mind, I'm not someone who lost anything from these rings and made the smart decision not to buy them until they answered on Monday.

10-01-2013, 06:46 PM
STS can't help everyone. Keep in mind, I'm not someone who lost anything from these rings and made the smart decision not to buy them until they answered on Monday.

The biggest thing lost here wasn't gold, it was trust.

10-01-2013, 06:58 PM
LOL you guys where being Greedy thinking you can make more money fast by farming the epic rings.

Well FYI not all players are new to online games. So experience player already expected this.

So how long have u been playing AL mr sprtcuz?

10-01-2013, 08:10 PM
The biggest thing lost here wasn't gold, it was trust.

^i like that, put quotes around it and trademark it

10-02-2013, 12:11 AM
Well, I was burned (as have many), but as others have said, STS is very engaged with the community, more so than any other game I've played, and they have since admitted that the situation wasn't handled gracefully.

That is enough for me to turn the page on this and press forward.

There really isn't much of a point to continue raging about what has happened. The team at STS has heard our frustration, done their Mea Culpas and now it is time to move along and recover from the loss of our golden pixels. Continuing to beat a dead horse isn't going to be productive use of our time.

To be honest, we should be a bit more appreciative of the STS team. Yes, there was an oversight here, but I honestly don't know of any other game where the developers actively seek out community feedback, incorporate ideas posted in forums and have a relatively free-flowing conversation about thoughts, details and ideas regarding the continued evolution of the game. Stay tuned, I'm sure there will be give-backs aplenty as we roll into Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years through the next 90 days or so.

10-02-2013, 02:33 AM
STS can't help everyone. Keep in mind, I'm not someone who lost anything from these rings and made the smart decision not to buy them until they answered on Monday.

Well, as someone who did lose something (though I really don't care about it too much) since I made the apparently not-so-smart decision to go ahead and buy one, I have to say: keep it fair. No one can be expected to read the devs' minds/intentions. The whole thing about having to make assumptions as to what would happen to those rings is what got us into this mess in the first place - basing a "fix" of that situation on the same thing just doesn't seem right to me... And that's what in effect punishing those that got rid of a useless item instead of keeping it assuming or hoping we'd get something for it would be.

I'm not saying this because I want that gold. For me, that apology was enough - it is just a game, after all, so I say move on and be a bit more careful next time, since mistakes like this obviously can happen. I can see how those who in some way spent actual money to obtain one of these rings (or a mythic which they then exchanged for one) would disagree on that, though.

10-02-2013, 05:37 PM
Guys, ... Move on... Its just a game... I also lost 40k by buying that ring.. next day i dropped a kettle egg sold for 40k and now im on 0 again.
What i want to say is that you might have lost some virtual money but if you farm a bit you will get the money back.

10-03-2013, 04:46 AM
You really need to rethink your comments. It's more about player who used platunim.

Back 2 topic: how about turn these epic into legendary? Or maybe increase the dmg slightly not that low like now . This way both buyer and seller of those rings are satisfied.

10-03-2013, 04:42 PM

Actual money WAS lost for nothing -- there were some whom bought plats & paid dearly in gold for YOUR mistake, totally unaware of STS's intentions when the way stats were entered for the rings.

I'm afraid, a simple apology is not good enough.

You chose to buy the plat, why don't you play the game and farm gold instead of paying yourself through it...
A game is meant to be played, your meant to enjoy it not spend your money just to become the best again!!!

10-03-2013, 10:21 PM
You chose to buy the plat, why don't you play the game and farm gold instead of paying yourself through it...
A game is meant to be played, your meant to enjoy it not spend your money just to become the best again!!!
To each his own--buy plats or farm gold, merch, whatever. Agree, that was a choice, great game that AL offers a huge amount of them. But the fact of what happened, remains.

Though not ideal, I like Swede's response by far & it's like what others said, "move on".

10-04-2013, 09:34 PM

..... heh.

10-04-2013, 09:49 PM
I feel bad for players who bought bugged rings, usually when this happens the company; sts should somewhat compensate for letting the bugged rings "run wild".

10-04-2013, 10:35 PM
You really need to rethink your comments. It's more about player who used platunim.

Back 2 topic: how about turn these epic into legendary? Or maybe increase the dmg slightly not that low like now . This way both buyer and seller of those rings are satisfied.

Which players used platinum to farm a purple ring? Please tell me, I'd really love to know.

10-05-2013, 05:22 AM
how about the roll back to before the rings were released ? That will please everyone , but not the ones that gets mythic/arcane during that time , and all purchased plat will not be lost !

10-05-2013, 10:30 PM
what was the small update on saturday?

10-06-2013, 02:10 AM
How about asking the game developers ;)

10-06-2013, 01:52 PM
what was the small update on saturday?

How about asking the game developers ;)

Pretty sure there was no update, but it could have been to add some coding into the server to prepare for the upcoming Halloween event

10-06-2013, 05:41 PM
Pretty sure there was no update, but it could have been to add some coding into the server to prepare for the upcoming Halloween event

yeah but anyone say nothing :||

10-06-2013, 11:52 PM
50-60% off in platinum for those who bought the rings seems to be the only logical solution. Seeing as getting our gold back may be hard and cause destabilization of economy (even though we're not that numerous as it stands) This is a win-win solution since we still need to pay for those plats anyway before we can receive our compensation. I'm quite sure no one stands to be on the losing side of this proposal, but I'm also sure contrarians can find yet another downside. :witless:

10-07-2013, 08:53 AM
50-60% off in platinum for those who bought the rings seems to be the only logical solution. Seeing as getting our gold back may be hard and cause destabilization of economy (even though we're not that numerous as it stands) This is a win-win solution since we still need to pay for those plats anyway before we can receive our compensation. I'm quite sure no one stands to be on the losing side of this proposal, but I'm also sure contrarians can find yet another downside. :witless:

Remember... Not everyone bought the rings using plat-purchased gold... They would receive another bonus, since many have already spent on the plat sale..

Please stop adding suggestions.. The decision was made. Time to move on and focus on other issues.

10-10-2013, 08:19 AM
For those that thought STS would leave an OP ring as is without consideration to their legendary/mythic stats are sadly misguided and should have known that STS would come in and fix the situation.

For those that bought it early and took advantage of the time, I hope you used it well. Nobody told you to go out and buy the ring and STS wasn't selling it directly to you. If they were, then you might have a case, but as it stands, you dont.

10-10-2013, 12:12 PM
In all honesty buying an overpowered Epic item is a big red flag 'cause you know 2 things can happen. Either it will be nerfed to reflect its true value or it will be nerfed below mythic item and raised to a legendary status which I believe should have been done. Giving it a legendary status and decreasing drop rate while nerfing it to a legendary level would have probably helped far more than decreasing stats to epic level.

10-10-2013, 06:58 PM
Trying to purchase platinum I've bought before it says there isn't any available?

10-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Why is there no platinum available to purchase?

10-12-2013, 06:33 AM
dont be so hard everyone. even if they were debuffed they are still okay. im still using mine now rather than those lvl36 pinks

overall i found my epic ring better

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

10-14-2013, 03:11 AM
What is the point of having trulle in the tdm map he always kills me when I'm doing a 1v1