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View Full Version : So whats it gonna be like at LvL 100?

09-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Just for general discussion. .
Give your thoughts :)

09-30-2013, 10:17 PM
Let's get to L50 first, shall we?

09-30-2013, 10:18 PM
Let's get to L50 first, shall we?

Let's update other games first, shall we? :(

(No hate intended)

09-30-2013, 10:32 PM
Locked Crates will be gone forever at level 100.

09-30-2013, 10:36 PM
We will cease to exist.

In mother russia, you don't play the games, the games play YOU.

09-30-2013, 10:45 PM
Let's see here..

based on statistic trends we have experienced a multitude of:

Locked Crate complaint threads
Mythic/Arcane Upgrade threads
PVP Unbalance threads
Weapon Unbalance threads
Scamming threads
Rant threads

And once in a blue moon, a thread complimenting the fantastic work STG has done.

So far, that seems to be the trend... so you should expect more of it.

09-30-2013, 11:04 PM
Tanks well shot firballs, mages will heal unstopably, rouges will use horn of renewal

09-30-2013, 11:29 PM
Invulnerability shields in PvP now lasts 10 seconds with a cooldown time of 2 seconds. Lovely.

09-30-2013, 11:49 PM
At level 100 are 16 arcane items to choose of beside pets.

09-30-2013, 11:58 PM
Tell you what: At level 100 I finally have my 10k pvp kill achievement. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, and Gkrdo will have it also! Because, we might be slow guys, but we're hardy and sustainable!

Mmmh. Some more outlooks:

Same Hayne finally learned German and joined my guild.

Demonassa got a star on the Arcane Boulevard. She's the first.

I bought the bloody ruby ring of shuyhal for 16 gold.

My guild membership reached 1000, but unfortunatly, 998 of them are zombies; theres one faithful old buddy left tho

Gormeort got his first mythic gear, whatever that might be. I bet he saved up 20 gold finally. ;)

Onade is made into the statue in Windmoore, now called Nomoore.

Rufed finally got the official title "mana!!" granted.

Anegreabar retired after nobody went spawn killing with him anymore.

The Troll Bane achievement got an update to Kill 10k Troll Bane, just to keep people entertained.


I hope I will not be accused of calling out, all of this is pure looking into my crystal ball, called satire. lol

Have a nice one ;)

10-01-2013, 01:49 AM
Tell you what: At level 100 I finally have my 10k pvp kill achievement. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, and Gkrdo will have it also! Because, we might be slow guys, but we're hardy and sustainable!

Mmmh. Some more outlooks:

Same Hayne finally learned German and joined my guild.

Demonassa got a star on the Arcane Boulevard. She's the first.

I bought the bloody ruby ring of shuyhal for 16 gold.

My guild membership reached 1000, but unfortunatly, 998 of them are zombies; theres one faithful old buddy left tho

Gormeort got his first mythic gear, whatever that might be. I bet he saved up 20 gold finally. ;)

Onade is made into the statue in Windmoore, now called Nomoore.

Rufed finally got the official title "mana!!" granted.

Anegreabar retired after nobody went spawn killing with him anymore.

The Troll Bane achievement got an update to Kill 10k Troll Bane, just to keep people entertained.


I hope I will not be accused of calling out, all of this is pure looking into my crystal ball, called satire. lol

Have a nice one ;)

Lmao @ Samhayne learned German lol

10-01-2013, 04:43 AM
Crit and dodge complaints on rouges, lets be honest? :b

10-01-2013, 04:44 AM
Tell you what: At level 100 I finally have my 10k pvp kill achievement. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, and Gkrdo will have it also! Because, we might be slow guys, but we're hardy and sustainable!

Mmmh. Some more outlooks:

Same Hayne finally learned German and joined my guild.

Demonassa got a star on the Arcane Boulevard. She's the first.

I bought the bloody ruby ring of shuyhal for 16 gold.

My guild membership reached 1000, but unfortunatly, 998 of them are zombies; theres one faithful old buddy left tho

Gormeort got his first mythic gear, whatever that might be. I bet he saved up 20 gold finally. ;)

Onade is made into the statue in Windmoore, now called Nomoore.

Rufed finally got the official title "mana!!" granted.

Anegreabar retired after nobody went spawn killing with him anymore.

The Troll Bane achievement got an update to Kill 10k Troll Bane, just to keep people entertained.


I hope I will not be accused of calling out, all of this is pure looking into my crystal ball, called satire. lol

Have a nice one ;)

Buahahha Fro!

10-01-2013, 05:30 AM
Let's let PL get there first, shall we?

10-01-2013, 05:32 AM
Dont think there will be l100. Pl barley made to 76, sl is stuck at 50?, dl i dont even know the cap there so id say since al the most successful, l81

10-01-2013, 07:58 AM
Dont think there will be l100. Pl barley made to 76, sl is stuck at 50?, dl i dont even know the cap there so id say since al the most successful, l81

I highly doubt this game will make 100 seeing the amount of complaint threads right now...

10-01-2013, 09:08 AM
PL: 76
SL: 51
DL: 36
AL: 36
BD: 9

'nuff clarification?

10-01-2013, 09:30 AM
Uhm....updates take (at best) 3months, there is a 5level increase per expansion, and we are currently one month into the lvl36 expansion. This this will (best case scenario. But, tbh much longer) be 38months away and a lvl101 cap. Thus, I don't care (sorry, that's years away).

To meet your hypothetical question "what will it be like at lvl100?" Awful. It is one level below the cap; therefore, I will be grinding for hundreds of xp so I can cap.

10-01-2013, 11:06 AM
At lvl 100 i will finally be able to buy mythic armour and upgrade it after hard Farming..:D seriously my luck is bad this week haha

10-01-2013, 12:00 PM
Interesting fact: 100 is approximately 64 numbers larger than 36

10-01-2013, 12:39 PM
Interesting fact: 100 is approximately 64 numbers larger than 36

Yay Pram (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?117798-Australians-only)!

Soo in fact it will be 101 with the love of the tradition of 5 levels a cap? ;)

10-01-2013, 12:39 PM
Interesting fact: 100 is approximately 64 numbers larger than 36

We're watching you!

10-01-2013, 12:41 PM
Interesting fact: 100 is approximately 64 numbers larger than 36 Its not apporximately...its exactly 64

The game wouldnt last till L100, crit dodge is at 30+ base right now, itll be 100 by the time L100 hits.

10-01-2013, 12:43 PM
I think the right question is "Will the Al make it to lvl 100?"

10-01-2013, 12:44 PM
Interesting fact: 100 is approximately 64 numbers larger than 36

even devs are trolling now. O.o

on topic:
I doubt AL reaches level 50, let alone 100. PL has been stuck at whatever it's level cap is for over a year. By this time next year STS will have 2 or 3 new games out and 80% of AL players will be playing them. That seems to be the pattern of things.

10-01-2013, 12:44 PM
even devs are trolling now. O.o

Can we keep him?
Please please please.


10-01-2013, 12:54 PM
I think AL prolly go to at least 61-71 it's still goin pretty strong.

10-01-2013, 01:13 PM
At level 100, the only thing that's going to be awesome are still the arcane pets today! Pets with %stats last forever! +100hp or +75 mana will be laughable though xD

One things for sure, Samael with the banished ability will still be Haxor.

10-01-2013, 01:30 PM
At level 100, the only thing that's going to be awesome are still the arcane pets today! Pets with %stats last forever! +100hp or +75 mana will be laughable though xD

One things for sure, Samael with the banished ability will still be Haxor.

Good thing that Samael is percent stats and increasing heal with each level he levels up :D

10-01-2013, 04:56 PM
AL part 2 will be lunched by then. The same classes we all know and love plus 3 additional classes for diversity. Like a Assassin (Male Rogue) that is soley close or mid range and cant be speced otherwise(while rouge become pure long ranged), A Shaman class (Tank type class that has control type skills) and a Paldin type (High armor, so so single target damage with party buff/heal skills).

10-01-2013, 06:12 PM
Sarcastic Devs, ehh? I have a feeling I can get away with a lot more jokes...hehehe

10-01-2013, 09:19 PM
Damage will be over 9000

10-01-2013, 09:36 PM
Level 81 will max out skill points. Anything higher they would have to add more skills.

10-01-2013, 11:22 PM
Pots will now work in PvP..tankvstank anyone?

PS: would be nice if we can summon up to 3 pets

10-01-2013, 11:54 PM
i wont be playing then!

10-02-2013, 07:14 AM
I Think...
Mythics Items Will Cost About 1k-5k Gold
All People Wearing Mythic Items
Lots Of People Wearing Arcane Items
Some People Using All Arcane Items Specially Pets

Lots Of People Will Enjoy This Game !!!

10-02-2013, 08:57 AM
even devs are trolling now. O.o

Died Laughing XD

10-02-2013, 09:01 AM
rogue's base crit will be 100% (or more).
Pvp for rogues only need 1 skill that is aim shot.
Only rogues do pvp. Who can launch aim shot first gonna win.

10-03-2013, 05:41 AM
rogue's base crit will be 100% (or more).
Pvp for rogues only need 1 skill that is aim shot.
Only rogues do pvp. Who can launch aim shot first gonna win.
What would warriors be doing then? o.O

Prahasit Prahi
10-03-2013, 07:39 AM
Yo by level 100 many arcane pets will be released..so by that time...samael may cost around 1m so that I can afford that lol :) :D :P

10-03-2013, 12:25 PM
Rogues will have over 100% dodge and become invulnerable in pve.

10-03-2013, 12:54 PM
I dont see a lvl cap in the future at all.. I dont think the game was designed to go further really.. we're at the point that i think new content wil be added to keep us entertained, like new arenas, dungenos, quests, holiday events etc etc.. but to have more lvl caps.. what will we all do with the extra skill points? open all skills and rotate them? max out passives?

I remember a video interview with someone form STS where they said they had AL planned for up to lvl 36.. so maybe they just don't know what to do with us going forward!

10-03-2013, 11:18 PM
I remember a video interview with someone form STS where they said they had AL planned for up to lvl 36.. so maybe they just don't know what to do with us going forward!

I want more quests! Interesting quests! Look, I'm really sick of these quantitative quests (kill 40 nordr bosses and the like) or the ones that are based on luck, like the lucky4 achievs. Why cant we be a little bit more intellectual intrigued? Invent quests that require a long time frame and a bit of brain power, not just patience and grinding.

Something like this:

The blood ruby ring of shuyal contains a deep, dark secret, nobody knew of so far (yeah I know, Lord Of The Rings is shouting out here). But anyway. The dark mystery of the ring has to be discovered, otherwise the whole fate of shuyal is in danger again. Only with the rings new power one is able to close shuyals portal again... because lately the portal has been reported to let through cohorts of mysterious but dangerous powers from otherworlds, attacking the spirits of the like-minded (guilds). Powers, that use our Arcane Abilities against us (like curse is working). Only the ring is able convert those powers again and use it against those cohorts. But: you cant do it alone. You need a team. A team, conducted of all classes, and the shall have the strong bondage of family, so they must be of one guild. Will you be able to commence this enterprise? Will you be able to find a strong enough warrior, rogue or mage to build a party, strong enough to defy this new evil forces?


All members need the bloody ring of shuyal.
They need to upgrade the ring in a terrible quest, like finding a certain enemy that is living in some dangerous map and is hard to kill (only if they combine their powers - like time shift, aimed shot and juggernaut pull, some tricky combination) -- but no grinding please. It should be tricky but doable in minutes...
After they upgraded the ring (maybe with the benefit of some more stats, idk), they are able to build a 'Blood-bound-Party'.

Only then they are able to see the new enemy that is pouring through the gate of shuyal. They have to build up a party of three new-ring users of all classes to be able to defy those new enemies. For every killed invader the party is rewarded either an achievment with high points or a special animal for each class or a reward for the whole guild (like add 10 k pve kills for every level 36 or so). If a guild fails or does decide not to fight those new powers it will gain negatives, like, idk, a negative factor in the guild ranking or something like that.

You can spice up these quests with some brainers, puzzles or intermediate quests over the long term. Ideally, the quest should busy the participants over a whole season, but dont make it so hard that only full myth/arcae guys will be able to achieve it. Embrace the occasional but loyal player!


So. Idk if this is useful, but what I really like to see is, to get some more quizzes and puzzles in the game. the gleipnir-quest was a beginning, the upgrade quest for mythic was stepping in the right directions too (but too much grinding, folks). Combine your creative powers, STS, you can make it happen!

I know it will be easy to speak up against certain aspects of this idea or single factors, but please, see it as whole approach with the only intention to trace a line around the idea "interesting quests with some brain power needed".

I know a lot of "older folks" are playing this game, I bet the average player is older than 25, and I know too, that its those guys who bring in the money. So give them a little something for their developed brains. Busy them. Give them mental rewards. Thanks.

Oh and one last thing:

I hope the music will change some day, because I dont want to hear the same tracks for the next 64 levels. ;)

10-04-2013, 06:13 AM

10-04-2013, 06:14 AM
I want more quests! Interesting quests! Look, I'm really sick of these quantitative quests (kill 40 nordr bosses and the like) or the ones that are based on luck, like the lucky4 achievs. Why cant we be a little bit more intellectual intrigued? Invent quests that require a long time frame and a bit of brain power, not just patience and grinding.

Something like this:

The blood ruby ring of shuyal contains a deep, dark secret, nobody knew of so far (yeah I know, Lord Of The Rings is shouting out here). But anyway. The dark mystery of the ring has to be discovered, otherwise the whole fate of shuyal is in danger again. Only with the rings new power one is able to close shuyals portal again... because lately the portal has been reported to let through cohorts of mysterious but dangerous powers from otherworlds, attacking the spirits of the like-minded (guilds). Powers, that use our Arcane Abilities against us (like curse is working). Only the ring is able convert those powers again and use it against those cohorts. But: you cant do it alone. You need a team. A team, conducted of all classes, and the shall have the strong bondage of family, so they must be of one guild. Will you be able to commence this enterprise? Will you be able to find a strong enough warrior, rogue or mage to build a party, strong enough to defy this new evil forces?


All members need the bloody ring of shuyal.
They need to upgrade the ring in a terrible quest, like finding a certain enemy that is living in some dangerous map and is hard to kill (only if they combine their powers - like time shift, aimed shot and juggernaut pull, some tricky combination) -- but no grinding please. It should be tricky but doable in minutes...
After they upgraded the ring (maybe with the benefit of some more stats, idk), they are able to build a 'Blood-bound-Party'.

Only then they are able to see the new enemy that is pouring through the gate of shuyal. They have to build up a party of three new-ring users of all classes to be able to defy those new enemies. For every killed invader the party is rewarded either an achievment with high points or a special animal for each class or a reward for the whole guild (like add 10 k pve kills for every level 36 or so). If a guild fails or does decide not to fight those new powers it will gain negatives, like, idk, a negative factor in the guild ranking or something like that.

You can spice up these quests with some brainers, puzzles or intermediate quests over the long term. Ideally, the quest should busy the participants over a whole season, but dont make it so hard that only full myth/arcae guys will be able to achieve it. Embrace the occasional but loyal player!


So. Idk if this is useful, but what I really like to see is, to get some more quizzes and puzzles in the game. the gleipnir-quest was a beginning, the upgrade quest for mythic was stepping in the right directions too (but too much grinding, folks). Combine your creative powers, STS, you can make it happen!

I know it will be easy to speak up against certain aspects of this idea or single factors, but please, see it as whole approach with the only intention to trace a line around the idea "interesting quests with some brain power needed".

I know a lot of "older folks" are playing this game, I bet the average player is older than 25, and I know too, that its those guys who bring in the money. So give them a little something for their developed brains. Busy them. Give them mental rewards. Thanks.

Oh and one last thing:

I hope the music will change some day, because I dont want to hear the same tracks for the next 64 levels. ;)

So Long

10-04-2013, 09:56 PM
So Long

Well, time between caps and new content is so long, thus...

10-04-2013, 10:00 PM
Well, time between caps and new content is so long, thus...

It took me 4-5 finger flicks on a mobile device to get past that post.

Curse you! -.-

10-04-2013, 10:24 PM
It took me 4-5 finger flicks on a mobile device to get past that post.

Curse you! -.-

Awwwww, you should have read it! Would've been a lot more fun than just flicking through. ;)

10-04-2013, 10:33 PM
Awwwww, you should have read it! Would've been a lot more fun than just flicking through. ;)

I read it the first time, lol. Now to get to everybody else's post, I gotta climb that "mountain". :D

10-05-2013, 03:43 AM
Tell you what: At level 100 I finally have my 10k pvp kill achievement. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, and Gkrdo will have it also! Because, we might be slow guys, but we're hardy and sustainable!

Mmmh. Some more outlooks:

Same Hayne finally learned German and joined my guild.

Demonassa got a star on the Arcane Boulevard. She's the first.

I bought the bloody ruby ring of shuyhal for 16 gold.

My guild membership reached 1000, but unfortunatly, 998 of them are zombies; theres one faithful old buddy left tho

Gormeort got his first mythic gear, whatever that might be. I bet he saved up 20 gold finally. ;)

Onade is made into the statue in Windmoore, now called Nomoore.

Rufed finally got the official title "mana!!" granted.

Anegreabar retired after nobody went spawn killing with him anymore.

The Troll Bane achievement got an update to Kill 10k Troll Bane, just to keep people entertained.


I hope I will not be accused of calling out, all of this is pure looking into my crystal ball, called satire. lol

Have a nice one ;)

Lol am gonna say this makes since the most i think those stuff would actually happen specialy onade statue lol

01-08-2014, 10:26 PM
Lol am gonna say this makes since the most i think those stuff would actually happen specialy onade statue lol

N what about onade? xD

01-09-2014, 05:18 AM
Tell you what: At level 100 I finally have my 10k pvp kill achievement. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Oh, and Gkrdo will have it also! Because, we might be slow guys, but we're hardy and sustainable!

Mmmh. Some more outlooks:

Same Hayne finally learned German and joined my guild.

Demonassa got a star on the Arcane Boulevard. She's the first.

I bought the bloody ruby ring of shuyhal for 16 gold.

My guild membership reached 1000, but unfortunatly, 998 of them are zombies; theres one faithful old buddy left tho

Gormeort got his first mythic gear, whatever that might be. I bet he saved up 20 gold finally. ;)

Onade is made into the statue in Windmoore, now called Nomoore.

Rufed finally got the official title "mana!!" granted.

Anegreabar retired after nobody went spawn killing with him anymore.

The Troll Bane achievement got an update to Kill 10k Troll Bane, just to keep people entertained.


I hope I will not be accused of calling out, all of this is pure looking into my crystal ball, called satire. lol

Have a nice one ;)

Oh gawd! I laugh like crazy readin tis haha :'D joke of a day man, thumbs up!

01-09-2014, 05:21 AM
Lvl 100 is next 12-13yrs later, no prediction on my part, too far a w a y y y y y

01-10-2014, 04:38 PM
at lv100 ill probably get my first mythic gear ,havent got any now

01-10-2014, 05:26 PM
I dont see a lvl cap in the future at all.. I dont think the game was designed to go further really.. we're at the point that i think new content wil be added to keep us entertained, like new arenas, dungenos, quests, holiday events etc etc.. but to have more lvl caps.. what will we all do with the extra skill points? open all skills and rotate them? max out passives?

I remember a video interview with someone form STS where they said they had AL planned for up to lvl 36.. so maybe they just don't know what to do with us going forward!

Next campaigns will have to do with pets and enemies...


01-10-2014, 10:11 PM
81 for pl first if AL gets cap b4 us i may cry D,:

01-10-2014, 10:24 PM
Imagine the possible crit/dodge chance a level 100 rogue would have. Yowza!

01-10-2014, 10:26 PM
Lol will never be a lvl 100. Lvl 51 maybe

01-10-2014, 11:27 PM
So Long

Well frohnatur would never dissapoint us :)

01-11-2014, 12:00 AM
actually ALL classes that put all stat in dex and use (crappy) full dex gear will achieve the dodge/crit of a rogue :tongue:

01-11-2014, 12:07 AM
In the end Al will become a game with same skill set and equ.. nothin unique.. what do I expect from mobile mmo.. for now enjoy while u can.. 36 id naiseee

Send using my cellphone.. yes my cellphone

01-11-2014, 12:28 AM
Rogue have crazy crit!! They can reach 100%!!

01-11-2014, 02:15 AM
AL will last longer then Pocket legends, why? because it sky rocketed as a new game, it is a much larger game and takes over all pl dl sl, so I'm sure it can last a lot longer then 81 or 86... PL was a pretty big hit but.. its just surviving at 76 and seems like its dying and just barely a 81 cap will come and probably the last is what I think. Al could do better the rate of how fast it is growing, come on its caught up to DL lvl cap, soon probably pass unless they release caps all round together!!!

Btw to someone that said by the time 81 cap or whatever the skills will be maxed and have to make new skills no, all they have to do is make the skill poins larger, like maybe 6/6 instead of 5/5 or more likely 7/7, or a if needed maybe a new passive..?

01-11-2014, 08:07 AM
at lv100:
- u will lost ur midas amount of gold just to have a Dark Watch Sword lv21
- ur lv100 deary will cost 1m for feeding them once
- 90% platinum sale everyday
- crier armor came back as vanity (a lots of people died)
- etc, keep going bro haha

01-11-2014, 08:28 AM
at lv100:
- u will lost ur midas amount of gold just to have a Dark Watch Sword lv21
- ur lv100 deary will cost 1m for feeding them once
- 90% platinum sale everyday
- crier armor came back as vanity (a lots of people died)
- etc, keep going bro haha

Lmao ill die

01-11-2014, 09:27 PM
at lv100:
- u will lost ur midas amount of gold just to have a Dark Watch Sword lv21
- ur lv100 deary will cost 1m for feeding them once
- 90% platinum sale everyday
- crier armor came back as vanity (a lots of people died)
- etc, keep going bro haha


01-15-2014, 06:49 PM
at lv100:
- u will lost ur midas amount of gold just to have a Dark Watch Sword lv21 I will never get that AP anyways
- ur lv100 deary will cost 100m for feeding them once Omg And what about my OP Timber?
- 90% platinum sale everyday
- crier armor came back as vanity (a lots of people died) It's mineeeee!! e.e
- etc, keep going bro haha
Replies in bold. and Fixed Lmao